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Golden Harvest - First Movie

Chen Kuan Tai

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Chen Kuan Tai

I read here in some threads about the first GH movies but isn't definetly to read here what's really the first movie of GH. Please tell me.

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golden harvest greg

The Angry River was probably the first completed G H movie. Peace !!!

All respects go to Bruce, Jackie and Angela. The original G H three.

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Guest Markgway
The Angry River was probably the first completed G H movie. Peace !!!

All respects go to Bruce, Jackie and Angela. The original G H three.


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Thought I'd bring this thread back from the dead... I was actually just about to start a thread called "what was Golden Harvest' first movie?"...


Are you pretty good at Golden Harvest history? If so, do you know is? (in this forum)

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Morgoth Bauglir

It must be something illegal, like Big Boss saw in the head scene. You sure you want to be involved in something like that Marge? I mean Mark.

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No, i gave up on the Saw-In-The-Head thing 11 years ago.

Whoever has that film reel in his garage can die with it. Same with Big Boss 2. I make myself 'don't care' when it comes to crap like that.

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Morgoth Bauglir

So it is in someone’s garage. Alright, now we are getting somewhere. :tongue:

I first heard about the saw in the head like 4 years ago. Ever since then I’ve gotten a good laugh from all the threads over the years.

So what do you need to know about Golden Harvest movies? I know a bit. Probably about 5% of what Markgway and thedirtytiger know, which is pretty good.

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I pretty much just dropped them a msg stating I might have some random GH questions. I'll add you to the list, as well. I'm sure you guys all know something the others might.

You are all special in your own ways. =D

Thanks in advance.

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Now I'm curious - what was the question? lol

And it's Markgway. Why is my name so difficult?? :(

No no ,it is not hard ! Witch is why it is remarkable that you keep forgetting it your self !!


Oh Well done !!!

( Must be all that STALKING which is giving you a temporary memory loss.. I see my BRIDE KUNG FU TECNIQUE is starting to work ...)

A very pleased Athena..:kiss:

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Morgoth Bauglir
No no ,it is not hard ! Witch is why it is remarkable that you keep forgetting it your self !!

I knew you were a Witch. I should have known by the pic in your signature. It's taken me many years, but I have finally found you. I hope you enjoy your burning:xd:

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Guest Markgway

Watch out Morgoth... she's been trying to seduce me, but as a Shaolin disciple I've resisted temptation.

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I knew you were a Witch. I should have known by the pic in your signature. It's taken me many years, but I have finally found you. I hope you enjoy your burning:xd:

Morgoth !

That is not witch but VILLANESS ! One who always last to the end fight & return from the DEAD with every sequel ( & I am signed up & paid for many more ...) !

And FLAMES ! I am the Grand Master of the BRIDE NIGHT ICE SKILL (!)

I can freeze a man to death with ONE GLANCE ! I can start ( of course I am FEMALE ) & end ANY fire at will !

ATHENA THE INVICIABLE is a sought after MASTER , I do not accept many students but lately out of PITY I just accepted a friend of yours. I have sworn him to secrecy but I will give you a hint : The only reason I didn't kill him while he was kneeling outside my SECRET BRIDE TEMPLE for 3 years was that he has 1/2 sifu status & therefore qualify to test for the position as LOWEST STUDENT !! But all my students are secret so he will have to deny it or I will have to kill him ...

& the Seduction ? Don't make me laugh ! I have implanted a magic chastity monitor under his skin above his heart ( Very hard to find that heart & kind of DARK:tinysmile_angry2_t: too hmm...!).

It will give him unbearable pain with EVERY UNCLEAN :tongue: TOUGHT !

Other vise how could he live with me & my female students ? It is his own choice !:ooh: I suggested the other alternative THE BRIDE NIGHT AMPUTATION SWORD SKILL.. But again I am a COMPASIONATE VILLANESS:tongue: so what else could I do ...



THE END :kiss:

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Morgoth Bauglir

Oh crap. I did not realize you could return from the dead. I stabbed you in the back, lit you on fire, and then buried you 100 feet under the ground. Sorry about that. Hopefully we can still be friends.

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Guest Markgway

Morgoth don't believe her evil lies... we Shaolin brothers must band together to fight such demonic influence.

Think what would Gordon Liu or Fu Sheng do?

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Morgoth don't believe her evil lies... we Shaolin brothers must band together to fight such demonic influence.

Think what would Gordon Liu or Fu Sheng do?

Is this the best lie you can come up with STUDENT ? You really are not absorbing any of MY SKILLS yet are you? How disappointing ! ( I WARNED YOU NOT TO DISAPOINT ME (when I took pity on you & BOTH ACCEPTED YOU & LET YOU temporary LIVE ) OR ELSE ...) !

I on the other hand increased my powers WHEN I STOLE YOUR CHI ! Not by much though (!) , Your CHI should have been a bit more INTENSE , BUT I realize now I have been YOUR WEAKNESS for a long time! Again DISAPOINTING !!! Don't make this a habit , you must stop being such SLOW LEARNER !! ( If your Grand Master Pai Mei had not intervened & begged me on your behalf ,you would have been A ROTTENING CORPS BY NOW...)

I will point this out (AGAIN ) ONE LAST TIME :

Learn from your former Shaolin Brother ( Now you belong to me ! No more SHAOLIN BROTHERS !)

* He realise his wrong ways & APPLOGIZED, BEGGED MY FORGIVNESS & POINTED OUT MY SUPERIORITY ! He is (for now..) UNHARMED & ALIVE !!!

( It is really so simple... WHY are YOU not getting it ??? Ahh!!)

* And (AGAIN )Grr! My claws are getting sharper by the minute DEALING with you ...

LOOK at your own POST !

You acknowledge my superiority /your inability to fight me alone & ask for HELP from someone who has already given in to me ...( So AGAIN you know beforehand that you will lose ..)

I already know YOU NEVER WANT TO LEAVE ME ( where else could you live alone with MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ...) ! But do you have to make it so OBVIOUS ??


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Guest Markgway

You see, this is exactly the reason why Shaolin doesn't take female disciples. They pout, they bat their eyelids at you, and as soon as you begin to feel sorry for them, they pounce. As my late Eagle's Claw teacher, Ai Bang Yu, once said: "Never trust a woman with white hair". Little sister Athena, or "Fright Wig" as we used to call her, before she betrayed our Master, is 99.9% evil. Only a secret herbal remedy found in the Big Wang mountains of China can restore the remaning 0.01% to full strength goodness. There's hope... but not much of it. Come back from the dark side Athena before it's too late.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I’ve been to the Big Wang mountains. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I don’t think there’s anything up there. Maybe if I had remembered to bring my glasses I’d have a different opinion. It was a rough 6 years.

Markgway, I’m sorry, but I have decided to stay evil. But I will not be a student of Athena’s. I initially agreed, but she tried to talk me into cutting off my right arm to become a better fighter. She has a famous one arm student, some guy named Jimmy, and he is a tough dude I admit. But Jimmy told me that Athena deceived him and is using his arm to make herself even stronger. I confronted Athena about this, and, it was a very bad decision. She tried to act all nice about it, and then she told me she knows a special eunuch style, and I ran out of her temple as fast as I could all the way to Tibet. Perhaps I could have become a great kung fu master, but I’m not willing to take all the steps in order to learn the eunuch style. I’m already small enough down there.

I am now Morgoth the Lama. I didn’t realize these guys were evil when they took me in, but they’re pretty cool. Maybe one day we can team up to beat Athena, and then we’ll have our own duel afterwards.

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One Armed Boxer

This thread got weird real fast....

...talk of amputated members (& I`m not talking about forum members), an overload of pink font, and watching Morgoth, Markgway, & Athena forming a love triangle before our very eyes.

This is more like a Korean soap opera than a kung-fu movie!

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