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Hwang Jang Lee

Guest daTOAD

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Guest Chinatown Kid


I just can't see someone who is use to a democracy and freedom wanting to switch and become a communist....:\

If I can just make it to 4th degree I'll be satisfied, that rank is considered a master in the art of TKD.

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Guest dager in the cotton

Hwang never said he was a an a korean spy it was an unoffical statement put out by Kukkiwon suits, they refused to accept that Hwang's kicks were self taught and therefore he must be a spy from up north, you won't find any pics or books about him in the Kukkiwon, Kwong young moon and Cass are on file there , I did see stills of Kwon young moon there- he is an 8th dan. I think Cass is a 5th dan. not that matters all that much.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

When you say Hwang's kicks were self taught do you mean he had no formal instruction in TKD by a certified teacher? If that's the case, I'm certainly surprised. If he was a 7th degree at one time and I think he's possibly higher now, that sure is hard to believe. He would have to have been given instruction in forms to be able to achieve rank unless he did not train in the World TKD Federation style, am I misunderstanding what you said dagger?

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Guest kungfusamurai
When you say Hwang's kicks were self taught do you mean he had no formal instruction in TKD by a certified teacher? If that's the case, I'm certainly surprised. If he was a 7th degree at one time and I think he's possibly higher now, that sure is hard to believe. He would have to have been given instruction in forms to be able to achieve rank unless he did not train in the World TKD Federation style, am I misunderstanding what you said dagger?

Perhaps Hwang picked up styles here and there from the various choreographers he worked with?


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The problem with Cassanova Wong is that he's inconsistent in his performance. Just look at rivals of the silver fox, wonderman of shaolin (except end fight), and the might four to name a few. To the poster who mentioned Chan Shan I happen to agree he could handle HJL. IMHO, he shows better speed in his kicks than most others plus he's more flexible than Hwang and possibly equal to or better in kicking power. I'll take speed and flexibility over stiffness anyday.

For consistently awesome performance Hwang is probably the best overall. His lack of flexibility however is a turn off to me when I can get better enjoyment from seeing guys like Eagle Han, Kwan Young Moon and others who were underused in some films with limited scenes or otherwise didnt get the level of exposure (film roles) that HJL was fortunate to get.

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Guest Morgoth

Yeah Chang Shan is the man. I don't know if he would beat Hwang, but in my mind he can:D

And I love Kwang Young Moon, but it bugs me a little bit that he favors one leg similiar to Dorian tan and John Liu. But that is a minor complaint, those guys are amazing.

And one thing about Rivals of the Silver Fox and Wonderman is that those movies were not on par with his Golden Havest stuff and some of his other movies. The action directors were obviously not as good. But to me Cassanova always looks awesome, even if the choreography isn't.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

KFS, I suppose it's possible Hwang Jang Lee picked up alot of techniques working on the movie sets of all the films he did, but I would guess it was mainly the Kung Fu hand techniques mostly like eagle claw, mantis, etc. From the look of his kicking techniques it seems he has been practicing for a very long time, perhaps from early youth. TKD being a Korean art, and also Hwang being at one time in the South Korean Army as a unarmed combat instructor, I think he was probably trained formally in the art in Korea from an early age. I could be wrong of course, it wouldn't be the first time. :rolleyes:

What gets me is this talk of Hwang being a collaborator/spy with the communist North Koreans, I don't understand why someone born in SK and in the South Korean Army would want to be a turncoat and work for the commies under a dictatorship. Perhaps this was as mentioned a scheme by the Kukkiwon suits to try and smear Hwang because he didn't want to be affiliated with them or play their game. :confused:

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Guest gunswordfist
I was scanning through a copy of the film Young Hero on DVD. It's a movie that has Tino Wong, but it also features a long fight between Hwang Jang Lee and Kwan Young Moon. Until I saw this, I thought the only match up they had was in Blood Child.

During a different fight scene, I was shocked to see Hwang Jang Lee do a move that he's NEVER done in a martial arts film: A single front flip! He did it while fighting some woman in the middle of the film. He uses his hands on the ground, but it's pretty much a standing front flip. And I had to reverse the DVD and watching it again just to make sure it wasn't a body double. But it really is him. He even does a number of moves after that flip before the film cuts to another angle.

The DVD was put out by Passion Productions, in their latest batch of shitty quality DVDs. Why can't they master these things using a source that won't pixelate. I think it's because they're using a $40 VCR, rather than using an SVHS player to convert the cassettes they seem to be using into DVD.


Thanks for sharing that with me!! I'm always up for seeing any movies with The King Of The Bootmasters in it. I'm pretty sure that front flip is extremely cool and that's one more movie I'll get featuring the absolute best onscreen martial artist of all time!!!! *LITERALLY writes Young Master down on long movie list*

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Guest kungfusamurai
Thanks for sharing that with me!! I'm always up for seeing any movies with The King Of The Bootmasters in it. I'm pretty sure that front flip is extremely cool and that's one more movie I'll get featuring the absolute best onscreen martial artist of all time!!!! *LITERALLY writes Young Master down on long movie list*

It's not a spectacular flip, as he lands almost with a crouch and you can see him steady himself for a second with one hand on the ground, but then he gets up and levels a couple of kicks before it cuts to another shot. Enjoy the Young Hero!

As for the rumor about Hwang being a NK collaborator or nonsense like that, perhaps someone was jealous of the work he was getting in Taiwan and HK and wanted to ruin his reputation? Or maybe it's just another Ric Meyers 'fact'. ;)


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Guest WhiteTiger1

Here are some my favorites

Secret Rivals

Secret Rivals 2

The Invincible Armour

Snake and the Eagle's Shadow

Drunken Master

Dragon's Claws

Dance of the Drunken Mantis

Demon Strike

Heroes of Shaolin

Fearless Duo

Five Fingers of Steel

Hell'z Windstaff

Tiger Over Wall

The 36 Deadly Styles

Eagle's Killer

Hitman in the Hand of Buddha

Ninja in the Dragon's Den

Hard Bastard

Secret Executioners

Duel of Ultimate Weapons

The Instant Kung Fu Man

I liked his presence on the screen, his Kung Fu was second to none.

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Secret Rivals

Secret Rivals 2

Invincible Armour

Young Hero

Blood Child (Five Fingers of Steel)

Drunken Master

Hard Bastard

Ring of Death (Bastard Kung Fu Master)

Dance of the Drunk Mantis

Dragon's Claws (with Sammy Lau Kar-Yung)

Dragon Claws (with Dragon Lee)

36 Deadly Styles

No Retreat, No Surrender 2

Shanghai Express

Hitman in the Hand of Buddha

Eagle vs. Silver Fox

The Kid from Kwangtung

Street Soldiers

Emperor from the Underworld

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Guest thundered mantis

The man´s given so many superb performances!

Innocent Interloper!!!!!



Hell´s Windstaff

Hitman in Hands of Buddha

2 Fists Against the Law

Tiger Over Wall

Fearless Duo

Where´s Officer Tuba

Instant Kung Fu Man

Tower of Death


Live Hard

Darkside of Chinatown

Those I´ve still to see, but I believe they are great:

Emperor of Underworld

Kid from Kwantung

Ninja in Dragon´s Den

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Morgoth Bauglir

While they are not my favorite Hwang movies, my 2 favorite Hwang fights are from the end of Tiger Over Wall and Buddha Assassinator.

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there is one tiny problem in whl movies though...his strenght and screen energy is so overwhelming it`s hard to accept he is beaten by some up to no good almost novice fighter like in dragon claws....quite interestingly in those movies john liu and hwang were featured it took more than 1 fighter to take hwang down in final reel.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah, like I said, those are my favorite fights from Hwang. Not believable, but he performs so well it is absolutely mesmerizing. Those are 2 of my top 10 favorite fight scenes of all time, and that is saying quite a lot. The guy is unstoppable on screen.

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wrong topic maybe but as john liu is featured in some hwang movies forgive me..liu is great kicker too but some his movies kinda annoys me.he looks at times kinda arrogant and those stretching exercises(split and head to ankle) have seen too many times....incredible kungfu mission is his best film and those who have not seen it should hunt it down to see footwork of robert tai.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah Incredible Kung Fu Mission is the shiz, but John Liu only wishes he could kick like Hwang. No other actor could touch him in kicking ability.

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it`s quite interesting to see how they use feet...tan tao liang prefers left,hwang uses left weapon too more than right,liu uses right most of time...kwon young moon seems to be comfortable with both.

edit:but when jang uses jumpspinback-kick it is 90% cases by right shoe.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Kwan Young Moon actually favors his left, but with Hwang it doesn't matter which leg he uses. Hwang slightly favors his right, but he is uses both without hesitation. He uses whatever leg he needs to.

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I did not mean he is weaker with other leg..I guess filmwork/camera angles has thing to do with..by the way does any1 have info where he learned eagle claw and staff skills?tkd info is well available but nothing more...

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