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ROB ZOMBIE H2-Halloween 2


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Rob Zombie has signed on to do the sequel to his Halloween remake. I hated his remake, but am actually looking forward to the sequel which will be , in his own words, not a remake of Halloween 2. Not a big fan of Robs[i did like Devils Rejects, but not a movie id watch over and over] but am open to see where he goes with this. Looking forward to 09, F13th, My Bloody Valentine, and hopefully Halloween 2...feels like the 80s again.:nerd:

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People seem to like trash! And while I've only seen House of 1000 Corpses (not great IMO), I can see that he has a touch for directing this kind of thing. This is a link to a great discussion on why Devil's Rejects is a great genre film that manages to be a subversive send-up of post 9-11 America:


I think he has talent but not really into remakes. Maybe if this movie has more of an original stamp on it... .

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Didn't say it was, just saying I didn't see his remake of the first Halloween. As far as H2, we'll see what direction he goes with it.

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"House of 1000 Corpses" is my second worst movie of all time, right behind "Max Payne. I despised it and took a generally disliking to Rob Zombie's direction.

I then watched "The Devil's Rejects" (after a lot of badgering) and enjoyed it. It doesn't welcome repeated viewing but it's fun and enjoyable. Rob Zombie also tackles it very well.

The "Halloween" remake was rather piss poor though. I expected much more and actually expected Zombie to be able to tackle it with aplomb. What he gave us was a shabby attempt at "dark."

Maybe he'll deliver this time around.

I did get a massive hard on when I saw his "Tyrannosaurus Rex" poster, though...


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That T-Rex poster looks awesome, sign me up for that one, is it in the works?

I liked Zombies first two movies, I don't think House deserves all the hate it's recieving, I saw it more like a cross between a horror movie and a music video, at least it was original and had some very cool characters like Captain Spaulding and Otis. I think he lost it at the end, it got to - oooooooooh it's Doctor Satan! Lets run through the house and scream at everything I come across.

Or maybe everyone rather watch them just remake all the crap from the 70's-80's, I had no intentions of ever seeing the Halloween remake no matter who remade it, I thought the original was a boring overrated piece of shit back when I watched it as a kid, I still think the 3rd one without Myers was the best one and it was pretty cheesy at that.

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That T-Rex poster looks awesome, sign me up for that one, is it in the works?QUOTE]

Rob Zombie recently admited that he "hasn't even written a script" for this yet! It's like one of those Roger Corman things: Okay, we have this great poster. Now let's make it into a movie!

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Sounds like a good idea to me, imo they overthink movies now, why not just go with the idea, put Dany Trejo in the lead acting role and go with it. I swear I'm not getting all these remakes, and they keep remaking movies that really weren't that great to begin with in the first place.

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RZ has a two picture deal with Dimension and this T-REX movie was supposed to have been his next movie. Since his white trash version of HALLOWEEN was successful(???) I would assume the suits at Dimension are banking on a sequel (since they banked so much on that awful GRINDHOUSE two-fer that blew up in their face) as opposed to another of his expletive filled, trailer trash epics. Anyway, the TYRANNOSAURUS REX movie has been bandied about since earlier this year. You can read what the film was going to be about here...


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I've got a lot of respect for Rob Zombie. I thought "Devil's Rejects" had some really inspired moments and "House of 1000" was good for a cheap horror homage, but his "Halloween" remake was pretty bad. I'm hoping he does something interesting for the sequel but I'm not holding my breath.

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I like Rob, I hate his music, hate House of 1000 Rejects, but I liked both The Devils Rejects and Halloween. I see him growing and look forward to whatever he does in the future.

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From the previews I've been seeing it really looks like he is taken this sequel in a whole other direction which I think should be interesting! I only like the 1st. half of his Halloween remake the 2nd half was a carbon copy of John Carpenters minus the Music & the Suspense which really made the movie!

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Hate his films and I think he only gets to make them because he is Rob Zombie. Not because of filmmaking talent. He makes horror movies for Hot Topic employees.

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Remember back in the good ole days when you would kinda root for Freddy and Jason because their victims were annoying victims?

Well, that kinda how I feel about Rob Zombie's characters from House of a 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects. I look forward to them dying...yet it never happens. I totally hate the characters from these films. The ending to DR did not satiatie my need to seem them dead. Rob Zombies Halloween film was terrible! It might as well have been a Sci Fi channel film it was so horrible.

I mean his wife has been incredibly irritating in everything I've seen her in. His films are not even scary, they are just mildly annoying, their aren't cool, or inventive, everything I've seen him do, I've seen someone else do better. I don't see how anyone can like these films.

And it's not like I don't like horror films, but his films just suck.

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