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High Kick Girl (2009)


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OK Thanks Takuma, that means in the near future it will get a US release, Hopefully!

Daisho, rent the dvd before buying this!

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I thought this already had a US release. I think I remember Walmart even carrying this for a time.

@ daisho2004 ---- are you hoping specifically for a Blu-ray release?


According to this it had a US release date of Mar. 10, 2010.

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One Armed Boxer
OK Thanks Takuma, that means in the near future it will get a US release, Hopefully!

Ummm....I don't think a Blu-Ray release in Germany is necessarily an indicator of a future release in the US. As ShaOW!linDude mentioned this has had a standard DVD release for over a year, if there was going to be a Blu-Ray release I'd have expected it to hit the shelves before now.

Save your money and buy the much improved sequel, 'Karate Girl', getting a release 3 weeks today! http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12389&page=6

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I just watched High Kick Girl on you tube and have to say that I would have been so pissed if I had bought the DVD. It's an absolutely awful movie

Hah, what did you expect from Japanese school girl panty shot faux-porn?

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ah, I love it how people here always start thinking about porn when they see a school girl :tongue:

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ah, I love it how people here always start thinking about porn when they see a school girl

The floor was really sticky at the theater when they showed Sucker Punch. :smile:

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I have a confession to make........

......I really liked this movie. Even with the overuse of slo-mo. And........

.......I do not find anything about it pornographic (faux or otherwise).

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Hah, what did you expect from Japanese school girl panty shot faux-porn?

huh? where did that come from? If I wanted to watch porn I would watch porn.

I watched this because I was expecting martial-arts thrills performed by skilled martial artists , however beautiful the leading lady and regardless of what she was wearing.

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I bought it mainly for Tatsuya Naka's action scenes, which the whole second half of the movie focuses on. The first half of the movie is really just filler...

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One Armed Boxer
Hah, what did you expect from Japanese school girl panty shot faux-porn?

^ This conversation.....we've been there & done it all before, it takes up most of pages 2 & 3 in the thread regarding the sequel to 'High Kick Girl'....the much improved 'Karate Girl' -


There's no need to have it again. 'High Kick Girl' is about as close to being porn as an episode of 'Tom & Jerry' is to being torture porn.

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'High Kick Girl' is about as close to being porn as an episdoe of 'Tom & Jerry' is to being torture porn.

Ew, yeah, Tom and Jerry is soooooo torture porn.

(Touche, Monsieur Pussycat.)

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There's no need to have it again. 'High Kick Girl' is about as close to being porn as an episdoe of 'Tom & Jerry' is to being torture porn.

Look, all I'm saying is that people jerk off to Sailor Moon. I don't condone it, but I also don't frequent their fetish movies or shows.

The Japanese school girl fetish is strong in High Kick Girl. There doesn't need to be any nudity. The skirts and socks are enough to make people buy the movie alone, regardless of quality, and get out their Vaseline.

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Look, all I'm saying is that people jerk off to Sailor Moon. I don't condone it, but I also don't frequent their fetish movies or shows.

The Japanese school girl fetish is strong in High Kick Girl. There doesn't need to be any nudity. The skirts and socks are enough to make people buy the movie alone, regardless of quality, and get out their Vaseline.

Japan produces tons of school girl porn, animated and live action, hardcore and softcore. In addition, it produces several more tons of suggestive school girl stuff. Compared to those 10 tons that come out every day, High Kick Girl is remarkably non-exploitative, even anti-exploitative on the topic in sexual sense. Which is why calling it school girl porn sounds so strange to me...

edit: three words added to be more speciffic

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One Armed Boxer
The skirts and socks are enough to make people buy the movie alone

In that case fair play, but that's not any thing to do with the film-makers.

I live in Tokyo, & I see school girls with the "skirts and socks" as you put it every single day, 7 days a week (because Japan is so obsessed with studying some school kids even have to go to school on the weekends!), and trust me the skirts get a lot shorter than what Rina Takeda is wearing in this movie and it's sequel.

It's like saying Harry Potter caters to the portion of the population that has a fetish about school boy magicians...the film-makers haven't made the movie for that reason...but if there's people out that that get off on that kind of thing, then so be it, but it doesn't qualify calling it magician faux-porn.

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In that case fair play, but that's not any thing to do with the film-makers.

I live in Tokyo, & I see school girls with the "skirts and socks" as you put it every single day, 7 days a week (because Japan is so obsessed with studying some school kids even have to go to school on the weekends!), and trust me the skirts get a lot shorter than what Rina Takeda is wearing in this movie and it's sequel.

It's like saying Harry Potter caters to the portion of the population that has a fetish about school boy magicians...the film-makers haven't made the movie for that reason...but if there's people out that that get off on that kind of thing, then so be it, but it doesn't qualify calling it magician faux-porn.

Lol, that's almost exactly what I wrote, but did not post yesterday (I decided to leave it out because I was feeling I was being too agressive and persuasive. So I didn't post it but I saved on wordpad in case I'd need it later. This is what I wrote:

You see, kids wearing school uniform are the most common sight in Japan. There's approximately 13 million elementary, junior high and high school students in Japan, most of them attending schools that require school uniform ... They go to school wearing the uniform, they spend time after school wearing it, and only take it off in the evening at home or for the weekends. Rina Takeda was 17 at the time of filming, a high school age kid in other words. You could pretty much argue High Kick Girl would be less logical if she wasn't wearing a school uniform.

Ok, logic's one thing, pop culture is another, and the latter is what High Kick Girl is about. You've got tons of entertainment with school uniforms, you've got tons of entertainment with ninjas, tons of entertainment with geishas, samurais... they're all the same - Japanese pop culture (most of them borrowed from present or past everyday life). There is really no sexual fetish connection in using high school girl as a karate film heroine any more than there is sexual connection in using ninjas in a period actioner. It's just a piece of pop culture, and yes, you might not be that far off calling it a "fetish", but "sexual fetish" is really streching it. You wouldn't label the use of Shelby GT 500 in a car chase movie as jerk off fetish, would you? But it's still a carefully made decision to use it in a chase movie. Just like high school girls in a karate movie. And ninjas in a period movie...

Sometimes we really think alike :tongue:

And yes, I can confirm the ultra-short skirts are not a Tokyo specialty. They were wearing those in Hokkaido in winter. I was wearing hat, jacket, three pairs of shirts etc... cause you know, it was snowing and freezing cold. Really felt sorry for the poor girls :tinysmile_angry2_t:

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I live in Tokyo, & I see school girls with the "skirts and socks" as you put it every single day

Are those girls doing things like this in their skirts:



Who reads Japanese here? Is the title still "High Kick Girl" in Japanese?

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You wouldn't label the use of Shelby GT 500 in a car chase movie as jerk off fetish, would you? But it's still a carefully made decision to use it in a chase movie. Just like high school girls in a karate movie. And ninjas in a period movie...

I'm not sure I follow your logic.

Sports car => Car chase movie OK

Ninjas => Period action movie OK

Schoolgirls => Karate movie ???

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Are those girls doing things like this in their skirts:

Some are, not everyone. It's a gravity related issue. What's your point?



Who reads Japanese here? Is the title still "High Kick Girl" in Japanese?

Yes, it is. ハイキックガール!

I'm not sure I follow your logic.

Sports car => Car chase movie OK

Ninjas => Period action movie OK

Schoolgirls => Karate movie ???

If you make a karate movie starring a high school age martial arts actress, why would you not have her play a high school girl in the movie? I haven't checked her backgrounds, but I suppose Takeda WAS going to high school at the time of filming.

And in general, what's the fucking fuss with using a high school girl in karate movie? Could just as well be a policeman or pissed off pop star. They're just characters.

Seriously people, please never go to Japan. You'd be shocked to death by the millions of school uniform wearing girls you see on the streets doing all kinds of activities from running to reading a fashion magazine :tongue:

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The millions of schoolgirls you refer to tend to change out of their skirts when it comes time for their sports class. That's what makes those movie posters different. If you don't see that, then you just have no concept of female modesty.

I still don't follow your example. It seems like you are referring to "high school karate girl" movies as a broad, common genre. It makes sense to put a ninja in a "period actioner" as ninjas and samurais are a part of Japan's historical lore, and lend themselves to action scenes. The Shelby GT 500 lends itself to a car chase movie because it is a fast car. The archetype for a karate movie is not a high school girl. They can practice karate of course, but the filmmaker has intentions for casting against type. This is why you can't say "they're just characters," as this movie would be entirely different and not have the same appeal if it were someone else in the lead role. Think about if they just cut out Rina Takeda's part and made the movie all about her master.

Ultimately, nothing in this movie is too sexual, hence the "FAUX" in "Japanese school girl panty shot faux-porn," but to act like you don't see that angle is disingenuous. I think those who like this movie are defensive as they feel there may be "pervy" accusations implied. I don't think that liking this movie makes you a degenerate; however, it does mean you have bad taste in movies. :wink:

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This is what I've been trying to explain

a) High Kick Girl was made as a project for Rina Takeda. It's her movie. From logical point it makes perfect sense to have high school age girl play high school girl in a movie.

in addition, and more importantly

B) Aside being everyday reality, high school girls are one of the most seminal parts of Japanese pop culture. It's a very typical character in all movie genres from action films to comedies and dramas, although not so often used in martial arts movies so far.

In martial arts film you usually have just ordinary martial arts masters, which make very boring characters cause you've got them in every damn movie. So it was a very good idea to have main a character who is something slightly different. She could just as well be something else, like geisha, or gothic lolita, or anything that goes against the martial arts film cliche, really.

The Shelby GT 500 reference was because that car is also a classic part of pop culture, just like high school girls. If you make a car chase movie you can use randon BMW and no one pays attention. But if you use Shelby GT 500 you'll catch the audience's attention, and it give the film certain a spirit. Just the same if you use a high school girl as main character. That, however, doesn't mean there would be any sexual content included in either case (or in the Harry Potter example One Armed Boxer used when he was making the exact same point as I was making with a car).

To me it seems that foreign audiences who don't see Japanese high school girls every day and don't know Japanese pop culture so well somehow manage to see sexual references in places where they don't exist. I can't imagine any Japanese person seeing High Kick Girl as "school girl panty shot faux-porn" (nor did The Japan Times movie critic, who made a rather big issue of the film going to surpring length to anti-exploit the topic). I think only foreigners could come up with this stuff. It's a quite common phenomenom, though. A lot of Japanese pop culture has been given sexual meanings by foreign audiences simply because they are observing Japanese culture from their own cultural perspective, which of course would make no sense at all. This is true to every culture, of course, and the Americans also look completely ridiculous and pervert from many European country's point of view.

It's a good topic, though, and this is a fun conversation to have :xd:

Oh, and for the record, I think High Kick Girl is a pretty poor movie. The R2J extras were much better than the film itself. I would have sold it long time ago if it wasn't for the bonus disc.

edit: I didn't adress all the points in your post cause this reply was getting too long for anyone to read it :cry: If you want me to, let me know and I will.

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Seriously.....all this discussion is putting me in the mood......

......to watch some cool, repetitive, slo-mo MA!:tongue:

This whole discussion, both sides of it, is a little beyond me. So.....let's say the heroine was an American teenage girl who is a cheerleader or majorette or gymnast or ballerina who was also a martial artist and went about kicking dudes in the face while wearing her respective uniform/leotard/tutu. Would that still be viewed as faux-porn catering to some fetish stereotype?

I say yes and no. It totally depends on the viewer.

The trailer most of us saw generally showed the clip of Rina squaring off with a big Karateka dude whom she deftly roundhouse kicks to the face. Some folks may've thought "wow, what else does it show her doing and if I watch it will I see up her skirt?" Others, like me, probably thought "wow, that teenage chick just cold-cocked that guy upside the head; what else does it show her doing and if I watch it will I see something cooler than that?" (And, yes, we did......very s-l-o-w-l-y.)

(For real, I think I think I want to watch this again now.)

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Guest Yi-Long

It's a schoolgirl wearing her normal school-uniform performing high-kicks. It's just their normal attire, and there's nothing wrong with it, let alone that it's specifically aimed at some school-girl fetish or something.

The whole discussion just seems ridiculous to me, creating a 'problem' where TBH there isn't one, probably just to get a reaction and provoke a discussion.

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One Armed Boxer
The millions of schoolgirls you refer to tend to change out of their skirts when it comes time for their sports class. That's what makes those movie posters different.

Yeah many of the comments being raised here are simply absurd, none more so than this one. So what is she, and the other characters featured in the movie for that matter, supposed to do before they fight....run off to the changing room and get changed into their sports uniform!?

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