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A friend just sent me this, and I had to share.

Steven Seagal can now add "reality TV lead" to his resume, as A&E is in production on nonfiction skein "Steven Seagal: Lawman" in New Orleans. According to the net, Seagal has been working on and off as a fully commissioned deputy with the Jefferson Parish County Sheriff's Office for nearly two decades.

"Lawman" also will document his life off the beat, including his musical and philanthropic activities in the Big Easy.

Seagal toplined a series of successful actioners in the '90s, most profitably in the "Under Siege" couplet.

"I decided to work with A&E on this series now because I believe it's important to show the nation all the positive work being accomplished here in Louisiana," Seagal said of the new venture.

Seagal "helps fight crime because he cares about the community," said Robert Sharenow, A&E's senior veep of nonfiction and alternative programming

"Lawman" is scheduled for a late 2009 bow. :o

Unfortunately, I must admit that I still watch all his movies. Ever since seeing his debut ABOVE THE LAW in the movies I have always hoped he would make great movies showing his very real martial arts skills. I've been disappointed... more than a few times... But like one of the idiots he beats up in his movies, I just keep coming back for more. Now this... :)

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Geez, so he's fat! :l

You guys are tough.

Sammo's fat too. But we forgive him because... What? He was always fat? Does that make it different? I certainly think Seagal looked cooler thin, but people just love to tear into the guy so much! Some people love to snipe at, and judge other people. But you know that Chinatown Kid and Bolofan wouldn't want to be reffered to as "Sniping Judgers" right? LOL XD

Maybe Seagal can be on "Celebrity Biggest Loser". And when he doesn't lose as much weight as one of his competitors, he could clothesline them, and dispose of their body. :P

Seriously, it's easy to say I'd like to see him go against... fill in the blank. But I think he's a gifted martial artist, and a decent musician too (I was surprised). Sure his movies aren't what they could (or should) be, I think he should be given credit for his acomplishments.

Check out his documentary PATH OF AIKIDO. It's very good.

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And Sammo has the balls and confidence to "let it all hang out"....

SeaGULL tries to hide his jelly behind weird looking robes and long leather jackets.... hey, if your fat, then own it!

Sammo owns it!

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This is turning into the bury Steven Seagal thread.

But to be fair, without Steven Seagal we would have been without classics such as.....um...and....

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Ok, to be fair... I like ON DEADLY GROUND! I dig that Alaskan scenery, the story and R. Lee Ermey's hilarious dialogue!

Oh, and Sven Ole Thorsen, who's also danish. And about the worst actor that have ever lived. There's a reason Arnold didn't give him any lines in all those movies!

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Chinatown Kid


Geez, so he's fat! :l

You guys are tough.

Sammo's fat too. But we forgive him because... What? He was always fat? Does that make it different? I certainly think Seagal looked cooler thin, but people just love to tear into the guy so much! Some people love to snipe at, and judge other people. But you know that Chinatown Kid and Bolofan wouldn't want to be reffered to as "Sniping Judgers" right? LOL XD

Maybe Seagal can be on "Celebrity Biggest Loser". And when he doesn't lose as much weight as one of his competitors, he could clothesline them, and dispose of their body. :P

Seriously, it's easy to say I'd like to see him go against... fill in the blank. But I think he's a gifted martial artist, and a decent musician too (I was surprised). Sure his movies aren't what they could (or should) be, I think he should be given credit for his acomplishments.

Check out his documentary PATH OF AIKIDO. It's very good.

Opps I see I hit a sore spot with you Bob about making fun of Seagal being overweight, I didn't mean to intentionally upset you man. It's true we shouldn't judge people but i'm from the Bruce Lee school of believing a MA should keep himself in shape, seems Sammo's chubbiness comes more from genetics where as Seagal's seems to come from laziness and overindulgence? But I do respect his Aikido credidentials and am not saying he isn't the real thing.:) I know it can be annoying when people make fun of or criticize people you happen to like though, people do that to Van Damme alot. I prefer Van Damme because he's a kicker like me so i'm biased.:D

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Opps I see I hit a sore spot with you Bob about making fun of Seagal being overweight, I didn't mean to intentionally upset you man. It's true we shouldn't judge people but i'm from the Bruce Lee school of believing a MA should keep himself in shape, seems Sammo's chubbiness comes more from genetics where as Seagal's seems to come from laziness and overindulgence? But I do respect his Aikido credidentials and am not saying he isn't the real thing.:) I know it can be annoying when people make fun of or criticize people you happen to like though, people do that to Van Damme alot. I prefer Van Damme because he's a kicker like me so i'm biased.:D

That's cool Man. You're not the reason I let myself get so big. Wait... unless you own that Burger King down the street? XD

Yeah, staying in good health should be part of every martial artists training. And I think I'm long overdue to get back in fighting shape. But on the other hand, all of the past few years of training have payed off in a different way. You should see my "Glutton Style" kung fu! The main idea is to throw your opponents attacking limbs into your mouth and gnaw them off. You guys ever hear of Little Stumpy Livingston? Dude was my sparring partner! :P

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Chinatown Kid

Yo GoldenFist, I tried to reply to your private message about becoming friends but it said you can't recieve private messages? Anyways I sent you a friendship request, welcome to the forum and nice to have somone else from NC on the board! :D

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Without Steve Seagal we wouldn't have the great book "Seagology" and for that we should be forever grateful.

:o What the Hell is that? :l

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I wonder if the rumor is true about Steven Seagal beating his woman? I read this in the paper some time ago. If this the truth i wonder if he used actual MARTIAL SKILL or just decided to beat them down with his fists or slap kind of thing.

Ok usually you beat someone like in a angry way, you known the abusive way, I really highly doubt Steven put her martial art hold lol

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I did hear rumours to that effect, and can only hope that's all they were. There are few things more despicable than men hitting and abusing women. :mad:

Not long after I heard that, I also read something about him having some kind of great honor bestowed upon him by Buddhist leaders. Something along the lines of him being a reborn saint? :o

I don't know him personally, and can only say that I appreciate his talent as a martial artist, and have enjoyed a small percentage of his many films.

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Hopefully he'll call it a day on the whole movie business.

Either that, or he could at least have the decency to get behind the camera.

God I hope he never reads his thread.

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