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IS tarantino using eastern condors music for his new film?


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Guest Markgway

Not all of the music used in Eastern Condors was composed for that film. There's one distinctive cue that was however and I would hazard a guess that's what QT would be using.

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Parts of the EC soundtrack were used in The Big Boss and Hand of Death.

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60's and 70's music in a WWII movie?????

This guy is such a douchy hack, it's not even funny!

I really hope this movie bombs hard, So we can be rid of that overhyped, one trick pony, once and for all!!!!

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Yeah, movies that was set in the 90's and up! Not in the 40's!

What are the soldiers gonna be talking about, in between scalping nazis??

1920's pop culture? are they gonna quote silent movies?

This is gonna suck, and you all know it!

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Yeah, movies that was set in the 90's and up! Not in the 40's!

What are the soldiers gonna be talking about, in between scalping nazis??

1920's pop culture? are they gonna quote silent movies?

This is gonna suck, and you all know it!

I agree. The trailer looks awful and Tarantino hasn't done a good movie since Pulp Fiction. What happened to the martial arts movie he said he wanted to make following Kill Bill? I think I remember him saying he wanted to make it in Mandarin with chinese actors. That sounds better than this movie.

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The Dragon

He's too full of himself... always talking about going to do a movie about this, then a movie about that... Remember, this is the film that was supposed to star Swartzenegger, Stallone, Chuck Norris, Bogart, Sinatra, and Elvis!!

Tarantino is not all that! He's borrowing from material already done. Remakes and rehashes are his forte'. What original story has he done?

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I don't like his movies at all! Not one!

People always wonder why I have no Tarantino in my ever growing movie collection, when they see all the Blaxploitation, Kung Fu, B-movies etc. And I always reply with the same answer.... Just because I love the movies he STEALS from, does not mean I like his movies!

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I don't mind him as a director, but to be blunt, he steals ideas. I know there supposed to be homages to other movies, but adleast just do it once or twice, not the whole damn movie!

- Goldenfist

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60's and 70's music in a WWII movie?????

This guy is such a douchy hack, it's not even funny!

I really hope this movie bombs hard, So we can be rid of that overhyped, one trick pony, once and for all!!!!

I looked through the music choices, and I don't really see any problem with any of them. In fact, I think it kicks ass. Say what you want about Tarantino as a filmmaker, but his use of music in his movies has always been great. I practically weeped when the Lady Snowblood theme came on at the end of Kill Bill. Also, do you also realize how many movies use music from different time periods? I don't know--I just don't get where you're coming from here. This is a regular occurence; to just put it all on Tarantino like he's stupid for doing this is weird. Besides, I rather have a movie full of Morricone and obscure HK music over your typical manufactured Hollywood instrumental soundtrack any day of the week.

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uhmm..as much as i agree (to an extent), let's look at it this way. how many KF classics steal hollywood soundtracks or recycle their own?

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I don't care about the use of particular music, It's the anachronism that I find ridiculous! He's putting in 60's, 70's and 80's music in a WW2 movie, to (try) and be cool! This guy is stuck in some remote timewarp, and the only ones who thinks this video store geek-come tough guy poser, or his horribly unoriginal movies are cool, is himself, and his legion of misguided fanboys!

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He's too full of himself... always talking about going to do a movie about this, then a movie about that... Remember, this is the film that was supposed to star Swartzenegger, Stallone, Chuck Norris, Bogart, Sinatra, and Elvis!!

Tarantino is not all that! He's borrowing from material already done. Remakes and rehashes are his forte'. What original story has he done?

What original story has ever been done?

Texts come from other texts, films are born from other films. The only difference between QT and other directors is that what other directors do un-wittingly, QT does deliberately.

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I like most of his films but Death Proof shown me what a hack he is. I knew he ripped old movies off, even Inglorious Bastard$ is a rip off but DP demonstrated how uphimself he really he. Basically the film was a bunch of girls nattering on with a few uninspired car chases *yawn*.

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