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What happened to Wong Chung

Guest ekisha

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I hope they do too. Can't imagine a hundred-year-old publication not having archives.

If not them, I'm betting a HK library has the stuff on microfiche/film.

Yup folks, while Tosh and the others will be sucking down San Miguel overlooking the K-Bay with some Chinese hotties, poor ol' Teak will be book-worming it away between the HKFA and SCMP gathering information for his KFF brothers.

Its a thankless task -- but one I welcome, nonetheless. :P

Ah yes that would be meXDthough I prefer Tsingtao:angel:

If Wong Chung was gay it wouldn't surprise me, the fact if he was gay and liked well hung men wouldn't surprise me either, but having the South China Morning Post in 1975 post such a comment I'm finding to be a stretch.

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Ah yes that would be meXDthough I prefer Tsingtao:angel:

You'll drink San Miguel - AND LIKE IT! XD

such a comment I'm finding to be a stretch.

Stretch..? Hung...? A little tongue-in-cheek there, Tosh?


OK-ok. Back to the topic at hand.

Is it solar .. is it lunar .. who's on first .. what's on second....

I can assume we're in agreement that the problem with the dates is whether they are solar or lunar, correct?

Not saying who is using what - just that this is the core of the disparity.

If yes, then we continue on the same page.

Now, what really throws a monkey wrench into the works is the case of Shih Szu (so cute wasn't she?)

The SS card has a different date from the HKMN card.

And from your decoding, the SS is solar and HKMN is lunar. I agree - in that example.

But that leaves us in a predicament. Before it was a simple 'this' vs 'that.'

Old Chinese zine cards VS what everyone else is saying.

But now we have old Chinese zine cards that even aren't in agreement (at least in Szu's case) --

and our so-called "control group" has become a bit ambiguous.

I've spoken with another forum member who is contacting some folks who run --

a couple of David Chiang Chinese sites to get their opinion (as far as his particular birth date goes).

For those folks who getting confused by this whole matter, let's move onto a simpler topic ...

Who'd win a fight? Bruce Lee or Fred Flintstone?

Answer: Fred would. He'd just call out for The Great Gazoo who would appear out of nowhere (call Fred a "Dum-Dum" repeatedly) and then proceed to turn Bruce into a huge Bronto Burger in which Fred would then consume.

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But that leaves us in a predicament. Before it was a simple 'this' vs 'that.'

I've supplied you PROOF, of what I was talking about [in various forms].

I'm still waiting to see THEIR Proof?

I actually haven't heard a "peep" since posting. It wasn't trying to "demean" anyone, I just wanted to see where this info

came from.

Even if you doubted me about FU SHENG being in 14 AMAZONS, the pics of him on the set was proof to YOU [everyone]

I just wanna see the proof. Believe me, I don't mind being proven WRONG, but you have to give me FACTS!!

If I SEE this proof, you won't hear me say things like :

Despite some interesting points, I don't agree with any of it.

Like i ran into here: http://kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6988&page=2

I know you can't please All of the people ALL of the time and some won't budge, no matter what you say, but I gave up trying to do that YEARS ago.

As long as I have the PROOF, that's all I need.

Old Chinese zine cards VS what everyone else is saying.

New magazine, different people. When I see something like that, I'll usually go with what's been printed on the

SIGNATURE CARD, as opposed to any other card, because YOU'D have to sign that one. It's equivalent to YOU

signing your name VS "Someone else" sign your name -- SAME name, but the writing will be DIFFERENT, but in the end

- That's STILL your name....

But now we have old Chinese zine cards that even aren't in agreement (at least in Szu's case) --

and our so-called "control group" has become a bit ambiguous.

I'd believe their "signed" STUDIO CARDS any day, over a NEWER more "condensed" versions of the stars bios.

The bottom line was that another site was MAKING up SH#T and not checking the info that they were putting out.

It's one thing to want to be "noticed", but to lie about stuff to get it done is a but much. Yet, most don't

seem to care what they're reading, as long as there are PICTURES. Most get so enthralled in the pics, that they tend to overlook whether, what they're reading in TRUE or not.

I've spoken with another forum member who is contacting some folks who run --

a couple of David Chiang Chinese sites to get their opinion (as far as his particular birth date goes).

lol, what are you expecting them to find - a DIFFERENT date?


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If I SEE this proof, you won't hear me say things like :

Like i ran into here: http://kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6988&page=2

I know you can't please All of the people ALL of the time and some won't budge, no matter what you say, but I gave up trying to do that YEARS ago.

As long as I have the PROOF, that's all I need.

The STATEMENT of MINE you QUOTED was TAKEN from a thread that is based on OPINION, not FACT. No one expects YOU to PLEASE anyone. There is no PROOF required for who is better-- CC or LCL. It's strictly up to ones interpretation.

Sorry to DERAIL this, in my opinion, somewhat SILLY thread about people's ages. Asians, especially ASIAN WOMEN, aren't privy to divulge their actual age anyway.

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Sorry to DERAIL this, in my opinion, somewhat SILLY thread about people's ages. Asians, especially ASIAN WOMEN, aren't privy to divulge their actual age anyway.

It WASN'T about their AGES, it was about Birth DATES -- there IS a difference...

What's ODD is that you call the conversation SILLY and yet YOU (yourself) collect these "silly" magazines and even WORRY about "damaging" them :

I'll see what I can do, T. I'm afraid I'll break the spines on these older issues when laying them down onto the scanner's surface.

Believe me, I wasn't trying to make you look "SILLY" or like you didn't know what you were talking about. I think that you feel that every time respond to something you wrote, you think I'm trying to CORRECT you -- well, I'm not. IF I were going to do THAT, I'd have brought up all that OTHER stuff...

But I didn't write it, YOU did.

YET, I NEVER bring it up.


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It WASN'T about their AGES, it was about Birth DATES -- there IS a difference...

What's ODD is that you call the conversation SILLY and yet YOU (yourself) collect these "silly" magazines and even WORRY about "damaging" them :

Believe me, I wasn't trying to make you look "SILLY" or like you didn't know what you were talking about. I think that you feel that every time respond to something you wrote, you think I'm trying to CORRECT you -- well, I'm not. IF I were going to do THAT, I'd have brought up all that OTHER stuff...

But I didn't write it, YOU did.

YET, I NEVER bring it up.


I never called the magazines silly (you wrote that). Now you're "putting words in my mouth". And there's nothing silly about not wanting to damage magazines that you have paid a lot of money for. And what's the difference in birth dates and ages? They both represent the same thing and an individual can lie about both. If I ask you what's your birthday and you say Feb 10th, 1979, well that would make you 30 years old to the day. Same thing. What's different about it? The usage of the lunar or solar calendar? Maybe from now on there should be a column implemented on all birth certificates designated for both to avoid confusion on the actual DATE OF BIRTH so that AGES will not be so muddled.

Correct me on what? Nobody has all the answers to anything and even when a person thinks they have the answers, there's always a point of contradiction from another party. I don't recall feeling corrected by you at any point lest this was something from several years ago. And I never felt you made me look "silly" as you say you inadvertently made me feel. Perhaps you wanted me to feel corrected? I don't know, and again, that is up to interpretation as well. But I am sure since I have now acknowledged that portion of your response, your riposte with be a lengthy dissertation of whatever it is I am to be, or have been, corrected on.

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I'm hoping this thread can stay on course.

Granted, its no longer about Wang Chung but it has raised some important questions about misinformation that plagues our beloved genre (birth dates just one of many bits of info floating out there that we take for truth and fail to question).

Its not about right or wrong. Its about communication and sharing of information.

Bottom line is we should all pool our resources and attempt to arrive at a common denominator - a level playing field - so future generations will have a more accurate vision of the big picture.

Thank you....

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Its not about right or wrong. Its about communication and sharing of information.

Bottom line is we should all pool our resources and attempt to arrive at a common denominator - a level playing field - so future generations will have a more accurate vision of the big picture.

I second that!

BJV666- I've found the info in your posts interesting, but it's a chore to read them because of your snide attitude. Please correct anything that you see me, or anyone else write if you have better info. But do you have to be so condescending? You seem quite knowledgeable about these films. Cool. I'd love to hear what you have to say, but it'd go down better if you said things to others, like you'd like to have things said to you. With a little respect. Thanks brother.

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I'm one person who believes a lot of actors, whether they're in Hollywood, or Hong Kong, lean towards gay or bi-sexual tendancies. I can't prove that, nor can I prove that many male figure skaters or ballet dancers are gay too. But what I can say is that Wang Chung wouldn't have said that, basically outing Chang Cheh and himself at the same time. And the reference to well hung men is just too contemporary western culture to be believed. Nice little early April Fools Joke.

With regards to birthdays it's no big deal. It would be nice to get the right birthday, but we're talking about people who may have come from humble beginnings or were orphaned or confusion from the aftermath of war, and they just picked whatever birthday that suited them at the time they were getting IDs. It happens. It's nothing to fight about, and get worked up over, unless you're planning on throwing them surprise parties. :)


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I'm one person who believes a lot of actors, whether they're in Hollywood, or Hong Kong, lean towards gay or bi-sexual tendancies. I can't prove that, nor can I prove that many male figure skaters or ballet dancers are gay too. But what I can say is that Wang Chung wouldn't have said that, basically outing Chang Cheh and himself at the same time. And the reference to well hung men is just too contemporary western culture to be believed. Nice little early April Fools Joke.



I think you'll find a lot of people in the entertainment business are gay, look at all the musician of the music you love that came out over the years, I remember seeing Judas Priest as a kid and Rob Halford come riding out on a harley all leathered out, now it's so obvious!XD

So... is shit just being made up here? Is this the same guy that came out with the grand shaw reunion tour? Was there ever a proper explanation wtf that was all about?

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Perhaps you wanted me to feel corrected?

If you feel the need to be "corrected", take CORRECTOL.

[... MIDOL, might help with that "Water-Weight Gain on the Brain" and your "Irritability"]

And what's the difference in birth dates and ages?

Normally, I'd let YOU figure that one out, but.....

We were trying to establish the correct "MONTH & DAY" --- Not the YEAR. That part was known.

...your riposte with be a lengthy dissertation

En Garde.

Dodge - Spin - Parry - Thrust...

Not at all and it doesn't have to be.

One thing that I was talking about was:


Chang was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Prestigious HK Film Awards (their Oscar) in April of 2002. He would pass away on July 22nd of that year from Pulmonary Disease.

Last edited by venoms5; 2008.10.16 at 12:25 AM.

Nice article, yet according to YOU, he could have gone to his own FUNERAL as he died in JUNE, not JULY.

What makes it even stranger to me, was the you "re-edited" certain portion of it, but not the DATE he died.

[Guess you don't like "Dates"].

You "Originally" posted this on MARCH 18th, 2008

It's kinda like making a nice Chocolate cake and giving everyone a slice. Then you find out that you used SALT instead

of SUGAR. To write so eloquently about this man that you defended "Tooth & Nail" with me in that later post, that you can't even remember the DATE he died, is amazing.

I guess that's why they put THANKSGIVING on the "LAST" Thursday of November, so some people won't forget the date, because you only have to remember DAY.

I second that!

BJV666- I've found the info in your posts interesting, but it's a chore to read them because of your snide attitude. Please correct anything that you see me, or anyone else write if you have better info. But do you have to be so condescending? You seem quite knowledgeable about these films. Cool. I'd love to hear what you have to say, but it'd go down better if you said things to others, like you'd like to have things said to you. With a little respect. Thanks brother.

...."Pass the dipper, Bob"

Please correct anything that you see me, or anyone else write if you have better info.

You're "Kidding, right?

I've found the info in your posts interesting, but it's a chore to read them because of your snide attitude.

I'd sure hate to make it a "chore" for you, there, Bob. Life should be JUST the way YOU want it to be -

All the money you could ever want

FREE Sex from a female who will do WHATEVER, WHENEVER you need it

and FREE Booze..

"Internet Etiquette" has always amazed me in that people can tell when your SHOUTING at them or mad or sad or

suicidal, homosexual, bi-sexual, a nerd, got high blood pressure, smell, racist, you name it........and they can tell you just what you are, need, should buy, watch, or do.

But do you have to be so condescending?

I've never written a "Condescending" post here, in my life -- I don't post THAT much

[and there's a reason - But that now longer exists].

You'd have to know me, I mean REALLY know me.......and BOB, I couldn't name a person, that knows me like that.

You seem quite knowledgeable about these films.

Some people say that. Yet, there's no need to "toot my own horn" [basically, because I don't own a horn].

And I wouldn't if I could. I

t's not necessary.

How I feel about what I do and how others "perceive" it are

(2) different things. I'm not out to try and "impress" you............if you happen to get or be impressed

with something I do or have done -- Good for you, but it won't stop me from doing what I've always enjoyed doing.

Now, I DO like a good conversation, ever now & again. Unfortunately, people think I'm "correcting" them or

being "snide & condescending", so it can be [for lack of a better word] a "Chore" to get what I need.

That's why I've been saving my best stuff for later.

but it'd go down better if you said things to others, like you'd like to have things said to you. With a little respect.

Respect "begets" Respect, Bob

I'll leave you with a Poem I wrote [Yes, I write Poetry, Bob] to a Childhood friend, as it seems to fit this situation.

We love the guy, but for some reason, he always seemed to want be far from that guy we grew up with....

I understand and I understood,

the bad and the good,

the wrongs, the rights,

the insults, the slights

yet, the fact still remains

not a damn things changed

is it you? is it me?

are we through? could we be?

so will you stop, if I let it drop

the subject, not my pants

do we talk or continue to "dance".



I understand what you've said


I'm not nor have I tried to insult you

but, it seems nothings changed

not blaming any one you or me

are we done here? think we ever will be?

Will you stop "assuming" things I've written, and I'll stop trying to explain what I wrote?

on ALL matters, as it would be easy to just say, "Kiss my Ass"

So can we carry on a civilized conversation or are we just going to continue going back and forth with this?

...the dipper, Bob


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you sure use alot of "'s. im thinking i know who you are. and now it does not suprise me that you are as condescending as you are. you got alot of knowledge ill give you that. but if you are going to constantly be an ass, go back to your website. we here are friendly nerds

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If you feel the need to be "corrected", take CORRECTOL.

[... MIDOL, might help with that "Water-Weight Gain on the Brain" and your "Irritability"]

Normally, I'd let YOU figure that one out, but.....

We were trying to establish the correct "MONTH & DAY" --- Not the YEAR. That part was known.

En Garde.

Dodge - Spin - Parry - Thrust...

Not at all and it doesn't have to be.

One thing that I was talking about was:

Nice article, yet according to YOU, he could have gone to his own FUNERAL as he died in JUNE, not JULY.

What makes it even stranger to me, was the you "re-edited" certain portion of it, but not the DATE he died.

[Guess you don't like "Dates"].

You "Originally" posted this on MARCH 18th, 2008

It's kinda like making a nice Chocolate cake and giving everyone a slice. Then you find out that you used SALT instead

of SUGAR. To write so eloquently about this man that you defended "Tooth & Nail" with me in that later post, that you can't even remember the DATE he died, is amazing.

I guess that's why they put THANKSGIVING on the "LAST" Thursday of November, so some people won't forget the date, because you only have to remember DAY.

...."Pass the dipper, Bob"

You're "Kidding, right?

I'd sure hate to make it a "chore" for you, there, Bob. Life should be JUST the way YOU want it to be -

All the money you could ever want

FREE Sex from a female who will do WHATEVER, WHENEVER you need it

and FREE Booze..

"Internet Etiquette" has always amazed me in that people can tell when your SHOUTING at them or mad or sad or

suicidal, homosexual, bi-sexual, a nerd, got high blood pressure, smell, racist, you name it........and they can tell you just what you are, need, should buy, watch, or do.

I've never written a "Condescending" post here, in my life -- I don't post THAT much

[and there's a reason - But that now longer exists].

You'd have to know me, I mean REALLY know me.......and BOB, I couldn't name a person, that knows me like that.

Some people say that. Yet, there's no need to "toot my own horn" [basically, because I don't own a horn].

And I wouldn't if I could. I

t's not necessary.

How I feel about what I do and how others "perceive" it are

(2) different things. I'm not out to try and "impress" you............if you happen to get or be impressed

with something I do or have done -- Good for you, but it won't stop me from doing what I've always enjoyed doing.

Now, I DO like a good conversation, ever now & again. Unfortunately, people think I'm "correcting" them or

being "snide & condescending", so it can be [for lack of a better word] a "Chore" to get what I need.

That's why I've been saving my best stuff for later.

Respect "begets" Respect, Bob

I'll leave you with a Poem I wrote [Yes, I write Poetry, Bob] to a Childhood friend, as it seems to fit this situation.

We love the guy, but for some reason, he always seemed to want be far from that guy we grew up with....

I understand and I understood,

the bad and the good,

the wrongs, the rights,

the insults, the slights

yet, the fact still remains

not a damn things changed

is it you? is it me?

are we through? could we be?

so will you stop, if I let it drop

the subject, not my pants

do we talk or continue to "dance".



I understand what you've said


I'm not nor have I tried to insult you

but, it seems nothings changed

not blaming any one you or me

are we done here? think we ever will be?

Will you stop "assuming" things I've written, and I'll stop trying to explain what I wrote?

on ALL matters, as it would be easy to just say, "Kiss my Ass"

So can we carry on a civilized conversation or are we just going to continue going back and forth with this?

...the dipper, Bob


;);););) Wow! Just what I expected, and a poem, too. Now your next diatribe will be a barrage of sexually laced insults as I have seen on your past encounters with other "lesser mortals".

I was wondering what had taken you so long to respond, but then I remembered that you like to add all the BELLS & WHISTLES that make your retorts so memorable....and there's a poem, too!

If you bothered to read the responses to that article, the amendments were the additions I had put back in from the full piece. And I checked the third revision I had done which is still on my computer and it has the June 22nd date on it. Excuse me for not catching that one, I am not you....no wait, I mean I am not YOU, to put special emphasis by capitalization which is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE in your posts.

And you contradict yourself in your witty responses, too.

"Internet Etiquette" has always amazed me in that people can tell when your SHOUTING at them or mad or sad or

suicidal, homosexual, bi-sexual, a nerd, got high blood pressure, smell, racist, you name it........and they can tell you just what you are, need, should buy, watch, or do.

You are obviously a believer in this sermon for you claim that I have "Water-Weight Gain on the Brain" and that I am irritable!;);););)

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im thinking i know who you are.

LOL, I didn't know I was trying to hide who I am...

but if you are going to constantly be an ass, go back to your website. we here are friendly nerds

I'll go back to my website, if you'll go back to the TRAILER PARK. If you're nice, I might even let you play with my


So which one are you "supposed" to be - WAYNE or GARTH??

Let me guess? You KISSED A GIRL and you didn't LiKE it....

and now it does not suprise me that you are as condescending as you are. you got alot of knowledge ill give you that.

Now, that's a shame... Before you get on my case about something that's not about YOU, you should learn to speak when you're spoken to. I've yet, to hear why you're so upset about a post that doesn't have anything to do with you [or Jujitsu or rock and roll].

Maybe it's YOU who needed the MIDOL.......I tell you Jujitsu can CRAMP one's style and leave your BOWELS in KNOTS!!

you sure use alot of "'s.

I use a lot of thing, make sure YOU'RE not one of them. Here's how you play the game -

If I'm not talking to you - you sit down & shut up until I say move..

or I'm gonna take away your JUDAS PRIEST jammies and your RALPH MACCHIO flip-flops

we here are friendly nerds

what else could they be? Isn't that why they take Jujitsu? To stop people from giving them "Wedgees" and to stop from having their heads dunked in toilets?

Get real. If you have something "meaningful" to say, I'll listen, but if not, go and practice your NECK CRANKS [and not the ones you do in the bathroom on lunch break]. Or was that the "Goose Neck". I'd teach you some "Small circle Jujitsu", but that small circle on your neck, seems to be begging for oxygen.

When you feel the need to come to the defense of [another nerd - as you say], 79th and Woodlawn will get you all the action you need or perhaps 81st & Kenwood or North Bishop [where the real thugs hang out]. Just by hearing your conversation there you seem to wanna "Prove" yourself, but YOU know that I know better.

Stick to something you can controll [like the Joystick on your Playstation] not something you can't [like ME].

Nice Picture. Did I see you on INTERVENTION on A&E ?

If you wanna save a Nerd, go to GOOGLE and see if you can get by security. Show them you "Horice Gracie" thermos

and see if the don't check it for CRYSTAL METH.

Wax on, wax off

Jerk on, Jerk o....[oh, I forgot you know THAT one]

Janie's got a gun..... Jujitsu Boy's on the run


;);););) Wow! Just what I expected, and a poem, too. Now your next diatribe will be a barrage of sexually laced insults as I have seen on your past encounters with other "lesser mortals".

I was wondering what had taken you so long to respond, but then I remembered that you like to add all the BELLS & WHISTLES that make your retorts so memorable....and there's a poem, too!

IF you knew how to READ, you'd know that I was DONE with you and I was talking to BOB. The POEM wasn't mean for anyone except the "initial" person I wrote it to (5) years ago, slick.

Why it took me soooo long to write?? You're kidding, right?

Do you think I sit at the computer trying to think of things to say to you? LOL.

I spent time with my daughter, visited with my mother, and came home around 10pm, did some BAG WORK, and watched television. YOU were the least of my worries, you see because I KNEW that you'd be waiting for a response, but spending time with my kid and visiting with my mom is sooooooooo much more important than, writing a response to a guy who BLOWS UP at any and every little thing that I post.

Seriously, you're TOO EASY, that way AND it' sreally sad, because I don't dislike you, [basically, because I don't KNOW you] and now I have some KID ROCK-wannabe who wants to play CHIMIE on my CHUNGA.

If you bothered to read the responses to that article, the amendments were the additions I had put back in from the full piece. And I checked the third revision I had done which is still on my computer and it has the June 22nd date on it.

- ON YOUR COMPUTER - is not on this board. Just say you didn't know the date and move on.

I was just surprised that while all who read it [since 3/18/08] hadn't commented on it sooner, but you know what -

I shouldn't be surprised - as most just LOOK, they don't Fact Check.

LET IT GO .......I have. As you noticed, I waited a whole YEAR damn near for you to correct it, so you wouldn't say that I was trying to CORRECT you....

Excuse me for not catching that one, I am not you....no wait, I mean I am not YOU, to put special emphasis by capitalization which is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE in your posts.

[Place Snide/Condesending Remark HERE] If that were the case I've EXCUSED you for almost a whole year, then.

Feel better, now.

For the record - The only REAL "Importance" is in knowing that you'll FIX it.


Now if you want me to write you a poem, I'll be glad to.

Giive me a Title and supply me with (20) random words and I'll whip you up something quicker than you can say -

"JUJITSU will not win in a REAL fight on the SOUTHSIDE of CHICAGO"

You are obviously a believer in this sermon for you claim that I have "Water-Weight Gain on the Brain" and that I am irritable!;);););)

You can fool me, but you can't fool "Mother Nature"......

If that poem had of been for you, you would have missed it's real meaning which stated -

Will you stop "assuming" things I've written, and I'll stop trying to explain what I wrote?

So can we carry on a civilized conversation or are we just going to continue going back and forth with this?

So which is it?


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IF you knew how to READ, you'd know that I was DONE with you and I was talking to BOB. The POEM wasn't mean for anyone except the "initial" person I wrote it to (5) years ago, slick.

Why it took me soooo long to write?? You're kidding, right?

Do you think I sit at the computer trying to think of things to say to you? LOL.

I spent time with my daughter, visited with my mother, and came home around 10pm, did some BAG WORK, and watched television. YOU were the least of my worries, you see because I KNEW that you'd be waiting for a response, but spending time with my kid and visiting with my mom is sooooooooo much more important than, writing a response to a guy who BLOWS UP at any and every little thing that I post.

Seriously, you're TOO EASY, that way AND it' sreally sad, because I don't dislike you, [basically, because I don't KNOW you] and now I have some KID ROCK-wannabe who wants to play CHIMIE on my CHUNGA.

- ON YOUR COMPUTER - is not on this board. Just say you didn't know the date and move on.

I was just surprised that while all who read it [since 3/18/08] hadn't commented on it sooner, but you know what -

I shouldn't be surprised - as most just LOOK, they don't Fact Check.

LET IT GO .......I have. As you noticed, I waited a whole YEAR damn near for you to correct it, so you wouldn't say that I was trying to CORRECT you....

[Place Snide/Condesending Remark HERE] If that were the case I've EXCUSED you for almost a whole year, then.

Feel better, now.

For the record - The only REAL "Importance" is in knowing that you'll FIX it.


Now if you want me to write you a poem, I'll be glad to.

Giive me a Title and supply me with (20) random words and I'll whip you up something quicker than you can say -

"JUJITSU will not win in a REAL fight on the SOUTHSIDE of CHICAGO"

You can fool me, but you can't fool "Mother Nature"......

If that poem had of been for you, you would have missed it's real meaning which stated -

So which is it?


;););););) Wait, wait, wait....there you go putting words into my mouth again. I never specified that your poem was for me, just that the fact that you took the time to write it whilst playing with your daughter, visiting your mother, etc, etc.

These passages are great, by the way.:D

I could honestly care less what you do with your day whether it be the things you mentioned, or coming up with row after row of snappy jargon (as well as abusing the quote function) to make you feel good about yourself because you've spent countless hours to find out a mans actual birthday.:D

But then, I would never have gotten into this "conversation" as you call it, if you hadn't tried to stir the pot with your "flashback" to another post. ;););)

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I don't spend much time here anymore because of stuff like this, but if you wish to continue your creative back and forth, why not just PM me. ;)

What is BAG WORK exactly? You have it wedged in between your coming home and television. It's CAPITALIZED so I assume it hold greater importance than playing with your mother and visiting your daughter.:angel:

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This thread went hella weird...lol!

For what it's worth, I'm going to try & track down Wong Chung. Hopefully, we could do an interview with him.

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This thread went hella weird...lol!

For what it's worth, I'm going to try & track down Wong Chung. Hopefully, we could do an interview with him.

I'm sure it will help to clear this mess.Otherwise this thread should be closed.

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wow...threats...great. just what we need on here.

well...im sure you look like what picture you have up there as well.

small circle me all you want. make fun of the gracies...oooh you got me.

go back to charging 30 dollars for a crappy vhs dub and leave us alone. and have fun training with all of your instructional dvds without a sparring partner. i could care less. im not calling anyone "out". "im" "just" "letting" "you "know" that we don't need "jerks" like "you" messin up our "good time"

and try meth....you might like it

rob halford could whoop your sorry internet warrior behind anyway

oh and

"f" "off"

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wow...threats...great. just what we need on here.

Where EXACTLY did I threaten you??

im not calling anyone "out". "im" "just" "letting" "you "know" that we don't need "jerks" like "you" messin up our "good time"

WHo is that WE?

Remember, I NEVER said anythig to YOU, yet you took it upon yourself to wanna start something you know NOTHING about.

and try meth....you might like it

NO THANKS.. it does to the Mind, what it does to the TEETH -- and I wanna keep both.

and have fun training with all of your instructional dvds without a sparring partner.

We all know who your "Training Partner" is , but you can only train with him in the BATHROOM.

Ah, ["Hand Man"] .... you're trying to use the "Chicken Choke-Hold" technique, but you haven't "perfected" it yet..

rob halford could whoop your sorry internet warrior behind anyway

Never heard of him, sorry. Was I supposed to know him, like you THOUGHT you knew who I was..?

oh and

"f" "off"

Yeah, .....That just goes too show that when they started handing out all these SENIOR MEMEBER badges, they didn't screen too hard, because like METH fumes seeping through the cracks of your teeth, YOU slipped through the line and got "Promoted".

Well down.

Genius Comeback. You must've "burned" your Typing fingers holding some "Glass tubing".

There's no need to answer this, just save your strength for more worthwhile things. I knew you were on something when you said

im thinking i know who you are.

when my sign on name is BJV.

Let me guess - the room's spinning and the pipe's winning...

Run along "Sonny Boy"


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Wait, wait, wait....there you go putting words into my mouth again. I never specified that your poem was for me, just that the fact that you took the time to write it whilst playing with your daughter, visiting your mother

You sound like a "Virgin". What am I waiting for.


Will you stop "assuming" things I've written, and I'll stop trying to explain what I wrote?

So can we carry on a civilized conversation or are we just going to continue going back and forth with this?

So which is it?

Is your replies Your answer?

I'm only ASKING so you won't say I'm "Putting something in your mouth" [for the 3rd time]

Do you look at what you read?

Poem was written in (2004)

to make you feel good about yourself because you've spent countless hours to find out a mans actual birthday.

That was more about you not feeling STUPID that you wrote all that stuff, THEN tried to turn it around and say you left in on your COMPUTER, after you've re-edited the thing a number of times. But I just KNEW you'd "freak out" when I mentioned it -- because you'd rather look foolish, then to have something WRONG pointed out to you [no matter HOW it was done] -- it would still be WRONG.

But then, I would never have gotten into this "conversation" as you call it, if you hadn't tried to stir the pot with your "flashback" to another post.

And I would have NEVER brought your MISTAKE up, if you hadn't of made the MISTAKE of "Bitching so much about Chang Cheh is this, Chang Cheh is that" and can't even REMEMBER this man who you are "claiming to praise" date of DEATH.

What makes it even WORSE, is that you're always quoting from his MEMOIRS Book - you'd think the DATE he died was in there somewhere. LOL.

Tell me, do you know when NEW YEAR's is?? I mean, what DATE?

I don't spend much time here anymore because of stuff like this, but if you wish to continue your creative back and forth, why not just PM me. ;)

What is BAG WORK exactly? You have it wedged in between your coming home and television. It's CAPITALIZED so I assume it hold greater importance than playing with your mother and visiting your daughter.:angel:

HEAVY BAG work, it was done after my visits and before my reply. No, I guess I put it in CAPS, because for someone who's always on this FORUM, I didn't think you'd know what it was............but I gave you the "benefit of the doubt". OOPS!

Don't leave, stay, as they need CORRECT information here [just make sure you retrieve it from your computer first].

I bet the DOG always ate your homework...

You SENIOR MEMBERS, I tell ya...


[NO REPLY needed...]

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funny thing is...i actually posted a thread a while back praising your overpriced site as a great source of info. what i didnt point out was your smarmy attitude. i remember emailing you quite some time ago with a few questions and all i got back was a "holier than thou" paragraph filled. awesome.....you know way more about asian cinema than i do

you can reference judas priest but won't take the time to realize rob halford is the lead singer? le gasp! you really don't know everything!

your discription of me is WAAYY off fella. i don't like doing neck cranks.

jesus bro. get over yourself.

i come here to make friends, trade info, and movies. so far ive done that.

really man....what have you done? except take an outrageous amount of time trying to come back at everyone to point out useless facts just to get your wee wee hard.

im gonna go kiss girls now.

the jerk store just ran out of you

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funny thing is...i actually posted a thread a while back praising your overpriced site as a great source of info. what i didnt point out was your smarmy attitude. i remember emailing you quite some time ago with a few questions and all i got back was a "holier than thou" paragraph filled. awesome.....you know way more about asian cinema than i do

you can reference judas priest but won't take the time to realize rob halford is the lead singer? le gasp! you really don't know everything!

your discription of me is WAAYY off fella. i don't like doing neck cranks.

jesus bro. get over yourself.

i come here to make friends, trade info, and movies. so far ive done that.

really man....what have you done? except take an outrageous amount of time trying to come back at everyone to point out useless facts just to get your wee wee hard.

im gonna go kiss girls now.

the jerk store just ran out of you

OK, thank you.

"Breakin' the Law, Breakin' the Law" ....

I don't listen to Judas Priest, but I know of them..........

Know a lotta Rock groups, but none of the guys names, as I just like some of the music.

Yeah, my site is a good source of information.

Is That it?

P.S. - Never been "Holier than thou" or anybody else.

JERK STORE - Yeah, Seinfeld is cool.

"Good Nite and Good Luck"...


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I'm only ASKING so you won't say I'm "Putting something in your mouth" [for the 3rd time]

My god, man, you're worse than a woman about getting the last word.;)

I did notice that some time has passed since you responded to jujitsu77's post and your yet again sexually laced response to me, but then your username does utilize the letters 'B' and 'J'.

So much for that magic minute it takes you to break out one of your infinitely witty moments of thought provoking verbal excellence.:nerd:

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