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Li Ho

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Would have liked to see more of Rorsach's interviews in prison, espcially the story of how he got his face. Also I didn't like the change in how he dealt with the murderer, guess the didn't want it to look like on of those torture porn movies the kids love so much these days, even though it was written years before. The theater roared after his big line, you know right after the guy tries to shiv him in the lunch room XD.

I could go on but I'm sure there are more than enough obsessive nerds doing that. It was good, parts of it were even great, I'll probably see it again.

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. Also I didn't like the change in how he dealt with the murderer, guess the didn't want it to look like on of those torture porn movies the kids love so much these days, even though it was written years before.

Yeah.They said they changed it because of SAW.Even though it had been done dozens of years earlier.

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Never seen the Saw films. What about Mad Max? Wait that's too old of a movie for the "kids" to know about. :angel:

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Ok I'll admit it. I hate that music (the overrated sixties...). I 'm more into funk, soul, jazz and latinjazz. And in general I don't like it when songs are very prominent in movies, as if they're trying to sell the soundtrack.

Sorry to hear about the squid.

And did anybody else find Nixon, Kissinger and some of the other reallife characters (for example in the talkshow in the beginning) a bit over the top?

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Never read the graphic novel and I don't like movies based on comics in general.

I'm not crazy about Watchmen as a whole, but there are lots of things I liked. I loved the opening credits, actually, liked the whole soundtrack (Cohen's Hallelujah sounded great), visuals were great, so were the special effects for the most part. Violence was very graphic, I liked the way they did it. Liked the Rorschach character quite a bit. I was surprised how well they shot the fights, didn't expect it at all.

Didn't like that blue nudist and the whole movie was like a mix of genres, kinda disjointed.

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Loved the Rorschach character!

That was the one thing everyone could agree on.His voice is how Batman's should've sounded.Even die hard fans of the book who were disappointed by the movie thought Rorschach was spot on.

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Seen it twice now and liked it better the 2nd time. It makes me want to go out and read the original graphic novel. Rorshach was awesome! The Comedian was fantastic also! Definitely flawed, but I'd rather see a comic film like this than Fantastic Four, Daredevil, or any other of the dreck that passes as a comic movie.

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doug maverick


there were plenty things to like aout watchmen, the visuals the action scenes and the general story was all great. the thing i hated the most about the film were the fact that i really didnt get a feel for all the characters and that is zack snyders failure as a director, i mean he is known as a "visionary" which is filmaker talk for above par hack, so i wasnt expecting much but seriously the onecharcter we should have all felt for who was thrown inour faces was roschach and we he died the audience should have been either in tears or outraged. but it was nothing not even a blanch it was like so what, i looked at other audiences faces and there was not even a stir. because while you my have liked this character snider didnt give us a chance to feel for him, here was a character who had to watch his mom getting porked by every tom **** and harry, who was drastically mentally disturbed, who admittedly took the law in his own hand and killed his enemies and you know what we liked him for it, but not enough to care when he died. next character was silk spectre II another character you should have cared about and been amazed when you found out that the comedian was her father, but once again it was like who cares. now the comedian he was the only character that you did feel emotion for, cause it was like what the **** makes this man a superhero, this guy kills anything that moves good or bad he is a ****ing sociopath that should've been locked up in a insane asylum somewhere, i mean he tried to rape his on teammate for Christ sake. and then there is dr.manhatten, who was so far removed from humanity that you shouldnt have felt anything for him but when you see that scene where his ex girl comes in with cance you do in fact feel for him and ill give snyder that. someone called this the citizen kane of super hero films, an i would say that is a gross exaggeration. this was what it was a good action film with a good story, tat wasnt about good guys vs. bad guys but about sacrificing for the greater good, its the answer to a question. if 100 people were about to die and you can save them but you have to kill one person would you do it?

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I agree to a certain extent about character development,but you have to realize this movie probably should have been longer than 2:43 min.to get a good feeling for the characters.It was like Xmen in that respect because at only 80 min.with all those characters you should have felt more for them than what you did.

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doug maverick

a good director could have done it. they have done it. shit semi good directors have done it. look at snyders previous film 300, yes it was a great action film but did you care as much as you should have when they died? go look at an ealier version called the three hundred spartans when they die you care. but in three hundred not so much.

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Meh.To each his own.I doubt you will find a closer representation of comic to movie,than Watchmen.It was flawed but inspiring none the less.It was made by a fan, for fans.

I would love to see another director take a stab at this film.More than likely they would fail miserably probably because they're not fans of the book(just guessing).You got to remember that the comic was 12 issues long,thats a years worth of story development you're trying to cram in less than 3 hrs.

About 300.I read the graphic novel and saw the movie.The novel didn't stir me emotionally like the Watchmen comics did.So going into the movie after reading the GN.was irrelevant to me.Watchmen was a different story.I had read the book 3 times already and thought they played pretty close to the source material.

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Saw this last week thought it was very good. havent read the comic, looking forward to it. I was impressed by a lot of elements but especially the action. It was very brutal, flowed very nicely and wasn't over edited like so many American action films are. Does anyone know who the choreographer was?

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I didn't like it too much. Snyder's style was just unappealing to me. Too slick, too unreal. Watchmen is a universe you should (mostly) believe is plausible but he made everything from the makeup, the sets, to the action really corny and fake. They nailed most of the story and characters but the overall way it was packaged diminished my enjoyment.

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doug maverick

ive been thinking about this and even watched the film again. cause like i said its not boring. this film needed james mutha fucking cameron. yes sir ree bob. and this coming from someone who is not a cameron fan. out of all his film i maybe can say there are three or four i loved. but jim goes big and can handle a big film and still give you character development and story and action. plus he would have had the clout to say they needed to divide the film into two peices which now that i think about was necessary to handle the scoup of the project.

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doug maverick

i think QT, would have failed only because he is more of a director about people and stories. all the cg stuff would have been new to him and his style. as for rodriguez i think he could have done a great job with this. [provided he got alot of good actors.

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i think QT, would have failed only because he is more of a director about people and stories. all the cg stuff would have been new to him and his style. as for rodriguez i think he could have done a great job with this. [provided he got alot of good actors.

QT would have succeeded because he focuses more on story and character. Watchmen is what those elements are about. The action is secondary. Also, he has shown he can handle action as evident in Kill Bill and his segment of Grindhouse.

Overall I think Watchmen would have benefitted more from a director that understands plot and character. Rodriguez is a lot more like Snyder in that he can handle action, but lacks character development (Sin City being an exception).

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Drunken Monk

Tarantino would have butchered "Watchmen."

Me? I liked it. It's not the greatest movie but it ballsy and I think it stayed true to the graphic novel.

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I also vote no on QT and Rodriguez. Not sure if they could do action and cgi but I like the way directors like Hal Hartley and Atom Egoyan deal with characters. Maybe two directors would've worked (one for action/cgi and one for plot).

As a whole maybe the version of Watchmen we saw was not entirely successful. But compared to all the other comic book movies that came out recently it aimed higher and came closer to it's goals.

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OK Finally got to see Watchmen the other night, I thought it was OK. I don't really know what all the Hype was about, it was good some good action scenes but nothing that I thought was way over the top. I thought Rorsach's character was great! I would've like to seen how he got the face mask. I would've also like to seen how they all got the powers from.

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I'll give credit to snyder,I'm not a fan but I respect someone who tries to stay faithful to source material.Very few directors I think, would care enough to do that.They always try to envision it their way(Schumacher).

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doug maverick

actually schumacher was going more for the tv show gageness then for the comic, then you gotta remember warners at the time was ultra corporate and just wanted something that they could market in excess to that extent it succeeded. this batman is not for young kiddies like the other one was. this for older teens and adults to enjoy.

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I also vote no on QT and Rodriguez. Not sure if they could do action and cgi

Huh?! Rodriguez shot SIN CITY bro. Which film- that isn't entirely shot in CGI- has more CGI than that? Um... so I'm going to have to say... he gets the whole "working with CGI" thing. ;)

I loved WATCHMEN, but I dig reading everyone's opinions about it. What I'd like to see... Terry Gilliam's version. He was truly passionate about this project. He tried twice to make it into a film.

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Huh?! Rodriguez shot SIN CITY bro. Which film- that isn't entirely shot in CGI- has more CGI than that? Um... so I'm going to have to say... he gets the whole "working with CGI" thing. ;)

I loved WATCHMEN, but I dig reading everyone's opinions about it. What I'd like to see... Terry Gilliam's version. He was truly passionate about this project. He tried twice to make it into a film.

Oh sorry, I was referring to Hal Hartley and Atom Egoyan maybe not being adept at using cgi or doing action scenes. But I do feel Hartley and Egoyan may be able to handle characters in a manner that most directors of recent comic book movies have not.

A friend of mine saw Watchmen expecting a pure action movie. He is not aware of the alternate history they were portraying (actually he is not interested in history in general) and was pretty lost throughout the film. I have a certain degree of empathy for the characters and their beliefs as portrayed in the film in particular Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan.

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