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Kiltro (2006)


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Has anyone seen this movie if so how is it? Sorry I seen this was already posted you can delete this thread for me!

Kiltro (2006)

Starring: Luis Alarcon, Ximena Rivas Director: Ernesto Diaz Espinoza


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3/10 imo....

very dull story....not much action....charcter is not the Brazilian dragon...

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Personally I really enjoyed Kiltro and look forward to seeing more from Zaror (Spelling?). 7/10

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The Amazing Psycho Per
charcter is not the Brazilian dragon...

Marko Zaror is called the Latin Dragon, and he and the movie are from Chile, not Brazil.

We've discussed it in the pass and I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed Kiltro. Yes it's cheezy, but it's fully aware of it. Don't forget that it was made on a shoestring budget as Martial arts movies are not really Chile's specialty as you must've guessed... That being said, I fully understand people not liking it and I'm pretty sure Daisho that you wouldn't like it.


Zaror is an undeniably talented martial artists.

Some spectacular moves perfomed by Zaror.

Great master/student training scene in the desert.

Razor heel blades are a very cool weapon and they are used quite effectively in the end.

Totally self aware movie and sometime actually funny (The kiss and slap scene?)

Great spaghetti western inspired score.

Say all you want, Ernesto Diaz Espinoze is a talented young director.


Even if it's self aware, the movie still is cheezy.

Not enough fights, and what fight there is are way to short.

CGI blood anoys me and it's not particularly well done.

Zaror is not particularly convincing in a teenager role... :ogive me a break.

The movie takes to long before it gets going...

Still, your best bet like I've mentioned in older posts is with Mirageman, wich I believe is 10 times better then Kiltro and presents more even action and a lot of funny moments. For Kiltro, I think that your best bet is to listen to others then me... If that makes any sense. I do think though that comments are too harsh, you people couldn't see anything good?

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my bad i thought i rememeberd correctly....it did say he was the latin dragon....

stay away from this movie unless you rent it...thats what i did...

and wait till you get a free rental cupon too

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What did bothers me about this movie is the lack of fighting. I think it should had more fights. Check his next movie "MIRAGEMAN" have a lot more fighting in it.

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Zaror is not particularly convincing in a teenager role... :ogive me a break.

Well at least its better than Jun Chong in Ninja Turf.. He was like 45 years old when he player a gang leader teenager in that movie. lol

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Still, your best bet like I've mentioned in older posts is with Mirageman, wich I believe is 10 times better then Kiltro and presents more even action and a lot of funny moments. For Kiltro, I think that your best bet is to listen to others then me... If that makes any sense. I do think though that comments are too harsh, you people couldn't see anything good?

I agree about 95% with The Amazing Psycho Per. The film played for me as, almost what I'd describe as a terrific satire of the genre, that has good fighting. I think they know that Marko is way too old to play a teen, that the blood looked phony, et. It's part of the joke. His "training" looked like something from an old Shaw Brothers film- stage bound, painted sunset backdrop- and basically consisted of him learning to do a flip over a stick! It had no basis in any kind of applicable fighting technique- it was just practicing this extravagant flip over and over! XD That cracked me up. Then the angst-wrought scene where the young hero "runs to get his emotions out" that was used in so many 80's movies? To the tune Modern Love by David Bowie? Oh my God- I couldn't stop laughing! Yet, it delivered when the action started. Considering it's budget and limited production schedule, this film is truly an accomplishment that the creators should be proud of. For an early entry into the genre, I think the Chilean filmmakers have showed real promise!

BTW- The Amazing Psycho Per, where did you get a copy of MIRAGEMAN? :o My buddy has it, but he's always traveling and never gets a chance to send it. I've been dying to see it.

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wasn't there also a peyote tripping scene mixed in as i recal?? or did I misinterpret?

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The Amazing Psycho Per
BTW- The Amazing Psycho Per, where did you get a copy of MIRAGEMAN? My buddy has it, but he's always traveling and never gets a chance to send it. I've been dying to see it.

I saw the world premiere at Fantasia in Montreal in 2007, as a double bill with Kiltro... I remember posting mini reviews back then and getting zero replies... I don't have a copy but I'm sure if you search the net you'll find itXD. Magnet releasing has the rights for the north american release and it's due late 2009.

I agree about 95% with The Amazing Psycho Per. The film played for me as, almost what I'd describe as a terrific satire of the genre, that has good fighting. I think they know that Marko is way too old to play a teen, that the blood looked phony, et. It's part of the joke. His "training" looked like something from an old Shaw Brothers film- stage bound, painted sunset backdrop- and basically consisted of him learning to do a flip over a stick! It had no basis in any kind of applicable fighting technique- it was just practicing this extravagant flip over and over! That cracked me up. Then the angst-wrought scene where the young hero "runs to get his emotions out" that was used in so many 80's movies? To the tune Modern Love by David Bowie? Oh my God- I couldn't stop laughing! Yet, it delivered when the action started. Considering it's budget and limited production schedule, this film is truly an accomplishment that the creators should be proud of. For an early entry into the genre, I think the Chilean filmmakers have showed real promise!

Spot on... Exactly what I meant by self aware of it's cheesiness.

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wasn't there also a peyote tripping scene mixed in as i recal?? or did I misinterpret?

You're asking the wrong guy. I thought every movie has a peyote tripping scene. No? :)

I saw the world premiere at Fantasia in Montreal in 2007, as a double bill with Kiltro... I remember posting mini reviews back then and getting zero replies...

You lucky dog! Yeah, no one replied because you were the only one who'd seen it! XD

My buddy is a festival programmer and got to meet Marko. They hit it off, and my pal took him out for beers and just to BS. He said that Marko is a very cool, down-to-earth dude, but the more they drank, the less English Marko could remember, until neither could understand what the other was saying. LOL He said that eventually they just sat there speaking different languages and laughing! :D But he got a poster and a T-shirt (don't know if they're for MIRAGEMAN or KILTRO) for my son and I- both signed. I didn't get them yet because he's holding them hostage so I'll come up his way and visit. LOL

Spot on... Exactly what I meant by self aware of it's cheesiness.

I can see why it's not for everyone, but I thought there'd be WAY more love for it.

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