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The Wrestler


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OK My Review: I heard a lot of good things about this movie and I finally got to see it the other day Mickey Rouke was awesome in this movie. If you liked the days of Hulk Hogan & Macho Man Randy Savage then you'll like this movie.

Randy "The Ram" Robinson, a 1980s-era pro wrestler, has become a burnt-out shell of his former self. After he has a heart attack during a small-time match, a doctor tells him he could die if he fights again. In an effort to build a new life, Robinson takes a job at a deli, moves in with an aging stripper and tries to build a relationship with her son. But the prospect of a rematch with his old nemesis, the Ayatollah, proves too tempting to resist, even if it means risking his life.

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In an effort to build a new life, Robinson takes a job at a deli, moves in with an aging stripper and tries to build a relationship with her son.

What Randy wanted was a relationship with the stripper and tried to reconnect with his estranged daughter after the heart attack.

And yes it was a tremendous performance that transcends the wrestling conventions. A great story of a man finding he can't fit in with a world that's past him by and embracing what he is.

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It's a good movie with fantastic acting. Maybe a little overrated by the reviewers, but well worth seeing. I'm a lifelong wrasslin' fan, but I think nonfans will dig it as well.

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My Dad's friend, and power lifting coach, Mike Miller has a small role in this film (I talked about him before in the "Pumping Iron" thread: http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5961&page=2), so my parents went to see it, and they said it was really good.

I'm glad Mickey Rourke has started taking acting seriously again. When I watched him in stuff like THE POPE OF GREENWHICH VILLAGE, ANGEL HEART, and DINER I thought he was going to be a legend like Brando or DeNiro. I was utterly shocked whhen he started going downhill and making stuff like HARLEY DAVIDSON AND THE MARLBORO MAN! He's a fantastic actor. Loved him in SIN CITY and DOMINO, but it looks like this is truly his big comeback. I can't wait to see it.

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Thanks to Stallone who picked Rourke out of the gutter, now his careers on fire. Definitely going to pick this dvd up to watch on release.

What did Stallone have to do with Mickey?

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The Amazing Psycho Per

I was wondering the same thing? :l

Anyway, I too thought it was pretty good. It almost has a documentary vibe to it and everything sounds true. But what I wonder is how it appeals to non (present or ex) wrestling fan? I liked it, my girlfriend didn't care for it at all, and she liked everything Aronofsky has done so far. I got to admit that if I didn't know he directed the movie, I never would've guess.

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Stallone used him in GET CARTER, but i'm not sure if it put his career back on the map. If anything, I think it was Robert Rodriguez, casting him in SIN CITY, that really put his name back in the public... from then on, he slowly climbed the ladders and got lucky when he was hand picked by the director of WRESTLER.

You guys ever see YEAR OF THE DRAGON?

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You guys ever see YEAR OF THE DRAGON?

I love this movie! I just turned a friend on to this last week. :D He left me a voice message raving about it, and saying "I don't know how this slipped under my radar". It's not as good as director Michael Cimino's masterpiece DEER HUNTER, but it's got an epic feel to it, fantastic performances, an understated romance, a great police-thriller story, and shockingly abrupt, realistic violence. I highly recommend this film to everyone! It even has the chubby teacher from MAGNIFICENT BUTCHER (and a ton of Shaw films- Fan Meng-fei??? Unforgetable face- never remember his name!)in it, doing a very memorable cameo. XD

IN a recent interview,Rourke credits Stallone for getting him out of hard times and a halted career when he cast him in GET CARTER. Rourke stated when Stallone found him for that movie, Rourke stated he barely had enough money to put food on the table.

Ah! Thanks for clearing that up Man. I've never seen GET CARTER, so I didn't even know Rourke was in it. I'll have to check it out. And just for the record- I am a big Stallone fan. ROCKY and FIRST BLOOD are my faves of his.

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Guest Markgway
It even has the chubby teacher from MAGNIFICENT BUTCHER (and a ton of Shaw films- Fan Meng-fei??? Unforgetable face- never remember his name!)in it, doing a very memorable cameo. XD

Fan Mei-Sheng.

Don't forget!

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Dude, Year of the Dragon is one of my favs. Not as good as Deer Hunter, but it's pretty up there!!!! "I'm sick of all this chinese this, chinese that...you think gambling, extortion, corruption is koshure just because it's a thousand years old?" Mickey Rourke is brilliant in that movie!! Glad to see that you like it! It's amazing how different that damn guy looks!

BTW, GET CARTER really is a dull movie. It has some style and all that... but it's missing something. I highly DON'T recommend it! :P

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Dude, Year of the Dragon is one of my favs. Not as good as Deer Hunter, but it's pretty up there!!!! "I'm sick of all this chinese this, chinese that...you think gambling, extortion, corruption is koshure just because it's a thousand years old?" Mickey Rourke is brilliant in that movie!! Glad to see that you like it!

One of my favorite lines is when Rourke says "I've got scar tissue on my soul!"

Priceless. But this line was used as an example is some review book, as to how poorly written the script is! I say to that reviewer "How'd you like some scar tissue on your ass? Cause that's what'll happen if you ever manage to pull your head out of it!" XD

I'm tempted to start a YEAR OF THE DRAGON thread just to see what other people think of it, and to promote it to those who haven't seen it.

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Start the thread. People need to see that movie. In a day and age where new crime films can't even compare, people NEED to know about this classic. Especially in the wake of Rourke's new career.

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Jesse Smooth

Just saw this today and thought that it was very good. An accurate portrayal of how some wrestlers live. Reminds me of a few local shows that I went to a few years back (they still have them, but don't go due to work). I also knew a few guys who ran/run local shows as well. These are guys who have dreams of eventually going to the majors and a few who just love the sport and will do independent gigs. I've met a few wrestlers at some of these shows.

BTW, Marisa Tomei is gorgeous (yeah, I like older chicks) XD.

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