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Nora Miao and Sonny Chiba


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It MUST have been shown on the Toei channel at some point, which by all accounts shows wall to wall 70s action films and Chiba flicks.

Darn it, wish I knew someone who lived in Japan now!! :tongue:

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Gaijin84, that was the sexiest thing you've ever done. =D

BTW, I still can't tell if that image of the woman is Nora miao... could you guys?

But then again, it does say "Hong Kong" next to her name.

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Actually, the more I look at it, the more it IS her. =D

Now we just have to find this movie.

This is awesome.

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I have a lead on this for sure. =D

A friend of mine has a friend who teaches english in Japan.

I'd say about 60% chance. Will keep you guys posted.

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Don't get too happy though... guy hasn't agreed. But he is a nice guy. Boils down to if he has the equipment to do so.

If not, I asked him to explore options, and maybe have it professionally done (or ask one of his students).

We'll see. =D If this works, i'm changing my name to "Panmedia".

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The Thai Film Archive ( useless as it is ) says that this is yet another 'lost film'. Would like very much to get the Japanese version at least....

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Where did you find these babies?

Damn, I hate when people tag their photos!!!! I mean, it's not like they shot the original photographs....

Here's another shot from the movie (I didn't even realize it was from the Sonny Chiba flick until I saw the poster above - same shot of Nora)...



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Well, I hate when people steal my stuff that I spend my life working for and paying for without so much as a nod of acknowledgement, so if it's rare then it gets tagged. Sorry if you don't like it. I just won't share at all if that's better for you.:wink:

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I actually thought you found those pictures from some site (and they were already tagged - I had no idea you were Marshall).

Don't get me wrong, I still find it annoying when people tag them, but at the same time, I do understand. It's a double-edged sword, ya know? I've bought my share of retro asian magazines on ebay; and I will expose it all once the Nora Miao feature is done. And yeah, I'll be a little pissy if the images end up on other sites, but in the end of the day, I just brush it off

The great thing about forums like these is the magic one feels when seeing a new image or getting a new piece of information. But when that info is limited, or when the image is tagged, it sorta takes the fun away. Even with that guy that owns the Big Boss 2 reels; it's like, he either wants to make $40,000 or he will keep it to himself forever; the third choice is just to release it to the fans, and make a chunky donation in the process.

Life is too short, ya know? On the other side of the token, I fully understand.

Didn't mean to be a smart ass about anything. =D And I should have said it before, but thank you very much for sharing.

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I meant to say earlier, if the film is available, please let me know if there's any costs accrued and I'll pay my share.

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Thanks for the cool pix and info on this film. I've been wanting to see it for many years. Never realised that Nora Miao was in it!. Then again, I never really knew what this was was about at all!!!

Here's another pic. It's a photo of a poster that I had years ago. Took the negative down to Boots today to get it reprinted. Just a shame that the dilznicks cropped a large amount of the right hand side of it off! grrrr, will be taking it back in a few weeks and getting them to do it again properly. This image is a photo of the photo!!! ehhhh???!!! But, i'll scan it properly next week and replace this pic.

If anyone wants a a good resolutioon scan of the full poster, let me know and i'll send it over to you via mail. It won't be for about a month though, as I'm away the next three weekends, and won't have chance during the week.

If anyone is able to get a copy of the film, then I would be more than happy to put some money into the pocket of the person responsible!!! :xd:


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If mpm74s friend of a friend cant get it, might be able to help you guys out. I live in Japan, have cable tv and a dvd recorder. Not sure if i get the TOEI channel but i can probably subscribe to it...

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That would be cool if you can sorta be the back up guy; heck, judging from your equipment, you might be the better choice, period. If you subscribe to that channel, we can all help you pay for the subscription.

My friend's buddy doesn't check his email that often, but I expect to hear from him soon.

So, let's just play it be ear. Give it another 2 weeks or so; if not, I say you're the man and a few of us can donate some funds for your time and effort.


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That's an awesome gesture, EatingFish, and like MPM says, you won't be out of pocket 'cos we'll all chip in and cover your costs.

I think I'm right in saying that the Toei channel broadcasts films without subtitles, so that would be the next step!

Just to see this in any form would be great, though!

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If you guys can get a translation done, I'd be happy to do all the timings and encode the dvd.

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It's looking pretty, so far.

It fell through with my connection, but if everything goes smooth, EatingFish might be hooking it up. When we get closer to the date, we will have a solid answer when it's in the can.

EatingFish, no pressure. =D

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If you guys can get a translation done, I'd be happy to do all the timings and encode the dvd.

Sorry to quote my own post, but I stand by what I said. If anyone can do a translation, I'd be happy to help out by doing the timing, DVD encoding, etc.

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And once it's in the can, I'm going to try and collect a few bucks from every one so I can give it EatingFish, since he's the one subscribing to the channel and taking his time to record it. Of course, won't ask for anything until it's in-the-can. If he ends up having a pp account, we can give it directly to him.

The more people, the less we have to chip in. =D


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