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Iron Dragon Strikes Back on DVD again! =)

Guest mpm74

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Guest Markgway
I don't know why this guy spends hours posting on every asian board on the net since he hates all martial arts movies that Jackie Chan is not in. He should get a life instead of bitching about the movies we love.

Blow me, troll! :hat

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Guest Chan Wah Shun

I'm glad to see that a) everyone has a right to thier own opinion in this board without being hasseled, and B) they can intellectually defend thier opinion without resorting to profanity.

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Guest Markgway
I'm glad to see that a) everyone has a right to thier own opinion in this board without being hasseled, and B) they can intellectually defend thier opinion without resorting to profanity.

So you think the following post was worth giving a sensible response to...?

I don't know why this guy spends hours posting on every asian board on the net since he hates all martial arts movies that Jackie Chan is not in. He should get a life instead of bitching about the movies we love.
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Guest WalkOn

Definitely one of my favorite Ho Chung Tao flicks! I haven't seen it in a minute, so it's about that time to check it out again. This is the Bruce Li I enjoy watching. He seemed very comfortable in these type of roles.

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Guest morgoth

It is well directed. That is for sure. Maybe Markgway does not watch a lot of old schol fu, but it is a good independent production, espcecially when compared to most Bruce Li movies.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Gold Connection is something a little different from Li's other movies. It is dark, bleak, and suspenceful and the story keeps you interested until the very end. The fights are choregraphed well with a good feeling of desperation. It's a crime thriller mixed with martial arts and I think the product turned out well. The finale with Li vs killer Ko Fei was a highlight.

Everybody's not going to like the same thing and Mark has a right to voice his opinion about the film as well. If he thinks it's rubbish then more power to him as people look for different things in films. Most consider this one of Li's best films though and I have to agree. Even though Li has made some stinkers in his career he has also made some very good films and I don't think he gets the respect he deserves.....

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Guest morgoth

Markgway just keeps saying it's bad in every post, but doesn't want to elaborate. All I can do is shrug my shoulders.

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Guest Markgway
My question is clear enough. It's not my fault you don't have an answer for it.

I don't have to answer any question if I don't want to. Who made you the arbritor of taste? I said I didn't like it and that's it. Case closed. Feel free to disagree but don't dare question the validity of my opinion. And for the record I did mentioned a few posts back reasons why I didn't like it besides the obvious of it being crap. Take a leaf out of Chinatown Kid's book: he disagrees with me but has the grace to accept our differences.

Maybe Markgway does not watch a lot of old schol fu

I'd laugh if I thought you weren't being serious... I fear you are. Of all the times I've slagged off (or defended) a film that goes against the grain of popular opinion this is the first time I felt a real backlash (and over a third-rate Bruce Li movie believe it or not!?!) I stand by my opinion. I've seen about a half-dozen Bruce Li movies and Gold Connection was the worst. And I maintain the film was badly directed (I wish I took note of examples now so I could cite them but if I mentioned it in my notes they must have been there at the time); in fact Kuei Chih Hung has made some of the worst Shaw movies in existance, as well as some quality efforts. That's just how I feel. Accept it.

hey, read it all in his book?

Ken, stop stirring. Sometimes hardcore fans cease to have a sense of humour and I doubt most will know what you're referring to. I think it's worrying when it's suggested that someone (who probably knows more than the insinuator) doesn't have the right to an individual opinion as has happened here. Question my opinion by all means but don't question me as a fan. While we're at it I thought Born Invincible was pants. Discuss.

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Guest inchilottaP
While we're at it I thought Born Invincible was pants. Discuss.

This forum needs a thread like "overrated movies" or something to that effect so we can all @#%$ all over each other's favorite movies and hate each other.

Not directing that at you Mark, just saying. :b

I could go in to a whole thing about how awful Magnificient Butcher is even though I know you enjoy that dreck of an excuse for a movie but what the hell does that have to do with Iron Dragon Strikes Back? :lol

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Guest Markgway
I could go in to a whole thing about how awful Magnificient Butcher is even though I know you enjoy that dreck of an excuse for a movie

Why I oughtta!?! :P

I wonder if you'll get the same reception for slagging off a well-loved classic like Magnificent Butcher as I did for Gold Connection?

Maybe it's easier to bash me because I tend to be on my own...?

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Guest fabhui

I thought 'Gold Connection' was worth a watch but average at best.

While we're at it I thought Born Invincible was pants

Me too! The god awful dub doesn't help things either. Maybe I'd appreciate it more if I saw a subbed version of the movie but I doubt it.

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Guest inchilottaP
Maybe it's easier to bash me because I tend to be on my own...?

I think it just comes across that you dislike more movies then you actually like.Whether you do or not is of no concern to me.

Rather have a genuine opinion then oh every body loves this movie and so do I every time. :)

Hell, the fight scenes are pretty damn good in Magnificient Butcher.It's just not the only thing i'm watching the movie for of which I found everything else in that movie to be awful.

Also FWIW, Born Invincible.Yea, I didn't like it either but I could see how people would.

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Guest Markgway
Hell, the fight scenes are pretty damn good in Magnificient Butcher.It's just not the only thing i'm watching the movie for of which I found everything else in that movie to be awful.

Exactly! Obviously I don't agree with this particular example as I enjoyed The Magnificent Butcher as a whole (though I actually prefer Dreadnaught). But like you say I need more than fight scenes for a movie to be classed as good or above average. A lot of times I'll say I didn't like a film only to be met with a half dozen "but the fights were good..." comments like that's the be all and end all of the genre. As it happens I didn't rate the action in Gold Connection anyways, but even if I did, it alone wouldn't be enough. I just have different standards than most, and some it seems can't accept that. I see that as their problem not mine.

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Guest morgoth

I just asked why you don't like it. I didn't know it was "case closed". Sorry for asking for you to elaborate on why you think it stinks.

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Guest Markgway

Nah, I'd already given a response, but you thought you'd have a little dig regardless. Don't put the blame on me. To refresh your memory check back when Linn asked the question...

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Guest morgoth

I read the whole thread already. You gave some one or two word descriptions like "bad directing" and "sloppy". I just asked you to elaborate. Like I said, sorry for asking.

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Guest Chinese Sausage

A fine movie IMHO. Not Bruce Li's best work, but definitely in his top 5 best films. Low budget, but attention to detail was provided. The fights are some of the best, more street fight style action rather than traditional martial arts.


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Guest Chan Wah Shun

I feel had it been longer, with more time for character and plot development and I guess one more action scene, this movie would have been a masterpiece. The problem with that is that budget wise the producers, et. al. couldn't make a 2 and a half hour or even 2 hour martial arts film, regardless of the dramatic elements Gold Connection contains. Also, James Ho isn't the most brilliant actor.

I guess besides the action, I like this movie for what it ideally would have been: a Scorsese-esqe movie with kung

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Guest thundered mantis

I really liked this movie, even more than Blind Fist of Bruce which I think it´s another Bruce Li fine one. Besides what´s been already said, I really liked the variety of filming surroundings which we can see in the movie. It was like a kung fu film with much more varied landscapes. And it was more varied also plot and character wise, plus the finale was a real climax.

The final bout is superb, IMO. Well captured and edited action in a particularly difficult place to film a fight because the very reduced space. Interesting use of props, and again, very varied fightin´(weapons, hand to hand, grappling, tumbling, and, moreover, on the contrary of a lot of fights of the time, just not straight shapes or kickboxing, but a real touch of strategy, hit and go etcetera, very difficult to achieve in the closed space).

I´d be on the line to get the wider version, definitely :D

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Guest Chinatown Kid

I would love to see Gold Gonnection, Dynamo, The Lama Avenger, Chinese Stuntaman and Soul Brothers all remastered in 2:35.1 widescreen!!! Instead we get one of his worst films(New Game of Death :eek ) given the remastered treatment by Celestial. :rolleyes

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