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Demon Fighter

Guest Lei Kung

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Guest Lei Kung

After recently dusting off my VCR for some tapes I got at closing down rental place, I put in my old copy of Faster Blade Poisonous Darts. I haven't watched it in 5 or 6 years and at the time I didn't know who Tien Peng was. Much to my chagrin, I realized that he wasn't actually in the movie and the lead swordsman role was actually Adam Cheng. I had always thought this to be AKA Lone Ninja Warrior, but after looking into it, it turns out to be Demon Fighter. And yes, the movie was every bit as awesome as I remembered it to be. It's one of those movies that even after several watchings, I still have no idea what it's about but enjoy it all the same.

Anyway, looks like I'll be tracking down Lone Ninja Warrior. Anyone recommend it?

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Guest Lei Kung

not even for a second? This movie's got it all (besides Roc Tien that is): acrobatic, black demon ninjas that vanish, tribal ceremonies (w/ human sacrifice), hot girls in pink with flowers, and a really incredible finale at the temple with ghost ninjas.

Well, I just found a copy of Lone Ninja Warrior from Brentwood as 'Everlasting Duel'. I'll be watching it tonight. It also came to my realization that Au Yeung Chen did not direct either of these movies (both were by Peng-I Chang). My apologies for overrating him in the past.

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Guest jmungus

:D faster blade... afair a really nice one.

got some nice action courtesy of fung hak on and the guy who choreographed kf from beyond the grave, rebellious reign & last hurrah for chivalry, among others.

i make up for morgoth and rewatch it every couple of years.

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Guest morgoth

I appreciate you making up for me:lol

I made it all the way through that movie only to see some stupid fight between Wong Tao and Adam Cheng. I LOVE Adam Cheng and B. Lin, but I hated this movie.

Post what you think of Lone Ninja Warrior Lei Kung, I am interested in hearing abotu that one.

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Guest Lei Kung

I just watched Lone Ninja Warrior. It's a good solid swordplay movie typical of Peng-I Chang. Plot was very confusing. The whole thing was build up for the end, which I didn't feel delivered (but not bad). The fantasy element was toned down a bit; only a few had supernatural abilities. It had some pretty good action though. Unfortunately the fullscreeness cut out quite a bit.

It'll take another viewing or two to figure this one out, but the jist of it: swordsman Snowy White (Roc) and his sidekick Flintstone (Chen Sing) along with a few other rival swordsmen, all with their own stories, are thrown in with a bunch of random villains, all somehow linked to the Weird Clan. All the swordsman have different bloodfeuds between each other but the greater enemy is Wierd Clan and it becomes an elaborate hunt for the 'man behind it all'. It got a little slow at times, but it stayed interesting the whole way through. It wasn't nearly as wild as Demon Fighter, more comparable to Black Eagle's Blade sort of style.

Overall I liked it and will probably watch it again. I got it in a Brentwood 10 Pack; I'd say it was worth more than it's 2 dollars.

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Guest morgoth

Maybe I am just lost on Faster Blades. I found it totally unwatchable. Would you say Lone Ninja is as good? If it's not, I don't think I wanna see it.

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Guest Lei Kung

I liked Faster Blades for it's craziness and exotic sets and supernatural elements. Lone Ninja Warrior is much tamer and a little more plot driven. Roc plays his typical most-revered-badass-swordsman-in-the-world type of character.

Morgoth, I'd say it's worth picking up, especially if you're a Roc Tien fan. I haven't checked out the others yet, but the set also includes the following (available at Bestbuy):

Ninja Thunderbolt

Invincible Hero aka Mean Streets of Kung Fu

Attack of the Venoms/(Joyful Godess?)

Men on the Hour aka Black Hercules vs. Yellow Tiger

Land of the Brave

Great General

Chinese Dragon

Chinese Hercules

Mantis Fists and Tiger Claws of Shaolin (includes a half human, half mantis)

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Guest Robert Ian Teller

Nah if you didn't like Faster Blades then stay away from Lone Ninja and other films of it's type. No matter what don't watch Victim of the Assassins or The Great Chase with Ivy Ling Po.

In fact I recommend some real kung fu, anything with Ekin Cheng is a must.

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Guest jmungus
In fact I recommend some real kung fu, anything with Ekin Cheng is a must.


ekin cheng is god. no offense, lord... but its ekin cheng we re talkin here after all ;)

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