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Tokyo Gore Police (2008)


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I started watching it then lost interest after about 20 minutes. Its not too shit or anything just not to my taste. Seemed like a tacky live manga.

I'm sure I'll get backlash for these comments.

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Too repetitive. Nothing much going on other than lots of blood-splattering, hacking, and weird characters. Without that it'd be even more boring. I know there will be some that do like it, but like bolofan it's pretty uninteresting.

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It depends if you like very strange japanese movies. If you went straight from watching kung fu to watching this, you'd probably think WTF?!! However, I tend to watch a lot of weird japanese movies and I enjoyed it a lot, though my wife didn't care for it. It's directed by the guy who did special effects for Machine Girl and has a cameo by Tak Sakaguchi. It's very intense and insane, plot doesn't make much sense, but if you put your brain into neutral, you'll have a good time.

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I watched the trailer for this and some weird Japanese vampire movie, now while I love a good violent bloody movie they were so over the top it seemed cartoonish.

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I thought it was brilliant. Unlike Machine Girl (which I also enjoyed) it is not mindless gore. Though there is ENDLESS gore, there is also a lot of political satire bubbling under the surface, kind of like RoboCop in that way. Also I found the main character to be totally compelling. It's not a flawless piece, but is a work of art as much as exploitation.

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I kinda thought it was blah, along the same lines as Machine Girl. Which I didnt care much for either. Entertaining at times, but as coffee said it gets repetitive.

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The Silver Fox

I bought this DVD the other day. I'm kind of on the fence about it. The level of gore and bloodshed felt punishing after a while and the lack of substantial redeeming qualities in the main characters made me like the film less.

Still, it was creative and some scenes are extremely well done and imaginative. It's like Cronenberg on a meth bender, highly disturbing but compelling as well.There is also some cutting(pun intended) social commentary that is great but the humour can't offset the dehumanizing,downer aspect of the film.

If they had of cut half of the splatter and added a little more depth to the characters and perhaps added a more complex story, it could have been classic instead of what will probably be an underground film that has a very limited appeal.

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I think you're maybe taking the movie a bit too seriously. I got more of a "splatstick" horror/comedy ala Evil Dead 2 vibe and had a fun time with it.

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One Armed Boxer

I actually completely agree with this review. However I have to admit that perhaps I went into it with the wrong mind-set. I watched it at the time of it's release, when it was basically only the second entry into the new-wave gore/splatter cycle that Japan seems to be going through at the moment, hot on the heels of 'The Machine Girl'.

'The Machine Girl' was a completely tongue in cheek affair, also released in 2008, and at the time to see such ridiculously over the top splatter was indeed, for me and my firends over a few beers at least, completely hilarious and entertaining. Now the genre seems to be in a rather repatitive downturn, where all other aspects of a movie such as story, character, humor, and atmosphere are sidelined for how much gore and splatter can be crammed into a 90 minute run time.

But regarding 'Tokyo Gore Police' itself, yes the movie is in fact a very downbeat and actually quite depressing story. The main characters father was killed when she was a child, and she's been inflicting self harm to herself ever since to deal with her inner pain. As soon as this is revealed early in the movie I realized this is not going to be a laugh-a-minute affair, and for that exact same reason I didn't really enjoy it's gloomy tone.

Perhaps if I watch it again with the right attitude I could enjoy it more, but right now there are a million other movies I need to watch first!

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Remember that Tokyo Gore Police was also partially a US production so I think this was partially made to give Japan-obssessed American what they think we want...if that makes sense!

I saw the film in theaters with a double feature along with The Machine Girl. I admire it's outlandish rebelliousness and even childish nature, but I do not think I'd watch it again. It's really spastic!

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Remember that Tokyo Gore Police was also partially a US production

Mainly, not partially. It's essentially a US film, produced and owned by Media Blasters. The Japanese (Nikkatsu and Yoshinori Chiba, who later became the boss of Nikkatsu's new Sushi Typhoon label) were involved as co-producers, but they don't own the film.

Tokyo Gore Police is often mistakenly referred as Yoshihiro Nishimura's debut film. It's not. It's actually a loose remake of Nishimura's 1995 cyber punk gem Anatomia Extinction. Sadly, that film has never been released on dvd.

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This movie was silly and ridiculous. It almost doesn't seem like a movie but more of a gory make-up effects demo. I totally agree about the characters having no "character".

Some very interesting "mutations" going on here. The lady with an alligator mouth for legs and the guy with the penis-cannon come to mind. Very weird...

I agree. This movie is silly and ridiculous. It's just a display of free gore.

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