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Hong Kong Godfathers UNCUT DVD RELEASED?!?!?!?!


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Panmedia bootlegging scum, as much as I want to see an uncut version of this movie I'm not forking out for anything those guys put out.

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Panmedia bootlegging scum, as much as I want to see an uncut version of this movie I'm not forking out for anything those guys put out.

agreed, and it damn irritates me that stores like HKFlix sell that crap, unsuspecting customers would buy it thinking they bought legit stuff as its from such a store.

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Audio: Left Channel only. LOL. sounds like a bad DVD-Recorder Copy. and it's Mandarin.. must be the circulating cut shit Version.

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so these "bootlegs" are distributed legally?So what makes them "Bootlegs"? Do the actors/studios not get royalties or somthing?

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Killer Meteor
so these "bootlegs" are distributed legally?So what makes them "Bootlegs"? Do the actors/studios not get royalties or somthing?

Simple, they are not licensed and are often stolen from someone else's transger

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BCI had it but they are no more

Aaaarh, for fucks sake:(:mad::cry:

So, the thieving prick gets richer, off his crappy dumpster quality discs. While great legit labels buckle, one after one...... nice guys really DO finish last!

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Just forget the fact that its from a BOOTLEG company.

If it is UNCUT, then I could care less who releases it.

HKFLIX have this edition on the front page labeled as a Prime release due its UNCUT label status. There must be some reason for this

Nobody knows what condition the print PanMEDIA have used. It could be a VHS cut to ribbons print, but could it also be a UNCUT print.

Before we declare, lets get some proper material to work with. Lets not make rash statements so quickly.

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hey--i'm usually the one who announces PAN MEDIA titles here and then i get ripped apart by just about everyone--but i usually announce english dub shaws . my feelings on these releases is well known by now. this may be the only version ever available so its up to you if you decide to buy it. me--i could care less one way or the other. after all it should be obvious by now that PAN MEDIA is not about to fold no matter what anyone here says. i have to admit that i'm surprised--i thought by now they would have had the english dub versions of the shaws that were shown on KUNGFU HD. oh-- as a side note in case anyone is interested--widescreen english dub version of BLACK MAGIC 2 is available from flashlegs.

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Boo to this bootleg junk. Its too bad BCI didn't get to put this out. Not that its my favorite film, but it would have been great to see a nice release of it.

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Yes... the greatest release to ever touch MANKIND!!!! Indeed.... Burnt in subs, audio left channel only... and the final kick in the balls... Mandarin!!!!

Man, Panmedia really cares, selflessly, about the asian movie fan community... good to see they have such loyal fans, willing to line their pockets!

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I don't think most "people on this board are dumb" (there are a few), I just think that some people feel differently than others about boots.

When I started out collecting, it wasn't long before bootlegs were my only option. However, that was 26 years ago. Now it does seem that buying boots is in many cases like shooting ourselves in the foot. I'm sure that BCI, Dragon Dynasty, Media Blasters, and others would (or would have been, in the case of BCI) be selling a Hell of a lot more movies if the market wasn't saturated with Red Sun and Panmedia boots. Do I still ocassionally buy something questionable? I do. It's few and far between, but I do. I won't do it for titles that have an obvious legitimate release on the way. But there's stuff that Flashlegs, Rare, and Jamal are putting out that I don't forsee getting from a legit company...ever!

Some of you guys have a very tough stance on this subject, and I respect that. But I do- unfortunately- see why the problem continues.

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Killer Meteor

I have no issues with Flash or Falkor selling stuff. Its the fact Panmedia directly affects the legit companies by selling their wares in legit stores that is the issue

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I have no issues with Flash or Falkor selling stuff. Its the fact Panmedia directly affects the legit companies by selling their wares in legit stores that is the issue


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I wish the rightsholders of these movies would finally act & do something about these shifty bootleggers. Its so seldom that you hear about these guys getting in schitt. I think DD forced HKflix to stop selling certain panmedia releases, but they've still got a ton up for sale. Its crazy, but libraries even have panmedia discs to lend. They're everywhere :(

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Morgoth Bauglir

It is sad that the PAnmedia discs are available to buy so many places. All that I care about the HK Godfathers release is if it's uncut. If it's cut then it's crap because it's been out forever, but if it's uncut thn it's rare and worth getting. But Panmedia isn't known for rare stuff, just stuff that's already been released.

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These bootleggers don't care about legit releases (they even boot stuff that's already out and pass it off as their own). A while back, Linn said PanMedia flooded the market with their crap when it word came about that Media Blasters were planning to acquire properly licensed titles from Fortune Star (which led them to cancel).

If you're so desperate to see something, try and get a DVD-R at the very least - not only it'll last longer than PanMedia's crappy media, you won't be handing over money to them. All they do is steal content (some produced on account of hard work and money) for profit.

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i personally prefer a DD release,an original copy, or something of the likes...but im fine buying bootlegs aswell, because my Lord, we are in a terrible economic situation and i dont have the 20 for 1 movie

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shaolin drunkard
...but im fine buying bootlegs aswell,
Like Chen Lung said,try to get dvd-r from some friendly member of KFC or try searching with google place to download it...those pesky bootleggers do not deserve any dime from their releases.
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Genuine questions: If the companies PanMedia steals from don't care enough to stop them, how are they bootlegs? Unauthorized, sure, but if the rights holders don't feel the need to act on their rights to stop PanMedia, how is it wrong to do it? Have the rights holders tried to stop PanMedia? If so, why have they failed?

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