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who thinks kong do sucks?


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cant stand him.

the way he looks and fights...and the way he was SO overused as the villain in all the clone films

seriously....are there any fans out there of this "moe"?

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He looks a little weird and he seemed maybe a little slow and clumsy at times, but he was not that bad. There are many more annoying than him. I don't mind Chiang Tao. I never understood why so many people seem to hate Wu Ma either, he's ok.

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Killer Meteor

I like Chiang Tao, he has a cool deranged look and fights brutishly well if not gracefully well

Wu Ma: good performer, especially at comic relief, but a pretty shoddy director!

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Morgoth Bauglir

Wu Ma was good as a character actor, but god his fighting looked bad in that movie with Henry Yu Young and Sek Kin as the villain. I forget the name. I don't know what he was thinking trying to be the lead actor in a kung fu movie.

My favorite role for Kong Do was probably as that monster guy in Battle Wizard. He was born to play that part. He wasn't one of the top guys, but he's had tons of good fighting performances, like in Super Power, Blind Fist of Bruce and 10 Mag Killers, just to name a few. He was especially good in Tiger Over Wall. His slimy way of acting fit that movie perfectly.

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Killer Meteor

I like Chiang Tao best in Five Shaolin Masters. He and Bolo seemed to be joined at the hip in the late 70s, much like Lung Fei and Shan Mao. I hope they liked each other!

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"Wu Ma: good performer, especially at comic relief, but a pretty shoddy director!"

While true for the most part. He did know the diference. Showdown At The Cottonmill is pretty good and that was directed by Wu Ma. Chi Kuan Chun goes on in his interview about how Chang Cheh gave him like a number system on how to react in a given scene and it wasn't until he worked with Wu Ma as a director did he begin to get some tutoring with how to act in general. He had a lot of respect for Wu Ma. Just watched this again recently and the interview with Chi Kuan Chun is absolutely great. Rarescope, I was just goin on to my wife while we were watching it, how lucky and fortunate we as fans are to have Along Came A Tiger and Showdown At The Cottonmill treated with the respect they deserve for DVD release by a man doing this merely to preserve the genre and not for ANY profit. Is it Toby Russell who's behind Rarescope? Something I should know by now, I know. Cheers to him and the others doing the same!

Slightly derailed the post, sorry.

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Chiang Tao is a solid bad guy, not the greatest on screen fighter but not too bad a villain.

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silver hermit

you gotta love a chineseman that has the balls to rock a perm

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no serious his work at shaws was good he made a good villian like IFM said. after shaws it was all down hill from there

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I think Chiang Tao is cool. He's not always the main villain. He's usually on a lower level on the evil chain of command when he's in a film. I would rather watch him in a fight scene than Carter Wong, John Liu, Tan Tao Liang and of course, Jimmy Wang Yu. :) He probably comes off looking a little strange because he's tall and lanky, but his technique seems to be pretty good.

Here's a fight that has him against Bruce Li towards the end of the clip. I don't remember this from Dynamo. Was this one of the scenes that was removed and a clip of Bruce Lee & I with Danny Lee was inserted instead (and who was the bonehead who did that to Dynamo?!)



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Chiang Tao is not an actor with the presence or character to carry a lead role that well. Though he has some films were he shines a bit. Savage Five's alright. Can't think of too many others at the moment.

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that "along came a tiger" release was awesome! don wong is the man. great commentary.

ok...now back to kong do suckage...

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I like seeing Kong Do (Chiang Tao) on screen. My favorite of his villain roles had to be as Mr. Ma in Return to the 36th Chamber. I saw an interview with him and I think he said he was actually a karate stylist too and was good friends with the late Alexander Fu Sheng. He may be a bad guy on screen but definitely showed he was a very nice guy in the interview (was on Shaw Brother's DVD of Na Cha the Great)

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I like Kong Do, he's had some great roles, but I always seen him more as a better second villain to the main one. He was awesome in Battle Wizard and looked his best in Return to the 36th Chamber.

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I like Chiang Tao, he has a cool deranged look and fights brutishly well if not gracefully well

Wu Ma: good performer, especially at comic relief, but a pretty shoddy director!

Wu Ma directed the Heroes. Give me a shoddy director with a title like that in his resume any day.

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I like seeing Kong Do (Chiang Tao) on screen. My favorite of his villain roles had to be as Mr. Ma in Return to the 36th Chamber. I saw an interview with him and I think he said he was actually a karate stylist too and was good friends with the late Alexander Fu Sheng. He may be a bad guy on screen but definitely showed he was a very nice guy in the interview (was on Shaw Brother's DVD of Na Cha the Great)

I was going to say much of the same. Well said. Kong Do is just a big pussycat, and his sweet words of Fu Sheng make him tops in my book.

Here is the link to his interview, and there is a part two.


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does this guy go by the name Kam Kong as well cause if it is I love him as the blind monk in Master of the Flying Guillotine either then that he is so much taller than the other actors and he is so much slower than everyone else.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Kam Kong's the villain in Iron Monkey, Shaolin Wooden Men, Ferocious Monk From Shaolin, Triumph of 2 KF Arts... Badass dude. Awesome eagle claw, good kicks... good fighter. But yeah he's kinda slow.

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I loved Chiang Tao as Billy Chong's father in Kung Fu Zombie. As for Kam Kong, what movie is he seen doing some acrobatic back flips? I saw it on youtube but can't remember the flick.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Kong Do is hilarious in KF Zombie. Love the scene where the other guy has taken over his body and he enters a restaurant, and a lady says hi to him. He immediately says hi back, but also immediately realizes he doesn't know this person. Great reaction from Kong Do there. Doesn't really sound that interesting when I explain it though:tongue:

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Kong Do/Chiang Tao had the right looks to make a good villain but I was never impressed with his MA ability, poor fellow was just to damn stiff. He always made the hero look good though by taking a good ass whipping.

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