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Steven Seagal


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…while they are at it somebody should Sue Steven Seagal for crimes against Cinema.

Out of curiosity don't you have any kind of animal protection groups in America? I would have thought they would be all over this.

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Guest Markgway

"They found over 100 birds in cages and rather than rescuing them, killed every single one. The owner, Jesus Sanchez Llovera, alleges in a notice of claim that not only were the birds being raised for show, but that his puppy was shot and killed during the raid."

That sounds absolutely awful... but does anyone seriously believe Seagal shot a puppy?

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Out of curiosity don't you have any kind of animal protection groups in America? I would have thought they would be all over this.

Don't sweat it, dude. I'm sure he just became a PETA target and in doing so has made an enemy for life. His next movie costars Mr. T and is titled I PETA Da Fool.

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My opinion of Steve as a human being isn't exactly high (reincarnated dalai lama, my ass), but I don't think anything will come of this lawsuit. Watch the local news report about this incident on youtube; Steve looks like a self-important tank of a turd, didn't need to be there at all, the whole thing seemed excessive, but the guy they were after wasn't exactly up for sainthood, don't think he's gonna get many people to believe his version of this story. His former arrest in connection with cockfighting doesn't really make him look innocent, not sure I'd take him at his word about this situation.

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My gut instinct here is that this story stinks. Seagal shooting a puppy?

And killing 100 birds?


This guy clearly saw Seagal and though, hey, there’s some money to be made here.

I do love the idea of Seagal and his boys rolling up in a tank, though. Take about overkill.

What next? Getting a cat out of a tree with a flamethrower? Or helping an old lady cross the street by firing her out of a cannon?

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That sounds absolutely awful... but does anyone seriously believe Seagal shot a puppy?

I don't know if I believe Steven Seagal shot the puppy himselfbut I believe that either him or one of the other officers shot the dog, whether accidentally or on purpose. It just seems crazy that they would shoot 100 birds in cages. The only thing I can think of is they couldn't be bothered to do the paperwork and wait around for people to pick up the birds.

Don't sweat it, dude. I'm sure he just became a PETA target and in doing so has made an enemy for life. His next movie costars Mr. T and is titled I PETA Da Fool.


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What next? Getting a cat out of a tree with a flamethrower? Or helping an old lady cross the street by firing her out of a cannon?

Don't give him any ideas, bro.:tongue:

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Guest Markgway

Why would Seagal (and co) burst into a felon's house just to kill birds and shoot puppies?

Seems pretty darn unlikely from a Buddhist.

It's possible that some of the birds (used for the odious practice of cockfighting) had to be put down, but a massacre...?

Smells like bullshit to me.

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Why would Seagal (and co) burst into a felon's house just to kill birds and shoot puppies?

Seems pretty darn unlikely from a Buddhist.

It's possible that some of the birds (used for the odious practice of cockfighting) had to be put down, but a massacre...?

Smells like bullshit to me.

of course they didn't just burst into the guys house just to kill birds, they were probably there on official business, probably to do with cockfighting and things went on from there. Where there's smoke there's usually fire.

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I've seen this several times, but still think it's funny as hell.

Seagal Has a few other funny commercials that were only released in Japan, I'll see if i can scout some of them up.

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Well, that gives new meaning to "read the 'fine' print" ----- got to look 'fine' if you gonna be Seagal's gal!:tongue:

Seriously though, I find this hard to believe.

There's a lengthy list (including Jenny McCarthy, &, can't remember her name, the female lead from Tick Tock, I think that was the title of that straight to video movie) of women who have said he sexually harassed them/made unwelcome advances, too many for me to think they're all lying. I think Seagal's a very knowledgeable martial artist, and (at least when he was in decent physical shape) one of the best at aikido but that doesn't mean he's not a complete asshole as a human being.

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Marked for Death and Under Siege are classics; Belly of the Beast was kind of cool.

But... does anyone think Seagal fits the profile of a pathological liar? I don't have much real evidence to back that up, but I always got that impression. His whole Eastern thought bit comes off as a total sham, especially with his dry delivery and borderline retarded statements; its like he is totally detached from everything I have ever seen/ heard him say.

If his delivery is all part of his zen routine then its even more bullshit.

I have a feeling the guy pushed back mainstream acceptance of the ma genre a few years.

I've thought the same thing; is this guy a pathological liar, or what? Clearly says he invented a front kick, then says he's being misquoted, claims to have been a student of Morihei Ueshiba in early Black Belt Magazine interviews, then later says he wasn't in Japan until years after Ueshiba had died, likes to say he "knew Bruce Lee a little" through James Coburn, claimed the Lee family asked him to help with the investigation into Brandon Lee's death, at the very least I think he's prone to exaggeration. I recall a magazine article years ago in which one of his associates said Seagal exaggerates and/or makes up stuff because he doesn't realize that the true stories about him are interesting enough. Seagal comes off as insecure to me, don't think he likes himself, hence all the imaginary enemies he thinks he needs to have his armory of firearms for.

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There's a lengthy list (including Jenny McCarthy, &, can't remember her name, the female lead from Tick Tock, I think that was the title of that straight to video movie) of women who have said he sexually harassed them/made unwelcome advances, too many for me to think they're all lying.

Wow. That's news to me. Had not heard about any of that. I knew he had a rep as a horndog.

I think his career nosedived when he left his then wife, Kelly LeBrock, for chick who popped out of the cake in Under Siege. And I think she was a Playmate. Guess that didn't last long. (That what she said! Sorry, couldn't help it.)

Anyhow, I lost respect for him as a person after that. Then he started making some awful films and I lost respect for him as an action/MA star.

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Doubt He and Erika Eleniak ever hooked up..... where did you get that from?

I don't have a source. That's just what I remember hearing at the time he and LeBrock separated. My recall could be wrong.

I guess it is. I just checked his Wiki page and here's what it stated.

In the United States he married former Days of our Lives actress Adrienne La Russa, despite his divorce to Fujitani not yet being finalized. During his marriage to La Russa he met actress/model Kelly LeBrock, with whom he began a relationship and who eventually became pregnant with his child. When news of this emerged, Seagal's marriage to La Russa was annulled and he then married LeBrock on 5 September 1987. His three children with LeBrock are daughters Annaliza and Arissa, and son Dominic. In 1994, LeBrock filed divorce papers citing "irreconcilable differences". During this time it emerged that Seagal was having an affair with Arissa Wolf, who was hired to be a nanny to Seagal and Lebrock's children.[27] Seagal has a daughter with Arissa Wolf, Savannah.
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Thought he married LeBrock after Hard To Kill (1990) oh well. Apparantly, instead of ending relationships like a real man, he just bangs around till he gets caught..... oh, Steve... you are a class act!

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Vern's SEAGALOGY gets a new printing very soon and is well worth picking up, even if you're not a Seagal fan - it's that good.

Seagal used to come across as not especially pleasant and that, coupled with him making a few stinkers, lost him a lot of fans, but I think he's calmed down over the years.

Whenever I see him in interviews now he comes across as humble, self-deprecating and a real family man.

And he's still a bad-ass!!

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I wonder about the difference in popularity of his movies between over there and here. Also, these things happen in threes. First Rodman with Kim Jong-Un, now Seagal with Vladimir Putin, who's next to popup with a random world leader?


Vladimir Putin has reached back to Joseph Stalin's era for a plan to improve Russians' physical fitness, appearing with the film actor Steven Seagal at an event aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles among young people.

In a meeting at a martial arts school on Moscow's outskirts, Putin called for physical education rooted in a Soviet-era system.

"I think it would be quite appropriate to recall the positive experience of past decades when the so-called GTO, Ready for Labour and Defence, was in use in our country," he said. The GTO mass physical training programme was introduced in the 1930s under Stalin.

"The revival of this system – in a new, modern format – could bring major benefits," Putin told government officials, schoolteachers and coaches.

He told the education and sports ministers to study the issue and said students' performance under the system should be taken into account when universities consider applications.

Putin, who began a six-year term in May, has frequently appealed to nostalgia for the perceived order of the Soviet era.

Soviet-era marches played at the Sambo-70 school as students dressed in the white, red and blue of Russia's flag waited for Putin at a ceremony to open a new building at the school. An announcer added to the martial atmosphere by urging "full alertness".

Seagal's action films are popular in Russia and he has met the president several times. In what seemed to be a choreographed incident, Seagal rushed into a crowd of children trying to pose with Putin and pulled him out, as if acting as his bodyguard.

"Kids, remain calm, it's a great honour to take pictures with the president of Russia," the announcer said.

Putin and Seagal watched youngsters practise martial arts but did not join them on the gym floor, and Putin wore a jacket and button-down shirt.

Putin, 60, has cast himself as a clean-living man of action over 13 years in power, using judo bouts and outdoor stunts to burnish his image and set an example. He has a black belt in judo and is proficient in Sambo, a martial art developed in the Soviet army.

He was seen limping last September and government sources said he was suffering from back trouble. The Belarusian president, Alexander Lukashenko, said Putin had hurt his back in a judo bout.

Putin was booed after taking to the stage at a martial arts event in November 2011, a sign of fatigue that preceded the biggest opposition protests of his rule. But he won the presidency easily in March 2012, after four years as prime minister, and remains Russia's most popular politician.

He has been seeking to increase Russians' life expectancy and stem a demographic decline that has seen the population fall to 141.9 million in 2011 from 148.6 million in 1991, the year the Soviet Union collapsed.

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who's next to popup with a random world leader?

My guess would be Kim Kartrashian and Hamid Karzai. She's probably jealous of all the attention the Iranian prez is getting for putting the squeeze on Hugo Chavez's mom and will somehow try to steal his thunder so the Yahoo main page will feature her again.

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