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The FAUX Venoms?? You decide....


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Classic stuff! And actually he couldn't just wring their neck, cuz they beat the crap outta him in that alley!

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Classic stuff! And actually he couldn't just wring their neck, cuz they beat the crap outta him in that alley!

Its not the size of the opponent but the ferocity.

what was this thread about again:S

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...a brilliant thread hijacking job, gentlemen...;)

Yeah, so... favorite lunchmeats? XD

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How about a remake of the FIVE VENOMS starring the Seinfeld cast? Close your eyes and picture that! XD

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How about a remake of the FIVE VENOMS starring the Seinfeld cast? Close your eyes and picture that! XD

George's Sloth style KF? or Camel KF?

3 months? are you kidding me? I'm like a sexual camelXD

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How about a remake of the FIVE VENOMS starring the Seinfeld cast? Close your eyes and picture that! XD

There's only 4 main characters in Seinfeld they'd need a 5th to join. Who would that be? Newman? Puddy? Bob Sacamano?

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Wouldn't mind seeing Newman's Hippo style!

XD Just imagine the way a lot of Postal carriers maul and tear up your mail- that could be just the tip of the iceberg of Newman's destructive Hippo style abilities. Perhaps he would use a mail sack as his choice weapon? He would snare you in it, then give you the "going postal" technique!

Just for the record (in case they're reading this XD) my local PO employees are all wonderful, hard-working, reliable individuals. :angel: LOL Back in Philly though... whoah! I used to think maybe a cat had been smoking PCP in my mailbox when I'd pull out the shredded, dirty, often wet mail!

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XD Just imagine the way a lot of Postal carriers maul and tear up your mail-

You think they're bad?

You should see what UPS does to your packages (seriously!)

I have to submit damage claims to UPS on a daily basis.

They are evil ..... :P

Hey what was this thread about again?

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Secret Executioner

Back on topic, the element that's REALLY off with this picture of the 5 of them together is that the very shot goes against continuity. Indeed, the old master clearly tells Chiang Sheng that the five previous students trained at different times and thus couldn't have been together. But IIRC a pair of students met/trained on a same time period - not sure if it was Centipede and Snake or Toad and Lizard.

(I'm surprised - and even slightly disappointed - NOBODY has brought this up yet)

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Back on topic, the element that's REALLY off with this picture of the 5 of them together is that the very shot goes against continuity. Indeed, the old master clearly tells Chiang Sheng that the five previous students trained at different times and thus couldn't have been together. But IIRC a pair of students met/trained on a same time period - not sure if it was Centipede and Snake or Toad and Lizard.

(I'm surprised - and even slightly disappointed - NOBODY has brought this up yet)

I didn't see it as an continuity error. To me it was the Sifu telling the backstory and that was his memory. So, it makes sense that they do a close-up on each character then you get the money shot of all of them standing together. Sorta like saying "here they are"; just the director`s way of showing off the cast.

English Dub:

The first student - Centipede

2 - Snake

3 - Scorpion - "he never met pupils #1 or #2"

Celestial subtitles:

"the eldest and the second didn't know each other"

English Dub:

"After pupil #3 left, I took on pupils 4 and 5"

4 - Gecko/Lizard

5 - Toad

" #4 and #5 new each other but never met the other 3"

Celestial subtitles:

(Gecko) and (Toad)* didn't meet the other seniors as well

*the actual subs use the characters names instead of their style

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Secret Executioner
Number 4 was in fact older than number 2 and 3 - that's etched in the brain.

I guess so - I remembered a story about 4 (and 5 ?) coming up before 1 and 2, but it could have been really a comment on their ages (IVL subs ?).

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Here are the 5 deadly real life counter parts.


Poison Dart Frog


If you ever happen to be running through the rain forests somewhere in Central or South America, do not ever pick up beautiful and colorful frogs – it can be the Poison Dart Frog. This frog is probably the most poisonous animal on earth.The 2 inch long (5cm) golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans or 20,000 mice. Only 2 micrograms of this lethal toxin (the amount that fits on the head of a pin) is capable of killing a human or other large mammal. They are called “dart frogs” because indigenous Amerindians’ use of their toxic secretions to poison the tips of their blow-darts. Poison dart frogs keep their poison in their skins and will sicken or kill anybody who touches or eats it.


Inland Taipan


The prize for “The World’s Most Venomous Snake” goes to the Inland Taipan of Australia. Just a single bite from this snake contains enough venom to kill 100 human adults or an army of 250,000 mice. Its venom is at least 200 – 400 times more toxic than a common cobra. The Inland Taiwan’s extremely neurotoxic venom can kill an adult human in as little as 45 minutes. Fortunately this snake is very shy and there have been no documented human fatalities (all known bites were treated with antivenin).


Death Stalker Scorpion


Contrarily to the popular belief most of the scorpions are relatively harmless to humans as stings produce only local effects (pain, numbness or swelling). However, the Death Starker Scorpion is highly dangerous species because its venom is a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins which causes an intense and unbearable pain, then fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. Fortunately, while a sting from this scorpion is extremely painful, it would be unlikely to kill a healthy, adult human. Young children, the old, or infirm (with a heart condition) are at the biggest risk.



Scolopendra subspinipes has killed a 7-year old Filipino girl before. Scolopendra morsitans bit a Turkish man who died from complications that arose after the bite. Scolopendra viridicornis has half the LD50 value of subspinipes, meaning it is probably the most venomous to rodents. However, there is no human envenomation data.


Komodo Dragon


The Komodo Dragon stalks the forested lowlands, beaches and plateaus of Indonesia, posing a threat to nearly every living thing as a prehistoric apex predator. The 10 foot, 300 pound beasts are the largest lizards on Earth, forming microcosm of a prehistoric world where reptiles ruled. Komodos feed on prey as large as water buffalo, and have attacked, disremembered and consumed humans. Such large prey items are charged and knocked down, followed by a vicious attack involving large amounts of flesh being removed. The toxic saliva and bacteria will weaken an animal that does not die right away. Scientists have theorized the Komodo evolved to feed on now extinct dwarf island elephants.


Each of the Poison Clan is alternatively referred to as either their venom style code name, or as their number in regard to the order of being taught by the master (except Yan, who is never referred to as "Number 6" and is knowledgeable in all 5 animal styles). Among fans, he is known as "Hybrid Venom," as his training contains a little bit of each of the five styles, but it is incomplete, and he must align with one of the venoms to stand a chance against any of the others.

Number 1: Centipede Wriggly and quick, this style is a nice blend of defensive and offensive posturing. The strikes are so fast that it is almost as if he has a hundred arms and legs. The weakness of this style as revealed by Yan Tieh (told by his master) is to attack both the opponent's upper and lower body in a simultaneous assault.

Number 2: Snake On one hand: the mouth, venomous fangs emulated in precise finger motor control. On the other: the stinging whip of a rattling tail. Masters of this ability can even fight extremely well while lying on their back from the floor. The weakness of this style as revealed by Yan Tieh (told by his master) is to stop the "head" and "tail" (the opponent's two arms) from combining, as neither the head nor tail can function well individually.

Number 3: Scorpion The scorpion represents a double threat. Kicks from the Scorpion style are just like the stinging tail of the namesake. When delivered by a master, a single kick can paralyse or even kill, let alone the strong pincer-style attack of the arms to contend with. The weakness in this style is not clearly revealed as Yan Tieh is cut off from his explanation but one can assume (by watching The Scorpion in his bout with Yan Tieh and The Lizard) that it would be to stay out of reach of The Scorpion's damaging kicks and make him come to you.

Number 4: Lizard An emphasis on speed and gravity, the Lizard style is best known for the ability to walk on walls, and can fight with ease from such positions.

Number 5: Toad This is a primarily defensive pose. The Toad is invulnerable to just about any form of damage, including blades and puncture. They can even bend solid metal. The weakness of this style is that any master of the Toad style has a "weak spot" that when punctured, drains the user's Toad style benefits (most notably the iron skin.) Number 5's weak spot were his ears as shown in his fight with The Snake, when The Scorpion secretly struck his ears with his darts. Some thought the way to discover the weak spot in one's Toad style is to use an iron maiden. But when Number 5 was first placed in the iron maiden, he was impervious to the needles. The iron maiden's needles only penetrated the Toad after the Scorpion and Snake exploited his weak spot, the ears, with darts and a snake strike.


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