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What video games have you been playing

Omni Dragon

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Alex Kidd is great, in some ways I prefer him & his games to Mario's. I heard that he was inspired by Monkey King & Bruce Lee. There's even Jiangshi(Chinese Vampire) in ALEX KIDD IN THE ENCHANTED CASTLE. If you like old school SEGA then SEGA MEGA DRIVE ULTIMATE COLLECTION(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic%27s_Ultimate_Genesis_Collection) is a great compilation for the 360/PS3 in fact IMO it's the best game compilation ever officially released & it's the cheapest way to get some of the games without roms.

I can definately see the monkey king influence with the fantasy setting, the side burns and big ears. I got the sega megadrive collection for the 360 its great. I never had a megadrive when I was a kid. I just had the master system as a Christmas present in 1990 well after the megadrive was launched - my mum got it me coz she couldn't afford a megadrive. All my mates had a megadrive, but I was happy with my master system. I really like shinobi 3, alien storm and the phantasy star games for the megadrive. Apparently phantasy star was the first modern RPG game. It was the game that became the blueprint of how RPG's are made today.

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Where do u guys get these old skool games from? Is there an Xbox arcade library or PSN store section I don't know about? Or, are you guys talking about the physical game you buy at store?

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Where do u guys get these old skool games from? Is there an Xbox arcade library or PSN store section I don't know about? Or, are you guys talking about the physical game you buy at store?

Theres a physical game called "sega megadrive/genesis ultimate collection" for the xbox360 and ps3 with 41 sega megadrive/genesis games on it.


There are also some available via xbox live games marketplace and ps store.

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Apparently phantasy star was the first modern RPG game. It was the game that became the blueprint of how RPG's are made today.

I'd say DRAGON QUEST(WARRIOR) which heavily influenced PHANTASY STAR was the first. As far as I know before DRAGON Q, RPGs where pretty much dungeon crawlers on PCs & before that they text-based(on PCs) & before they were Tabletop RPG.

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I'd say DRAGON QUEST(WARRIOR) which heavily influenced PHANTASY STAR was the first. As far as I know before DRAGON Q, RPGs where pretty much dungeon crawlers on PCs & before that they text-based(on PCs) & before they were Tabletop RPG.

Do think so? Never played it but perhaps you're right.

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All depends on your definition of "modern" RPG

I've been thinking about a bit more one of the pre-DRAGON QUEST, ULTIMA could be considered the 1st modern. Would depend on definition.I find the term RPG itself is getting more loosely used these games. DRAGON QUEST is probably the first modern RPG on a console.

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All depends on your definition of "modern" RPG

I've been thinking about a bit more one of the pre-DRAGON QUEST, ULTIMA could be considered the 1st modern. Would depend on definition.I find the term RPG itself is getting more loosely used these games. DRAGON QUEST is probably the first modern RPG on a console.

I was going off an internet article i read about phantasy star and how it was described plus the similarities I see in the games when I play phantasy star, to the elder scrolls and mass effect series. No doubt it is one of the most influential RPG franchises ever. But I suppose if we dissect the whole genre and vary on definitions then it would be impossible to pinpoint exactley what THE first 'modern' RPG was.

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But dragon warrior pre-dated phantasy star. So if phantasy star is more of the same as dragon warrior, then i guess we should consider DW as more of a blue print for modern RPG's than PS.

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It's funny. The fist time I played Phantasy Star I got killed by this huge fly. The same thing happened the first time I played Fallout New Vegas when I headed along the trail north of goodsprings.

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DL'ed a bunch of demos out of boredom, and most were crap, except for one... actually the one I was banking on the least... Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams. Amazing 2D platformer, great graphics, perfect controls, cool concept... everything works here. DL'ing the full game as I type. Looking forward to playing this through.

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I just got the first Bioshock and LA Noire so I'm looking forward to playing both. I'm hoping to get Ni No Kuni this weekend as that's at the top of my "Must play" list.

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LA Noire is not for everybody, but I loved it. Especially when you're in Homicide Division chasing the serial killer. That is just thick with atmosphere and some real suspense.

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LA Noire is not for everybody, but I loved it. Especially when you're in Homicide Division chasing the serial killer. That is just thick with atmosphere and some real suspense.

I'm glad to hear it. I'm looking forward to the storyline and detective aspects of the game far more than the shoot 'em up missions.

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Plenty of detecting to do, way more than action. Probably one of the best written games ever.

Playing a little Shock Troopers 2, but my thumb goes numb after about level 2, so I had to stop.

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I liked LA Noire up until the final storyline of working in the arson division. The case wasn't very interesting and it felt tacked on to make the game longer.

I'm still playing a little bit of Grand Theft Auto Online, but I think I'm pretty much done with it until some DLC comes out. The free roam mode is destroyed now since everyone got hacked money - so you have every dipshit running around with tanks and attack helicopters.

Got Battlefield 4 for Xmas. Tried playing online a bit and got destroyed. My FPS skills are pretty rusty.

Hotline Miami was on sale for $2.50 so I snagged it. Fun and violent action/puzzle game with a nice retro vibe, but it is hard as hell. I died about 30 times on the first level.

Picked up Medal of Honor: Warfighter on clearance at Target for $5. Haven't played it yet though.

I got Assassin's Creed Black Flag and Batman Arkham Origins on the Wii U for my (soon to be) stepson for Xmas. Watched him play Black Flag for a while and even on the underpowered Wii U it's still a very pretty game and the naval battles make it a nice change of pace from the usual AC stuff.

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I recently completed SLEEPING DOGS story was my favourite story in an open world driving though was a bit easy the hard thing was the time it takes to finish took me 14h 53m including a few side missions. Maybe in 2009 I would have said it was the best game i'd ever played as it has almost everything great combat, driving & maybe a little under used gun play. but I've played spent many hours playing open world driving games it's getting a little old hat for me especially out side of missions. I'll probably SLEEPING DOGS a bit more then move on to something else maybe THE BOUNCER, CANIS CANEM EDIT, VIEWTIFUL JOE, THE RED STAR or BLUE DRAGON or maybe none of the listed...

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Secret Executioner

Been playing Sensible World Of Soccer lately. A fun soccer games from the late 1990s. And there are teams you can custom so I made a "Shaw Brothers" team. :tongue:


Sorry if it's hard to read, it's the best I could get. :squigglemouth:

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LA Noire is not for everybody, but I loved it. Especially when you're in Homicide Division chasing the serial killer. That is just thick with atmosphere and some real suspense.

bought it a year or so ago, never finished it. thanks for bringing this game to our attention. I will seek this out.

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Been playing Sensible World Of Soccer lately. A fun soccer games from the late 1990s. And there are teams you can custom so I made a "Shaw Brothers" team. :tongue:


Sorry if it's hard to read, it's the best I could get. :squigglemouth:

I made a team on PES 09 that was Kung Fu characters San Te, Hung Hsi Kuan, Fang Shih Yu but I based their looks on the actors who played them also did a Bruce Lee after SHAOLIN SOCCER but try to made him looks as close to the real Bruce as I could I called him Bruce Law to be like a clone named after Forest/ Marshall law off TEKKEN. Made a custom White Haired Master as well. Also on the team had non-Kung Fu Actor the Chuckle & Patton Brothers, Wrestler Sabu & Ken Shaw who's my made up Video Game character(that I use in games where you create characters) Ken after Kenji(the default name) from the game WAY OF THE SAMURAI(as Kenji's story/personality is really up to the player) & you know where I got Shaw from.

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The Last of Us

Batman Arkham Origins

Battlefield 3

Devil May Cry (Ninja Theory reboot)

Tomb Raider (2013 reboot)

Bioshock Infinite

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Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse, Pt 1 (2013) - Very creative use of 2D sketching/drawings intact with 3D modeling, and retaining several familiar elements found in the first two games in the franchise. So far, there's no other adventure game of this caliber that have come close of recapturing the spirit of what made the sub-genre so classical. However I wish the game could've been longer or be made into a complete story because there were loose ends that will be tied for a second part coming out during Q2 this year. Not sure why they decided to do this (sales purposes?) but it affects the overall fun factor of playing it and leaves you wanting more. Rating: 8/10

Batman: Arkham Origins (2013) - Apart from several glitches (something the game have been heavily criticized for) and the overall gameplay obviously taking after Batman: Arkham City, the story and use of many famous villains (confronting Firefly was my personal favorite moment in the game) from the Batman/DC Universe make this entry to the Arkham series one of the most satisfying and fun game experiences of 2013 imo. Also, unlike the previous games this one has the biggest Nolan influence which is evident through how they managed to create the environments (less cartoonish/comic-booky), the look/outfits of Batman, the main villains and the goons, and borrowing elements from Nolan movies for the music score (with a touch of Die Hard in there as well). Rating: 10/10

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Currently playing the complete version of Mafia II on Windows. Totally different from the first game but it's lovely! TBC...

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Neil Koch

FYI - for you guys on PS3, there are some good games on sale for $5 this weekend, including LA Noire, GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption. I snagged the latest Mortal Kombat.

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