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Punisher: War Zone (2008)

Way of the Dragon

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Way of the Dragon

I really liked the first film, i love the comic and the characters, but im not too sure about this new guy playing him. I really want to see this though.

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i'm optimistic for ray stevenson, he was fantastic in Rome. He looks right, has tons of charisma and can turn mean and violent at a drop of a hat.

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Huge Punisher fan, since the 80s. Saw the film first day , first showing. I dont know why hollywood cant get this right. Of course I liked it because i like everything Punisher, but this is a bad movie. It is , however the best of the bunch[ Dolphs version is second and i used to hate that version]. Hopefully Marvel can get the rights back after this. Ray Stevenson was good, but not as good as i thought he should ve been. He does have the Bradstreet look, but only when shadowed, so why in the hell do they light every scene with clashing colored lights? Why were there so many colors any way. Maybe if it would have been a Christnmas time setting it wouldve worked-but it wasnt. Also Franks Italian. born and raised in Queens. Ray looks pale Irish. Just get the Bradstreet model and use a voice over the entire movie -problems solved. Really the acting was bad all around and i have to blame Lexi a little for this. She handled the action well, but her guidance towards the actors was shamefully handled. She tried to oversell NYC. the actors overcomponsate with the fake NY accents-which they cant hold through the performance. The ext. shots and NYC cop cars were enough for the illusion, we didnt need the ham and cheese. Ultimately this will be good[not great] when it hits dvd and fans are treated to a FAN EDIT. Nice try Lexi.....NEXT

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I'm contemplating seeing this, but I want to know from anyone who's seen it whether it delivers the goods or not. I keep hearing that it's a great "bad movie," so I'm intrigued. I'm not expecting a big-budget Hollywood franchise production, just a mid-range B-action film that keeps us entertained the way the best Steven Seagal/Jean Claude Van Damme movies did. And, say, TRANSPORTER 1 and DISTRICT B13. (But not TRANSPORTER 2 or HITMAN, neither of which delivered the goods for me.). I don't mind the hardcore violence, but I don't want something so stupid that it makes me angry. I want to be able to suspend my disbelief, but only if I'm given a good reason to.

So, does it compare?


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I vaguely recall The Punisher (1989) w/ Dolph Lundgren.

However, The Punisher (2004) w/ Thomas Jane was surprisingly good.

Had some nice comic (no pun) touches to it plus a fun supporting cast.

Won't go to the theaters for PWZ. I'll wait for the disc.

I remember when a mint copy of ASM 129 cost the same as ASM 128 or 130 (next to nothing).

Should've hoarded up copies when I had the chance - along with Hulk 181. Oh well, life in hindsight....

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I watched them film parts of it in Mtl's Chinatown. I want to see it just for that. They shot some stuff in front of a shop that I used to buy Celestials from. They changed the store sign just for that scene.

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So I went to see PUNISHER WAR ZONE and enjoyed it very much. Filled with action. Imaginatively designed. Lots of dramatic imagery. This is what a comic book film should look like. Some great acting, especially by the guys who play the psychotic villains. Amazing faces on all the lunatic characters. No faces out of Central Casting here. Lots of very dark humor. I laughed a lot. Reminds me of the kinds of films that became 42nd Street favorites back in the day, the films that onetime great pulp artists like John Carpenter and Walter Hill used to make.

This was everything THE DARK KNIGHT should have been, but wasn’t. Unlike the Joker, Jigsaw doesn’t waste a lot of time rationalizing what he does, intellectualizing about his crimes, or playing idiotic mind games that no self-respecting madman villain would bother with. He’s not the Unabomber, for Pete’s sake. He’s a flat-out homicidal maniac out to get his share of the dough and kill the Punisher in the bargain. And he’s helped by his even crazier brother, Looney Bin Jim. XD What more do you need than that to create a solid, suspenseful, violent, brutal, gory, funny comic book thriller?

Highly recommended. See it before it leaves the theaters. It’s a real big-screen movie.

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Saw opening day, can say it was better than the last Punisher movie. I think it would have been better if they had brought Thomas Jane back. Other than that it was o.k.:S Mindless, gory, and well-done, but no depth to characters or story.

For me it's fine to just turn your thinking off and just enjoy mindless action, which War Zone is.

If you decide not to catch it in theatres, you're not missing anything. Waiting till the disc is not bad either.

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I've never seen either of the other Punisher movies, so I have no attachment to any previous performers. I thought Ray Stevenson was just fine. I disagree with the "no depth" remark. There was a tortured quality to his performance, especially when he tries to make amends to the family of the dead undercover agent and, later, when he is conflicted over whether to simply quit the business or not. Granted, this isn't "Hamlet," but for a movie like this, it counts as "depth."

Also, I would point to the relationship between Jigsaw and his brother, Looney Bin Jim. Their devotion to each other is quite touching and makes them more than just cardboard comic book villains. Their reunion scene when Jigsaw breaks Jim out of the asylum has some brilliant touches to it, such as when Jim takes Jigsaw's head in his hands, looks him straight in his disfigured eyes and tells him, with all sincerity, that he looks great. Clearly this is no ordinary brother relationship. Bits like that tend to get me more involved in a movie. And the fact that it was handled like this consistently throughout the movie, often in an understated way, tells me that the director understood the importance of it.

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Everyone waiting to catch this flick on DVD may be very dissapointed. Giving that this film has only made back 1/5 of its profit, the theatre may be the only way to see this movie. I joked with people that this would probably hit video stores late january or feb., but looking at the Box Office ,it doesnt make sense to even release it to DVD. So unless one of the actors blow-up, the DVD has a grim future. So dont wait ,go see this movie now.

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^^ that doesn't make any sense. The standard technique for a movie that suffers heavy loss in theatres is to dump it to dvd as soon as possible in hope it will catch on there.

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^^yeah, production costs usually take that into account. It will be on DVD by end of January or thereabouts.

I've heard that this film is a pile of cinematic turd from most sources. It seems that only the action-faithful will like it. To be honest, I can't believe that this character has been done 3 times on the screen, with each one being a re-boot. And yet no new ninja movies (well ,that's about to change) ?!?!!?

I want Iron Fist and Power Man already- christ, it could be an awesome double-header of faux-blaxploitation and kung-fu action hoedown and yet they did this movie again.

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""^^ that doesn't make any sense. The standard technique for a movie that suffers heavy loss in theatres is to dump it to dvd as soon as possible in hope it will catch on there."

I hope your right ,but i dont see the dvd making the millions it needs to[production,advertising, printing the dvds] without losing more money. You can just look at Dragon Dynasty and how theyre handling the Shaw movies. This didnt generate interest in the theatre, so why think itll generate enough interest to make a profit on dvd. Also unless people across the world watched The Wire or Rome, the overseas market wont gobble this up either. Lionsgate shouldve released it closer to TDK to piggy back off its success. They would have to make 40-50 mil to get theyre money back and Ive never heard of a flop going to dvd and making that kind of money. So unless one of the stars have a huge movie or some type of Punisher resurgence I still say the DVD might not happen for a while.

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Things like the first Hellboy made better money on DVD than in theatres. Also, Equilibrium, etc. In fact, I bet they're banking on this to recoup their investment by releasing it on DVD ASAP.

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""^^ that doesn't make any sense. The standard technique for a movie that suffers heavy loss in theatres is to dump it to dvd as soon as possible in hope it will catch on there."

I hope your right ,but i dont see the dvd making the millions it needs to[production,advertising, printing the dvds] without losing more money. You can just look at Dragon Dynasty and how theyre handling the Shaw movies. This didnt generate interest in the theatre, so why think itll generate enough interest to make a profit on dvd. Also unless people across the world watched The Wire or Rome, the overseas market wont gobble this up either. Lionsgate shouldve released it closer to TDK to piggy back off its success. They would have to make 40-50 mil to get theyre money back and Ive never heard of a flop going to dvd and making that kind of money. So unless one of the stars have a huge movie or some type of Punisher resurgence I still say the DVD might not happen for a while.

what shaw movies were released in the theater? how is dragon dynasty a good example of a business model of releasing current american movies?

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"Things like the first Hellboy made better money on DVD than in theatres. Also, Equilibrium, etc. In fact, I bet they're banking on this to recoup their investment by releasing it on DVD ASAP."

Equilibrium is a perfect example of the point Im trying to make.The budget was an estimated 20 mil. When released in mid December 02, it made less than a million in its first two weeks.It was immediately pulled, not being released to dvd until may 03, around the same time the Matrix sequels were coming out. This is relevant because Equilibrium was market as a Matrix type gun-fu film[watch the trailers]- so IMO the studio wanted this movie to piggyback off the Matrix success which is why it was released when it was. Also going for it was Taye Diggs[who I belive had a number one movie around the time] and Christian Bale who became an underground succes because of American Psycho, also around the time. The PWZ has none of that going for it, and in the end Equilibrium still only made around 10 mil. worldwide.

"what shaw movies were released in the theater? how is dragon dynasty a good example of a business model of releasing current american movies?"

None. Im simply saying its possible to lose money on the dvd, much like Dragon Dynasty which is why you see no new Shaw movies on the shelf. The real punisher fans saw the movie. Its about 8 mil of us , so says the box office. Even if we bought the movie three times, it wouldnt make the money back. If you were Lionsgate would you release it now? I think Lionsgate MAY wait until the stars become famous or a similar toned film does well so the film will generate interest and make some money back.

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Also Hellboy did alright in theatres pulling in an average of about 10 mil a week and stayed in theatres for a while. That to me shows interest, which pretty much assured the success of the dvd.

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If you were Lionsgate would you release it now?

absolutely, to capitalize on every single person that said 'hey this doesn't look like something i'd go out of my way to see in the theater, but i like dumb action movies so i might rent it if i ever see it in blockbuster'. these people have a short attention span and there are plenty of dumb bad movies being made, which is why it's important for a studio to release it asap while it still has even a little bit of hold on the public consciousness. See death race for a practical example

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