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Fist Of Unicorn audio commentary

Guest falkor

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Guest Robert Ian Teller

Someone on this board claimed to have the VideoAsia disc then they claimed to have been ordered to destroy it.

For those like myself who don't know, what is the truth behind this VideoAsia release?

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Guest chen lung
Someone on this board claimed to have the VideoAsia disc then they claimed to have been ordered to destroy it.

If that is true, then it was probably done just incase someone was sneaky enough to get them into deep @#%$ by selling it illegally against an already-issued warning from Fortune Star (donno if Fortune Star ever did issue one, but they were the rights holders I believe at the time, and still are).

For those like myself who don't know, what is the truth behind this VideoAsia release?

George Tan of Video Asia and Toby Russell have abridged copies of the film in it's rarely seen English export version made by Golden Harvest back in 1971. A 35mm (bad condition) print was shown twice in England in the mid-90s by Toby himself, of this particular English version.

It was a release planned in mid-2004 on DVD, which was to contain a number of extras, in addition to the DVD-debut of this version. BL's following film 'Fist of Fury', was to receive similar 'never before seen version' treatment, but I don't think there's been any discussion of 'other' footage (the only things that haven't been seen are 1971/2 trailers/teasers). Little else is known publically except above (certain forum members own a copy of it).

No-one has come forward with a complete print of the English version, but the Mandarin one does exist in private hands. Deals may have already been made as we speak for Joy Sales, or the likes to release it. After all, the specs provided by muldoon at Asian DVD Guide seem to fit perfectly.

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Guest stormybman

How about the missing " saw in the prostitute's A@#, while she was riding in the burning cart at night in the alley, " scene, that's been missing from Raymond Chow's contract, that he put out... oh, never mind. :lol

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Guest Squid Lips

If I had a nickle for everyone that "saw the missing footage in a screening back in the 70s" or "know a guy who knows a guy with a copy" or "Had a copy but had to destroy it" I'd be a rich son of a bitch.

Truth is, 99% of those stories are all false. Not to say a scenes and multiple takes were filmed and then cut out of the final product (this is common practice in filmmaking anyway) but that these prints exist WITH these scenes and NOTHING outside of obscure photos have shown up or clips in trailers, it is safe to assume they are gone and buried in the vaults of Golen Harvest or probably more likely (as in the case of the several hours of ENTER behind The Scenes) lost/thrown away/destroyed.

There are fans out there that love the attention of saying they had seen or owned something everybody wants to see. I have read books worth of forum discussion between people who "saw" the other 5 levels in Game Of Death and those who wanted to hear all about it. I was one of those early people that had all uncut 90 minutes of GOD (minus the "log" fight") and would post frame after frame of the footage to show Lee going BACK DOWN the stairs after beating Jabbar and not UP to fight The Samurai or whoever.

Ended that discussion pretty fast once evidence was shown.

But it is usually easy to see past that stuff when the story involves a set up that requires no proof.

I am a huge Lee fan and know there is obviously film that was shot of him we have not seen (alternate takes, behind the scenes, etc.) as every once in awhile I get from a friend Enter The Dragon outtakes or Game Of Death footage, etc. but most of it no one has seen since and the idea of these fans in their "underground" screening rooms with these films got old and tired back in the early 80s.

But I did see some clips of Yang Sze rehearsing with Bruce for his fight scene in Game Of Death......

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Guest fabhui
What did you see of Bolo and Bruce rehearsal clips for GOD? Where was this filmed, indoors, outdoors? Thanks

He's only joking!;)

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Guest greenbamboo

ok thanks :) well someone claimed to see some footage of Bruce and Bolo working out on the set of ENTER back in the 70s. These are probably the shots of Bruce, Bolo and Wu Ngan wearing yellow karate suit that you can see in pics. Henry Wong shot hours of behind-the-scenes footages on GOD and ENTER for a documentary Bruce had in the works for his Concord Film Company. I don't know if Bolo was meant to be in GOD but he was with Bruce and George Lazenby just prior to his passing so maybe he was to be involved.

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Guest Squid Lips

Apparently all the behind the scenes of ENTER actually did get lost. Not sure of the exact details but hours of footage was in the can and then lost.

I used to know Lazenby pretty well and he said he was never around any filming of GAME but knew he was coming on to join the cast of something already in the works.

There is a pretty cool unreleased doc on Enter with some outtakes and interviews I have. No new Behind The Scenes stuff though.

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Guest killer meteor

Regarding Enter The Dragon, tons of footage was shot for that little 10minute promo and the remainder was junked by the New York editing company. Apparently,one of Bruce's genuine fights was filmed

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Guest greenbamboo

I was told by David Tadman that when Bruce died, Raymond Chow demanded that Warners send them all of the Henry Wong ENTER footages over to him. Warners made a copy of all the footage before sending it to Chow. But Warners won't release it because it's not profitable for them. They will have to find it in their vaults. They asked Henry Wong to come and look for it. He said he's too old now and can't be bothered. Raymond Chow told Henry that the footages was destroyed but who can trust what he says. He used some of the ENTER stuff in GOD 2. You're not going to destroy BL footage especially when he died before the release of ENTER. It's easier to say it's destroyed then you don't get hassle from BL fans. If you paid them a load of money then things may change :)

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On 7/17/2007 at 11:10 AM, Guest greenbamboo said:

I was told by David Tadman that when Bruce died, Raymond Chow demanded that Warners send them all of the Henry Wong ENTER footages over to him. Warners made a copy of all the footage before sending it to Chow. But Warners won't release it because it's not profitable for them. They will have to find it in their vaults. They asked Henry Wong to come and look for it. He said he's too old now and can't be bothered. Raymond Chow told Henry that the footages was destroyed but who can trust what he says. He used some of the ENTER stuff in GOD 2. You're not going to destroy BL footage especially when he died before the release of ENTER. It's easier to say it's destroyed then you don't get hassle from BL fans. If you paid them a load of money then things may change :)

Warner Brothers and Golden Harvest were stupid. They should have realized that all of the footage could have been used for a tenth anniversary documentary marking the release of ETD.

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On 4/26/2007 at 11:19 PM, Guest falkor said:

The way Andrew Staton asks Toby if he's seen the "cart scene" from the Mandarin Big Boss is in a certain tone of voice that implies Andrew himself has seen it--exactly the same way Will Johnston spoke in the Big Boss Platinum audio commentary.

This got me thinking - the Sing Hoi film company should have annoyed Bruce by incorporating deleted footage of TBB into Fist of Unicorn. After all, Sing Hoi borrowed some sets from Golden Harvest.


On 4/30/2007 at 11:05 AM, Guest greenbamboo said:

Well BL sent original copies of BOSS over to US. Fred Weintraub was sent a copy from Bruce - him, Ted Ashley watched it at Warners. They started the Enter the Dragon project cuz of seeing Bruce onscreen in BOSS. They knew Bruce could be big and loved his action. The rare unseen Fist of Fury trailer with Bruce and Bob Baker were shown at these first BOSS showings in HK.

It would have been funny if Hong Kong Kai Fa Film Co. incorporated the FOF trailer into Bob Baker's final Chinese movie - Kung Fu of Taekwondo. In theory, it would have seemed out-of-place except that Sing Hoi didn't seem to mind sticking on that miniature Bruce Lee featurette into the opening of The Chivalrous Knight.

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Killer Meteor

It's got a great soundtrack - John Barry, Ennio Morricone, Pink Floyd...plus Chin Ti's rap about getting laid!



"It's just not fair when a girl's this late

They'd said they'd they have here by half past eight!

What will I do if they don't show up?

I know what, I'll a piece of rope and hang myself up!



[two plain (and bare) girls are brought in]




AH! Those two dogs, they're supposed to be nice?

You'd set them on fire, I wouldn't look twice!

One's got tits like an old black sow,

as for her face, I'd rather not mention that now.

As for the other one, she's even worse,

she's got a mouth like a worn out purse!



[A reasonable look-alike for the girl Chin Ti wants is brought in]



Now that's more like what I had in mind!

Something nice, not like the other rotten kind!

Of all I've seen, she's much the best!

I can hardly wait to get her undressed!

Looks to me, and I'm touching wood,

Get her worked up, it'll be really good!

Hair, nose eyes, they all look nice,

Whatever they paid was worth the price!

I can hardly wait to get some more

So quickly...shut...the...door!"



The embarrasing thing is I know this word for word!

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