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Legendary Assassin


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HK versions are usually only a month or two behind mainland releases. Reviews have been pretty positive for this one, looking forward to this as well..

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Did anyone else see this yet? I thought it was awful. There really didn't need to be that much wirework. The final fight scene was boring and pretty much shown in the trailer. I don't know where the good reviews are coming from, but they're all wrong. Don't pay for this.

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Just watched all the fight scenes. Too over the top. All the moves were by the stars so there were really no fight scenes that stood out. All stunts - and ridiculous odds against the hero. No one on one so really no good antagonist. The guy is invincible so they need to have 100 guys beat him down for the bad woman to finish him off. Quite predictable.

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saw it last night, was decent, celina jade and the hot Japanese boss was nice eye candy.

Plus it was cool to see kara hui in the movie (or atleast it looked like it was her)

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I just watched it last night. I thought it was a waste of time. I can't really say anything positive about it. Then again I can't really say anything negative about it that hasn't already been said either. In short, save your money.

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Just saw it....and while i was very dissapointed in most the action....i liked the story and emotion behind it, and i liked the humor.....

I want more Wu Jing movies like Tai Chi 2 and Drunken Monkey!!

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pretty disappointing...

the fights are decent, but there aren't that many, really only 2 good long sequences. the rest are either too short or feature performers you don't care about.

the story, script and acting are nowhere near interesting or good enough to support the lack of action. had there been non stop ass whooping they would've been serviceable, but as is they are just groan inducing as you wait for something that will never materialize

the direction is pretty bad too. wu jing should stick to being in front of the camera and action directing. if he has talent for anything more it doesn't show much here

ultimately this is even worse than fatal contact. wu jing yet again misses the chance for a true solo breakout

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For me, it has too much slow-motiion and too bad an editing. It totally remove the engaging-ness of the fight for the audience. Wu Jing probably wants to establish himself as an answer to Tony Jaa. While physcially he's capable, he will need to better support from teh cinematographers and the editors.

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Pleasantly mediocre, I would say. Better than Fatal Contact at least. Good over-the-top action, but any scene that features protagonists other than Wu or Jade is bogged down by genre clichés. Not that the scenes with Wu and Jade are NOT clichéd, but the two actors are engaging enough that the well-worn situations are still pleasant.

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the one thing that makes me like fatal contact more than this was the sammo vs wu jing fight. that sequence alone wasn't enough to redeem the whole movie, but it's enough to make it better than legendary assasin

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Wu Jing looks like a fetus. :P

I saw a trailer, and that's the impression I get as well: I wannabe Tony Jaa.

HK are the best at knock offs!

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the one thing that makes me like fatal contact more than this was the sammo vs wu jing fight.

That was Fatal Move.

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That was Fatal Move.

good call, always get the two confused

so fatal move is better than legendary assasin for the reason stated above

fatal contact is then MUCH better because the plot is just as retarded but has lots more fighting that is better shot, edited and choreographed

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I can't remember the last time I was so fooled by a trailer. I thought this looked awesome. It was just poop.

You know you're in trouble when an action film's dialogue scenes are more interesting than the action!

Wire enchanced is one thing... but this stuff just looked stupid. I would have enjoyed it more if the character fought using some kind of chains or bungee cord weapon- to hang from the ceiling to do ridiculous kicks. Then at least all these ludicrous moves would have made some sense! 3.5 out of 10 (My buddy gave it a big fat 0!)

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I saw it yesterday and overall I wasn't impressed. I expected much more - watching the trailer, too bad the action was ruined by being too restricted. No long fights - except the second one, just a few flashy moves and that's all.

Too much dialogue, non-interesting characters, simple plot, such a waste to Wu Jing's talents as a martial artist. He was better looking in "Twins Mission" and even "Drunken Monkey".

And the movie itself could be much, much more better than the dry attempt, which infact is. I hope that Wu Jing will quickly forgot this experience and move on to the next (this time) good project.

I was nearly falling asleep on some scenes (those in the precinct, when the guys ate and talk is a complete rubbish), which doesn't happen very often when I'm watching martial arts movies.

I was going to buy it, but now I'll consider other titles - it's just not worth the money.

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Not as good as what I'm expecting it to be. Too many wireworks, and even the fight with Ken Lo is not that good.

The good thing is you can see Kara Hui and the beautiful Celina Jade.

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