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Star Trek (J.J. Abrams - 2009)


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Well, I have to admit, I'm not much of a Trekkie, but I'm curious to see the upcoming J.J. Abrams film that looks like it will be both a prequel and a reinvention. It looks to have an exciting cast.

Chris Pine as Capt. Kirk

Zach Quinto as Spock

Zoe Saldana as Uhura

John Cho as Sulu

Simon Pegg as Scotty

Karl Urban as Bones

Anton Yelchin as Dr. Chekov

Plus Leonard Nimoy is coming back as an elder Spock and I was shocked to learn that Tyler Perry is appearing as a commander of the Space Academy where the crew trains.

It's going to be quite interesting.

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Just saw the theatrical trailer for the new Star Trek film today when i saw Quantum of Solace. It looks fantastic! I just got way more excited about this movie. Anyone else see this yet? Oh and QoS was also awesome!

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I wanna be excited about this film, but when I see photos of the cast together, I can't help but think this is going to be another teen-oriented flick like The Transformers or any other teeny bopper horror, comedy or whatever film. Why would a group of young people be given control of a starship? You'd assume that the captain and a few of the other members would look and be at least 40 years old.

I hope they offer some kind of rational explanation for the young age of the crew.


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bah, i trust J.J. Abrams. I think he proved he could make a good film with MI:3. As for the age of the crew, i am guessing it will have something to do with a war with the Romulans and they are rushing to build ships and crews to fight, but that is just a wild guess. It is a prequel to TOS, so the age thing didn't bother me. They are supposed to look younger than the original actors.

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Guest Markgway

M:I3 was the weakest of the trilogy.

I'm not a Star Trek fan though some of the films were decent.

I saw a picture of the two stars on a mag cover and I laughed.

That's not a good sign.

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Really? Worse than John Woo's brainless M:I 2? That movie was the most unlike the original Mission: Impossible TV show, while the third movie at least gave me some moments of nostalgia, especially with its throwback music. The only one to capture the spirit of the original was the first movie, but the third was close. IMO

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Guest Markgway
Really? Worse than John Woo's brainless M:I 2? That movie was the most unlike the original Mission: Impossible TV show

I was entertained by M:I2 and thought it had some great action and stunts. Not the best story I grant you. I've never seen the TV show so didn't care about the lack of faithfulness.

The only one to capture the spirit of the original was the first movie, but the third was close. IMO

I liked the first one also. DePalma made a sleek, cool spy thriller. The 3rd one just felt disappointing. No director's stamp on the material.

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The Running Man
Really? Worse than John Woo's brainless M:I 2?

Although MI 2 was the least like an MI film, as it's mostly Ethan Hunt at it alone, it's the best film of the three. To call it brainless is really inaccurate. It has many of Woo's narrative trademarks and is one of the very few films I can tolerate Tom Cruise in. The action scenes are also fantastic. But I would love to see a possible director's cut someday.

Part 3 was just okay. It felt like a big budget version of one of Abrams TV Shows and I don't mean that in a good way. At least it really achieved the whole teamwork aspect very well.

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okay, i'll take back the brainless comment, but what you said about the teamwork aspect in 3 is why i liked it better and thought it was closer to the source material. The whole Vatican scene was a perfect example of why i liked the movie, other than Tom Cruise's horrendous line, "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall."

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Please stay on topic. Make a new thread if you want to debate MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE movies.

Okay here is the all important transition: Star Trek has the same writing team as Mission: Impossible 3. So the goodness or badness of M:I 3 isn't completely pointless. But from now on it's all about Star Trek!

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This resident Trekkie has a link to a better version of the trailer to share.


To be honest, I used to be a major fan of the OS and TNG when I was in high school. That ended when they came crashing into each other in STAR TREK: GENERATIONS. This movie looks to bring back some of the fun of the original series. Hopefully some of the writing and screen chemistry between characters will be there too but that remains to be seen.

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I wish they could have just gone on to do Voyager or Enterprise (Scott Bakula) movies. Those characters were really well done, and I would have been happy to see more of them. They should have stopped the TNG films with First Contact.

Oh well. I guess we'll just see how this new film turns out. I think Spock looks a little too much like the caricature that Mad TV did years ago, but that's just me.




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So...What are people thinking about that new trailer that played before Watchmen? I still say this will be the movie event of the summer. Anyone else with me?

It's important to note too that Nimoy is really on board with this film, saying it is a "great film with a great director." This guy doesn't compliment just anything. Remember, he refused to come back for ST:Generations because he thought Spock's lines could have been said by anyone (he was right). This is also a person who directed two films and helped encourage the re-write of Khan, which saved the franchise. So, When Spock says it's gonna be a good film, i believe him. Just thought i'd throw something out there...

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This movie is going to be great.

A person does not need to be a "Trekkie" to enjoy it. If it's a good movie, then go enjoy it.

The number thing that matters in this case is if it stays true to the essence and heart of what Star Trek is.

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Okay, I just saw this Jazzy flick last night!!

It was off the hook! Even if you're not a fan I'd suggest checking it out. This is a perfect example of a director respecting the fans and the source material while bringing something FRESH to the franchise.

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