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High Kick Girl (2009)


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Well, that was in response to the comparison with the "Karate Kid" poster. You should understand that, but you brought up "magician faux-porn" like magician porn is a common fetish. I'm not surprised at your gaps in logic.

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It's a schoolgirl wearing her normal school-uniform performing high-kicks. It's just their normal attire, and there's nothing wrong with it, let alone that it's specifically aimed at some school-girl fetish or something.

The whole discussion just seems ridiculous to me, creating a 'problem' where TBH there isn't one, probably just to get a reaction and provoke a discussion.

I agree this is a pointless and endless discussion about something that isn't there. Had the film be filled with tons of gratuitous close up panty shots then someone can make a point. But just because the star is wearing something considered a fetish doesn't mean it is. Why not call Deathproof a fetish movie as there was definitely more suggestive imagery of someone's feet. I'm sure there's always someone who will whack off to some imagery however innocent. The simple fact is she could be wearing the same short skirt and an even more revealing top and nobody would bat an eyelid. Some people are just obsessed with, what seems to be, a dig at Japanese culture

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One Armed Boxer
I'm not surprised at your gaps in logic.

Yes, I stand corrected....I`ve just weighed it all up -

They made a movie about a highly talented 17 year old (at the time) karate practitioner.

In the movie, like in life, she played a character who is still in high school and so wears a high school uniform.

They called the movie `High Kick Girl`.

Take these 3 elements, and for some reason the producers inexplicably decided that, for the movie poster, a shot of the main character, in her school unifrom, doing a high kick, was somehow a good idea. I just don`t get it.

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\Take these 3 elements, and for some reason the producers inexplicably decided that, for the movie poster, a shot of the main character, in her school unifrom, doing a high kick, was somehow a good idea. I just don`t get it.

Inexplicably? The producers who green lighted it probably buy girls panties from vending machines.

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This is getting totally ridiculous. Next someone will be calling Donald Duck comics animal porn because he doesn't wear trousers (nor do real ducks, but why should that matter?) .

Oh well, some people just can't look at Japanese school girls without getting dirty thoughs. That's a bit worrysome, although I do appreciate their wild imagination in relating sexual thoughts to almost anything that has two legs and skirt :tongue: And blaming someone else for it :xd:

Ok, enought about this topic for me, I've already repeated all my points twice. Over and out, adios yakuza


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One Armed Boxer

I'll follow blue_skies and Takuma's lead and make my exit from this conversation.

I may have gaps in my logic (coming from the same guy whose comment about 'Bangkok Knockout' was - "I understand peoples complaints, but at the same time, I don't understand all the complaints" - clearly a candidate for the most logical line of the year)...but I can still tell the difference between a serious response and one intended to goad people into bickering further.

It's been a long day in work....so I'm off to buy a beer and some girls panties from the vending machine just around the corner.

In the meantime, you guys can make what you will of the equally shocking poster for the sequel, 'Karate Girl', which amazingly, features Rina Takeda in a karate pose, what where they thinking this time!?:tongue:


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In the meantime, you guys can make what you will of the equally shocking poster for the sequel, 'Karate Girl', which amazingly, features Rina Takeda in a karate pose, what where they thinking this time!?:tongue:]

An obvious attempt by Japan to further sexualize children.

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An obvious attempt by Japan to further sexualize children.

Space, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...

Western culture is full of sexual images aimed at children. little girls are imitating Britney Spears or whoever the latest teen sensation is. They copy the dance moves which is nothing more than grinding in a highly sexualised way. Younger and younger girls dressing in skimpy, revealing outfits. They even make bras for pre-pubescent girls to make them look like they have breasts. Our culture needs look at it's self before questioning others.

That's all I'm saying on the subject.

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Space, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...

Western culture is full of sexual images aimed at children. little girls are imitating Britney Spears or whoever the latest teen sensation is. They copy the dance moves which is nothing more than grinding in a highly sexualised way. Younger and younger girls dressing in skimpy, revealing outfits. They even make bras for pre-pubescent girls to make them look like they have breasts. Our culture needs look at it's self before questioning others.

That's all I'm saying on the subject.


You guys get too wound up about this stuff!

I keed, I keed.


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Guest Yi-Long
An obvious attempt by Japan to further sexualize children.

So.... you see a young girl in a short skirt and you automatically feel the urge to fuck her!?

I guess all schoolteachers and PE-teachers in japan must be pedophiles as well!? Hell, the whole schoolsystem is 'sexualizing' children! What a perverts!

You see a girl in a skirt and panties. Big fucking deal. Get over it. Next thing you know you're saying we shouldn't be watching australian TV-shows anymore cause you might see kids running around in swimwear. Ooooooohhhh!!!!

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One Armed Boxer
LOL @ guy getting his feeling hurt over such a lousy movie.

You called my bluff buddy....actually I was so hurt that the day you posted your comments I couldn't sleep at night.

In all seriousness though, I'm ok. However, like Ric Meyer's tends to make all kinds of assumptions regarding various aspects of the kung-fu movie world, which in general tend to be wrong, you're assumption as to the sexual nature of the movie poster is wrong as well, for all the reasons that have been aforementioned.

Having lived in Japan for almost 3 years, when they want something to be sexual, trust me it will be sexual! What is really the problem here is that it's western audiences that find the image of a school girl doing a high kick sexy, which is fair enough, but in Japan itself it's no big deal, the image is seen as cool and little else. If people want to see panty shots of girls they can just walk into any convenience store, located on virtually every corner of the city, and check the magazine rack.

I guess the point is that it's your own perceptions that make the image sexual, nothing to do with the film-makers, which brings us full circle to my original point (although quite how many circles I've gone in I've lost count).

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High Kick Girl is not faux-porn because everyday Japan is much more depraved than that? :crossedlips::ooh: If I got this right, then:

Japanese life = Western faux-porn

Japanese faux-porn = Western actual porn

Japanese actual porn = Western... rape and snuff films???

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Guest Yi-Long
High Kick Girl is not faux-porn because everyday Japan is much more depraved than that? :crossedlips::ooh: If I got this right, then:

Japanese life = Western faux-porn

Japanese faux-porn = Western actual porn

Japanese actual porn = Western... rape and snuff films???

MMmmmmyyeahhhhh...... teenage girls in skirts means Japan is depraved.....(!)

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Oh my word! This discussion cracks me up sometimes.

PORKY'S 1 & 2, THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN, practically all the AMERICAN PIE & FRIDAY THE 13TH films, and most 80's and 90's teenage beach romp movies are more pornographic than HKG. And these are made in the US.

Personally I don't get all the contention over this and the use of slo-mo in the film but I understand people have issues with both. That's fine. Debate and argument is fine as well as long as it doesn't get antagonistic or personal. I'll leave the last word to someone else, whoever that may be.

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Guest Yi-Long
Oh my word! This discussion cracks me up sometimes.

PORKY'S 1 & 2, THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN, practically all the AMERICAN PIE & FRIDAY THE 13TH films, and most 80's and 90's teenage beach romp movies are more pornographic than HKG. And these are made in the US.

Personally I don't get all the contention over this and the use of slo-mo in the film but I understand people have issues with both. That's fine. Debate and argument is fine as well as long as it doesn't get antagonistic or personal. I'll leave the last word to someone else, whoever that may be.

Even The Dukes of Hazard and Charlie's Angels were more 'pornographic' than HKG.

Not that there's anything wrong with pornographic to begin with...

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One Armed Boxer
High Kick Girl is not faux-porn because everyday Japan is much more depraved than that? If I got this right, then:

Japanese life = Western faux-porn

Japanese faux-porn = Western actual porn

Japanese actual porn = Western... rape and snuff films???

Whoa....did you actually just refer to 'High Kick Girl' as being depraved!?....& then refer to it as being on the same level as "Western actual porn"!? Man what are you talking about?

Your original posts related to you believing the poster for the movie was basically sexualizing the image of a high school girl who practices karate, which is a point open for discussion, because it comes down to the difference between Japanese & western cultures perceptions of what is provocative and what's not. The whole reason why I took up issue with what you said is that I wanted to explain that, in Japan, the image you're referring to is not an attempt by the film-makers to make high school girls the objects of sexual fantasy.

However now you are stating such wild, and frankly a little disturbing, claims that things such as rape and snuff movies are only a few steps up from what's on display in 'High Kick Girl'. I guess this discussion belongs to you, because I have absolutely no idea where to even start attempting to dispute your logic.

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So.... you see a young girl in a short skirt and you automatically feel the urge to fuck her!?

I guess all schoolteachers and PE-teachers in japan must be pedophiles as well!? Hell, the whole schoolsystem is 'sexualizing' children! What a perverts!

You see a girl in a skirt and panties. Big fucking deal. Get over it. Next thing you know you're saying we shouldn't be watching australian TV-shows anymore cause you might see kids running around in swimwear. Ooooooohhhh!!!!

See previous post.

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One Armed Boxer
See previous post.

Hey Space....just to let you know my responses arn't aimed at you, I know your responses are only meant as humorous goading, and your post in reply to my Harry Potter comparison cracked me up.

I wanted to get Charuto's pont of view more, but it seems that the more he says the less I understand, which I'm sure is the reverse of what's normally supposed to happen. Who say's communication is always better than silence!? I wave my white flag and am off to enjoy some depravity.

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