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Movie ID

shaolin drunkard

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shaolin drunkard

Old kung-fu or wu xia flick(maybe).Trouble is I do not remember anything about plot,who starred etc..just 2 lines henchman is asking mercy from hero and says "save me I have 80 years old grandmother to take care of"..hero kills him and says "why always 80,not 79"...

Any help will be appreciated.

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Damn! I just saw this within the last two months or so, and I remember laughing really hard at that line. If I can't remember which one is was, it'll drive me crazy(er)! :l

Could it be from... Which Ti Lung movie is it where he's a loner, and when the guys attack him he pitches one dude into a fire? Later he stops a wagon that's rolled onto a little kid. Was it in that?

I just remembered the movie I was talking about is KING EAGLE, but I'm not 100% it's the one you're talking about. But I'm almost certain it was a Shaw Brothers film that had that line in it.

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Watched this reasonably recently too, but can't quite place it now - don't remember it being King Eagle (haven't watched that for a while, sure I saw this more recently, but could be wrong), I'm remembering David Chiang saying it for some reason... to some guy at swordpoint against the side of a cart, or something... Man, my short term memory is foggy. This one's bothering me now.

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shaolin drunkard

You are likely correct it´s Shaw film.I have not seen many that many indie movies in last few years...

Been staring my collection but can`t figure out what it could be.Leave obvious out,there is still dozens possibilities and far too lazy to start searching it...

I thought it could be from Jimmy Wang Yu movie but after reconsider even as Jimmy does not show any mercy,he neither drop lines like those during business:monkey10

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Other than KING EAGLE here's a few others I've watched recently that it could have been in:







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shaolin drunkard





^those I have but yet to be watched.And other titles you suggested unseen also so cannot be any of them..Grr:mad:

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I got a feeling it's Invincible Fist... possibly, without checking.

Nope. I haven't watched this yet, and I definitely remember this line in something I just saw because it made me laugh really hard. :l

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shaolin drunkard

Still no hit?Assuming Peringaten is right it`s Chiang who says that line I guess it has to be in have sword will travel,murder plot or wandering swordsman.Unfortunately my friend borrowed those I cannot check it out and it takes few weeks before I get them back:(.

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It is David Chiang who said it in Wandering Swordsman

Aha! The reason I couldn't place it is because I haven't seen THE WANDERING SWORDSMAN. But I did see the trailer for it while I was on my Shaw kick at the time! No wonder I knew I saw it, but couldn't place the film.

Thanks Kwok Choi, that was really driving me nuts.

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I'm sure this line is said in more than one movie, TBH I don't remember it used in Wandering Swordsman but my sketchy memory seems to recall an indie film using this line as well.

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