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  • Administrator
Seriously, that looks like a photo, It doesn't even look like a painting. Amazing work as always!

Thanks brother! Painting for something that will be reproduced at such a small size means I don't have to go into great detail on it. But when you see it up close, it looks like sloppy paint strokes! LOL

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Looks awesome, KFB! Also Shout! Factory/ Scream Factory puts out awesome releases, so I that's really fucking cool that you're doing some covers for them!

Can't wait to see more once you can announce them!

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Thanks Noelle Shadow Kick. :wink:

I agree- I've got a bunch of their horror releases. Who'd have ever thought we'd get stuff like HALLOWEEN II or FROM BEYOND on Blu-ray with a ton of great extras?

Did you pick up their CAT PEOPLE or DARKMAN releases yet? I hope to get them soon. Wish I could've done the art for those two!

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The Silver Fox

I figured I'd post some pics of what I paint. I do abstract art for the most part. I have more on my blog;







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I figured I'd post some pics of what I paint. I do abstract art for the most part. I have more on my blog;


Nice work brother. I favor the second and fifth ones.

Thank you for sharing. :bigsmile:

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The Silver Fox
Nice work brother. I favor the second and fifth ones.

Thank you for sharing. :bigsmile:

Thanks man. I don't know why some are showing up sideways but oh well.

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Here's the latest DVD release that I did a cover painting for. It's for South Korean director Kim Ki-Duk's film MOEBIUS, the latest release from Elektrocity, a label from Switzerland. This film is no joke! A bizarre, dark, family drama/horror film with no dialogue. :crossedlips:

It's wild when I paint something, kind of forget about it, then suddenly many months later it finally gets released. :nerd:

Here's the finished cover:

p><p> <img src=

Here's a couple of close-up details:

p><p> <img src=

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It's wild when I paint something, kind of forget about it, then suddenly many months later it finally gets released. :nerd:

Had you not said otherwise, I'd never have known this was a painting. The detail is so good it looks like a photograph. Killer.

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The Silver Fox

Here are some other styles that I do.





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Been a while since I been on here too, great work everyone, to be creative is to be alive!

Haven't had much time to be creative lately, something I'm hoping on making time for soon, here's a couple quick sushi pieces I did - all for my love of the fish egg, the one is one of my favorites - Ikura(salmon eggs) with a quail egg on top!



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My third Blu-ray/DVD cover for Shout! Factory/Scream Factory is for the "Anti-zombie zombie movie" THE BATTERY. It's a cool, completely different take on the genre. We all loved it here. I did this painting many months ago, but I can finally reveal it now as the company has it up for pre-order.


Here's the DVD cover (which shows a bit more of my painting...

p><p> <img src=

I was a little disappointed that the chose to crop it in further than I had originally composed it. I think it looks better when you can see more of the main figures feet and a bit of grass to the sides of them.

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  • Member

Another amazing piece of artwork!!!! So realistic and I have to say I hate you so much!! :tongue: The amount of detail and realism you can put into your art is just amazing.

Keep up the awesome work brother Bob and it's great to see your talent on display!!

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  • Administrator
Another amazing piece of artwork!!!! So realistic and I have to say I hate you so much!! :tongue: The amount of detail and realism you can put into your art is just amazing.

Keep up the awesome work brother Bob and it's great to see your talent on display!!

Thanks man! :wink:

Hey, I actually painted me, my family, and even one of our forum brothers into this piece as the zombies. Next best thing to being in the movie, right? :tongue: LOL I even snuck in some Asian cinema flavor by depicting me wearing my favorite shirt- OLDBOY. :nerd: It's so small that it's hard to see, but I know it's there. :bigsmile:

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  • Administrator
Great work as always Kung Fu Bob, looks like a real photo.

Thanks bro.

I gotta stop working so big for something that's going to be so small though. I'm wasting my time painting in all these details that no one will ever see. I may as well just paint in the basics, then dip drunken ants in different colors and let their stumbling footprints fill in the "details". :tongue: Hey wait.... :smile: ...I think I may be on to something! :angel: Are there labor laws regulating the use of ants? I could probably pay a whole colony with one Tootsie Roll. :wink:

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Bob, It is forbidden to reveal the secrets of the art outside of the temple.

I was sitting in the Temple when I typed it, so does that count? :smile:

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My third Blu-ray/DVD cover for Shout! Factory/Scream Factory is for the "Anti-zombie zombie movie" THE BATTERY. It's a cool, completely different take on the genre. We all loved it here. I did this painting many months ago, but I can finally reveal it now as the company has it up for pre-order.


Here's the DVD cover (which shows a bit more of my painting...

p><p> <img src=

I was a little disappointed that the chose to crop it in further than I had originally composed it. I think it looks better when you can see more of the main figures feet and a bit of grass to the sides of them.

That's a painting KFB................looks like a photograph.

Glad to see you getting work like this.

Your painting of WJL as all of your works so captures your subject matter.

Hope you are feeling much much better KFB.



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Secret Executioner

The art for The Battery looks really nice - as pointed out by GD Y-Y, it looks more like a photograph than a drawing/painting. Great realism there.

And I agree also that the wider angle looks better - must be because I'd rather stay away from that chick haha.

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  • Administrator
That's a painting KFB................looks like a photograph.

Glad to see you getting work like this.

Your painting of WJL as all of your works so captures your subject matter.

Hope you are feeling much much better KFB.



Thanks man!

Starting to have more good days than bad (pain-wise) these last few months. Still healing, and staying positive! Emerald Forest- that book really helped, thanks. :wink:

The art for The Battery looks really nice - as pointed out by GD Y-Y, it looks more like a photograph than a drawing/painting. Great realism there.

And I agree also that the wider angle looks better - must be because I'd rather stay away from that chick haha.

I appreciate that man. I wanted this art to be as good as it could be since it's on a freaking Blu-ray, and because I'm a big fan of the film. So I worked my balls off (no worries, I've since had them reattached) to make it look as real as possible. Ironically, the producer said that when he first saw it he was disappointed because he wanted it to look more like my older work! :ooh: Doh! He said that it grew on him though, and now he really likes it. For those of you that haven't seen it, it's a cool film. Not an action/gorefest like most zombie movies, but rather a great story about two friends and what it would really be like in this kind of situation. Highly recommended.

Here's my latest... At the last minute One Armed Boxer made plans to attend the Seni Combat 2014 event with Hwang Jang-Lee and Scott Adkins as the big guests. I'd already done a piece on Hwang Sifu (and got a poster print autographed by him), so I decided to do a quick charcoal drawing of UK martial arts king Scott Adkins. Barely got it to One Armed Boxer in time, and he delivered it to Scott "Casey Bowman The Ninja" Adkins. Here he is with a print of the drawing, in a cool photo courtesy of my limb-challenged forum brother.

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i820.photobucket.com/albums/zz126/KUNGFUBOB/ASIAN%20CINEMA%20MEMORIBILIA/IMG_5102_zps34b04b55.jpg' alt='IMG_5102_zps34b04b55.jpg'>

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