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What video games have you been playing

Omni Dragon

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I didn't like the first one at all, and Revelations had some misfires, but yeah, this is the weakest entry since the first one. I also miss the european renaissance setting. Not that into the new setting. I also care less about the story and characters here.

Oh, and the ridiculous amount of graphical glitches, clipping, retarded AI etc. just makes the game seem unfinished.

Wouldn't say im dissaponted as such, cuz I had lowered my expectations way down. And I can't really call it till im done, but I hope they return to form, while still evolving for next time.

18th century Paris, London, Vienna would be cool.

Also, are there no assassin tombs or templar lairs in this? That was one of my fave things about the previous ones.

I have heard that a lot about the first AC game, but I really enjoyed it. I think it is one of those games that you either love it or hate it. Also, it seems that the tombs and lairs have been replaced by the sea missions, but that is just a guess. I also agree that the london setting would have realy been cool. I would have loved to climb up Big Ben, jump off, and run and beat up Jack the Ripper.:tongue:

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Im getting fucking sick of this Ass Creed game!!! Content and story-wise it's fine, but it's so poorly put together, with soooo many fucking flaws across the board that I start to wonder if someone even bothered to test this shit!

I can only speak on the 360 version, which is also reportedly the worst version..... Yeah, no shit!

Im gonna attempt to finish this game without headbutting the screen in sheer frustration. But if the makers of the AC series want my money for the next one, they better get their heads out of their rectal cavities and knock it outta the fucking park!

All the glowing reviews cannot have been about the 360 version, I know that much.

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My friend brought his 360 over the other night and we played Halo 4 online for about 6 hours straight.

I loved all the Halo games but I can definitely say this one has the best online play. I'm excited to play the single player at some point.

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Im getting fucking sick of this Ass Creed game!!! Content and story-wise it's fine, but it's so poorly put together, with soooo many fucking flaws across the board that I start to wonder if someone even bothered to test this shit!

I can only speak on the 360 version, which is also reportedly the worst version..... Yeah, no shit!

Im gonna attempt to finish this game without headbutting the screen in sheer frustration. But if the makers of the AC series want my money for the next one, they better get their heads out of their rectal cavities and knock it outta the fucking park!

All the glowing reviews cannot have been about the 360 version, I know that much.

I just finished it and I have to agree with you. I don't think it was the console. I have also been playing on the 360 and I found the graphics and control to be fine. I am sure if you ask PS3 and PC, that they will be saying the same thing as you and me. It is not the console to blame here, it was the stupid delevopers tht are. They have created a complete mess of a game. I have not been this disapointed since Mass Effect 3(Which was a piece of crap)Here are just a few of the things I disliked:

1- The main character: I cannot stand him, plan and simple. He is really friggin annoying, you don't really know where he stands on anything, and he is just plain-ass boring. He is a serious down-grade from Ezio.

2-The story: It is just a plain mess and I will tell you now that it doesn't have a very good ending. If you are raging at it now; then you are liable to break your screen when the end comes. "SPOLIER ALERT" It ends on a friggin cliffhanger"SPOLIER END" I kind of wish that the Assassin's Creed games had just been about Ezio's story now.

3-Brotherhood is basicly gone: Unlike the other games were you feel like you are part of something bigger. Here you just feel like a lone gunman that is killing people with no real purpose. I mean, Connor can whine all he wants about his "People", but it still feels like he has no real motive. He doesn't really support the American(or the britsh for that matter). I know for a fact that all the other Assassins up to this game, had a lot of support people outside the Assassins. Here, it seems that this idiot hates everyone. Even people that you think are going to be his friends, he just ends up blowing off.

4- The god awful sailing parts: Unlike the siege parts in, I think it was Brotherhood, that you could skip, this crap you atcually have to play. The controls are okay, but they are terroribly boring(exceopt when you finally get to board a ship). I really wish they had not mix them in with the main story.

There are many other parts that I don't like, but I haven't the time to list them all. I think this will be my only playthrough of this game and I will go back and play through Ezio's life again. At least it was fun. "RANT OVER"

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Oh, those fucking eavesdropping missions and pointless chases that just ends up in a cutscene anyway..... Im at the point where just don't really bother anymore!

You're right, the further you get, the more you hate it. So sad, it's my fave franchise of this gen of consoles, but they certainly did their damnedest to ruin that.

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Oh, those fucking eavesdropping missions and pointless chases that just ends up in a cutscene anyway..... Im at the point where just don't really bother anymore!

You're right, the further you get, the more you hate it. So sad, it's my fave franchise of this gen of consoles, but they certainly did their damnedest to ruin that.

Yeah, those easedropping mission were a pain.

Saddly, it's also my favorite franchise and I hate what they did to it. The Ezio games where brillantly done and amazing to play. Now it's just a broken mess, that makes you want to hate it.

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I spent part of the day playing my Neo Geo MVS....been after one for YEARS, and should have had this in March, but multiple repairs, etc took this long.

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Im sick of getting dissapointed by new games and paying full price, so im only buying one of either Far Cry 3 or Hitman Absolution..... just don't know which one yet.

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Tooling around with a few games but still picking up RE6 on occasion.


Whip Rush - one of the most underrated, undermentioned shmups I've had the chance to play.

Granada X - maybe one of the weaker Wolf Team efforts but still fantastic.

Yu Yu Hakusho (Treasure) - great game but hard to master.

PC Engine:

Mysterious Song - trying to enjoy it for what it is. The graphics are endearingly amateur and the music rocks... just don't have the patience anymore for a punishing oldschool rpg.

Override - very accessible but fast paced little shooter

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@jrcma >>Street Fighter x Megaman looks like great pixelfun! :nerd:

I have been playing quite a lot:

Borderlands 2


Hotline Miami


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For those who love Enter The Dragon and basically 70's KF cinema, the new DLC 'Zodiac Tournament' for Sleeping Dogs might be the ticket...


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Been playing Dragon's Dogma on the Xbox360. I am having a blast with that game. I would defintly say that it is one of the best RPGs to be released this year.

P.S. If anyone is interested in hiring my pawn in Dragon's Dogma, her name is 'Anita'. :nerd:

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mostly DAZE BEFORE CHRISTMAS(pretty good 2d platformer on MEGA DRIVE & SNES), JADE EMPIRE(XBOXreally enjoying the decision making & story the combat work well with the ability to change style in combat & good dodging but a bit button mashing & simple. I wish the combat was but still I can see this becoming one of my favourite games.action(MA) rpg) & TRAUMA CENTRE: NEW BLOOD(one of the best uses of Wii control wise. I guess it's a surgery simulator pretty interesting game.) along with some other stuff

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I got a PS3 for Christmas and, last night, began Unchartered 3. I'm enjoying it so far and looking forward to seeing where it goes.

I've just got Skyrim so will be firing that up this weekend.

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For those who love Enter The Dragon and basically 70's KF cinema, the new DLC 'Zodiac Tournament' for Sleeping Dogs might be the ticket...


Watching those clips makes me wonder why nobody has made a Bruce Lee game using all the locations and characters available from his movies. It'd be awesome to fight in the ice factory, the Japanese dojo from Fist, Coliseum in Rome, Han's island and then up the levels in the pagoda from Game of Death.

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Yeah, it's kinda sad that the only good Bruce Lee game ever made was Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story, a good game based on a bad movie about Bruce Lee. You're essentially playing as Jason Scott Lee, not Bruce.

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Yeah, it's kinda sad that the only good Bruce Lee game ever made was Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story, a good game based on a bad movie about Bruce Lee. You're essentially playing as Jason Scott Lee, not Bruce.

I remember playing that on the SNES and it was a decent game where you got to smash ice, fight sailors and then face a demon like in the movie but as you say that was Jason Scott Lee's version of Bruce. It must be about 10 years since Quest of the Dragon was released on Xbox so surely it's about time somebody had another go at a Bruce game on the new systems.

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BRUCE LEE: RETURN OF THE LEGEND was a pretty fun 2d platformer on GBA where you play as Bruce in in the 70's following an avenge your master story, you get to use nunchakus & staffs also there's sneaking pass guards that's ETD like other than that it's loosely Bruce based there was a pretty cool poster on level 2 IIRC that looked like THE KILLER(1989) which was cool. It was a good game that would still work without Bruce Lee.

You know Bruce's films where real action films unlike most films they make game's of & have to make up action stuff that was never in the films cos there's wasn't enough action for a game lol.

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Long time, no posts! (Apologies)

Not a lot of love for AC3 I see. I've got a sealed copy on my shelves but it sounds as if 'Revelations' (which I've yet to play) might be the last decent AC game I'll be enjoying!

My 2 favourite games of this year have been 'Dishonored' (went through the game 4 times finding alternative routes everytime...Game of the year for me easily!) and 'Far Cry 3' (had more fun exploring and hunting on the island than playing the storyline!)


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