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Benny Hill


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Wondering if there are any other Benny Hill fans out there, as a kid growing up catching this late nights in the late 70's-80's Benny Hill and crew had me rolling around on the floor laughing till I was crying on more than one occasion.

It did occur to me how different the English humor was from what was playing in the US at the time, and while I did find some of the other stuff a bit dry(like Monty Python), Hill was just flat out hilarious, and was it ever dirty!!! Hell that was half of the appeal as a kid was seeing all the girls running around being chased in their bras and panties(yes, us kids here in the US were seriously deprived before cable), every once in a while they even slipped up and showed some boobageXD

I really need to pick up a boxset, unfortanetly they stopped playing these a long time ago.

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Benny Hill was da man! His show usually came on around 11-11:30 PM here in NY back in the day. It was great. I too found him a bit funnier than Monty Python. Some of the bits were rather risque back then but I would be seen as tame these days...

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Thanks for the link Venoms5, is the 45 dollar one the megaset? I'm trying to figure out what the 100 dollar one is compared, looks like they're just separate boxes. Does anyone know how many seasons he had and from what years? It looks to be 5, haha it took me years later to realize Thames was a river:p

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I used to watch him every saturday night with my dad. Every time I hear his name I picture him slapping that little bald guy on the head (undercranked of course). :D

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I was real young when i first saw the show and remeber thinking to myself , how can this be on regular T.V. It wasnt aired in my city, so id have to catch it when i visited my Grandparents. I remember late nights having to sit up close to the T.V. in order to change the channel quickly if someone walked in[ no remote]. This and Bizzare[the show that started Super Dave] were my favorites as a kid.

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When I was a kid I used to watch this show all the time with my mother. We shared an interest in screwball comedy that included the THREE STOOGES. Those were good times.

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what's the difference between a vitamin and a hormone?

you can't make a vitamin.

classic hill. i laughed till i cried. i was fortunate enough to have channel 66 in chicago as a child, which played benny hill every night after mamma's family.

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Thanks for the link Venoms5, is the 45 dollar one the megaset? I'm trying to figure out what the 100 dollar one is compared, looks like they're just separate boxes. Does anyone know how many seasons he had and from what years? It looks to be 5, haha it took me years later to realize Thames was a river:p

Yes, that seems to be it as it says underneath 'Save $104.37.' Most likely a mistake but you best get it while it's still listed as such then again, it might be a clearance sale. Here's the link to the megaset directly...


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Benny Hill ran for something like 20 years. The box sets contain 3 or 4 seasons together. I remember hearing on the news back in the 90s that some robbers had apparently dug Hill up and stolen all his jewels and money he'd been buried with. He was said to have been buried with all his riches.

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I'm surprised there are so many fans of Benny in the US as you guys have a very different sense of humour, I loved watching him as a kid too, no late night showings in the UK, prime time evening family viewing here :D

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I'm surprised there are so many fans of Benny in the US as you guys have a very different sense of humour, I loved watching him as a kid too, no late night showings in the UK, prime time evening family viewing here :D

He was on in the afternoons in my area. I don't recall ever seeing him on late at night. Possibly on PBS which was where I first discovered DR. WHO.

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I loved watching him as a kid too, no late night showings in the UK, prime time evening family viewing here :D

Yeah, they were the days! Could never get enough of his Hills Angels as a kid either! :P

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I'm surprised there are so many fans of Benny in the US as you guys have a very different sense of humour, I loved watching him as a kid too, no late night showings in the UK, prime time evening family viewing here :D

im really not suprised to be honest....good 'ol fashioned raunchy un-PC humor is a universal language as far as im concerned

ever noticed there are the "python" fans and then the "benny hill" fans out here?

il like python and all, but if i gotta hear one more nerd recite the "knights who say Knee" again.....

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"I'm surprised there are so many fans of Benny in the US as you guys have a very different sense of humour"

I really dug it because it was different humor than what was out at that time. And I guess the scantily-clad women didn't hurt either. ;)

"Yeah, they were the days! Could never get enough of his Hills Angels as a kid either!"

Hills Angels was one of my favorite segments! Just hilarious! I gotta see these one day on DVD. Should probably rent them from Netflix...

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I'm surprised there are so many fans of Benny in the US as you guys have a very different sense of humour,

That's why he was so popular here because his comedy was more accessible to American audiences. The box sets contain booklets that give lots of information about Hill and his popularity outside of the UK as well as his initial reluctance to come to the States.

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I'm surprised there are so many fans of Benny in the US as you guys have a very different sense of humour, I loved watching him as a kid too, no late night showings in the UK, prime time evening family viewing here :D

I think everyone over 30 grew up and loved Benny Hill, his humor is universal, haha - family veiwing huh?XD My sister would come in and always say - your just watching that for the naked girls - well she was only half right:p

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He was on in the afternoons in my area. I don't recall ever seeing him on late at night. Possibly on PBS which was where I first discovered DR. WHO.

Really? Don't remember him on in the afternoons, there was a show called Make Me Laugh, I remember it coming on after that around 11 oclock pm, I would of thought it to be a bit risky for afternoon viewing in the US, even at the time.

The one episode I remember was when they were dancing in skin colored tights with fig leafs on, Benny came out with this huge fig leaf dancing around, then it fell off and there was a tiny one thereXD Some funny shit there I tell you.

Those were the days, Benny Hill, Godzilla, and Kung Fu all playing on tv, kids today may have a thousand more channels to pick from, but they don't know what they were missing.

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It's interesting to see so many Americans showing love for Benny. I hear he's popular in France too. I used to watch his show all the time when I was a kid.

His work is rather looked down upon in the UK now and never gets repeated on telly.

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Really? Don't remember him on in the afternoons, there was a show called Make Me Laugh, I remember it coming on after that around 11 oclock pm, I would of thought it to be a bit risky for afternoon viewing in the US, even at the time.

The one episode I remember was when they were dancing in skin colored tights with fig leafs on, Benny came out with this huge fig leaf dancing around, then it fell off and there was a tiny one thereXD Some funny shit there I tell you.

Those were the days, Benny Hill, Godzilla, and Kung Fu all playing on tv, kids today may have a thousand more channels to pick from, but they don't know what they were missing.

It was in the afternoon on the USA network. It was called The Unexpurgated Benny Hill Show. There was also a kung fu theater type program that came on in the afternoons. Whenever the show would return from commercial, some narrator would read off a fortune cookie.

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Shaolin Patriot
It's interesting to see so many Americans showing love for Benny. I hear he's popular in France too. I used to watch his show all the time when I was a kid.

His work is rather looked down upon in the UK now and never gets repeated on telly.

Yes, here in America there was a Benny Hill Fan Club (in which I was a charter member) ;)

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I to have watched him in my younger man days with my dad.It was on at 1130pm here witch made for some late nights and early mornings.Just wish that he was still on here,and my dad was here to watch him with meI miss them both a lot.

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He was on in the afternoons in my area. I don't recall ever seeing him on late at night. Possibly on PBS which was where I first discovered DR. WHO.

Here in Delaware, The show came on late nights on PBS after Mr. Bean. Great stuff, my Grandmother loved these two guys. They'd show two episodes of Mr. Bean and two episodes of Benny Hill.

I'm surprised there are so many fans of Benny in the US as you guys have a very different sense of humour, I loved watching him as a kid too, no late night showings in the UK, prime time evening family viewing here :D

Don't be surprised,funny is funny. Laughter is universal, no such thing as British humor or American humor or whatever, funny is funny.

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