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Drag Me To Hell - 2009


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So I'm going to watch this tonight with a few mates and I'm even missing man utd - barcelona to see it.

I dislike modern horrors but I'm a huge fan of Raimi's earlier work.

Anyone seen this, am I in for a treat?

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Saw a free screening last night. It was great!XD This totally blows away any horror movies being put out today and it's not a remake, sequel, prequel, re-boot, sidestory, or whatever studios are calling their horror movies today.

Don't let the PG-13 rating fool you into thinking it's soft, it has some hard scares. This proves you don't have to have gore to scare an audience. Good music, sound, shadow, camera work and interesting characters always triumph to make a good horror flick.

Raimi needs to make more horror to show others how it's done. There's alot of trademark Raimi throughout. Especially a seance scene that's just totally wicked. Also, he doesn't wimp out on the ending like alot of Hollywood fare would.

Plus it was funny. Not in the way that is groan-inducing, but in a black humorous way. Much like Evil Dead 2.

The audience I saw it with, loved it! They were screaming, laughing, cheering, and clapping at all the right moments.

So this was a pleasant surprise for me after seeing Unborn, Friday the 13th (2009), and other studio horror releases. Hope this does well at the box office and not get overshadowed by all the empty summer blockbusters.

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Watched it last night and I have to say.... its up there amongst the craziest horror films I've ever seen. I'm usually over critical of any horror film I see but I can't say a bad word about this one.

It is literally 90 minutes of pure entertainment and comes across as a sort of full blown gory comic horror.

I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good horror along the lines of evil dead, brain dead etc.

4 out of 5

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(Hey... no Kool-aid guy? :l He must be getting old... totally missed his cue.)

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I been waiting a well for this one, as a evil dead fan I'm been waiting for sam to do another horror movie,some of the reviewers are screaming evil dead 4 believe or not.

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Too bad about the PG 13 rating. But I've heard that it's still an intense roller coaster ride. I'm definitely gonna check it out. I hope Raimi does some more horror flicks now that he's made so much money from the Spiderman franchise. We need someone like him to re-inject some good old fun and scares into the horror genre!


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I wouldn't let the PG 13 rating put anyone off, it was a 15 here in the UK and the gore is more extreme and inventive than Evil dead.

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Movie kicked some major ass! A very fun movie, everybody in the theater was having a blast. This is what the horror genre needs, smart fun movie making without resorting to torture porn or bad remakes. A horror/fright film that everybody can enjoy. Raimi reminded me why I was a huge fan of his films as a youngster! The sequence inisde the car in the parking garage was a riot!

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I hope its as great as it looks. Time for something original. As for The Evil Dead series I read up that they will be doing a part 4 with Bruce Campbell and a remake of the first one with someone new playing the main character. I guess we will have to wait and see but their talking about this being started soon before interest is lost.

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Writer's block? Man, they could just have Ash turn up in 17th Century Salem during the witch burnings. There's plenty of comedy horror to be milked from that! :)

I have to go against most everyone and say this film was a big disappointment. I'm going to warn of SPOILERS ahead because I want to point out stuff that didn't work, and hopefully you guys can clear things up if I was incorrect.

My overall impression of the film was that it wasn't anything like the Evil Dead flicks. Those films really worked, I think, in large part because lead actor Bruce Campbell is a versatile actor, but he really does great visual comedy. The lead character in Drag Me To Hell was not funny, Lohman did not come across as anything other than really really serious. In fact, the whole film was serious, with a few 'funny' situations. But those felt a little too forced, like the gushing nose bleed in the bank.

One sequence that stands out, both for its humour, but also it's inconsistencies, is the parking garage fight. It was classic Raimi, with the over the top, slapstick humour elements in a life-or-death confrontation. But here are things that don't make sense to me: 1. Why was she parked underground? Wasn't the bank a one story building with an outdoor parking lot? When the boyfriend drops Lohman's character Christine Brown off to work, he points out the temporary car that the insurance company left in the parking lot of the bank; 2. Did Christine put the keys in the ignition and start the car just as she spotted the old gypsy in her back seat? I don't think she did, which is why I couldn't figure out how the car was able to drive. 3. When the gypsy woman picks up the heavy block of concrete, where did it come from? You see her crouch down and then when she gets up, there's the block in her hand. There wasn't any hole in the floor when Christine gets pulled out. 4. All the old woman needed was one little article from Christine. What was the point of the whole fight if all she needed was a button? She could have just snatched something of the lady's and later, after cursing it, given it back like she was sorry or something.

The reason for the cursing really felt too contrived. The old woman wasn't angry that she wasn't given an extension on her mortgage payment. She was mad that she was humiliated in the bank. But wasn't she the one getting on her hands and knees making a scene? It felt like she was planning on delivering a curse the whole time. Christine didn't 'wrong' the Gypsy, which I think is supposed to be a valid reason for putting a curse on in the first place, and technically she didn't have to give the woman an extension, so what was the reason for the curse being put on?

Later when Christine tries to make amends with the gypsy woman, she finds out the woman has died. After all that fighting in the underground parking lot, she conveniently dies before Christine's time is up?

The amount of CGI in this film was terrible. I think CGI should be used very sparingly in situations that cannot be technically done in real life. The graveyard sequence near the end was like watching a friggin X Box game. It just made me realize how cheaply made this film probably was.

There weren't really any memorable characters in this film. With the Evil Dead flicks, it was Bruce Campbell's Ash who stole the films and really carried them. The one guy I liked was the fortune teller Indian guy, named Rham Jas. I could have sworn I'd seen the actor somewhere else before, but according to the IMDB, this was his first film role, and he's only done a couple of TV things before. I have a feeling he might be someone we'll be seeing a lot of in the future.

I really really wanted to enjoy this film, but I think the whole movie just felt like it was a rush job. Sam Raimi did a great job with the Spiderman movies, so why did he make this film with such a weak plot, weak acting, and a very predictable weak ending?


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It looks like Raimi and his brother have made up and have written seven pages of the Evil dead 4 script, and Bruce has agreed to do it again hes just worried about keeping up with everyone as he just pulled a hamstring on one of his projects hes working on now saying he not getting any younger, but he knows the fans want him back "without any young sidekick". As well the remake looks to getting down by Raimi, re doing his own movie, I think thats a first, maybe the original wasn't done exactly they way he wanted it to be now hes going to try it again. Either way I will watch both if all goes well, but I know that Bruce will make all the fans enjoy a part four over a remake.

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Didn't Raimi already remake the original? It was called Evil Dead 2! Seriously, the stories were almost identical, just the endings differed. It just felt that ED2 was more of a higher budget (i.e. not filmed on 16mm) version of ED, with more humor thrown in.


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kungfusamurai....i see your gripes with the film, and i cant say i disagree too much, however i still had a blast in the theater. i have a feeling that from a marketing standpoint, we can expect a little more (if not boatloads) when the dvd comes out.

im sure alot of us are well aware as to why these films are put out as pg-13. horror is just more profitable this way unfortunately.

but as far as the film goes...i did like it alot, but i did leave feeling that i wanted more from it. i think the problem is we all went in to the theater thinking we were going to see the next evil dead. and while it did have alot of those elements (and forced sometimes too i might add) it also tried to be a little bit more like a paint by numbers horror film of old. like who didn't see the ending coming.

aahh whatever man. like i said. i had a blast and will see it again when it comes to my store. probably about 30 times....like stepbrothers.

and the cell phone part made me pee

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Shaolin Chamber 36

Huge Evil Dead/Army of Darkness fan. I loved Drag Me To Hell. For those may have never seen any of the Campbell/Raimi movies, I could understand them not getting the humor aspects from this film.

Hope Sam and his brother put out more movies of this kind.

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Huge Evil Dead/Army of Darkness fan. I loved Drag Me To Hell. For those may have never seen any of the Campbell/Raimi movies, I could understand them not getting the humor aspects from this film.

Hope Sam and his brother put out more movies of this kind.

I wonder why Ted Raimi didn't have a bigger role or contribution to the production for this film? I notice Ivan's also only been writing, no directing credits either. I guess they like letting Sam do all of that work.


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I like this movie. It's hard to imagine it with the original intention: Ellen Page as the star, with Paramore frontwoman Hayley Williams making a cameo appearance as a waitress. After Ellen dropped out, so did Hayley.

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