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Black Dynamite (2009)


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I thought this was a very entertaining movie with alot of funny silly moments! I certainly didn't expect to see black dynamite vs the president in a nunchuku duel which was cool!

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Best comedy since TEAM AMERICA and it does Zucker Brothers humor better than the Zuckers. If you've seen your share of black action movies from the the early 70s, its the funniest movie since the first NAKED GUN.

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I usually wouldn't download a film I hadn't already paid to see in theaters, but thanks to the fact that not ONE theater in my state played this, didn't have many options... but, seeing as this was FUNNY AS HELL, I'm definitely snatching up the blu-ray come February! Michael Jai White was perfect in this film as the Jim Kelly/Ron Van Clief hybrid, and sweet Jesus, the "goofs" in the film were funny as hell, including Black Dynamite bumping into the boom mic while trying to be dramatic early on.

Now, we just need "The Return of Black Dynamite"! Maybe even "Black Dynamite's Last Revenge" :tongue:

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Saw this Saturday night.....totally awesome!!

So many great lines and totally paid homage to the classic films of the 70's with insane plot lines, Kung Fu and Nunchuku!!!

I've always enjoyed Micahel Jai White and I'm glad this movie let him show off his comic timing, martial arts skills, and just being a total bad ass!!

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MJW was funny as hell, and he got to show he side he pretty much never shows in his other films! It's a damn shame this didn't get a wider release. Not even in DC! I think the closest theater to me was 3-4 hours away in Pennsylvania... grr...

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It's getting it's official DVD release on February 16th in the states. My fingers are crossed that it gets the 2 disc, features-laden release it deserves! No word yet on these kind of details, but I loved this flick and would love to see a "making of", interviews, deleted scenes, and hear an audio commentary with MJW and the director. Can y'all dig it?

Oh please Santa Claus... if you're listening... please make this happen. :bigsmile:

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Guest WuxiaFan

Amazon has it up for pre-order:


Special Features:

Filmmaker and Cast Commentary

Deleted and Alternate Scenes

Lighting the Fuse Featurette

The Comic-Con Experience Featurette

HKFlix has it up for pre-order:


I have never laughed so hard while watching movie. This is an instant classic! :xd:

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"They replaced the chain on your Nunchaku's, and oiled your bearings!"

Ha ha ha. This film was really REALLY good! :xd:

I'll be buyong this when it comes out and taking it round my mates house, along with a lod of beers!

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I am in total agreement with all you guys, it's a wonderful film!!

It's so spot-on in it's jokes and references, it's pitch perfect, from the music to the use of old footage - and who knew MJW could be so funny?

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I am in total agreement with all you guys, it's a wonderful film!!

It's so spot-on in it's jokes and references, it's pitch perfect, from the music to the use of old footage - and who knew MJW could be so funny?

Not only is the man a talented martial artist...he's proven with this movie he has comic timing and can write a great script as well. Terrific movie and performances from all


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Exactly, Gorhama!!

With Black Dynamite, MJW has really gone up in my estimation - in fact, I think I can finally forgive him for being in Spawn!! :tongue:

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Exactly, Gorhama!!

With Black Dynamite, MJW has really gone up in my estimation - in fact, I think I can finally forgive him for being in Spawn!! :tongue:

And Jerry Springer's Ringmaster.

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OK I'm going to be the Outcast here and just say I thought this movie Sucked Big Time! Yes it did have some funny one liners and I understand its a tribute to the 70's Blaxploitation films. But I really thought it was going to be better than this, and I really like MJW I think he is a very good actor and a very good Martial Artists. But if this is being compared to the Airplane/Scary movie type of comedies that are coming out, than to me it fell flat on its Ass! You just had to laugh at the stupid one liners it had, but to hear every praise this movie WOW that is a little to much! And I was looking forward to seeing this movie, but it turned out to be a total flop.

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Daisho, you need to get with the program sucka!:xd:

Just kidding. :wink: Bummer that you didn't like it.

Out of curiousity, have you seen a lot of '70s Black exploitation films?

I only ask because my one buddy felt the same way that you do about the movie. But once he said that he'd only seen one or two of those movies, I realized that he probably only "got" a quarter of the jokes. The obvious stuff, like the one liners, he understood, but didn't think they were that funny. Part of what makes them so funny is that they are just like the lines from the worst of the films they're a satire of. These were often completely ridiculous phrases written by a bunch of white guys trying and failing spectacularly to capture the "funky Black street venacular" of the time. Instead, they wound up writing outrageous, craptastic, and often unforgettable (but often for the wrong reasons) dialogue. But the actors, finally being given a chance to act in something where they could play a lead, and not be relegated to some minor BS part, did their job, going full force as they chewed into that cheesy dialogue. So despite the inane script, the lines were read with full on verve by enthusiastic performers. So the stuff that MJW wrote for BLACK DYNAMITE is, in my humble opinion, spot-on, fully capturing the flavor and design of the '70s "Blaxploitation" films.

Though the film has many jokes that are really broad, almost slapstick at times, there are also countless subtle references and send-ups. The stuff that a true fan of the original films will find hillarious, but that will leave others scratching their heads, or go by without even being noticed. After the film, my friend kept asking "Why did you laugh at ____?" this scene, and that scene. I would explain why it was funny, and he would go "Ohhhh. Now I get it". He really just didn't "get it" before. It's almost like if your not a fan of the films that this riffs on... imagine being an English speaking viewer watching a French comedy without subtitles. The guy falls in a hole- you laugh. But most of the jokes... well, you just don't speak the language. You dig?:bigsmile:

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KFB: Believe me I got all the jokes and everything, I thought it was going to be more like "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka" I thought that was was funny as hell. The jokes while there were a lot of one liners it just fell flat, nothing I really would wanna watch again. My Girl said the samething her words were "This Movie is Wacked"! So I'm not the only one who felt this way.

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