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My Young Auntie (1981) - Dragon Dynasty DVD


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In the interview here (I think from the Dragon Dynasty DVD), at ~6:25 Hui references her kung fu sifu (female) as "Ying's mom" and then says they addressed her as "master Mak." She then goes on to talk about Robert Mak. Does anyone know who her sifu was? Is she talking about Robert Mak's mother? Or Bo Sim Mark, Donnie Yen's mother?


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I had put off listening to the commentary from my Dragon Dynasty copy of My Young Auntie since I noticed it wasn't done by Bey Logan but rather by Andy Klein and Elvis Mitchell. (I hated Klein and RZA's commentary on my copy of The 36th Chamber of Shaolin.) However, with the unfortunate passing of Lau Kar-Leung (my favorite action choreographer) I decided to rewatch the movie and then listen to the commentary. The commentary was, as I feared, a waste of time. I think Andy Klein and Elvis Mitchell thought they were watching Ridley Scott's Alien for they interpret just about every martial art move sexually and/or make constant homoerotic references. Bah. Stay away from that rubbish...the commentary that is, not the movie which is, I think, a splendid watch. :smile:

Oh, but do watch the interview with Kara Hui. Wow, she is still quite beautiful.

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Im a big commentary buff, but my rule of thumb is, that if I know more about the movie than the commentators do, then why bother.

With that said, I think this comm is way better than the truly atrocious 36 Chambers one. No, you're not gonna learn anything new about MYA or HK cinema by listening to these guys. But hearing them desperately try to link any and everything to American cinema, of which they are more knowledgable, is kind of fun, I think.

Yes, they overanalyze, go off on ridiculous tangents, struggle with names, people and places and are just generally out of their depth here. But it's kinda like watching a spider trying to climb out of a toilet bowl, away from certain death.... kinda sad, but also a little entertaining.

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I usually love all animals.... spiders are the exception. They are evil creatures who sits in their webs, and waits for me to fall asleep, so they can crawl up my nose and nest in my skull!

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Yeah, ok, you're right. It was kinda entertaining on those grounds. I guess I was just a bit soured at not learning much about the actual film while watching it.

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I've never listen to a commentary all the way that didn't have Bey or Toby Russell. The DD of MYA wasn't as bad the Premier Asia of INITIAL D one of the guy's in that thought it was a Japanese film & I assume for both it was the first HK film they'd ever seen.

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One day I'll go through the My Young Auntie commentary, but sometimes Elvis can be a bit longwinded and his approach by using stream-of-consciousness style of speaking/writing can be a bit exasperating.

For fun awhile ago I quoted Elvis Mitchell off of his interview off of Tai Chi Master (DD R1):

EM: "I mean, again there's always that tradition in those movies of having to come to grips with oneself, and to do away with childish things, and to master discipline. But for Li, there's always that sense that that discipline is there. It's a matter of him accepting, choosing if he's going to do it or not. And it's not like " That's what makes them kind of different. For him its like that old cliche of you know, Michelangelo looking a a piece of marble and seeing "David." I mean its always there in him. Its his decision of deciding how he's gonna exercise that. And as a result of that, sor of exercise that innate spirituality that he has. That kind of always extent in him. You know that, again, that sense of being separate. That sense of keeping one's own council. That sense of understanding who you are and deciding what you need from other people. Um, which makes him both kind of dangerous and lonely. And I think that's a big part of, uh, Tai Chi Master. It's that question of "Am I ready to understand and accept that this is part of me?"

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I recently purchased My Young Auntie for a buck at my local pawn shop.


In the first scene I noticed that people to the left or right of focus were slightly out of focus or fuzzy looking.

This continued into the next scene.

Very annoying!

Has anyone else had this problem?


GD Y-Y :tinysmile_angry2_t:

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Eastern Evil


here is a thread - with no posts! (0ne now!) - that you could have bumped rather than make a new one.

The search function (advanced) if your friend, brother!

Just trying to help with a suggestion for the future.

A merge is in order!


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