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What video games have you been playing

Omni Dragon

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Is it any good? I have not been hearing good things about it.

I'm finding it enjoyable. The time period they chose was interesting. I really enjoyed 3 but I haven't yet had enough time to decide if I like this one better. It's good though.

What did you hear wasn't good about it?

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Completed STAR WARS THE FORCE UNLEASHED in the time KFC was down. Certainly one of the better STAR WARS games a lot of reviewers went on about the plot but I guess I disliked it cos it was set between 3 & 4. But over all it was a very good game great force powers.

I agree that it is a really good game, but that part with trying to bring down the battlecruiser(I think that is what it was:squigglemouth:) nearly killed the game for me.

I'm finding it enjoyable. The time period they chose was interesting. I really enjoyed 3 but I haven't yet had enough time to decide if I like this one better. It's good though.

What did you hear wasn't good about it?

I have heard that the story wasn't very good and the game play was difficult. I never really paid much attention to the hate, because they said the same about WOTS3 and that game is awsome.

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I agree that it is a really good game, but that part with trying to bring down the battlecruiser(I think that is what it was:squigglemouth:) nearly killed the game for me.

Star Destroyer? I think Star Destroyers are too small to be classified as battlecruiser. I could be wrong.

But this:


It was easy once I started used Force Lighting on the Tie Fighters & realised that the Destroyer & only turn it doesn't get any high once you start pulling it down. It's funny the fights with Darth Vader & The Emperor felt easier.

I have heard that the story wasn't very good and the game play was difficult. I never really paid much attention to the hate, because they said the same about WOTS3 and that game is awsome.

The first WOTS was fairly well received, 2 was slightly less so it was starting to get hate but then when 3 came out people seemed to really start to hate it especially the graphic whores.

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I have heard that the story wasn't very good and the game play was difficult. I never really paid much attention to the hate, because they said the same about WOTS3 and that game is awsome.

I thought the story was good, and the game play seems to be similar to WOTS3. One thing that's cool (not sure if it's in WOTS3) is (spoilers) "online" invading. It's not online as such, but the game uploads the character you most recently completed the game with, and every now and then your character can invade somebody else's game and likewise someone else's created character can wind up in yours.

There's not much to this, you just kill them and take their sword. It's helpful because often players will have created their own custom sword with great stats and charms on it so might not take as much time to create a sword with the charms you want. The swords are nerfed depending on the difficulty (I'm not sure how much though). If you're playing on easy, a sword that originally had 350 attack may only have half that, if you're on normal, hard, or harakiri the sword would be closer to its original stats according to the difficulty.

Have to be careful with it though, sometimes even on easy you'll get one-shotted by someone with a sword with high attack and/or good charms.

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Star Destroyer? I think Star Destroyers are too small to be classified as battlecruiser. I could be wrong.

But this:


It was easy once I started used Force Lighting on the Tie Fighters & realised that the Destroyer & only turn it doesn't get any high once you start pulling it down. It's funny the fights with Darth Vader & The Emperor felt easier.

The first WOTS was fairly well received, 2 was slightly less so it was starting to get hate but then when 3 came out people seemed to really start to hate it especially the graphic whores.

Yeah, it was a Star Destroyer, it has been a while since I played it. I agree that the final fights were really easy. It felt good to have a really good light saber dual though.

I don't understand the hate WOTS3 has gotten. It is one of the best games I have ever played. I think people need to get off their hight horse when it comes graphcs. They are not all there is to a great game.

I thought the story was good, and the game play seems to be similar to WOTS3. One thing that's cool (not sure if it's in WOTS3) is (spoilers) "online" invading. It's not online as such, but the game uploads the character you most recently completed the game with, and every now and then your character can invade somebody else's game and likewise someone else's created character can wind up in yours.

There's not much to this, you just kill them and take their sword. It's helpful because often players will have created their own custom sword with great stats and charms on it so might not take as much time to create a sword with the charms you want. The swords are nerfed depending on the difficulty (I'm not sure how much though). If you're playing on easy, a sword that originally had 350 attack may only have half that, if you're on normal, hard, or harakiri the sword would be closer to its original stats according to the difficulty.

Have to be careful with it though, sometimes even on easy you'll get one-shotted by someone with a sword with high attack and/or good charms.

It sounds really cool. I wish that they would release it on the 360. I guess I will have to enjoy the third until they decied to release it[hopefully in a collectors pack with the first two games:bigsmile:]

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Just completed 007 TOMORROW NEVER DIES PS1 pretty good game 3rd person shooter it funny you didn't realise when the PS1 was current gen the advantage of analog sticks. It was odd of the last mission I failed it about 3 times restarted it once but the 5 time I beat the end boss with out taking damage I can't of any other game that I've done that on.

Not sure if I want to play BRUCE LEE QUEST OF THE DRAGON XBOX or 007 THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH PS1(be quite interesting to do since TOMORROW was a 3rd person shooter & NOT ENOUGH is a 1st person shooter) or maybe something else...


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Code of Princess - 3DS - great successor to Guardian Heroes


Final Fantasy X

Psycho Chaser - one of the older PC Engine shmups with a classically tuned difficulty curve

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I been playing Hitman;Contracts on the original Xbox. Pretty good game. Some of the later missions have been getting rather difficult, but I am still having a ball with it.

:nerd:Also, 9 days and counting, untill Assassin's Creed III comes out!:nerd:

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I been playing Hitman;Contracts on the original Xbox. Pretty good game. Some of the later missions have been getting rather difficult, but I am still having a ball with it.

:nerd:Also, 9 days and counting, untill Assassin's Creed III comes out!:nerd:

Ah Hitmans Contracts was great so stealthy :P, need 2 play tht myself again too.

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Wow, MOH WARFIGHTER is apparantly so bad and broken that EA refused to send out review copies. I think that speaks volumes. well, don't have to waste my money now. The gaming industry is becoming worse than Hollywood. Why im a retro gamer, and retro movie fan...... and only into retro music..... ok, im living in the past! And why not? entertainment-wise the present sucks the big, fat veiny one!!!!

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Just got a copy of Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy for original Xbox. Heard good things about this game, so I will be playing it untill AC:3 comes out.

:nerd:Six days and counting, untill Assassin's Creed III comes out!:nerd:

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It sounds really cool. I wish that they would release it on the 360. I guess I will have to enjoy the third until they decied to release it[hopefully in a collectors pack with the first two games:bigsmile:]

I like that wish, you know I have had a wish well more of a dream for a while sort of to do with WAY OF THE SAMURAI it's a idea for a game that plays like WAY OF THE SAMURAI but set in the Ching Dynasty & to be like you the 70's Kung Fu Films the only though is that training scenes are classic in films but in a game I think they would be boring.

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I like that wish, you know I have had a wish well more of a dream for a while sort of to do with WAY OF THE SAMURAI it's a idea for a game that plays like WAY OF THE SAMURAI but set in the Ching Dynasty & to be like you the 70's Kung Fu Films the only though is that training scenes are classic in films but in a game I think they would be boring.

Have you ever played Jade Empire. I'm asking because it is pretty simialr to what you are talking about. it is set in a country similar to ancient china and pays heavy homage to the old MA films. I would suggest giving it a try if you haven't played it. It is only for the original Xbox and PC , but i can be downloaded from xbox live on the 360.Also, there are no training scenes, just a sprring match at the beginning of the game.Here is some game footage for it:

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Similar in some ways but different I don't think I could express the vision in my head in words.

I've not played the game but from what I've heard it's Wuxia like?

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Similar in some ways but different I don't think I could express the vision in my head in words.

I've not played the game but from what I've heard it's Wuxia like?

I wouldn't say that it was Wukia like. Even though it does have some aspects, like the costumes and magical settings. It's more like they took all the greatest aspects of MA films and put them in a blender. It has all the classic elements of MA films:

  1. The Old Master
  2. The Ancient Evil
  3. A ton of different Martial Arts styles(including Drunken Style!)
  4. Crazy characters
  5. The fight in a bar/restaurant
  6. Magical creatures and demons
  7. One fight after the other
  8. Many, many more!

I can not talk up this game enough. It is a game that any fan of the MA genre really needs to play.

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Just pre-ordered WWE 13, not bought a WWE game for years but this one looks pretty good with a huge roster that includes most of my favourite wrestlers from the 90s. Haven't seen any reviews yet but I wanted to pre-order to get the Mike Tyson playable character. :)

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Just dl'ed some old skool goodnes from the Wii virtual console...

The Last Blade

Fatal Fury- Real Bout

Fatal Fury- Real Bout 2

Final Fight 2

Final Fight 3

Waverace 64

Now I can pretend to live in the past where great, good and decent games were the norm....

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Now I can pretend to live in the past where great, good and decent games were the norm....

I'm pissed with DLC especial day 1 DLC & digital age on it ways but I don't think decent games where the norm. People don't tend to want to play the bad games of the pass they want to play the classics of the pass. The bad games tend to get forgotten & not talked about.

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I'm pissed with DLC especial day 1 DLC & digital age on it ways but I don't think decent games where the norm. People don't tend to want to play the bad games of the pass they want to play the classics of the pass. The bad games tend to get forgotten & not talked about.

Yeah, I can't count the amount of shit that was made back then. It just like you said, you only hear about the god ones now days.

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Just pre-ordered WWE 13, not bought a WWE game for years but this one looks pretty good with a huge roster that includes most of my favourite wrestlers from the 90s. Haven't seen any reviews yet but I wanted to pre-order to get the Mike Tyson playable character. :)

I'm excited too. Can't wait to play it.

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Playing Assassin's Creed 3, not that far in, so it's a tad early to call, but im not overly impressed yet. It's a big game though, so I hope it picks up.

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Playing Assassin's Creed 3, not that far in, so it's a tad early to call, but im not overly impressed yet. It's a big game though, so I hope it picks up.

I am just about done with it and I can assure you that It does pick up about the middle of the game(when Connor becomes an Assassin). I think this, by far, is the weakest in the series though. I'm not really that crazy about Conner. He just doesn't have the likeability that Ezio and Altair had. He comes across as whiny and irritating. The mechanics are still as great as ever and the story is pretty good. I really like the Desmond segments.Trying not to say too much, so I won't spoil it for you. And yeah, this game is HUGE.

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I didn't like the first one at all, and Revelations had some misfires, but yeah, this is the weakest entry since the first one. I also miss the european renaissance setting. Not that into the new setting. I also care less about the story and characters here.

Oh, and the ridiculous amount of graphical glitches, clipping, retarded AI etc. just makes the game seem unfinished.

Wouldn't say im dissaponted as such, cuz I had lowered my expectations way down. And I can't really call it till im done, but I hope they return to form, while still evolving for next time.

18th century Paris, London, Vienna would be cool.

Also, are there no assassin tombs or templar lairs in this? That was one of my fave things about the previous ones.

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