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Jackie as Miyagi???

Monk Sante

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A hip-hop soundtrack is a given for a Will Smith project. He created the hip-hop soundtrack for his movies Men In Black and Wild Wild West. So why not his son's movies too?

Although they could've used the Carl Douglas classic instead. Oh wait, they can't because they're still calling it The Karate Kid...

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Guest Markgway

Not all black people like hip-hop... lol

Maybe if it was just the music without the rapping I could take it.

But when I went to see Romeo Must Die and heard foul-mouthed hip hop over the opening credits my heart sank.

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Guest Yi-Long

I was VERY skeptical about the premise of this movie, but I just watched the trailer and it actually looked pretty promising and GOOD. Cinematography and acting seem to be excellent, and instead of looking like just another poorly acted, poorly shot Hollywood kiddy-flick, it actually looks very 'mature' in the way it's executed.

Can't believe that a 1-2 minute trailer actually made me excited about this movie, so kudos!

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Don't get me wrong... I don't think there's anything wrong with liking hip hop AND kung fu. I'm not criticizing that as such... just the near-constant association of the two. Seems that if you like Kung Fu you're forced to take hip-hop with it. From the Wu Tang Clan branding of those Ground Zero discs to stuff like Romeo Must Die and Rush Hour. By all means like both... but they're not one and the same. That's all.

I agree, some of the newer generation got introduced to KF movies by Wu Tang but hip hop and kung fu are no more alike than rock and fu, it's not a new thing, I can't get past the jazz they were trying to put in the movies in the 70's, especially the period pieces, then again I like traditional ethnic music. There's always the exception, the funky theme to Man of Iron comes to mind.

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But by all means, continue to nitpick a movie that hasn't even been released yet and was never intended to cater to your esoteric whims.

Kind of the point of the forum isn't? I'll admit to really not being interested in this movie, then again it's been many years since I was excited about a Chan movie, it's great to see Yu Rongguang getting work though.

Oh and the original was vastly OVERrated, when I saw it as a kid I thought it sucked balls, I was already watching the Shaw and Golden Harvest movies so I was more than disappointed.

Are they still calling this the Karate Kid?:angel:

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Guest Markgway

The 1984 original doesn't work as a martial arts movie... but works as a kid gets bullied stands up for himself movie. It's a drama, really, not action. If you expect action you'll be sorely disappointed.

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I would rather watch The New Karate Kid, with Hillary Swank, or whoever it was, a 100 times in a row, than watch this!

And if they actually call it The KARATE Kid, then Im gonna have to punch somebody in the liver!

And , Jackie.... for the love of....... stop being hollywoods bitchboy, do Armour Of God III, as best you can, and retire with a miniscule thread of dignity!

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That title will probably stay. For decades, people have been referring to kung fu flicks as "karate movies". Perpetuating the confusion wouldn't bother these producers one bit. Has anyone found archaeological evidence of "Miami Vice" in that "Miami Vice" film yet?

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That title will probably stay. For decades, people have been referring to kung fu flicks as "karate movies". Perpetuating the confusion wouldn't bother these producers one bit. Has anyone found archaeological evidence of "Miami Vice" in that "Miami Vice" film yet?

at least it wasn't set in Los Angeles.

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If I was a chinese actor, and hollywood approached me with the script for the KARATE kid, set in China. The first thing I would point out to these culturally ignorant douchebags was the difference between China, Japan and their different forms of martial arts. I mean, isn't Jackie all about chinese pride these days. I guess it doesn't apply if the money is good!

Well, allow me to be offended on his behalf, as a kung fu practicioner. I hope this movie fails epicly! I know their reasoning is name recognition. Which I don't get either.... people who enjoyed the original, are most likely not gonna watch this, and the young demographic that they are obviously shooting for, by casting Will Smith's demon spawn, wasn't even alive in 1984!

I detest hollywood, I detest Will Smith, and what respect and admiration I use to have for Jackie, is dwindling by the second! Fine Jackie, if your only doing pointless movies to finance all your charities, I can't be mad at that. But don't expect any noteworthy legacy.

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Will Smith is awsome....

anyone who can dominate music, tv and movies,....and do comedy, drama, and action...as good as he does....is rare

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Guest Markgway

Liking or disliking Will Smith doesn't necessarily translate into liking or disliking Will Smith's son.

I'm sure there are a whole bunch of new reasons to dislike him... lol

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If I was a chinese actor, and hollywood approached me with the script for the KARATE kid, set in China. The first thing I would point out to these culturally ignorant douchebags was the difference between China, Japan and their different forms of martial arts. I mean, isn't Jackie all about chinese pride these days. I guess it doesn't apply if the money is good!

Yeah, I dare anyone that isn't a little kid to go up to a wushu champion or an elderly kung fu master and say "nice karate." Interesting to see if they change the title for the Chinese release.

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Im not a big fan of Will Smith or Jackie as of late (last 10yrs of garbage). I did like the original Karate Kid, and I hate remakes! But like everything else today, money talks and BS walks, which is destroying the entertainment industy and sports today. :ooh:

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Liking or disliking Will Smith doesn't necessarily translate into liking or disliking Will Smith's son.

I'm sure there are a whole bunch of new reasons to dislike him... lol

Such as Will Smith being the only reason Jaden's got an acting career. :tongue:

That's one more talented kid left undiscovered that REALLY needs an actor's income.

The least the kid can do is acquit himself in this film; so far it looks possible.

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Just out of curiosity, does anybody here have a good idea of whether Ralph or Pat did any extensive training on Martial arts in the original film?

Because I have read once that Ralph was actually trained in Tae Kwon Do, but the book never really got into that much detail

As for this trailer, well, I also thought that it was strange that they kept the name since I thought they changed it, but having read the synopsis on the site

"Even worse, Dre’s feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, and Cheng puts “the karate kid” on the floor with ease. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is secretly a master of kung fu."

I suppose they are keeping the name for that reason. At the very least, it seems as though the writers do know that Karate and Kung fu are different styles.

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...In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate...

AHA! So that's their excuse. Suddenly I have the urge to watch The Brave Archer again. (He shot one arrow, that's good enough, right?)

This is getting sad, though. No matter how good the film may eventually turn out, I'd feel like a total Hollywood sucker if I paid to see this in a theater. Every single thing was done in the interest of maximum box office. It can't be any kid, it's gotta be Will's kid; it can't be any martial star, it has to be Jackie; "But he's not karate..." "We'll say the kid knows a little karate..." "BRILLIANT!" I wish I could call this cynicism. The Netflix queue awaits.

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Ralph Macchio Reveals 'Mixed Feelings' About 'Karate Kid' Remake

"Wax on, wax off" is now "Jacket on, jacket off," and the original star of " The Karate Kid ," Ralph Macchio , wasn't so sure the reboot -- starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan -- was a good idea.

"It's like mixed feelings. At first, I felt old. Number one, you feel old when they start remaking your stuff," Ralph, 48, told Access Hollywood at " The Karate Kid " premiere on Monday night in LA.

" Once I got past the fact that there's a whole new generation, it was more about, 'OK, you can retell this story because it's a beautiful story,'" the actor, who played Daniel Larusso in the original three films, continued. "It's a testament to the legacy that we created that we didn't even know we were creating. I don't look at it as the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. It's not the passing of the torch as much as it is the celebration of a great story."

Ralph, who brought 14-year-son Daniel (named after his character) to the movie last night, recalled that the first "Karate Kid," didn't have a star-studded Hollywood premiere like Monday's lavish event.

"We didn't have a big premiere for that movie, it was a little sleeper. I spoke to the writer [Robert Mark Kamen] earlier and he said, 'Tell me how the after party is. Ours lasted 26 years.'" Ralph told Access. "We didn't know what we were doing. We didn't know the magic that was happening and the Pat Morita performance [as Mr. Miyagi] and all the Cobra Kai and 'wax on, wax off' and catching flies with your chopsticks and the crane just became part of everyone's childhood and that's what I'm here celebrating."

Access also caught up with Jackie, who plays Jaden's mentor Mr. Han, in the reboot.

"When we make ' The Karate Kid ,' we just want a new 'Karate Kid.' It's not the old one," he explained. "So, I'm not Miyagi. I'm just Jackie Chan ."

The movie's star, Jaden, said he enjoyed shooting overseas despite a few language barriers.

"I just loved it in China... I just had a great time," Jaden told Access. "The people were nice. Nobody spoke English, but I still just had a great time. I got by."

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