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Ong Bak 4 with Jackie Chan?


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I did watch a porno film once but found the action scenes too repetitive.

Porno films - NO

Adult Entertainment - In HD. YES XD

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I think a lot of people watch films for the wrong reasons and look for certain stimulations because of their emotional problems ... I may talk arrogantly like Silver Fox ...

talking like a fictional character?! strange.

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Yeah, you're missing out. Films are deep; kung doesn't remotely fill all brackets of mental stimulation. Titanic is no serious comparison.

Yeah, Titanic is not a movie to be mentioned when talking about greatness, and I still don't understand how it made the money it did.

But, like you, falkor, I watch movies to be entertained. While fu flicks do that, they don't give you everything you should be able to find in a great movie.

There are movies like The Hustler, that are character driven with great dialog. Then you have a movie like The Sting (Newman again), that isn't meant to be anything other than great fun, but also give you great performances. Then you have something like the Lethal Weapon series that is just blow up some stuff fun.

Not a lot of great movies out there, really only a few a decade. But, there are gems like Shawshank, or Das Boot that are really incredible and give you character driven stories that can touch you, even if that isn't why you watch it.

If you want to laugh pick up some old Richard Pryor/Gene Wilder collabs.

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I have watched all these when I was younger:

-Clockwork Orange

-One flew over the cuckoos nest

-First Blood


-Raiders of the lost ark

-Wizard of Oz


-Basic Instinct


-Good Fellas


Was I inspired? No. Enter The Dragon and Born Invincible inspired me to become a serious collector of Martial Arts films. Architecture has inspired me, just not any movies outside the Martial genre. Did I go away learning anything? Unlikely. That's why I collect documentaries and read books. All types of films, including the above list, can make me laugh and stimulate subtle emotions, though not many warrant even a second viewing. I think the only non-Martial Arts films I found interesting enough to watch more than once were certainly Predator and Independence Day. I had considered collecting skulls, but found the risk too great. :P I've Watched all 3 parts of Karate Kid more times than I've watched Goodfellas simply because of what additional benefits I get from the Martial Arts factor. And Karate Kid is about as tame as it gets in my collection--together with Conan The Barbarian and Highlander. You could put Godfather and a horse head in front of me, but I would rather watch Super Ninjas any day! No doubt its superb as a gangster movie and considered by many to be the best film ever made. If there were no Fu flicks then I would agree. As a scientific experiment to prove the superiority of Martial Arts entertainment, simply take any 5 minute segment from any film in the above list and compare it to the gold or fire elements--in front of an audience of 100 spectators--and see what gets the most votes. Even Tony Jaa vs. the ninjas would get more votes than Jack Nicholson complaining he can't watch the ball game.

BTW, Spaghetti Westerns is my 2nd favourite film genre, and I particular like Once Upon a Time In The West, but haven't watched any in a while considering I've still got hundreds of kungs to watch (and re-watch).

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OK, the ones I mentioned, Falkor, for you I tried to think of films beyond just visceral entertainment, I tried to think of films that conveyed badasses & stuff intricately multilayered with deeper meaning and metaphor you won't find elsewhere, for example There Will Be Blood, even the title has a deliberate fourfold meaning - serious - a fourfold meaning. That's deep. All relevent to its main themes, revealed throughout. The film a heavy character study of one of the most ruthlessly ambitious men to ever grace the screen; each character taking on a deeper role as allegory and metaphor through situation; representing foundations of society and the nature of conflict, artfully conceived, never less than convincing.

Night Of The Hunter, possibly the deepest film I've ever seen, the nature of its conception is mindboggling; a film that reveals a new facet every time you watch it; every shot, camera placement, wording, theme, intentional & revealing. I might be tempted to call Charles Laughton the greatest director ever lived, & this is the only film he ever directed. Robert Mitchum plays one of the most ruthlessly despicable cowardly badass bastards ever seen on screen. A man who warps religion to his own twisted devices for profit to murder women & even go after children to get his way for profit. A film layered with characters representing different degrees of faith & belief, through suspense & a dreamlike atmosphere. You've never seen photography like this - it's pure art. I've never seen another film where EVERY single shot & conception is so laden with purpose. And Mitchum's a badass.

I Am Cuba - yeah, save this one for later. Political, but camerawork is the thing here. Kung Fu, or commercial or typical cinema will never offer you the likes the unique eye of this film. Next level.

Network; an indictment of our media obsessed society and the ruthless nature of the big tv networks that holds up more than ever today. The character of Howard Beale as an ailing news-reporter given notice of upcoming redundancy, who loses his mind to announce he will shoot himself live on air, only to be reinvented as a mad prophet generating ratings by speaking out the ills of television & the media, is remarkable. Deep food for thought offered here, a few parts may drag, but this film's screenwriting is unlike any others. Monologues are the thing here... I mean:

or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzSj1yNZdY8&feature=related

Holy Mountain - a more uniquely perverse use of cinema to represent one man's mad vision & obsessions you won't see elsewhere. Unique cinema with the main precedents being invented as it's put up on the screen, doesn't really answer to previous cinematic ideas, so much as it does a manner to represent the directors preoccupations; mostly religion & sex. You'll either get on board, be repelled, or morbidly fascinated. You won't see much else like it though.

Sweet Smell Of Success - JJ Hunsecker, what an awesome character, I used to think Burt Lancaster was a bit lantern-jawed & cheesy, but this film firmly put that notion away; the man's a badass. Film Noir at its best. Every seedy line is pure poetry. Tightest script ever. "I love this dirty town."

Waltz With Bashir - a uniquely personal new war film, I'd go so far as to say one of the worthiest films this decade in it's make-up of personal experience from the director's own, ruminating on the concept of memory to dredge up traumatic experience of the Beirut massacre, done through animated, even fantastical elements, yet never less than relevent truly the human condition's facets through war and atrocity. Brilliant.

Behind The Sun, a Walter Salles film, from Brazil, he's never matched it again; one of my favourites from this decade, it's low-key, but works. A bit western-y, in the early-1900s in Brazil's badlands about feauding families; picking off members by rites in a hunting style alternately when the blood of the recently departed fades to yellow on their old clothes in the sun - a fucked up tradition. The film looks at the nature of this tradition and routine, & metaphors the way they folk are stuck. Best chase and death scene ever in this one near the begininng - proof you don't need big effects, just an eye for the visceral, artistic & profound to provide resonance when it comes to killing; something special.

These are just my thoughts on a few films, different to the norm, they're all varied and different, opinions will differ, I find them all profound - try There Will Be Blood.

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Sweet Smell Of Success - JJ Hunsecker, what an awesome character, I used to think Burt Lancaster was a bit lantern-jawed & cheesy, but this film firmly put that notion away; the man's a badass. Film Noir at its best. Every seedy line is pure poetry. Tightest script ever. "I love this dirty town."

This the one? Never saw this before...


Noir is pretty cool. Ever see this one....?


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What about comedy, Falkor?

Everyone likes to laugh....and you aint likely to find any quality comedy in a kung fu movie.

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falkor....u gotta check out some Italian Mafia films if u havnt!!


Godfater 1-3

Bronx Tale


Carlitos Way

bak on topic!

Jackie n Ong Bak 4 would be the best thing ever imo

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This the one? Never saw this before...

That's the one, such a wickedly seedy movie, so many lines. You have to see this one. Not a massive noir fan, but when they get me, they get me, this one's atop of the heap.

Noir is pretty cool. Ever see this one....?
Yeah, decent film. Was a little underwhelmed by it, perhaps through reputation, but I dig it. Welle's cuckoo clock speach is great.
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Back to Jackie in Ong Bak 4.

The more I think about it the more I think it would be a shame.

It is the "Ong Bak 4" part of the idea that I think would be a shame. Jackie could bring a wealth of experience to the table, he could bring his charisma, his star power and his unrivalled ability in front of a camera and that would benefit Tony massively.

The two would need to work together on a completely different project.

I loved Ong Bak 2 but I genuinely think that given the problems in production, which were evident on camera, Tony needs to wrap this one up with Ong Bak 3 and then move on. It doesn't feel like it has that lasting depth that could sustain a lot more sequels and the introduction of more and more characters. This I feel would make it a complete washout.

Jackie would need to play a major character and where would he fit into the already fragile new Ong Bak plot.

Ong Bak 2 + 3 will be classics but not epics (I hope that makes sense) and to stretch an already patchwork plot on to a fourth film and waste the talents of Chan would be a real shame.

Here is what I personally feel would benefit both Jackie and Tony a lot more:

An entirely new project and new film altogether.

Jackie Chan working behind the camera as well as in front of it. Maybe as the director (Tony was maybe a tad new to the industry to pull it off, hence the production problems.)

This would all make for an excellent film and help give Tony that final little push to complete superstardom. Also, I imagine he could learn so much working with Jackie about production and acting in general.

I know that was long-winded, but I just think they need to work together away from the "Ong Bak" series.

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I loved Ong Bak 2 but I genuinely think that given the problems in production, which were evident on camera

What evidence, exactly, did you notice?

(Tony was maybe a tad new to the industry to pull it off, hence the production problems.)

With a bit of help from Panna, he certainly pulled it off IMO! Again, my personal view is that Ong Bak 2 is the best film made in the last 20 years. I watched it a THIRD time yesterday with a different friend.

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What evidence, exactly, did you notice?

The ending? The ending was clearly an attempt to patch up an unfinished film and give them time to tidy it up with another sequel.

This though is just an opinion, I loved the movie and thought it was PURE entertainment, I'm just saying it would be cool to see them do a different project.

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What makes you think that? Perhaps they filmed the end fight first and had trouble finishing the beginning of the film with all the special effects etc. The promo reel featured mainly the end fight. The cast and crew could clearly envisage a classic in sight, and it seems to me they presented the ending in order to fit a sequel.

I hope Ong Bak 3 continues to feature animal styles within the same environment without becoming futuristic. For example, in the promo reel Tony Jaa does a flykick whilst holding on to the tusks of an elephant. The background looked different to any in Ong Bak 2, so I just hope it isn't set in the future or anything (I'm probably worrying about nothing there). Also, I would like to see some character development between Tony Jaa and his childhood sweetheart. Maybe some more stuff from the other "pirates", including the guy with the silver rings weapon. Let's hope the flying knee between 2 elephants makes it to Ong Bak 3. They already done so much with elephants--totally original--so I'm worried they might not be able to come up with any new ideas around that same theme. Obviously, my main desire for any kind of martial arts film is always some kind of tournament and more training. Maybe they should get Tony Jaa to throw in all his styles and go off to learn Eagle's Claw or Praying Mantis from a silver-haired master. :)

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Apparently in number 3 he has to fight in some kind of "boneless style" as he is crippled from torture.

I guess they torture him when they catch him at the end of 2.

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Here's some things I liked about Ong Bak 2:

*********SPOILERS ALERT!!!**********

*Number of styles, including Hung Gar, Snake, Tiger, Crane, Drunken, Ninja, Brazilian, Grappling, Thai Kickboxing, Silat(?).

*Number of weapons, including samurai sword, silver rings, 3 sectional staff, spear, rope dart, sword, semi-circular sword, Japanese claw weapons, knives, arrows, bombs.

*Training and magic tricks.


*Traditional period piece.



*The equestrian with double swords on his back (crossed over).

*Itchy balls comedy, reminiscent of Old School.

*Exotic food.

*Thai style Khon dances.

*Facial expressions from the pirates and slave traders.

*The pirates with their "black ivory tusks" and tusk thrones--everything tusk based.

*Lightning after long distance sword slash by the masked man in the dark pit + the general atmosphere (fire-lit torches etc).

*The incomprehensible rafts scene in all its flash cut glory.

*Tony learns to climb up the tusks and trunk of an elephant early on in the film, and gets to apply it during the end fight with a backflip kick.

*Tony's childhood sweetheart practises Khon dancing as a kid and ends up becoming a professional together with the bracelet thing. Nice.

*The connection between dance and martial arts.

*Superb soundtrack!

*Costumes are great. One guy has a hockey stick for a hat. Another guy has a basket on his head.

*Tony fights on top of an elephant, around it, and through it's legs.

*Crowman and the cave girl.

*Fantasy/wu xia element.

*The 2 main sets: palace and wooden platforms, reminiscent of King Of The Kickboxers.

*The red shields.

*Slow motion replays after every super move, i.e. jump from shoulder of first guy to knee the 2nd guy or triple aerial kick etc.

*********SPOILERS ALERT!!!**********

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Here's some things I liked about Ong Bak 2:

Got this yesterday. I popped it in real quick.

I'd rate it up there with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and High School Musical 3. XD

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Here's some things I liked about Ong Bak 2:

*********SPOILERS ALERT!!!**********

*Number of styles, including Hung Gar, Snake, Tiger, Crane, Drunken, Ninja, Brazilian, Grappling, Thai Kickboxing, Silat(?).

*Number of weapons, including samurai sword, silver rings, 3 sectional staff, spear, rope dart, sword, semi-circular sword, Japanese claw weapons, knives, arrows, bombs.

*Training and magic tricks.


*Traditional period piece.



*The equestrian with double swords on his back (crossed over).

*Itchy balls comedy, reminiscent of Old School.

*Exotic food.

*Thai style Khon dances.

*Facial expressions from the pirates and slave traders.

*The pirates with their "black ivory tusks" and tusk thrones--everything tusk based.

*Lightning after long distance sword slash by the masked man in the dark pit + the general atmosphere (fire-lit torches etc).

*The incomprehensible rafts scene in all its flash cut glory.

*Tony learns to climb up the tusks and trunk of an elephant early on in the film, and gets to apply it during the end fight with a backflip kick.

*Tony's childhood sweetheart practises Khon dancing as a kid and ends up becoming a professional together with the bracelet thing. Nice.

*The connection between dance and martial arts.

*Superb soundtrack!

*Costumes are great. One guy has a hockey stick for a hat. Another guy has a basket on his head.

*Tony fights on top of an elephant, around it, and through it's legs.

*Crowman and the cave girl.

*Fantasy/wu xia element.

*The 2 main sets: palace and wooden platforms, reminiscent of King Of The Kickboxers.

*The red shields.

*Slow motion replays after every super move, i.e. jump from shoulder of first guy to knee the 2nd guy or triple aerial kick etc.

*********SPOILERS ALERT!!!**********

I concur for the most part.

It was great to see dirty balls playing ichy ballsXD

Not so sure on the soundtrack though, and Crowman and the Cave girl, I wasn't expecting some supernatural aspects in there, I'll definitely be rewatching this in the next couple days.

The flashback are great but the editing is a bit shaky, not as bad as Tom Yum Goong but still something they need to work on.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
Got this yesterday. I popped it in real quick.

I'd rate it up there with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and High School Musical 3.

If that's how you judge your kung fu movies, I don't understand why you even bother watching them...:o Or maybe it will begin to be good in 20 years when the nostalgia factor adds on. XD

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I still think Gremlinz and Home Alone were better...

Home Alone 1 or 2? 2 maybe but no where near 1.

Will watch in the next few days to see all the hoopla.

If that's how you judge your kung fu movies, I don't understand why you even bother watching them...:o Or maybe it will begin to be good in 20 years when the nostalgia factor adds on. XD

Ummm, was being "facetious." G got it.

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Home Alone 1 or 2? 2 maybe but no where near 1.

All these films are good in their own little world, but they are nothing compared to the Kung genre; do you understand me? They are NOTHING! However, I'm 60% complete on There Will Be Blood, so we will see if peringaten is able to inspire me to watch non-Kungs. Between me and you though, P's probably got more chance recommending the New Years Eve fireworks or the recording of a domino rally.

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All these films are good in their own little world, but they are nothing compared to the Kung genre; do you understand me? They are NOTHING! However, I'm 60% complete on There Will Be Blood, so we will see if peringaten is able to inspire me to watch non-Kungs. Between me and you though, P's probably got more chance recommending the New Years Eve fireworks or the recording of a domino rally.

That does it. Me & P are coming over.

We're going strap you to a chair and make you watch Woody Allen movies for 3 days straight.

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We're going strap you to a chair and make you watch Woody Allen movies for 3 days straight.

I'd get a bullet in your head quick if I were you Falkor.

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That does sound like torture... But then all non Martial Arts films seem to challenge my patience and attention span these days. No probs with TMNT, though I really struggled to watch the Magnificent Seven a few years back. I was so glad when it finished, so I could go back to my friend, tell him I'd watched it all the way through, and how crap it was.

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