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Steven Seagal


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I watched a bit of Out for a Kill with my dad as he is a fan of Seagal and I had to leave the room when Seagal is fighting the dude who can run round walls.

Awful scene in an incredibly shit movie.

You will be pleased to know I didn't return to the movie so luckily I've only seen half of it.

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On a side note, go watch The Onion Movie. Seagal appears in this comedy as Cock Puncher the Superhero.

That was the funniest part of the movie. I laughed so hard at this scene. :D

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Here's one of my favourite Steven Seagal performances, and in this one he's teamed up with Van Damme! ;)



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My favorite line was "Steven, the doctor said we probably shouldn't violently shake him around too much." XD Awesome!

I watched DRIVEN TO KILL last night. It's a lot better than most of his recent films, though it still has some serious problems. The story is a little more interesting than usual, and Seagal seems more committed to his role than he has in a long time. He's lost weight, and is in better shape than usual. He's hardly doubled for any of the action, looks powerful, and has gained back some of his speed. The big problem here is the shit director. There's a savage knife fight, but the "director" has followed the herd, filming everything too tightly framed with the f***ing stupid shaky cam (non)technique. Aikido skills have to be seen in wide angle shots to be truly appreciated, and this hack doesn't get it. Two more examples of his unimaginitive helming include gratuitously restating obvious plot points to keep the audience following the very easy to follow plot, and a shot that would get an F- in a first semester film school class. You remember the shot in TAXI DRIVER where Martin Scorsese shows DeNiro walking down the street (daytime) after finishing up his shift? It shows him far away, then does a series of dissolves, each time showing him closer to the camera. Remember that? Well this donkey does his riff on that, but it's the same shot, repeated a few times in a row, but Seagal never gets closer to the camera! It's one of the most annoying shots I've ever seen in a movie. I was so aggraveted that I pretended the next guy Seagal beat down was the director. :) Also, unlike a few recent stinkers, in this one where there's a gun fight there are tons of squibs being used to show the damage. Cool. But they are filmed in such a pedestrian manner that they lose all impact.

I wish Seagal would do a film where he plays a regular guy, showing his receding hairline (with grey temples), not covering his chunky torso with long black shirts, and not any kind of ex-agent. How about a realistic depiction of a small town martial arts teacher that winds up trapped in a fenced in building site after helping a witness escape some mobsters. They have to kill him and the witness, but they can't use guns because it'll be heard in the nearby homes. So they must try to kill him with fists, feet, knives, and pipes. The whole film can take place in real time, and Seagal would actually be injured as the film progresses (as he's not Superman- just a regular guy with fighting skills) which would make it much more suspensful and relatable. Limited location and cast means it would be cheaper to film, and all the production's energy and resources could go into creating high tension, good performances, and amazingly realistic fights. Imagine Seagal doing something like the hammer fight scene from OLDBOY, but directed like Sly was in COPLAND and VanDamme was in JCVD? It would bring him all the respect he could ever hope for, a great film for the fans, and restart his career.

Well, I can dream can't I?

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See BOB that is the same thing I've saying he needs to do something like that, no EX CIA BS anymore! Just an average Guy with some Kick ass skills!

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His flicks are not great but ok way to spend 90 mins.Because of his mean looks I would like to see him as villain in big budget production.

Still,what I do not like in his movies Seagal appears too invincible.It becomes hilarious in On Deadly Ground when mercenaries&oil company boss several times praise his abilities .Later he wipes out half a dozen mercenary in 10 seconds or so using bare hands and pipe.

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Like I've said before in other posts, I have nothing against him. He was a great martial artist, and then he let himself go! Mostly, in his new movies he's always fighting people from back shots, so I think its not him. Now, don't get me wrong, Steven used to kick major ass, fliping people just running at him! But maybe with a studio behinde him and he lost about....123 pounds, he'd be back! But think about it, even JCVD and Sniped still work out!

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The Silver Fox

The furrowed brow,squinty eyed look is nauseating. Seagal's recent movies all seem to have a budget of about 75 grand. His slow fight maneuvers don't look very effective. I think George Burns(if he came back from the dead) could probably knock him out.

Sometimes he affects accents in his movies. Like the one with DMX, he was talking in ghetto-speak, it was horrible. This other one where he is a New Orleans cop, he adopted a cajun drawl which was really horrible. He always has a much younger girlfriend in his movies. The bloated,pony tailed killing machine is a ladies man for sure.

When I visited my wife's family in the Philippines, her brother had a huge movie collection,unfortunately he had every Seagal movie ever made. Over a three week period we seemed to watch 1-2 of theses a day(not my choice). I didn't realize how many movies he has made-they must go straight to home video.

I feel qualified to say the Seagal has about 5-6 good movies and about 90 bad ones.

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There are better action films and better martial artists out there, but I grew up watching Seagal's films, and as bad as the storylines might get I still love them. From his recent films I thought "Driven to Kill"/"Ruslan" was one of his best; also "Killswitch" was pretty good.

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Just watched Under Seige the other night, more for a joke, his moves are slow and sloppy and this was probably one of his better movies. My, the little blonde mullet, Erin something... she had some immaculate assetsXD

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Guest WuxiaFan

I thought Seagal's first 4 films were his best followed by UNDER SEIGE 1 and 2 and EXIT WOUNDS. His first 4 films: ABOVE THE LAW, HARD TO KILL, MARKED FOR DEATH, and OUT FOR JUSTICE really showed off his aikido skills. OUT FOR JUSTICE is one of my favorite Seagal movies and other than his stupid Brooklyn accent, the bar scene is one of his best fight scenes, especially the pool cue fight against "sticks" (can't remember who the other actor was). Also loved MARKED FOR DEATH for the action and the lead villan, Screwface (where else will you get a villan's name like that!). I liked UNDER SIEGE 2 better than 1. The story and action was better, but Tommy Lee Jones was also good.

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Guest WuxiaFan
the other actor was non other than guru dan inosanto

HOLY CRAP! I never knew that! I don't have it on DVD, and I just got rid of my VHS! :o

Seagal's Brooklyn accent sounded fine to my Scottish ear... but I guess if you're from Brooklyn... lol

I'm not from Brooklyn either, but to my American ear, it was a VERY bad accent!:quiet:

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HOLY CRAP! I never knew that! I don't have it on DVD, and I just got rid of my VHS! :o

yeah...they put a HORRIBLE wig on him. i think inosanto should have thought about movies more...instead he is in alot of forgettable productions...but then again, alot of what he does *being the world's most experienced martial artist IMO) wouldn't translate well in terms of screenfighting....and by the way...have you ever seen brazilian brawl? good god

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The whole white guy ninja thing has never worked. The only guy i thought pulled it off was carradine imho. Chuck norris was in

I think chris farley exposed that role for what it truly was.

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The one that's supposed to be on A & E or some other cable channel this Fall? Something about Seagal helping train and/or work with cops in New Orleans or somewhere? Anyone else have better info on this? I'm actually looking forward to it, a look at Seagal's actual practical skills as well as a glimpse of the real person, could be interesting.

As for Chuck Norris as a martial artist, I don't think he could choreagraph an exciting fight scene to save his own life but if you see clips from his tournament matches (look for the one against Louis Delgado) in the sixties or any of his martial arts demos you can see he was a good martial artist, looked better in real life than on screen. Also, though Bruce Lee is lately being touted as the father of modern MMA, Chuck cross trained in a wide variety of martial arts too (judo, Japanese karate with Fumio Demura, jujitsu both traditional & Brazilian, kickboxing with Benny Urquidez, wrestling with "Judo" Gene LeBell, kenpo, etc., etc.) from his first training days in Korea right through the Walker Texas Ranger days. He may not look exciting, but he was legit, in his youthful prime I think he could've probably kicked the butt of any other action star in Hollywood (& Hong Kong, too). Chuck trained more for real fighting than most anyone else in the movies. Not that that helped his movies much.

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The one that's supposed to be on A & E or some other cable channel this Fall? Something about Seagal helping train and/or work with cops in New Orleans or somewhere? Anyone else have better info on this? I'm actually looking forward to it, a look at Seagal's actual practical skills as well as a glimpse of the real person, could be interesting.

As for Chuck Norris as a martial artist, I don't think he could choreagraph an exciting fight scene to save his own life but if you see clips from his tournament matches (look for the one against Louis Delgado) in the sixties or any of his martial arts demos you can see he was a good martial artist, looked better in real life than on screen. Also, though Bruce Lee is lately being touted as the father of modern MMA, Chuck cross trained in a wide variety of martial arts too (judo, Japanese karate with Fumio Demura, jujitsu both traditional & Brazilian, kickboxing with Benny Urquidez, wrestling with "Judo" Gene LeBell, kenpo, etc., etc.) from his first training days in Korea right through the Walker Texas Ranger days. He may not look exciting, but he was legit, in his youthful prime I think he could've probably kicked the butt of any other action star in Hollywood (& Hong Kong, too). Chuck trained more for real fighting than most anyone else in the movies. Not that that helped his movies much.

Yeah I agree, Chuck was the real deal, and the man is still in incredible shape for his age, I'm betting he could still get up and clean house.

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Guest WuxiaFan
The whole white guy ninja thing has never worked. The only guy i thought pulled it off was carradine imho. Chuck norris was in some low level choreograhped movies considering what came before all that in the 70-80's with the shaw brothers. He actually knew bruce lee.............. well i cant say i could tell from any of his films. I wont say chuck norris was a bogus martial artist but i will say he was just average.......... many people could defeat chuck norris it didn't take anyone special im sure of it.

Huh...I thought this thread was about Steven Seagal...:o

No, haven't heard of it.

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brazilian brawl was to showcase inosanto's brazilian jiujitsu instructors...what was a great idea turned out to be the WORST action film ever. inosanto played a small role as a farmer from california

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Guest WuxiaFan
What his best films?

IMO (and in no particular order):





-UNDER SEIGE 1 and 2


I don't have an opinion on all of his direct-to-video films, as I have not seem them. I think he was in his prime when he did the above films.

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