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Steven Seagal


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sifu iron perm
My guess would be Kim Kartrashian and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad . She's probably jealous of all the attention the Iranian prez is getting for putting the squeeze on Hugo Chavez's mom and will somehow try to steal his thunder so the Yahoo main page will feature her again.

:nerd: it's easy to mistake the two..lol

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:nerd: it's easy to mistake the two..lol

Haha. True that but it wasn't a typo. I was going for the afghan prez as he --

has been such a whiny puss of late and KK could become our new Hanoi Jane.

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Haha. True that but it wasn't a typo. I was going for the afghan prez as he --

has been such a whiny puss of late and KK could become our new Hanoi Jane.

Don't give her any ideas. She may think that's a brand name she could be a spokesperson for.

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I made yesterday decision gonna collect all his movies when picked 10 dvds for 10€:tongue:...

Above the law, urban justice and under siege are propably his best I have seen. I have tho enjoyed all his films I have seen (20+)even as most of them are trash and his character basically always same...

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Seagal's HARD TO KILL (1990) celebrates its 25th anniversary today:


I never liked Seagal much as a martial artist (he style seemed to always be have dudes run at me one at a time and I flip them), but there is no denying his films ruled the box office for a period in the early '90s. Too bad they collapsed under the weight of his ego (and belly).

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Secret Executioner
Seagal's HARD TO KILL (1990) celebrates its 25th anniversary today:


I never liked Seagal much as a martial artist (he style seemed to always be have dudes run at me one at a time and I flip them), but there is no denying his films ruled the box office for a period in the early '90s. Too bad they collapsed under the weight of his ego (and belly).

The "dudes run at me one at a time" thing is common to many action films. But Seagal's movies (just like Chuck Norris' from the 1980s) are funny in that one single guy can take down a major terrorist organization or some government ALONE without running out of ammos or getting a single scratch. Now there's one good test for suspension of disbelief.

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In most most Martial Arts films they queue up to get hit. It may be more obvious in some films than others. Jackie Chan states in his bio that he and Sammo Hung picked up on this when they first watched The Big Boss. This was the norm with all Asian films of that time. You have to suspend your disbelief when watching a film.

Steven Seagal has his flaws but I enjoy watching his early films.

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In most most Martial Arts films they queue up to get hit. It may be more obvious in some films than others.

Both 18 FINGERS OF DEATH and KUNG PHOOEY try to make fun of this convention. In the former, they have Don "The Dragon" Wilson giving a workshop about attacking the hero one at a time. In the latter, the hero is getting attacked by a bunch of waiters at the evil woman's restaurant. When two guys attack at the same time, the hero says to one, "Wait your turn. You are a 'waiter', aren't you?"

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Both 18 FINGERS OF DEATH and KUNG PHOOEY try to make fun of this convention. In the former, they have Don "The Dragon" Wilson giving a workshop about attacking the hero one at a time. In the latter, the hero is getting attacked by a bunch of waiters at the evil woman's restaurant. When two guys attack at the same time, the hero says to one, "Wait your turn. You are a 'waiter', aren't you?"

Sounds funny, I also like how few film heroes never get out of breath. The finale of Chinese Stuntman with Ho Chung Tao & Dan Inosanto is one of the few exceptions.

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Seagal's HARD TO KILL (1990) celebrates its 25th anniversary today:


I never liked Seagal much as a martial artist (he style seemed to always be have dudes run at me one at a time and I flip them), but there is no denying his films ruled the box office for a period in the early '90s. Too bad they collapsed under the weight of his ego (and belly).

He is an amazing martial artist from a technical point of view, the way he does kote-gaeshi is very powerful. He was very fast in his prime.

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Reel Power Stunts

"My definition of a wannabe is somebody who spends his life bullshitting the world about all the shit that he did and is gonna do. You know, the real guys, they shut their mouth, they do what they’re supposed to do and they don’t talk about it."

Hope that was said with a heavy dose of irony...

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"My definition of a wannabe is somebody who spends his life bullshitting the world about all the shit that he did and is gonna do. You know, the real guys, they shut their mouth, they do what they’re supposed to do and they don’t talk about it."

Hope that was said with a heavy dose of irony...

Uh huh................and here is another one:

"As you know now, you can take anybody and somebody who happens to be British - I’m not going to make comments about British production - and in general, they can be some of the most despicable members of journalism on Earth. I made a remark about a particular actor. I said he’s a brilliant actor, but, you know, is he a great action man? Well, he’s a great action man because in the movies they can make anyone an action man. Nowadays, with special effects, they can take anyone and make them one of the greatest action stars on Earth. It’s a little thing called money. If you have the money for those special effects, you can do anything. By virtue of the fact that I’m a real guy, I’m doing [things] in real life that a lot of people pretend to do, what they all pretend to do. In the movies, it doesn’t mean anything. No one cares. But in real life, I do all the things other people pretend to do in the movies. It doesn’t mean nothing."


But I like these two :

"I would say, for me, the guy that is the best action guy out there - he’s not a joke, he’s a real guy, he’s real adept - is Donnie Yen. Donnie Yen for me is the best action guy out there". ..............:cool::yociexp108:

"Well, I mean, you know, I don’t know how to answer that aside from this. Every time you go on a high risk [operation], whether it’s looking for somebody in a car, or you’re kicking in the door of a house where there’s people in there with guns, who, it’s written on the warrant, have said they will not be taken alive, all of that stuff is extremely dangerous. You risk your life every day you go out there. I’ve had many situations that could have gone wrong and did go wrong. I would say, just like any police officer, we all risk our lives. I’m very sorry to see some of the stuff that’s going on out there - just bad behavior by people on both sides. Probably the most egregious thing I’ve seen in my life was the shooting in South Carolina, where the gentleman got shot in the back seven times. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. Myself and every police officer who saw that didn’t know whether to cry or throw up. It was just flat out outrageous. There’s millions of police officers out there who risk their lives every day. They are good human beings who would give their life at the drop of a hat for a total stranger. And then there’s the bad ones. But, there’s also situations that occur where it becomes very difficult to make the right decision because things happen fast and things can be very hard to read at a rapid, rapid rate. There’s certain things like [what happened in] South Carolina where there’s no excuse on Earth. I believe [the police officer involved] has been arrested and charged for murder. All of my police officer friends are hoping this guy gets convicted because we want the world to know that we’re not like that" :khi3i:

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Hey hey.... could not make a new topic so I searched on the existing ones and found this mountain dew ad topic.....

So I guess it fits....

Here is another ad.... a shaolin one..... thought it was pretty cool

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He can poke fun at himself despite coming across serious most of the time. He did an advert for Orange that screened in cinemas a few years ago. Recall a scene where he's hanging onto the roof of a golf buggy. I love his early films but he's sadly let himself go recently. Not sure what to make of the some of the comments he comes out with in interviews.

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Hey hey.... could not make a new topic so I searched on the existing ones and found this mountain dew ad topic.....

So I guess it fits....

Here is another ad.... a shaolin one..... thought it was pretty cool

:rofl:rofl:rofl love that especially the end!! :rofl

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A very insightful interview. Thank you for posting! Clearly Seagal seems quite full of himself at times but then again, there's no denying of his achievments in the martial arts community. Also he's been one of the first action heroes I've catched on VHS, which my cousins dad recored off Pay-TV. Good memories.

The whole part about the secrets being kept etc. however is a huge load of bull IMHO. And has been taintig a lot of Martial Arts in the past, present and most likely in the future.

I mean historically speaking there might have been a time where you had to keep the art in secret to keep yourself from prosecution or worse death. But there is no secret techinque which is gonna make you kill a guy in one second. Anyway this is off topic. Good interview nonetheless.

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It's a fun interview, even though there's so much bullshitting in it. One example:

[Seagal talks about personally knowing Bruce Lee (19:51)] "He knew that I grew up in Asia and that I had a son that was half [Japanese], just exactly the same age as Brandon".

Fact check: Bruce Lee died in 1973. Steven Seagal's first son (Kentaro Seagal) was born in 1975. Brandon was born in 1965.


Edited by Takuma
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14 hours ago, Takuma said:

[Seagal talks about personally knowing Bruce Lee (19:51)] "He knew that I grew up in Asia and that I had a son that was half [Japanese], just exactly the same age as Brandon".

Fact check: Bruce Lee died in 1973. Steven Seagal's first son (Kentaro Seagal) was born in 1975. Brandon was born in 1965.

Yeah there's no shortage of him playing with the facts, but I've never been sure if he's joking around or actually serious?. The guy looks poker faced nearly all the time, no matter what he's talking about or doing.

22 hours ago, laagi said:

A very insightful interview. Thank you for posting!

No problem @laagi It was interesting to hear his comments on who he thought was legitimately tough in movies. 

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Jason Stratham. He purposefully mispronounced the dudes name.

He called out Michael Jai White and JCVD. "Can I laugh in your face?" I want to hear a response from these guys. They would fuck him up.

He hit the nail on the head when describing his filmography. "I've made alot of terrible films and a few good ones."

Guy is a complete joke. When was the last time he practiced? He describes a punch like he's reaching for gravy on the dinner table.

I want to learn the mystical bullshit that comes out of this mans mouth. 

Edited by FieryReign
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Frank Bolte

I kinda dont like him for talking so much bs..but here in this clip he seems to be genuinly interested and is very respectful towards the japanese master... the student of the japanese master is probably in hospital now :D


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9 hours ago, Frank Bolte said:

I kinda dont like him for talking so much bs..but here in this clip he seems to be genuinly interested and is very respectful towards the japanese master... the student of the japanese master is probably in hospital now :D

Enjoyed the video, thanks for posting it @Frank Bolte the Japanese Master looks like the real deal to me.

I think Seagal must sleep in those orange glasses he wears.

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