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JCVD, the return of a star


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With the recent release of "JCVD" he stated in a report that he might be making sequels to his earlier which includes " Bloodsport 2, Timecop 2, and Universal Soldier 3. " My opinion I know his acting sucks and I think he should keep making films to keep building his career to it's former state. I think it's too soon to jump back to those old 80's flicks. Plus, TimeCop 2?! TimeCop was bad enough! They already made a TimeCop 2, it's with Jason Scott Lee! Universal Soilder 3, is a maybe subject...I hope the Expandables, will bring Lungren back! and Bloodsport 2, maybe if it's filmed right. Maybe JCVD could teach a kid or maybe he could pull a "Legend of the Drunken Master" like Jackie, but it concerns me because Didn't Frank Dux try to sure JCVD? Tell me what you think?

- Goldenfist

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Guest Markgway

Van Damme's acting doesn't suck. That's just an overused accusation his lazy detractors make. I've seen acclaimed award winners give much worse performances.

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I think his acting has definitely improved since his start.When I saw JCVD I actually cheered 4 him at the ending.Something I hadn't done 4 him since I went to see Kick boxer at the theaters when I was 19.

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Van Damme's acting doesn't suck. That's just an overused accusation his lazy detractors make. I've seen acclaimed award winners give much worse performances.

Please ,Mark...;)

I stopped watching his movies in the mid 90's, so I can't speak for those that came after... but seriously... HE IS A BAD ACTOR! I enjoy his early efforts as much as the next guy, but I don't take them seriously. He's not Loren Avedon bad, and he improved with time, But that doesn't make him a good actor!

Im placing him a notch below Chuck Norris, and a notch above Michael Dudikoff!

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Van Damme's acting doesn't suck. That's just an overused accusation his lazy detractors make. I've seen acclaimed award winners give much worse performances.

heh heh - I agree.

Some of Van Damme's later films show his improvement in the acting department.

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Guest Markgway

I refuse to jump on the band wagon of those who laugh at Van Damme's acting just because it's Van Damme. Yes, he's pretty wooden in early films like No Retreat No Surrender and Bloodsport but he's improved considerably since then and has on occasion given performances that I would go as far as to call very good. Unlike Seagal Van Damme keeps trying and whilst the quality of his DTV films is uneven I respect his refusal to just turn up for the paycheck. But for arguments sake I'd like someone to tell me what sucks about his acting in AWOL/Lionheart for example. Bear in mind we're talking about him playing a legionnaire involved in underground fighting and not a terminally ill AIDS campaigner.

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Way of the Dragon

Seriously? Is he gonna do a re-make of Bloodsport 2? I didnt bother watching it because it had a different actor in it. I loved the first.

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Listen ok, maybe he's acting isn't that bad and yes it's become much better then before. I really liked him in The Shepard, and JCVD, and I hope his new movie " The Eagle path " does good. I just think if he rushes to fast back into the American Films, then we'll, he's going down. Take time to rebuild then start the project you know what I mean?

- GoldenFist

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I went to JCVD really wanting to like Van Damme, but I still think he's just an okay actor. Sadly the best part of the film was the intro. His long emotional speech may or may not have been sincere, it's hard to say, but then maybe that showed he was doing a good acting job.


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Yes, in battle of the bad accents, I would also give the edge to Van Douchenberg! But that ain't sayin much!

Don't get me wrong, I recognize that they are cool action stars (or were). But that doesn't necessarilly have a lot to do with acting!

And how they have lived in the US for 30 some years, and still haven't been able to shake those thick accents is beyond me!

I bet the mexicans, selling oranges by the LA freeway speaks better english than these two guys.

You can't fully focus on your performance, if your struggling with your accent, and stumbling over the words... look at Jackie in his HLWD movies!

Both Arnie and Van D, got better with time. But they are not, nor have they ever been GOOD actors!

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Guest Markgway

I have no problem with their European accents. But then I'm not an American so why would it bother me? No one laughs at Gerard Depardieu and he has the same accent as Van Damme. It's snobbery that's all.

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It`s better to have bad actor in good movie than good actor in bad flick.


I have no problem with their European accents. But then I'm not an American so why would it bother me? No one laughs at Gerard Depardieu and he has the same accent as Van Damme. It's snobbery that's all.

Im not american either! Nor am I a film snob, or snob of any kind... NOW, for the last time.... I enjoy their movies, BUT... that doesn't mean that they are good actors! As a huge fan of exploitation, b-movies and genre films of all shapes and sizes, I wouldn't be able to watch these movies, if I was concerned about "proper acting" now would I? But that doesn't mean that I cant distinct between good acting, mediocre acting and bad acting!

Different films calls for different performances, But AS and JCVD gives the same performance in most every movie they make, cuz they have no range. And thats fine... I don't expect DeNiro when watching Bloodsport or Commando. But, Watching them trying to convey any type of complex emotion is cringe worthy at best. Can you actually keep at straight face when Van D screams "NOOOO" in... well, every movie he has ever made?

I haven't seen JCVD, but I will, just to see Van D act in his own language... I bet it makes a huge difference. But I doubt I will be blown away by his acting skills!

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Guest Markgway
Im not american either! Nor am I a film snob, or snob of any kind... NOW, for the last time.... I enjoy their movies, BUT... that doesn't mean that they are good actors!

So why do so many laugh at their accents but never laugh at "proper" actors with the same accents?

As a huge fan of exploitation, b-movies and genre films of all shapes and sizes, I wouldn't be able to watch these movies, if I was concerned about "proper acting" now would I?

I still expect decent acting from B movies. I don't expect them to bare their soles on camera for an action film but they need to be competant at least.

But that doesn't mean that I cant distinct between good acting, mediocre acting and bad acting!

The quality of acting is subjective. I've seen people win Oscars for poor performances whilst the same people laugh at action stars for solid work.

But AS and JCVD gives the same performance in most every movie they make, cuz they have no range.

DeNiro and Pacino come off the same in almost every movie they make... but if you have serious pretentions that's OK?

But, Watching them trying to convey any type of complex emotion is cringe worthy at best. Can you actually keep at straight face when Van D screams "NOOOO" in... well, every movie he has ever made?

I'd agree with that of many of JCVD's early films but he stopped doing the "nooooo!!" about 1990. Watch Death Warrant and tell me where the laughable acting from JCVD is.

But I doubt I will be blown away by his acting skills!

Probably not. I never said he was a great actor. But I think he's better than he gets credit for.

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I guess you guys are right, I'd rather have a bad actor in a kickass film, then a good actor in a kickass film. Most of the time the good actors ruin it!

- GoldenFist

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So why do so many laugh at their accents but never laugh at "proper" actors with the same accents?

I do....!

I still expect decent acting from B movies. I don't expect them to bare their soles on camera for an action film but they need to be competant at least.

I agree, DECENT acting!

The quality of acting is subjective. I've seen people win Oscars for poor performances whilst the same people laugh at action stars for solid work.

I agree...

DeNiro and Pacino come off the same in almost every movie they make... but if you have serious pretentions that's OK?

I agree, but they did solid work in the 70's and 80's!

I'd agree with that of many of JCVD's early films but he stopped doing the "nooooo!!" about 1990. Watch Death Warrant and tell me where the laughable acting from JCVD is.

Saw SUDDEN DEATH on tv a few days ago, and Van D's performance was pure cheese, as was the whole movie, and it is from '95!

Probably not. I never said he was a great actor. But I think he's better than he gets credit for.

Depends on who's giving him the credit...

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Van Damme IMO made his mark as far as action/martial arts films are concern. I really enjoy his films, A good Van Damme film doesn't necessarily mean throwing helicopter kick every five minutes. Today I received the JCVD DVD, can't wait to check it out. I believe Van Damme is in a transitional period in his acting career. Look at guy's like Liam Neeson, stallone and Micky Rourke, all in the 50's & 60's and making action films? If success holds true, then Van Damme has plenty of time. XD

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Okay, I watched JCVD last night. I was really curious because of all the hype, but admittedly felt quite cynical about all the praise it was getting. Van Damme giving this great performance... really? I enjoyed a lot of his earlier films- especially when I was a younger- like BLOODSPORT, KICKBOXER, UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, HARD TARGET, however, I haven't exactly rushed out to see his last 20 straight to DVD movies. When I saw the blurbs of praise on the DVD cover, I thought I must have somehow wound up in Bizarro World- Entertainment Weekly, Boston Globe, Variety... TIME Magazine?! So I tried to keep an open mind as I loaded it into the player. Well... the film is truly fantastic! I guess this is JCVD's triumphant re-birth film, much in the same way that THE WRESTLER is Mickey Rourke's. I loved every aspect of the film. It had some very interesting artistic moments from the director, but without ever becoming too much. The script, music, cinematography, lighting, sets, and most especially JCVD himself, are all top-notch. What an incredible, soul-baring performance he's given here. Plus the film managed to both fullfill my wishes, and not pander to the audience's expectations. A fine line to walk! I won't site any specific examples though, as it might ruin the film for others.

I'd rate JCVD a 9.5 out of 10.

I'm wondering if this film would have been eligible for this year's Oscars, or next year's as far as it's release date?

The DVD release by Peace Arch Entertainment looks beautiful, features the original poster art on the cover, and includes the uncut film in it's original language (French with a bit of English) with good subtitles (a few minor flaws there). Plus for consumption by the general public, there's also an English dub- didn't check that out. Sadly, other than the theatrical trailer (wish all DVDs still included these like in the heyday) and a few deleted scenes, there's no other extras. This film is crying out for a "making of" and an audio commentary from the star and director. Maybe other versions will include this stuff. I rented the US release, but I will definitely buy this- hopefully in a more feature-laden version.

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Guest Markgway

Would've been eligible for this year's Oscars (just past).

But The Academy members would commit Hari Kiri and roll over in their graves before nominating a Van Damme movie (of any kind...)

Went straight to DVD in the UK.

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You'd be better off getting the UK dvd Bob. It's a 2-Disc release with deleted scenes, A Making Of, and a 'Day In The Life Of JCVD' featurette :D

Here's a link to a review:


Thanks for saving me the trouble of looking. :D That's exactly what I was talking about. I would have loved to watch those special features the second the film was over. I'll be picking this version up for sure.

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