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Friday The 13th. (New Movie)


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Im just used to jason being able to teleport when he wants to kill someone.



I don't know how popular it is with fans here, but I thought JASON X was one of, if not the best of the sequels. I had a great time with that one. A great little popcorn movie and the homage to the Crystal Lake bound FRIDAY's with the camp hologram was outrageous. Robo Jason just couldn't kill those two girls. I went to see it twice in the theater. About the only thing I didn't like was the score. Very generic, IMO.

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Guest Markgway

Judging by the trailer it will be a big hit.

The director did a decent job with the Texas Chainsaw remake so expect more of the same.

The best of the original Paramount series was 6 because it had a sense of irony (rare in the 80s) and an Alice Cooper soundtrack.

Didn't care for any of the New Line films.

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Looks like they got it right[early reviews confirm this-same with MBV]. Hopefully we can finally get uncut re-releases of the original films if this does well.

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Man you guys are dissing the Feldman! Part 4 all the way!:P

I believe "dudley" from Diff'rent Strokes was in part 5XD

I don't know, I don't really see the point, but then again it's not like they haven't made sequels and reboots from other horror films over the years. I did like the movies when I was younger but film has moved on since then, I'm not sure it's a character that really works as it did back in the late 70's-80's.

There's so much great horror literature out there.

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"I believe "dudley" from Diff'rent Strokes was in part 5"

My favorite character of all the F13th movies. The only cat that actually ran from Jason while the chick stands there screaming.

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And those who wonder, Michael Bay already had said this was a one-movie thing, so unlike TCM, don't expect any sequels. He pretty much said this was it.

I think Derek Mears is perfect as the new Jason. I like how he is going to bring some major tenacity to the role like Andrew Bryniarski did with Leatherface in the TCM remake. I'm actually looking forward to seeing this reboot.

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shaolin drunkard
did he? Im just used to jason being able to teleport when he wants to kill someone.


They took that too far in part 8.Jason is on the deck of ship and 2 seconds later in top of mast throwing kid down.and in bar too.

Trailer of new Friday looks really sweetXD

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Guest Markgway
And those who wonder, Michael Bay already had said this was a one-movie thing, so unlike TCM, don't expect any sequels. He pretty much said this was it.

Until the $$$$$ start rolling in....

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I'm just hoping that this doesn't have toned down gore, violence or nudity, which were the bread and butter of the franchise throughout the 80s. I only saw Jason Lives in the 90s, which I thought was already, but it's one week run in the theatres probably showed it didn't resonate with audiences.

I thought they were doing a remake of the first one. It was such a great suspense flick because there wasn't really any Jason. Perhaps they felt so many people have seen it that there was no point in trying to build suspense, and just get into the whole killing-machine-in-a-hockey-mask full tilt. But then, they might as well called it a sequel rather than revisiting the first three films. That tells me they're getting lazy or too cheap to pay good writers to come up with a half decent plot.


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shaolin drunkard
It's supposed to be a combination of the first three films. Jason did in fact run in parts two and three.

Yup..you can think in parts 2&3 he was almost like very strong human,became supernatural in beginning of 4 when woke up from death.

And KFsamurai,plot was not exactly good in jason goes to hell or jason X,if trying something new with results like that it`s better to go back to the roots.

I believe new friday is great movie:D

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I think if you hire some good writers and a good director, you can get a good product. The Friday The 13th franchise unfortunately turned into more of a comedy than a horror series. And the movie companies probably figured all they had to do was come up with a dozen death scenes, and string them all together with a little dialogue and sex, and the people would accept it. So I'm hoping this new take on the series will inject some life. But I still think it sucks they're regurgitating the old stuff.


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I saw this today and wasn't too happy with it.

***Possible Spoilers Below****

If this was supposed to be a remake, it didn't follow any Friday The 13th I'd seen. Sure they showed the moment when Mother Voorhees loses her head, and a couple of the main characters stumble upon a shrine with her head (after 30 years, there's still skin and hair on the skull?), and Jason switches from a sack on his head to a mask. But that's where the similarities end. This essentially was a new entry into the series. It had to be, because they indicated the date of the original incident was in 1980. And the movie takes place current day, so Jason had to have been killing all those years.

One part that really bothered me, was the part where he switches from the bag hat to the hockey mask. This occurs when he attacks and kills a local guy, a neighbour. Why did he suddenly decide to kill this guy after probably living near him for years?! I was under the impression that Jason just didn't like outsiders, but he left the locals alone.

The gore is okay. Everything is shot so dark that you hardly see the blood! Not like the original series were the red blood was, well, red. There was some nice titty shots, so I can't complain there! :)

Some critics have said the movie doesn't work because it tries to take itself too seriously, and I agree. It wasn't campy, like the previous entries into the series. The jokes were just plain dumb, and it really tries too hard to be a serious horror movie. And I hated everyone in the film. I found myself laughing every time someone got killed (perhaps the people sitting near me thought I was as twisted as Jason! :)

The ending is way too predictable it's not even funny. Some critic wrote it had a 'twist ending'. LOL, not! I was expecting something smart and unexpected, like it would turn out that Jason was really working for the locals to kill drugged and sex crazed teens hanging out in their area. That would have been much more interesting than what they chose to do.

I hope this is the last of the attempts to do a Friday The 13th for a long time.


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Saw it last Friday, pretty much what I expected, kids that smoke pot and have sex in the woods leads to violent killings, kinda hard to fuck up the formula.

Possible Spoilers if you never seen a 13th movieXD -

I'm not sure why you'd bother to remake such a one dimensional character, sure Jason has had a effect on the horror genre over the years but I still feel he belongs in the 80's, the studio cashcow couldn't pass up making a buck though, at least they got the cell phone deal out of the way.

I liked the fact it didn't go to campy, there's some great scenes that tie in a lot of the movies like the barn from the 3rd, Jason was probably more brutal than ever before, maybe a little to self knowing as they scrapped the retarded aspect of him. I just caught new Hills have Eyes 2, and I can see the suits saying - it worked in that movie - so of course Jason has to have a mine shaft under his house that the kids have to go through - wtf? Jason himself reminded me of one of the mutants from that movie chasing the kids through said mine shaft and for a minute I thought I was watching HHE2, this makes it even more generic imo.

The nudity is one thing that it does get right, but every girl that shows her assets is faker that the next, like they pulled these girls out of some high end strip club, sadly the hottest girls don't get naked and there's no full frontal(hey this is the 12 year old kid in me speaking outXD). The kids were bland but the guy that played the dick did it very well.

I'll agree though, one of the dumbest endings in moving history, the ending in the original having Jason jumping out of the lake was classic, it wasn't even in the script, Tom Savini came up with the idea and it was thrown in at the last minute, why bother fucking up such a classic scene if your going to do it so halfass.

Needless to say there will be a sequel, why not spend the money on something worthy like the Dunwich Horror, a movie begging to be remade.

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Saw it last Friday, pretty much what I expected, kids that smoke pot and have sex in the woods leads to violent killings, kinda hard to fuck up the formula.

Possible Spoilers if you never seen a 13th movieXD -

I'm not sure why you'd bother to remake such a one dimensional character, sure Jason has had a effect on the horror genre over the years but I still feel he belongs in the 80's, the studio cashcow couldn't pass up making a buck though, at least they got the cell phone deal out of the way.

I liked the fact it didn't go to campy, there's some great scenes that tie in a lot of the movies like the barn from the 3rd, Jason was probably more brutal than ever before, maybe a little to self knowing as they scrapped the retarded aspect of him. I just caught new Hills have Eyes 2, and I can see the suits saying - it worked in that movie - so of course Jason has to have a mine shaft under his house that the kids have to go through - wtf? Jason himself reminded me of one of the mutants from that movie chasing the kids through said mine shaft and for a minute I thought I was watching HHE2, this makes it even more generic imo.

The nudity is one thing that it does get right, but every girl that shows her assets is faker that the next, like they pulled these girls out of some high end strip club, sadly the hottest girls don't get naked and there's no full frontal(hey this is the 12 year old kid in me speaking outXD). The kids were bland but the guy that played the dick did it very well.

I'll agree though, one of the dumbest endings in moving history, the ending in the original having Jason jumping out of the lake was classic, it wasn't even in the script, Tom Savini came up with the idea and it was thrown in at the last minute, why bother fucking up such a classic scene if your going to do it so halfass.

Needless to say there will be a sequel, why not spend the money on something worthy like the Dunwich Horror, a movie begging to be remade.

I noticed all of the fake boobs too. They must have trolled either the porn movie industry or some local strippers to play these parts. Okay, that sounds really bad, but that's just my opinion.

I noticed the Texas Chainsaw-like surroundings that Jason was living in. It's probably no surprise since the director did the remake for that flick too. Unfortunately, I think it's totally out of character for what I think Jason is or represents. He's not a serial killer, in the real sense. He doesn't collect trophies. He's not really rational, in that he would go to the trouble of building tunnels and an underground place to live. He's just a killing machine, and somewhat supernatural. If they were going to change the story of Friday the 13th, at least make it so that Jason is some kind of guard dog of the people in that neck of the woods, killing of any annoying pot-smoking partying kids. I mean, if he was killing people for 30 years, including locals, there shouldn't have been anyone left alive within 20 or 30 square miles of that place. How could that ass-kid's father have a cottage there if Jason would have been killing anyone who was living there?

The film was dumb. I'm not going to bother watching any sequel. I've given up on any attempt on the studios coming up with another Jason film that keeps to the spirit of the 80s flicks. I'll just stick with those.


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Guest Markgway

You say Jason isn't rational yet he constantly plays hide and seek mind games with his victims.

If he was a pure killing machine he'd just walk into the house and annihilate everyone at once in an orgy of bloodletting.

But then the film would only run 8:43 plus credits. lol

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For some reason it did well at the box office and they are planning a sequel already like someone mentioned.I don't know lee that chainsaw remake was really bad.

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I think the guy who did the texas chainsaw remakes would have done it right.

Marcus Nispel, the director of the TCM remake did direct this movie....as well as PATHFINDER and the upcoming CONAN picture.

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Guest Markgway
I think the guy who did the texas chainsaw remakes would have done it right.

Marcus Nispel, the director of the TCM remake did direct this movie....


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