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What video games have you been playing

Omni Dragon

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PS4 Used Game Instructional Video:


Wheyyyy nice 1 Sony!!!!! completely kicks MS up the arse lol

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Omni Dragon

they got a big cheer at E3:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmoZAPDV3ew@ 1:57:24 just for saying what all consoles have done for about 41years play used games. I bet Sony spent years planing the PS4 press conference they just had to wait a weeks before for MS to make stupid restrictions & bam!

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FLASHBACK the dlc reboot of the 90's snes classic.... pretty damn good. Loved the original, and this is, from what i've played so far, a very good updated homage.

TRINE 2.... don't know why I just got around to playing this now... this game is fucking amazing!!! It has everything I want from a 2D platformer, nice action, brain busting puzzles, running, jumping, swinging all with perfect control, three great archetypal characters, perfect cosy old school fairytale vibe, and just beautiful graphics. This is the best game i've played in years!

Oh, and got all the packs and add-ons for Sleeping Dogs just to breathe some new life into another great fave of mine....

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I recently played through Uncharted 2 and 3, not sure which one I liked more. They were both amazing.

I have also put about 100 hours into Dragon's Crown on PS3 and it is a really fun game. Its a throwback to the old 2D beat em ups from the 90's. Definitely check it out if you were into old beat em ups! You can join random games and play through the levels with other people any time you want or join a friend's game and adventure with a buddy.

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I recently played through Uncharted 2 and 3, not sure which one I liked more. They were both amazing.

I have also put about 100 hours into Dragon's Crown on PS3 and it is a really fun game. Its a throwback to the old 2D beat em ups from the 90's. Definitely check it out if you were into old beat em ups! You can join random games and play through the levels with other people any time you want or join a friend's game and adventure with a buddy.

Okay I will look into Dragon's Crown, I'm from the old skool so this should suit me well:tongue:

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Went round Fightingfist's on Thursday we played BATTLETOADS & DOUBLE DRAGON NES(on a emultator) & MARIO KART SNES(on a emultator)

On Xbox 360


Fightingfist played WAY OF SAMURAI 3 as I explained how to play it.

Deathmatch on DOOM

PUNCH-OUT on wii


then we played against each other on SOUL CALIBUR, SEGA GT

READY 2 RUMBLE BOXING, STREET FIGHTER III: 3RD STRIKE & CAPCOM vs. SNK: MILLENNIUM FIGHT 2000(think I had the most fun playing this on Thursday)

I've been playing a lot of MAFIA on PS2 & my XBL Gold ends tomorrow so I've been playing RED DEAD REDEMPTION(which I borrowed from Fightingfist) on XBL I'll probably finish MAFIA then go on to RED DEAD story.

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Thinking about getting the two dlc packs for Mafia 2, Joe's Adventures & Jimmy's Vendetta.... did anyone play these? recommended? long, short, worth the money?

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Also been thinking of getting Mafia 2 (Director's cut). It got a relatively low rating at Gamespot when it was released but has since been upped to 8.5.

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It's a great open world game, nice period vibe, superb soundtrack, good story. Also loved the fact that you went to prison, and actually had to "make it on the inside" fighting fellow inmates etc. Never seen that in any other game.

The graphics are a mixed bag, ranging from really nice to ocassional cliping, some pop ups, and jaggy textures, but overall good.

It's sadly too short (why im thinking of getting he dlc packs) and there's is too much driving from A to B.

As a whole I loved it. Wish they would make a part 3....

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I played the Jimmy's Vendetta DLC and it was fun - but it doesn't really tie into the main story at all. It is just more straight forward action as you have a bunch of small mini missions (kill this guy, steal this car, etc).

I liked both Mafia games but I don't think there will be a third because 2 didn't sell well enough.

If you liked the stuff in the prison, there is a similar thing in one of the Yakuza games - I think it is 4 - where one of the characters is in prison and you have to fight off guards and other convicts while you try to escape.

Anyway, I just got done playing through Saint's Row IV, which was very over the top but still fun. I picked up Assassins Creed: Brotherhood on clearance at Target for $5, so I am playing that until GTAV comes out in a couple of weeks.

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Having complete The Last Of Us, I'm now obsessed with the online multiplayer and have been playing that non-stop for weeks.

I need to go back and finish up Heavy Rain and, over the weekend, I started Uncharted 2.

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Having complete The Last Of Us, I'm now obsessed with the online multiplayer and have been playing that non-stop for weeks.

I need to go back and finish up Heavy Rain and, over the weekend, I started Uncharted 2.

The online is definitely really fun in The Last of Us. I still need to beat story mode on survivor, it is sooo tough though, supplies are basically no where to be found.

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I originally didn't pick up The Last of Us because I was using a old fat 40GB PS3 when it came out and I heard that the game was really rough on older systems because of the constant loading. My PS3 died anyway - I blame Dark Souls, a game so hard that it killed my PS3.

But now with GTAV just around the corner, I think I'll hold off on TLoU for now. That game's probably gonna be permanently in my PS3 for a good few months.

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The online is definitely really fun in The Last of Us. I still need to beat story mode on survivor, it is sooo tough though, supplies are basically no where to be found.

I only tackled it on Normal and found it hard enough! I'm really pleased that the online gameplay adds so much more to the game.

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I originally didn't pick up The Last of Us because I was using a old fat 40GB PS3 when it came out and I heard that the game was really rough on older systems because of the constant loading. My PS3 died anyway - I blame Dark Souls, a game so hard that it killed my PS3.

But now with GTAV just around the corner, I think I'll hold off on TLoU for now. That game's probably gonna be permanently in my PS3 for a good few months.

I've decided that I genuinely dislike open world games. I suffer from anxiety and whenever I start a game that's huge and open I feel instantly terrible. Skyrim almost killed me and I had to put it away. I get stupidly panicky about whether I'm doing the right thing at the right time. Stupid, I know. But that's what anxiety does.

It's a shame really because I'd love to play GTA V and similar games. I've slowly plodded through Red Dead Redemption but even that drives me crazy sometimes.

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I've decided that I genuinely dislike open world games. I suffer from anxiety and whenever I start a game that's huge and open I feel instantly terrible. Skyrim almost killed me and I had to put it away. I get stupidly panicky about whether I'm doing the right thing at the right time. Stupid, I know. But that's what anxiety does.

It's a shame really because I'd love to play GTA V and similar games. I've slowly plodded through Red Dead Redemption but even that drives me crazy sometimes.

Lol I know exactley what you mean man. In Skyrim (which I played for over 200 hours) my anxiety caused me to collect every single magical weapon and item in the game I could possibly get hold of (and there are hundreds and hundreds of them - mostly in my bedroom chest in whiterun)) and keep them in case I ever needed them. Which I never did coz I ended up mostly only using the dragonbane sword and Deadric armour. And if i was ever overcumbered and needed to drop a magical item, I'd feel dread. As if I'd never survive without it even tho 90% of magical items I had I never actually used. And I had to collect every single unit of money I could get hold of. So I ended up with so much that its more than i can possibly spend and there is nothing to buy anyway coz I have most magical weapons and items and spells. My anxiety also caused me to save the game after almost every single ancounter i had in case I came accross a game ending glitch which never happened also. One of My very first encounters in the game got me panicked. I came accross a giant and he started waving his club at me when i got near. So i thought "Come on then Dickhead!" and started swinging my sword into his flesh that had almost no effect on his health. He whacked me once with his club and I literally flew into the clouds. I thought "Never approach one of those fuckers ever again." Of course once you reach level 50 they're easy.

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And if i was ever overcumbered and needed to drop a magical item, I'd feel dread. As if I'd never survive without it even tho 90% of magical items I had I never actually used.

This, right here, is exactly what I did! "I shouldn't drop this pear of leather boots just in case I need them later on." I just couldn't summon the strength to give anything up.

One of My very first encounters in the game got me panicked. I came accross a giant and he started waving his club at me when i got near. So i thought "Come on then Dickhead!" and started swinging my sword into his flesh that had almost no effect on his health. He whacked me once with his club and I literally flew into the clouds. I thought "Never approach one of those fuckers ever again." Of course once you reach level 50 they're easy.

Again, exactly the same thing happened to me. I wasn't leveled highly and was just getting to grips with the game and I came across two giants. I panicked, instantly believed that I should have been a much higher level so had obviously been playing the game badly, turned it off and have never returned to it.

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Ya'll mofos got issues:wink:

I game to relax, if it caused me anxiety, I wouldn't game. Frustration and rage... sure, but that's where I draw the line:smile:

GTAV is a must have for sure, and despite my intense hatred for Ass Creed 3, AC- Black Flag looks decent from what i've seen. Also Watch Dogs looks amazing.

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Ya'll mofos got issues:wink:

I game to relax, if it caused me anxiety, I wouldn't game. Frustration and rage... sure, but that's where I draw the line:smile:

I never used to suffer from anxiety. Depression, sure, but anxiety? Nope. Since my divorce and other personal hiccups, I've developed a pretty bad case, however.

I didn't realize at first and, when it came to gaming, just assumed I was getting frustrated and didn't enjoy the game but the truth is I was having anxiety attacks while playing. They're a pain in the arse because I want to play the giant, open world games. I just find that I can't.

Sadly, I suffer the same thing when it comes to kung fu movies. When I get a bunch in my "To watch" pile I get anxious that I'll never watch them and it turns into this downward spiral of, "Why do I even collect? I might as well just give up."

Christ, it sounds like I'm treating this thread as some kind of therapy session. Sorry guys.

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I use to have some issues with depression, anxiety etc. too, but through kung fu training, meditation, working out, better diet, regular sleep pattern and so on, I managed to work through that. I still suffer from winter depression, an actual syndrome, not just "bad weather blues" like some people think, but im also working on that, and on the sleep thing. I have partial insomnia.

I don't believe in self medication. I use painkillers if I ache, that's it. Therapy can be good, I used that after a coke addiction in the early naughts, that fucked with my mind, but I don't think therapy should be a crotch. There's a lot of improvements you can do yourself, like some of the stuff I mentioned above. Of course different things works for different people, it's just about figuring out what works for you.

Wow, that got a little heavy..... so......how about those video games, huh?:smile:

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I always find exercise is the best medicine when I'm feeling down. I'm not the type to open up about my problems, its just too difficult. But as for Anxiety. I have always suffered from it from early childhood, as I got older it seems to have got worse. I'm thankful it has kept me away from crime and drugs because I'm not psychologically equipped to deal with the consequences of them, my anxiety would overwhelm me. With anxiety you always convince yourself that the worst will happen even when there is next to no chance of the worst actually happening. It can be psychologically crippling.

The best therapy for it, for me, is reading Taoism, Zen buddhism, J and UG Krishnamurti, evolutionary psychology, and Philosophy that has Nihilism and Absurdism to it. Pondering on these things comforts me as they give me the realization that thought is only subjective and the things that cause my anxiety are irrational in relation to objective reality.

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King Of Fighters '98 and '99 on Wii VC, like '99 better.

Spiderman- Shattered Dimensions... cost nothing on XBL, so I had low to no expectations. But damn, it is great. Love to be happily surprised.

Also from XBL... WWE AllStars, not a wrestling fan now, but this had some of my childhood faves from the 80's on the roster, so I checked it out, and I love it... I suck at it, but it's really fun.

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Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Classic!

I used to love playing this as the 'built-in' game of my sega master system II when I was a kid. I downloaded it via xbox live as part of a package with revenge of shinobi and super hang on. I love this little game, it's so addictive.

For those who don't know it was developed in 1986 as one of many attempts at sega to make a game as direct competition to nintendos mario bros. Eventually they succeeded with sonic the hedgehog. But it's a shame Alex Kidd in miracle world isn't as well known. I can now complete it in less than 20 minutes and most of the time without losing a life.

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Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Classic!

I used to love playing this as the 'built-in' game of my sega master system II when I was a kid. I downloaded it via xbox live as part of a package with revenge of shinobi and super hang on. I love this little game, it's so addictive.

For those who don't know it was developed in 1986 as one of many attempts at sega to make a game as direct competition to nintendos mario bros. Eventually they succeeded with sonic the hedgehog. But it's a shame Alex Kidd in miracle world isn't as well known. I can now complete it in less than 20 minutes and most of the time without losing a life.

Alex Kidd is great, in some ways I prefer him & his games to Mario's. I heard that he was inspired by Monkey King & Bruce Lee. There's even Jiangshi(Chinese Vampire) in ALEX KIDD IN THE ENCHANTED CASTLE. If you like old school SEGA then SEGA MEGA DRIVE ULTIMATE COLLECTION(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic%27s_Ultimate_Genesis_Collection) is a great compilation for the 360/PS3 in fact IMO it's the best game compilation ever officially released & it's the cheapest way to get some of the games without roms.

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