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Going to go check it out tomorrow night.Anyone else going to see it?I'll give my opinion on it afterwards.

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Got tickets for Saturday. Looks good from the previews, I hear that its the only movie relased by a major studio this weekend. I really wonder how the public is going to react, I'm sure that most people have no idea what its about and are probably expecting some batman/spiderman type story. We'll see....

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I've heard some seriously mixed reviews about this.

I personally can't wait to see this but I was reading my paper this morning and the "film critic" in there gave it 0 out of 5 and described it as "inaccessible trash."

The only thing I am worried about is that it is the same guy who directed the 300 and that film was amongst one of the worst films I've ever seen.

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Wow Bolofan,really?Why did you hate it?Was it the slo-mo stuff?I'm going into the movie with the idea of being entertained nothing more nothing less.Hopefully I wont fall into the pit of deconstructing the movie and comparing it to the comic.One critic online said the directors cut is coming to theaters in June approx.25 min.longer than the 2:43 min. cut now.

I agree Inframan,if people think going into this movie it will be like Spidey or Batman,they're in for one helluva surprise.

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I'm a huge fan of the novel but have seen them really dumb down and thus been let down on Moores material for film on several occasions, so I'll remain somewhat pessimistic, even though I've heard good things, till I see it.

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Jesse Smooth

Now, I've never read the book, so I can't compare it. My dad and I saw it this morning. The movie is deep. Always something going on. Very entertaining and can make you think. Good movie.

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Wow Bolofan,really?Why did you hate it?

300 I went and watched with the intention of enjoying, the way I approach every movie I watch. Personally, it felt like an over the top, cashwhore hollywood adaption of an age old tale, something that gets done too often I reckon.

I just couldn't click with it at all, I just felt like I was watching a director with too much money, wanking into a camera.

Don't get me wrong though, I love a big buck hollywood flick as much as anyone, I just like them to feel a little bit original.

As for Watchmen, I can't wait, it looks like dark, twisted eye candy.

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300 I went and watched with the intention of enjoying, the way I approach every movie I watch. Personally, it felt like an over the top, cashwhore hollywood adaption of an age old tale, something that gets done too often I reckon.

I just couldn't click with it at all, I just felt like I was watching a director with too much money, wanking into a camera.

Don't get me wrong though, I love a big buck hollywood flick as much as anyone, I just like them to feel a little bit original.

As for Watchmen, I can't wait, it looks like dark, twisted eye candy.

Personally I thought the novel the movie was based on was absurd, the Spartans were a blood thirsty military state that waged war and tried to enslave their own people, hearing them give glory speeches on freedom and free men was ridiculous.

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I have the graphic novel and have tried (on more than one occasion) to read it but I just could never get into it.

I know. I know. The comic series received much praise (that's why I picked it up) but I dunno....

Still plan to check the movie out....

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I tried to read the graphic novel, didnt really get into it, but the movie is amazing! The fight scenes are intense! I recommend this to anyone!

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Just watched it.I love the the HK style of fighting,it was an interesting way to go and completely unexpected.I think Snyder is a fan of the book,no,fan is to light a word.I think he loves the book because of all his attention to detail.Alot of scenes in the movie are panel by panel shots from the book as well as using direct quotes.I even understand and am growing to appreciate the alternate ending, which doesn't take away anything from the book.The music choices were spot on as far as I'm concerned.I hope this movie does well at the box office not because of bragging rights, or God forbid, a prequel.But because of the obvious hard work and loving dedication that went into making this movie.I strongly urge you to read the book first if nothing more than to see the strong resemblance and attention to detail Snyder and company have managed to squeeze in 2hrs. and 43 min.

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So THE INCREDIBLE HULK was okay- decent fun.

Then IRON MAN came along and was really good.

DARK KNIGHT- holy batshit! That was a great movie!

But WATCHMEN, for me, blows them all away.

I read it when it first came out (have the first printing), and loved it. Of course I imagined it as a movie way back then, and tried to imagine what it would be like. I read it two more times since, and it got better each time. After 23 years of waiting, I was NOT disappointed. I was blown away! I took my son and sister to see it (the wife wasn't up to it, as she's got some serious oral surgery tomorrow:(), and we shared the experience with a great audience (not 1 cell phone went off the entire film!) who broke into applause a few times, and we loved it! Everything was spot on- the casting, acting, directing, script, art direction, costumes, cinematography, song choices/ score, and the fights... WOW! Bone snapping, blood splattered mayhem my friends. And Silk Spectre II's outfit? Growl. :P Awesome!

It rates like a 9.8 out of 10 for me.

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Never read the graphic novels. Saw the movie earlier tonight and enjoyed it very much. Would you say this is a very nihilistic film? Were many of the characters sociopathic? I personally could relate (on a much smaller scale of course) and admire many of the characters individual philosophies.

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Guest Yi-Long

Personally, I'll wait for the Director's Cut. The movies seems cool, but at the same time it's getting very mixed reviews. Havent read the comic.

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Personally, I'll wait for the Director's Cut. The movies seems cool, but at the same time it's getting very mixed reviews. Haven't read the comic.

I care nothing for critics,it's all a matter of opinion.I agree with you I am waiting for DC.I'm sure the second half of the film wont look as rushed.The fact that I went to sleep thinking about the film and awoke thinking about it,tells me it affected me on a more subconscious level.The more I review it in my head the more I like it.

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Is "graphic novel" highbrow geek slang for COMIC BOOK???

Normaly a comic book is part of an on-going series with each issue running around 32 pages. So if someone does a stand alone, illustrated story that's longer than that, they call it a graphic novel. So basically- for you- yeah, it's a fancy way of saying fat comic book. ;)

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I think a graphic novel can come in two definitions, one is putting a series of comics together to make one book, Moore's book "From Hell" I think is a true definition of a graphic novel as it was never released as a series.

I'll try to see this later in the week once the crowd dies down.

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Saw Watchmen this afternoon. In general quite respectful of the graphic novel. Some images are exactly like in the book. Did NOT like the musical choices. I find the old Simon and Garfunkel, Bob Dylan and other very familiar sixties music very distracting. Still liked the movie, loved the owl ship.The second part is indeed a bit rushed, with the changed ending...hum.

Looking forward to the extended cut on dvd (with the squid?).

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Looking forward to the extended cut on DVD (with the squid?).

Snyder said no squid.And really,I thought his choice was a more viable option.I mean,you might as well make Jon the scapegoat anyway.Did you notice the scene in the background,when Dr.Manhattan is talking to Veidt via the monitor?if you look behind Veidt you can see the name of the project is S.Q.U.I.D.The letters are going down vertically.A little wink and nod to those in the know(or Zach trying to be funny).As far as the musical score,Dylan's"Times they are a'changin',if memory serves, was in the book.So Snyder probably thought it appropriate.

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Snyder said no squid.And really,I thought his choice was a more viable option.I mean,you might as well make Jon the scapegoat anyway.Did you notice the scene in the background,when Dr.Manhattan is talking to Veidt via the monitor?if you look behind Veidt you can see the name of the project is S.Q.U.I.D.The letters are going down vertically.A little wink and nod to those in the know(or Zach trying to be funny).As far as the musical score,Dylan's"Times they are a'changin',if memory serves, was in the book.So Snyder probably thought it appropriate.

I caught that reference too. Also, when Oz is sitting watching the monitors- THE ROAD WARRIOR is playing on one of them. Love that flick.

The Dylan song was in the book. So was the Jimi Hendrix version of "All Along the Watchtower".

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Some images are exactly like in the book

the comic book limited series (published September 1986 – October 1987) was essentially the storyboard for the film.

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