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Steven Seagal


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IMO (and in no particular order):





-UNDER SEIGE 1 and 2


I don't have an opinion on all of his direct-to-video films, as I have not seem them. I think he was in his prime when he did the above films.

Agreed, don't bother with the latter ones as they are so bad. Most of the ones I have seen over the last 4 years or so don't even have Seagals own voice, someone is dubbing his lines!!! and worse still he uses doubles for scenes when he is getting out of a car!!! and that ain't no joke!

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segal does not get his voice dubbed, he just has several accents/voice affectations he adapts. most common of these are the 'urban' segal where he talks a little street slang, or the 'southern bluesman' segal where he drawls a little and throws in a bit of 'honeychile' here and there. recently he also added 'russian accent' segal to the mix

he has however been relying on stunt doubles and stand ins for the action scenes though, which is really sad

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segal does not get his voice dubbed, he just has several accents/voice affectations he adapts.

No, you're wrong. There are several films that he made where it is OBVIOUS that someone else did the lines in post production for a few of his films. It's not an accent we're talking about here, it's a different dude filling in missing lines. I'd guess Seagal didn't come back after filming to do this himself, so they just hired someone else to try to fill in the missing lines. The voices don't match at all.

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Ive seen a film that was on tv yesterday of his called pistol whipped, looked interesting
it is good one.I watched today Urban Justice and I am not ashamed to admit it rocked
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His latest movie 'A Dangerous Man' is released on dvd in the UK on Dec 28. I'll probably pick this one up.


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Cool! :bigsmile:

yeah..I know many people do not like seagul and I am not his biggest fan either.But in Urban Justice I did not see any boring moments and I think watch it again one year.

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Action Star Steven Seagal wants Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao to be his sparring mate in his next movie

The 57-year-old martial arts hero, one of the most bankable stars of the '90s thanks to hit movies like "Out for Justice" (1991) and "Under Siege" (1992) and reported total movie earnings of $923 million worldwide-but whose recent films have become constant flops-made a visit at the Los Angeles home of Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao to implore the latter to do a movie with him.

In an interview with reporters present at the meeting, Seagal confessed to being a big fan of the pugilist-currently the toast of the international boxing world.

"I've always loved him. I think he is the best boxer in the world right now. I'm just a huge fan."

The feeling is mutual apparently. Pacquiao admitted that, like most Filipinos his age, he grew up watching Seagal movies.

"I feel so lucky and I'm so happy to [have Segal] visit me here in my house, [as] he is my idol. Actually, I always watch his movies. I 'm speechless when he arrived because...I can't believe [that I] finally met Steven Seagal."

The boxer, who is also a budding actor-he last appeared as a masked hero in a movie called "Wapakman"-is excited about the prospects of working with Seagal.

"I'm excited just thinking about it, about the movie."

If plans push through, Seagal said he is hoping to shoot the movie in the Philippines. And what sort of movie exactly does he have in mind?

"I think it would be really nice to do something based on some kind of a heroic true story," he quipped.

Before the dinner meeting ended, Seagal gave Pacquiao an autographed poster. The Pacman retaliated by giving the actor an autographed boxing glove.

Millions around the world know Steven for his work as an action film superstar in front of the camera, but few realize that he is an accomplished writer, producer, and director as well. When Steven hit the big screen in 1988 with the release of his first film, "Above The Law", its immediate success set the stage for a career that now spans over 20 years and 20 movies and $2 billion in box office revenues.


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"whose recent films have become constant flops"

No wonder.I like steven seagal but almost 30 movies in last 10 years is far too much.

Only in Hong Kong good movies have been produced at factory belt speed.

Good luck to steven and manny:wink:

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One Armed Boxer
Manny has the potential to be a good action/martial arts film star. It's just a matter of how good he can actually act.

I`m sure Seagal could give him some great acting lessons...after all, Seagal always shows such an incredible range of emotions!:tongue:

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i gave up went seagal started using doubles for even the most basic fights.out of the 3 direct to video action stars(van damme ,lungdren,seagal)..he is my least favorite..

at least van damm and lungdren are still releasing decent films


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Manny has the potential to be a good action/martial arts film star. It's just a matter of how good he can actually act.

Well, Pacquiao did star in the recent Filipino superhero film WAPAKMAN. Here is the trailer.


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Blood Sword

This dude really and ultimately rocks.Yeah,most his movies are more or less clones but at least you know what you are getting.And there is not single movie I was yawning 1st time viewing:cry:

Here is my top3 of this under-rated maestro;

1.Urban justice


3.hard to kill

thumbs up for segal and I hope u good health and 2-4 movies every year!

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I am soooo disappointed in the route Seagal's movies have taken. But when he first came on the scene......DUDE! He was amazing!!!

My faves:






UNDERSEIGE 1 & 2 (prefer 2 to 1 though)


I've seen and have some of the others but.........I'm scared to bother with the new ones for the most part.

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Im a fan of seagal's movies, i dont think he is as bad of an actor as everyone makes him out to be and fights are enjoyable to watch imo. Most of his straight to dvd stuff is pretty poor though i will say that Urban Justice ranks as one of my favourite seagal movies.

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UNDERSEIGE 1 & 2 (prefer 2 to 1 though)


Those movies were fun to watch! :tongue: It went sour after! :sad:

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Blood Sword

He is one dimensional but what he does he is very good at.One and only I did not like was chin siu tung directed and "seagal" doing jump kicks.Often stunts are used but at least I want to imagine actor is capable of doing movement.However in that case impossible.Very badly edited too

One level of my shelve is owned by Steven:xd:

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The only movies of his that I really like are Under Siege and Out For Justice. I respect him, as I respect any 90's action star, but some of the straight-to-video stuff has to go...

(same can be said about Van Damme)

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