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From the Set of IP MAN 2 - Sammo Hung vs. Donnie Yen + Yen Said IP MAN 3 Not Likely and He Will not Retire at 50

Filming of Ip Man 2 is currently under way in Shanghai. Yesterday the set was open to the press for a day.

At the end of the first installment of the Ip Man series, Ip Man defeated the Japanese general and narrowly escaped to Hong Kong with his family.

In the beginning of the sequel, the story will focus on how he settle the difference between his Wing Chun and another house of martial-art, Hung.

What reporters witnessed is a scene, in which Ip Man (Donnie Yen) making an unexpected visit to the house of Hung and having a showdown with the grand master of Hung (Sammo Hung). Yen and Hung already had an on screen fight in S. P. L.. Both the Ip Man series and S. P. L. are directed by Wilson Yip.

The sequel will be made with the original crew, including director Wilson Yip, writer Edmond Wong and action director Sammo Hung.

Donnie Yen returns as Ip Man, alone with Xiong Dailin as his wife, Fan Siu-Wong as master Jin Shan Zhao (Ip's rival in the first film and friend in the second), Simon Yam as Ip's best friend Zhou Qingquan, Lam Ka-Tung as ex-policeman Li Zhao.

New cast member includes Sammo Hung playing the grandmaster of Hung, and three actors from the mainland China, TV and movie star Huang Xiaoming, martial-art star Shi Xiaolong and young actor Jiang Daiyan (playing the young Bruce Lee). Other new cast members are, according to IMDB, Kent Cheng, To Yu-Hang and Amber Chia. The studios are still looking for a man to play the adult Bruce Lee.

Budget of Ip Man 2 is about US$15 millions, more than double of that of the original. The money is collectively shared by Hong Kong's Mandarin Films and eight mainland Chinese companies, Henan Film & TV Production Group Corporation Ltd., Beijing ShengShi HuaRui Film Investment & Management Co., Ltd., Foshan Media Group, Desen International Media Co., Ltd., Donloard Skykee Movie Investment, Dong Yang Teng Yuan Film, TV and Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Bai Run Xing He Entertainment Media Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Hai Gu Chi Investment Co., Ltd., with Henan FIlm & TV production Group Corporation Ltd. as the biggest shareholder.

During the visit, Yen had tried to clarified two things. One, Ip Man 3 would be unlikely to happen. He believes Ip Man 2 would be more successful than the first one and would become an instant classic. It would be a good idea to end it at the best point. However, the studios may disagree. Two, Donnie Yen, turned 46 this year, said he would not retire at age 50. A few months back, he told The New York Times that he had begun planning to retire at 50. However, according to Yen, he said those words right after he finished Bodyguards and Assassins and 14 Blades, and felt very exhausted back then. Now he has regained his energy and feels excited about more projects. After Ip Man 2, he will begin working on Chen Zhen the Nocturnal Hero (literal title) with director Andrew Lau and the sequel to the yet to be released 14 Blades. In Chen Zhen the Nocturnal Hero, he will play the character previously portrayed by Bruce Lee in Fist of Fury and Jet Li in Fist of Legend.


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I always worry about sequels but Sammo's character in it sounds really interesting so I'll be looking forward to it. I'm not thrilled about Fan Siu-Wong and Lam Ka-Tung characters returning considering they technically well shouldn't be. I won't say just in case someone who is reading this hasn't seen it.

Other than that I hope they take it a little easier on some of the wire use even though it wasn't that bad or anything. Can't wait to see this.

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Ip Man 2: Sammo Hung Vs Donnie Yen Round 2

As Ip Man 2 is wrapping up soon, the press was finally granted visit to the set in Songjiang Studio, Shanghai on October 28, when the gripping duel between two of the best martial arts stars Sammo Hung and Donnie Yen was being filmed.

Sammo Hung's Professionalism

Sammo Hung declines interview and Wilson Yip speaks on his behalf. He says that when production just began, Sammo Hung just underwent a heart surgery. He would often hold his chest tight, as he was in pain. This went on for at least a month.

Wilson Yip continues, "So, taking his health into account, we tried to shoot drama scenes first. In addition, we'd shoot action scenes in which he worked behind the camera first, pushing any action scenes involving him as an actor to the back. However, being both the martial arts choreographer and the actor, Sammo Hung's workload was still very. Over the two, three months of filming, you cannot help but admire Sammo Hung's attitude and perseverance. He's always so full of zest when filming."

More Family Life

"Family drama is taking the centre stage in Ip Man 2, lending a more artistic touch." elaborates Wilson Yip. "For instance, Ip Man's wife would quarrel with him over how much to charge his disciples for their lessons, or such caring aspect as Ip Man massaging his conceived wife's feet. I hope the audience will pay attention to not just the action, but the drama too."

Donnie Yen says that these little incidents remind him of the affections of his family. At home, it's his wife who rules the roost. He adds that he is focusing more on the drama that he is spends time fathoming the best approach, "I believe everyone won't have any doubts about the martial arts scenes, our martial arts director big brother Sammo Hung's choreography is a guarantee."

Wilson Yip also adds that Huang Xiao Ming will surprise everyone, "Huang Xiao Ming may not be a martial artist, but he specially ordered a wooden dummy, and trained daily at home. In the end, he is doing the action scenes better than Hiroyuki Ikeuchi in the first film. He is looking especially cool now after I told him not to strut and pose before the camera."

When Would Bruce Lee Show Up?

However, Wilson Yip is less certain about Bruce Lee scenes, "When filming the first instalment, I was already being asked about Bruce Lee, though eventually, we didn't have him. In this sequel, we looked for a suitable candidate, and have completed his scenes. However, in the current 2.5 hours cut, I still have little inkling of which part of the film to put his scenes, and for how long."

Donnie Yen Not Keen on Ip Man 3

While there is an intention to shoot the third instalment as a conclusion to the film saga, Donnie Yen is having his misgivings, "Because Ip Man 2 will incontrovertibly become a classic, bettering the first. I believe it's best to end something when it's at perfection, and leave behind a good memory.

"A successful film is a successful commercial product, once it has reached a certain position, I'd rather let it be a classic forever, as opposed to taking the risk to attempt outdoing it yet again. It would be very difficult to do the third instalment. Perhaps, after a few years, when the director finds a new angle, we could talk about it later."

Still Donnie Yen doesn't dismiss the idea of teaming up with Wilson Yip again, but it could be something else, rather than Ip Man 3.

Donnie Yen also denies that he's retiring anytime soon, he is doing Legend of Chen Zhen in mid November and has 2 more films in works next year, while 14 Blades 2 and Ip Man 3 are also being planned, "Every film I do is an actioner, so after doing it, I feel extremely worn out, and at that time, I would often think of having an early retirement. But, after a bit of rest, I'd be raring to receive the next challenge, so, I would still be around for a while."

The Ultimate Duel

No longer able to put up with Sammo Hung's well-decorated Hung Gar master Hung Jan Nam who has been riding roughshod over them, Donnie Yen's Ip Man storms Hung Jan Nam's Society of National Martial Arts to do let his hands do the talking. Ip Man accuses Hung Jan Nam of working for the British colonial government, and taking their money.

Hung Jan Nam argues that it's he who has been facilitating communications with the British, and helps safeguard the interests of the various martial arts clubs in Hong Kong. And thus, the most anticipated battle between Hung Gar and Wing Chun commences. However, Hung Jan Nam is not totally irredeemable, and Ip Man will eventually have to face the British and their (hired?) fighter(s).

Wilson Yip introduces, "For the sake of this scene, Sammo Hung and Donnie Yen have been planning it for a very long time, I believe it will become a classic, surpassing the first Ip Man film as well as SPL. As the duel takes place on such a small area (a round table), there will be an emphasis on the adroitness, and will be very thrilling.

Donnie Yen explains that his battle with Sammo Hung is not limited to just this scene. For example, in one scene, the other martial arts masters lay a condition stating that Ip Man has to defeat everyone before the joss stick burns out. While Donnie Yen describes this as "merely acting according to the script", genre fans will no doubt be in for a treat.

Ip Man 2 is set for release next summer.


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Guest WuxiaFan

After SPL, I really wonder how much of the fight is choreographed and how much is improvised. I would think Donnie and Sammo could improvise a lot of it and take the hits, too. The Donnie Yen / Wu Jing fight in SPL was mostly improvised which made for one of the best fight scenes ever filmed, IMO. Absolutely can't wait for this one! :bigsmile:

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The Donnie Yen / Wu Jing fight in SPL was mostly improvised which made for one of the best fight scenes ever filmed, IMO.

I watched the BTS footage on the Dragon Dynasty disc and 1/3 of the fight was actually improvised, and occurs in the middle section. You can clearly see the difference between it and the rest of the portions in pacing, flow, and movements.

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Sammo Hung Wants Another Bout with Donnie Yen

-- Ip Man 2 --

Ip Man 2 has wrapped up production on November 8. While everyone is eagerly looking forward to the match between Sammo Hung and Donnie Yen, but perhaps because the recent surgery and health conditions, Sammo Hung regrets not getting enough kicks out of it, "Although I'm the martial arts choreographer, our moves were all rather regulated. So, I made a pact with Donnie Yen to have a rematch next year if the opportunity arises."

Wilson Yip reveals that there is another martial arts exponent in the film, "He has been Donnie Yen's fan since he was a kid. He wouldn't have imagined getting the chance to spar against his idol after ten years."

With no intention of revealing who he is and what role he plays, Wilson Yip tantalises, keeping it a mystery, "I can only say that he fights even more vehemently than Sammo Hung."


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I get the impression that it's Sik Siu-Lung, the fighting kid from The Saint of Gamblers, they are referring to. Both co-starred in that movie and Ip Man 2 marks their first reunion.

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I also learned that appearing in the film are going to be German martial artist and stuntman Stefan Morawietz and the Hong Kong film return of Darren Shahlavi. Shahlavi confirmed it on Facebook while Morawietz announced it on his AliveNotDead profile.

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I guess I was one of the few people imensly impressed with the fight scenes in Ip Man. They weren't as sweet as the one's in FP or SPL but they were creative and seeing the progression from IP man holding back to going pretty much all out was quite shocking. I really enjoyed this film and his two next films look like they're going to impress too, I just hope that Wilson and him make another modern action movie in the next five years.

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The trouble is that the first Ip Man films Wing Chun was rather rigid. If they could combine the power of the movements that they had with the fluidity of SPL and FP they'd be onto something.

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SPL/FP, IP Man, 2 completely different action directors. Sammo is on some other ish with the way he does his stuff now. Don't dig it at all. Donnie would never have constructed, shot and edited his stuff like that.

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Wilson Yip叶伟信


Donnie Yen甄子丹

Sammo Hung Kam-Bo洪金宝

Lynn Hung熊黛林

Plot: The sequel puts Yen back into the role of Ip Man, this time as he settles in Hong Kong where he opens a Wing Chun school and comes into conflict with a local Hung Fist master named Hung Jan-nam, who is played by Sammo Hung. Although Ip Man is ultimately challenged by the British who rule the territory and their hired fighters, tensions between the two kung fu masters mount to where they are forced to duel.


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The only trouble I have with this is that Sammo is on record as saying that he is disappointed with the fight. Luckily I don't think that it is the main climactic duel.

I have mixed feelings about this. The Wing Chun on screen really needs the fluidity and formlessness that Donnie has been giving his latest choreography. Wing Chun is not about rigid shapes. It is totally fluid as I have said many times on these forums. The last Ip Man film was too rigid. This one looks like it might be the same. There were a lot of parts in the SPL fight against Wu Jing when they got in close and started manipulating the opponents arms that was quite Wing Chun'esque. It needs that sort of pace and fluidity.

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That would require Donnie being the AD.

No, he would just need to be the action director (unless that is what you mean't?) I am not sure why he isn't. Sammo has done the best Wing Chun on screen so far with Prodigal Son, but that was a totally different style of shooting.

I'm hoping that Sammo allows the choreography in this one to breathe a bit. I don't want to see anything like the end fight to the first film. There was no interesting choreography or pace going on there, and it was under-cranked to hell.

At the moment when I watch Ip Man I usually stop watching after the factory fight. With Prodigal Son I stop watching after the training sections. For once I'd like to see a Wing Chun based film with an end fight that really does the style justice.

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Yes AD is the lazy man's way of saying action director, although in real terms it means assistant director.

As I said before, Sammo has done WC on screen in different times. W2 and PS were done in the pure kung way of the late 70s, early 80s. His later WC stuff like Gambling Ghost had more very brief onscreen WC, but it was done in the kickboxing vein. Still born from opera with the rhytmn and "cleanliness". It was tweaked a bit with his little bit in Martial Law. His third stage WC with IM is eh. It's based more on looking like fighting, than the flowing, rhythmic opera style of the fu and kickboxing eras. It's so messy and ugly and all over the place with the chor and shooting and editing.

The chor actually takes your eyes away from seeing WC because the opponents moves are so all over the place. WTF is Siu Wong supposed to be doing? He looks like he's having a fit. It's a mess. I blame Tony and Sammo for that. Sammo has become very choppy in his current style as AD. He did the same in Resurrection of the Dragon. Don't dig it.

Donnie shoots differently. He likes more information in his shots but knows when to go close for sublties. His broken rhythmn style as seen in FP and SPL would give onscreen WC a different look and I would prefer to see what he would do and how he would shoot it, than see another IM from Sammo.

I mean, look at his hand stuff here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42j2HUZUHPU (start at 2 mins in) and how clean it's shot. He's almost breaking into WC anyway. Tell me he wouldn't do a smokin job. To me, he's the best man to do it, that's why I am not even looking forward to IM2. Just don't care.

Oh and yes. Sammo does have the history of building a movie around WC only to throw it out of the window completely for the finale. W2 anyone?

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I mean, look at his hand stuff here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42j2HUZUHPU

I agree. That sequence in DTG is another reason would love to see Donnie's interpretation of WCK on screen.

W2 anyone?

Yes, W2 is a good example of an end fight that wasn't anything to do what happened previously. Though I seem to remember either Bey Logan or Mike Leeder saying that W2 wasn't originally a Wing Chun film. Something about it being shot in Korea and then a load more footage being reshot to turn it into a WCK movie after the original production fell through. I know Mike chimes in here occasionally, so perhaps he might be able to clarify.

Part of the issue is the locations that they use for the fights. Wing Chun uses a lot of close in stuff, yet in films like Prodigal Son they stage the fight in some wide open space!

Instead they should have been taking a leaf out of Lau Kar Leung's book and the end fight to Martial Club. Imagine if the end fight to Ip Man was in a cramped Hong Kong alleyway. Thats the sort of situation it would excel in.

They do seem have got the point by shooting the fight against Sammo on the small table top. But I just have a feeling that the end fight will once again be in a wide open space again against a big wide kicking style.

Ip Man vs a Mantis guy would have been good. The way the systems use the hands would have made for a really good technical fight.

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