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Five Deadly Venoms - Dragon Dynasty


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Best Buy is hit or miss with classic martial arts titles... although due to the "pull" of the Weinstein Company, the Dragon Dynasty releases usually make it there the first day, while the Media Blasters releases wander about a bit.

What's weird is I've gotten a few of the Dragon Dynasty releases (including the latest An Empress ...) before the release date.

The Image releases and Media Blasters have been hit and miss (not having Black Magic 2 for example).

Best Buy will most likely get Five Deadly Venoms, I can't see them not getting it.

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Going back to the dub talk, all I really ask is the uncut film in good shape, with good original audio, and decent accurate subtitles (not DUBTITLES). English dubs are ok, but I personally would probably never hear one unless a friend wanted to go with a dub. Trailers, deleted scenes, behind the scenes, interviews, print material, etc., are all gravy. Of course, on the trailer front, look at all the Image DVDs with tons of trailers.

However, I do have a bit of nostalgia for the old horrendous dubs, primarily because of the fight scene with Michael Winslow in Police Academy - *mouthing silent words, then "DAMN YOU! YOU WANNA FIGHT? FIGHT ME!" then more silent words.*

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Kung Foolery

This will be sold at BB stores.

The computer has it as "5" Deadly Venoms, not "Five" Deadly Venoms. Street date of 08/18. Most stores look to be getting 3 copies. My store, which is small, is not getting any (but the BB just down the street is).

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The one in my neighborhood will probably skimp out on it... seriously, when we finally get stores we want in this town, they're always half assed versions. This applies to what's available and service... oy. Oh well, I'll go to the other Best Buys I frequent :tongue:

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Hey everyone, I was checking out HKFlix last night and they have a short but informative 10 question and answer with Bey Logan. The future for DD and more SHAW's doesn't sound as bad. I say as bad I we don't know their release time table of course.

If you're interested check out the link below:


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I will be on a seek and destroy mission on the 18th then.

It's been a while since I've watched this, and while I was seeking out Shaws I never seen before I have yet to see this remastered, sacrilegious I know:yociexp98:

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Hey everyone, I was checking out HKFlix last night and they have a short but informative 10 question and answer with Bey Logan. The future for DD and more SHAW's doesn't sound as bad. I say as bad I we don't know their release time table of course.

If you're interested check out the link below:


"I know the hard core fans would like us to release five Shaw Bros. titles a month, but the market really can't handle that many. ":bigsmile:

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Killer Meteor
"I know the hard core fans would like us to release five Shaw Bros. titles a month, but the market really can't handle that many. ":bigsmile:

True, but more than 1 a year would be nice!

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Shaolin Patriot

HK Flix had the chance to interview Bey Logan in conjunction with the Dragon Dynasty release of Five Venoms. He discusses the Shaw releases, Chang Cheh vs. Lau Kar-Leung and the future of DD.

Here's an interview excerpt and direct link below:

HK: What's the status of the Celestial Shaw Brothers catalog? Have all available films been restored and licensed out for DVD? Which unreleased Shaw Brothers films would you most love to see released on DVD?

BL: We licensed 50 Shaw Bros. films in total, and they're all ready for release. As I mentioned above, it's really a matter of scheduling them to meet the demand of both the fans and the mainstream audience. There's so much great stuff to come: Ti Lung as a Spaghetti Western swordsman in Killer Clans, Gordon Liu vs. Wilson Tong in the antique fight from Dirty Ho (what a title!), Chang Cheh at the top of his game with Vengeance and Boxer From Shantung...


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Hey everyone, I was checking out HKFlix last night and they have a short but informative 10 question and answer with Bey Logan. The future for DD and more SHAW's doesn't sound as bad. I say as bad I we don't know their release time table of course.

If you're interested check out the link below:


Thanks for posting that. Great little interview. Bur Bey said that all of their SB titles "are ready"?! Oh please DD- RELEASE THEM NOW!!!

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Gorhama put a link for this in the FIVE VENOMS Dragon Dynasty release thread.

It's both exciting, and extremely frustrating at the same time! I hope some of these future releases do have more extras though. I was hoping for something truly special as far as features for 5 VENOMS. It deserves a silver platter you know?

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If the 5V sells well, I hope they bring out Crippled Avengers( by its rightful title) next!

I'll double dip on any movie that has BL audio comm.

Hope he never gets tired of doing those!

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TWC- I've only skipped double-dipping on maybe two titles. I feel the same way about Bey's commentaries. Great stuff.

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Well, we got lucky with the first batch, as they had a decent selection of features (although no Logan commentaries), especially with King Boxer. Five Deadly Venoms definitely deserved more considering it's high cult status. Oh well, at least we're getting a high quality copy of the film.

Although he jokingly says we'd wish for five Shaw Brothers DVDs a month in the interview... okay, while that would be great (heh heh), realistically speaking, it would be nice to get back to at least four a year! Maybe if they spread them out (one in March, one in June, etc) instead of cramming them all into one release date, they'd do a bit better, I dunno.

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Although he jokingly says we'd wish for five Shaw Brothers DVDs a month in the interview... okay, while that would be great (heh heh), realistically speaking, it would be nice to get back to at least four a year! Maybe if they spread them out (one in March, one in June, etc) instead of cramming them all into one release date, they'd do a bit better, I dunno.

Amen on that!

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He admits he is biased toward LKL, then goes on to say that the student outdid the Master, I dont think I agree with that, the best films, imo, where the ones CC and LKL did together.

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Bronx Rican
If the 5V sells well, I hope they bring out Crippled Avengers (by its rightful title) next!

Even us Americans knew this film as "Crippled Avengers" more than anything else, so I won't worry there; "Mortal Combat" is far too generic a title anyway (change the "c" to a "k," however, and that's a whole 'nother story).

Getting 5DV soon as I can, but one thought: those reds, judging by the youtube clips, seem a bit oversaturated. I hope it's nothing too annoying seeing it on my home theater, but now that it's on my mind, I couldn't help wondering if they should do "Masked Avengers" next. :tongue:

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Shaolin Patriot
Gorhama put a link for this in the FIVE VENOMS Dragon Dynasty release thread.

Sorry for the double-post. Hopefully Five Venoms will do well, so that we can see other classics. Maybe it can lead to Crippled Avengers. After all, CA was included on the original DD compilation trailer when they first launched.

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Morgoth Bauglir

They better not call it Return of the 5 Deadly Venoms. Crippled Avengers is one awesome title.

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When Bey said "they're ready", he probably just meant they're restored and remastered and "ready" for DVD work... not that they've already thrown together menus, laid down audio tracks, etc. But I could be wrong, and in this case, I wouldn't mind :tongue: Here's hoping we get more than one SB title next year!

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