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Nora Miao and Sonny Chiba


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THE GOOD: (which is actually great!):

- Been exchanging msg's with EatingFish, it's looking good; and I'm sure we will have the "raw" movie on a disc. =D

- We have KaleyBoy, who is willing to do the timing and encoding of the subtitles/DVD, which is a HUGE help.

THE BAD: (which actually isn't too bad):

- We still need someone who can translate the movie and type out an English script, so that KaleyBoy can do his thing. Anyone?


- We have a few people who are willing to donate so far (I'm sure we'll get several more, at least I hope). I'm going to throw in $20 (to EatingFish) off the bat - which pays for the subscription to the Toei channel. I'll also be chipping in a little more, depending on how many people are interested. Like I said before, the more people, the less we'll all have to chip in.

Of course, nobody's donations will be a gamble, as EatingFish will post screen shots as a form of proof, which will be posted on this thread.

THE UGLY: (more like the "unknown," but we'll worry about this when we get there):

Once EatingFish is done with the DVD, he'll most likely send the disc to whoever is going to make us the english script (and more importantly, send a second copy to KaleyBoy). Then the translator will send the text (via email) to kaleyBoy. I imagine electronic file transfer (to KaleyBoy, from EatingFish - via ftp, etc) may be an option - whatever the sender and receiver prefers.

With our fingers crossed, we'll have a nice fan-subbed copy of this rare Sonny Chiba flick. We'll worry about distributing it, once we get there. There obviously will be shipping fees involved (for those who want a copy).

Like I said, take this one step at a time. Considering this movie isn't available in any format, I think the time, effort, and the donations will be worth it.

Please excuse me of I'm coming across bossy or instructive in any way; I really don't mean to. Just trying to keep this thing in perspective. I really don't want to see this movie end up in "Big Boss 2" land, if you know what I mean.


P.S. Again, I ask, whoever is interested in a copy (and is willing to donate), please state your interest in this thread. I know you're out there!

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I'm interested and also may have the solution to the translation issue. I'll talk to one of my Japanese friends and see if he is willing to take the time to write out the script, once the raw disc has been obtained.

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The Good:

Hurrah - this film isn't a myth!

The Great:

Holy shit - it's gonna be on TV in Japan soon!

The Awesome:

Fuck me - somebody has been cool enough to offer to record it!

The X-Ray Punch:

My wig has just been fully splitt with happiness when I read that there is a very good chance that this is gonna have eng subs too!!!! :xd:

The Bad:

Slightly soiled my pants with excitement! :wink:

The Aftermath:

Now that my excitement has abated ever-so-slightly, I will be more than happy to donate to this great cause. If I could, I'd buy everyone invloved an Asahi or two! :wink:

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Sounds good to me. I need a copy in whatever format the guy recording it uses, most likely on a DVD-R. Can either be posted to me or I'd be happy to download it if you wanna upload it somewhere.


THE GOOD: (which is actually great!):

- Been exchanging msg's with EatingFish, it's looking good; and I'm sure we will have the "raw" movie on a disc. =D

- We have KaleyBoy, who is willing to do the timing and encoding of the subtitles/DVD, which is a HUGE help.

THE BAD: (which actually isn't too bad):

- We still need someone who can translate the movie and type out an English script, so that KaleyBoy can do his thing. Anyone?


- We have a few people who are willing to donate so far (I'm sure we'll get several more, at least I hope). I'm going to throw in $20 (to EatingFish) off the bat - which pays for the subscription to the Toei channel. I'll also be chipping in a little more, depending on how many people are interested. Like I said before, the more people, the less we'll all have to chip in.

Of course, nobody's donations will be a gamble, as EatingFish will post screen shots as a form of proof, which will be posted on this thread.

THE UGLY: (more like the "unknown," but we'll worry about this when we get there):

Once EatingFish is done with the DVD, he'll most likely send the disc to whoever is going to make us the english script (and more importantly, send a second copy to KaleyBoy). Then the translator will send the text (via email) to kaleyBoy. I imagine electronic file transfer (to KaleyBoy, from EatingFish - via ftp, etc) may be an option - whatever the sender and receiver prefers.

With our fingers crossed, we'll have a nice fan-subbed copy of this rare Sonny Chiba flick. We'll worry about distributing it, once we get there. There obviously will be shipping fees involved (for those who want a copy).

Like I said, take this one step at a time. Considering this movie isn't available in any format, I think the time, effort, and the donations will be worth it.

Please excuse me of I'm coming across bossy or instructive in any way; I really don't mean to. Just trying to keep this thing in perspective. I really don't want to see this movie end up in "Big Boss 2" land, if you know what I mean.


P.S. Again, I ask, whoever is interested in a copy (and is willing to donate), please state your interest in this thread. I know you're out there!

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Peeewhhh! Wigsplitta, change your shorts brother! However, I'm not denying that this is indeed a "shit-your-pants-with-excitement" moment! :xd:

Gaijin84- that would be great!:wink:

Kaleyboy- you rock! And we've all been fortunate to have benefitted from your subtitling skills before, so we know we'll get a great job from you.

Count me in on this. And I'm offering my DVD cover making services on this too. :bigsmile:

Thanks for setting this up MPM74! :nerd:

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Fang Shih-yu
My trousers just burst into flames.
I didn't know Toyota also made pants!:tongue: Any film with Nora Miao is worth my attention! Wishing you all continued, smooth progress!:yociexp108:
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And the worst part is, I'm sat at my desk at work! :tongue:

Seriously, thanks a million to all involved - I've been wanting to check this film out for the longest time!!

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My friend has agreed to do the translation - as soon as I receive the disc we'll start the process! :bigsmile:

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Seriously, thanks a million to all involved - I've been wanting to check this film out for the longest time!!

Sorry buddy, I'm afraid you're wrong there. I've been wanting to see it for longer. To be exact, I've been wanting to check this film out for the longest time +1 day!!!! LOL :tongue::xd:

BTW - I hope you weren't wearing shell-suit pants!!! They'd have gone up faster than a joint in a cheech & chong party!!! :wink:

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My friend has agreed to do the translation - as soon as I receive the disc we'll start the process! :bigsmile:

This is excellent news! All we need now is the actual movie.

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Seems everybody's getting very excited, which is good to hear. Sit tight, after the movie airs in 2 weeks time, i'll post some screens. Gaijin84- sent you a pm

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This is fantastic stuff - talk about the fans being pro-active!

Looking forward to seeing some screenshots!

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I'm glad it's coming together, too...

Hats off to Eatingfish, KaleyBoy and now, Gaijin84! =D

Also gotta give props to Bengs for bringing the broadcast to our attention.

I would LOVE to see some custom art by Kung Fu Bob, as well!

Who do you guys think you are, Panmedia? lol jk

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Thanks for everybody's effort. Hopefully there will be a good result and we can all get to see it at some point.

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Thanks again Bengs. In the process of it all, I forgot that all this started with you. lol

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Ah...Nora Miao...

I used to play with her when I was at the tender age of 7.

She was a regular customer at my dad's Chinese restaurant in downtown Toronto. But at the age of 7, I was oblivious to her past and didn't even know who Bruce Lee was. So to me, she was just an "auntie" from back in the day. I heard she even interviewed my late grandpa on her radio show before. Would really love to hear this recorded interview if possible. Musta been really hard for my gramps to hold his tongue on the radio airwaves. (he's got a potty mouth. having lived with him for years, i'd know.)

Hi, Mighty Peking Man 74!

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Ah...Nora Miao...

I used to play with her when I was at the tender age of 7.

She was a regular customer at my dad's Chinese restaurant in downtown Toronto. But at the age of 7, I was oblivious to her past and didn't even know who Bruce Lee was. So to me, she was just an "auntie" from back in the day. I heard she even interviewed my late grandpa on her radio show before. Would really love to hear this recorded interview if possible. Musta been really hard for my gramps to hold his tongue on the radio airwaves. (he's got a potty mouth. having lived with him for years, i'd know.)

Hi, Mighty Peking Man 74!

Is Nora still in Toronto? I think she was a guest at a film fest in montreal a few years ago.

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