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voice dubbers

Guest nickoftime04

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Guest wanchaitransient
wow never knew that Jackson hung the owner of Ocean Shores got arrested by Interpol and sent to prison for ten years, when did this happen as he was active throughout the mid 70's to the late 90's when he closed the door of the company

The American Ocean Shores was a subsidiary so how was he pirating his own films? I know for certain films he had licences that were worldwide, a lot of the Eastern Heroes releases were sublicensed from Ocean Shores..hence the Ocean Shores watermark appearing on various Billy Chong films amonst others they released

Ah, those guys with Toby, Eastern Heroes, he's a guy you should talk to, because he's been there and around too. Toby is another colorful story I wouldn't publically talk about. I like the guy, he has guts and doesn't mess around, he has my respect most definately. I wish life treated him better, on his behalf, that Eastern Heroes video line was a big mistake in my opinion. He just should have stuck to his stall and sold his movies there and he would have accomplished so much more today. Pissing against the wind of video companies is not fun at all. I was never into the Ocean Shores thing, I am probably refering to the vice president or somone in the heriarchy, forgot his name, but definately not Jackson. I remember I was in Kowloon having lunch with this beautiful Indian broad, when I heard the story of Roy and his partner catching this top guy pirating movies from his house. That's to my knowledge.

"The dubbing was horrible, because it was sped dubbed, which meant the scenes that one of the dubbers held a karaoke microphone, and the rest of the team huddled around it and dubbed over any dialogue scene while watching a tv in the office, while a technician quickly cut the movie's sound off. This way, the dubbing went much faster, one day, and cost less to do."....that seems nearly unbelievable???

Buddy, I don't blame you. I was in one of these sessions, and yes, it was "unbelieveable." You held a microphone, and in 5 hours, rush dubbed the movie, and you had some guy on the boards controlling the volume. It was mundane and the product was horrible.

Shaws had very good dubbing and foley facilities as can be seen in various documentaries including the Alan Whicker project that Falkor or Toby Russell was releasing showed...cant believe the conditions were so bad yet the results were so good

I was barely into the Shaw stories, because that was a generation of dubbers away and I am limited to excatly what happened there, but believe half of what you see in those Shaw documentaries. They set up those studios specifically for the documentaries to give themselves a name, to make it look like everyone was using the latest methods and best conditions to make these movies. The reality is that they dubbed in shacks back in the day, and the many stories attest to that. In reality, those facilities were empty most of the time. It was a racial issue. Gweilos were second class back then. You had to drink from the toilet water and to brush your teeth with the toilet brush, that type of hospitality. In the 70's, they started using those rooms to dub just because the times had changed and they wanted to sustain their quality dubbs. The Shaw studios were run incompetantly, I mean pathetically. Common sense was thrown out of the window. On this side of the fence, I've heard horror stories, really bad ones. If you were a dubber that did years of Shaw dubbing, you could dub a monkey, anything, and you were guaranteed a job on the spot. The problem was that you'd be burned out by then, and on the bottle.

Have to chase up Rick Thomas who continues to dub to these days, he did an interview with Daniel Wu for "Giant Robot" a few years back, he told some cool stories but never anything like this, whoa "William from Australia who worked with the gang since 86 all the way until 94, he had that uncontrolled irritating high pitched voice and a mouth full of herpes infections who worked for pennies and ran back to his perverted hole"..see if he or Ted Thomas who dubbed the Bruce Lee movies remember any of these stories and guys

Yeah, that's his name! Rik Thomas, the other Rik I forgot the last name too! Damn, that's his name, was never sure it was Thomas. I'm really no good with names. Thanks for reminding me. He was VERY VERY good from what I remember. I saw him dubbing 2 times in 85 and 86, and he was the energy of the group along with Savido. Those two guys were something. Rik is a very fast and intelligent man. A pro. Isn't Rik in Taiwan? That's what I heard in 97.

I met people in HK who continue to dub to this day, a lot of Chinese cartoons and TV shows as well as recent movies, and the revised dubs of classic movies for the "full length" english dubs and noboy ever told me stuff like this..Wanchai Transient, who are you? This si great stuff, your real name should be revealed so we can pay respect for you not only surviving the madness but being able to remember so much and enlighten us.....

Yeah, these dubbers are interesting people. If you can't dub with them, it is better to hang around with them! My name and respect, I'm just another one of the guys, basically I'm nobody, I'm no more special or better than anyone here. I just happened to be there. That's all. I'm learning more from you guys! There are MUCH MORE people out there who have more experiences and knowledge than me. It's Rik Thomas, Savidge, Savido, ect, ect MANY MORE who deserve the respect, but are not understood or introduced yet. You have to understand that this lifestyle is something very important and personal to us. Only those that understand this lifestyle could absorb the details of the stories and make the experiences come alive again. It's such a personal issue that you can't tell just half of the story, you have to tell it all in their details.

Someone should make a movie about all the characters that were in Hong Kong, behind the scenes

Great point. A movie should be done about them. At any budget, it would be a special movie, fascinating nonetheless, in and out from the industry. These are the lives that made this industry.Cheers-Wan

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Guest wanchaitransient
Were the Chinese language dubs done seperately someplace else?

I depended on what the studio wanted. IFD did English dubbs. The Shaws did Chinese dubbs in better conditions. Practically most studios in the late 70's and 80's did 3 dubbs in the same studio. The Taiwanese companies sent their movies to Hong Kong to be English dubbed, borrowing other studios to do the that dubb. I remember a few south Asian movies being dubbed in HK too at the time, 85 and 86. It was a free lance thing. You'd get a call and you'd show up a few blocks here and their in Kowloon. That's how it went.

Talking about 85 and 86, I used to be crazy about the hmmmm actress Kwong Mei Bo, and for the longest time, I tried to go out with her! I was really crazy I admit, but she was all over the night life party scenes, at that time, because she was very elegant, I was determined to get a drink with her, but man she was real hard to get, and she was like that constantly and that was a real drag man. She finally said a word to me in suprisingly decent English and it was "I don't care about low life voice man" and she was off. Word goes around fast in HK and dubbers are not on the menu. You had to be a "Star." It was so obvious back then. So wild and crazy. I danced around with her months later, she didn't even recognize me. She had this star ego because she had work and looked good. She mellowed out in 85 after she was let off the industry when the industry changed, because the creme of the industry was into 20 year old Miss HK's like Maggie Cheung's(ala Jackie Chan),Taiwanese drama actresses, and Sibelle Hu kung fu women. I remember in 85 Kwong Mei Bo lived in this elegant flat on Lantao island. I returned there in 1991, and the flat was still there. A party on the balcony and the living room would have been nice if I had the crew.-Wan

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Guest dager in the cotton

What about Louis Roth and Stuart Smith did you ever run in to those guys ?

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Guest wanchaitransient
What about Louis Roth and Stuart Smith did you ever run in to those guys ?

Yes, I spent some time with Louis. I met Stuart in the studio when he was a dubber for Godfrey Ho. I heard that he also did mainstream HK work and New Zealand/HK coproduction work. He was a boisterous cocky young guy, did reasonable work, and he partied like the rest which was cool. The last I heard he was doing tv in the states.

I remember Louis as a very talented writer and actor. Whatever he did he did as best as he could. He used to be a Navy SEAL and was accustomed to taking risks and pushing himself to the limit, creatively and physically, always improving himself. I remember he'd used to go all over Asia to train in HK film fighting camps just to improve his skills onscreen, but he was no fighter and exausted himself, leaving these camps half of the time, but his real talent was acting and being a friend. He wrote hundreds of scripts, which was mostly sold/ripped off by other HK directors. He had success with one script, you know the name of it, and before his cancer diagnosis in Hong Kong in 93, he hit it big with an American tv series deal. He had a beautiful wife that starred in some of his movies. Louis and his wife were into making corporate movies like Savidge, and did the acting and writing work part time for the fun of it. They were very involved in the Chinese culture, fascinated by it, constantly learning about it. He was university educated and very intelligent. A very interesting and well spoken man. We used to talk about Jackie Chan all the time, because we appreciated his art, we'd talk about script ideas, basically we'd try to break down and understand any worth HK movies. I really really miss the man. Out of all the people I've met, he's had the most impact on me. I learned many things from him and I was very lucky to have such a special friend.

I'm beginning to remember a story word for word almost with Louis as my memory gets back to me, it's not racist, at least not on my part because is human is a human to me, but this guy was way off the wall; in 86 I stayed in Craig's flat for and Craig had two other guests, Jewish missionaries, a Rabbi and his training to be Rabbi son(who did some work in IFD movies I heard), who were visiting/converting people in HK and all over Asia, who were referred to Craig as a favor to some friends. We shared the place and Craig went off on business. Everything was cool, I didn't mind, but this wasn't going to work. I come back all pissed and tired and hit the bed at 3 in the morning, and the Rabbi has this goat skin on his shoulders, bursts into my room and starts chanting yiddish songs and then tells me how impure of a gentile I am, and that I should follow the Torah. That's cool, but I'm not interested, but this guy is agressive, he wouldn't stop chanting, wouldn't leave me alone with his ideas, so I leave the room and sleep on the terrace. The next day goes, I pass out a 3 and guess who comes in again and wakes me up as I hit the sack, the Rabbi and his son blowing in a horn and the Rabbi tells me about how the Rabbi walked the desert with a water canteen, then he goes into half English/ half Yiddish Yiddish dances and howls and I yell "Shut the F**k up!" then I am told of how much of an impure animal I am, I tell him to F out of the room if he doesn't like me, so back to the terrace again. The next day, the Rabbi apologizes to me, but starts trying to convert me. I tell the Rabbi I have respect for what he does, but I question what he stands for, since I've spent a majority of time in libraries reading up on things. I finally questioned him, asking him if he can prove that he is a real blood Jew, and if he can, I'll convert;) The Rabbi says he nanny and Grampa came from Belarus, who then moved to Poland to be a Royal guard for the king and the stories. I asked him for his blood type. He said "B." I told him that's Mongol/Asian blood! B blood is Asian blood and that he is a Khazar. The Rabbi said Khazar? What the hell are you talking about? I said B blood? He said so what? I said what kind of Rabbi are you? I then explained in the jewish blood runs on the paternal(father) side, not the mother side, as they do not carry the genes, only the genes of the gentiles the Sepharad(Latin) Jews crossed on their way to Germany, so B blood is a sign of a different blood, Asian Khazar blood, definately NOT real Jewish blood. Real Jews were dark skinned and their genes would have carried the dominate trait-black hair, eyes, skin, curly hair; their recessive traits, would be light hair, eyes, skin, and straight hair, which meant the dominant traits proves a Jew of real Jewish blood.

I told him Khazars are red haired blue eyed/dark haired mongol eyed central Asians from southern Russia, who converted to Judaism in order to avoid the crusades from Europe/Byzentium and the Arabs. Khazars make up most of the European Jews, all the way up to the western fringes of Germany. The Rabbi thought I was making it up. I asked for his last name. He said Kaganovich. I told him Kagan was the name of a Khazar king, and that Kagan is the Khazarian translation for the Rabinical name Cohen. The name was used to describe kings, such as Djengis Khankagan. The Rabbi said baloney. I said look at Mel Brooks, he could stand next to Djengis Khan a Mongol costume on, and look at Issac Azimov, he looks like a Khazar warrior from the mountains. That sheep coat the Rabbi wore, that's a custom of what the Khazar Jews wore. I told him the Khazars speak Yiddish and had a different writing system, made of central Asian shape symbol alphabets, and are white Caucasian/Asian mixes who are NOT Jews by blood, although there are small real blood migration mixes that are as rare as finding people with Hun blood in modern Hungary, which is 1 to 0%. Semetic Jews are much darker, mixed with Africans when they were in Egypt(before they crossed with Arabs, Greeks, and Romans, and spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and African languages; all the tribes went to Africa and make up many of the nations; Samson and Delihla; Samson had 7 locks of hair; uncombed African hair turns into locks, around seven locks, which clearly identifies the African blood of the Jews; A Khazar or white man couldn't have these locks naturally; Skin tones can attest to this as well, in a verse from the Lamentations 5:10 reads something similar to 'our skin was black like an oven because of the famines'; when white people(European "Jews" and gentiles) starve or are ill(as in the crimes of the Holocaust and Stalin's Russia), they get pale; when black people starve or are ill, they become darker; Sephardic/North African/ African, and indigeneous Palestinean Jews celebrate a much different form of Judaism that is closer to the original religion they praised in ancient times, and that the real blooded Jews are in Africa, Spain, Portugal, and small portions western Germany. The Khazars call themselves Ashkenazin. "Ashken" or "Ashkun" is a region between Khazaria and what is Bulgaria today. "Nazic" means of Germanic origin, "Nazi" means German. This all meant that the people of Ashkun(the Khazars) were converging in Germany(Nazic) to meet with the real blooded Sepharad Jews. Jews from Portugal, Spain, and Italy were in small numbers in communities in each of these countries due to the inquisition and their independant social nature of staying within their own communities rather than integrating with the rest of the ethnic meltingpot in these Latin countries(without the inquisition), while the Khazars had a huge country of their own, were larger in number because of this, and are obviously the majority of European Jews. I finally said that I won the bet, proving that the Rabbi, with his Kagan Khazar name, blue eyes, pale skin, Asian B blood, and Aryan features wasn't a real blood Jew, but a Khazar, that he bowed to a different king, a Kagan Khazar king, and that he should be proud of his ancestry, when suddenly, the Rabbi grabbed at my chest and used profanity at me, and then hit me with his talmud, the F**ker went crazy on me, and I socked him on the face, and he stumbles runs out and calls the police; the police comes and the Rabi calls me Anti Semi, lies up a storm, said some really nasty untrue things, but that was cool until his son wakes up, is told of what happens and then tell me he wants to crush my balls and I tell him I'd like to see him try, because I'd throw him and his father through the window, that when the cops threw all three of us out of the apartment and couldn't go back in for a week, had to lock up the beautiful place. A few days later, I met Louis Roth, who is from New York and is German Jewish, and told him would you believe it, the impossible happened, a miracle, that a Rabbi just hit me on the face with his talmud in Kowloon! Louis laughed and told me to get used to it, and said the Ching dynasty is over and welcome to the Khazar Empire! He was just trying to be funny, being the down to earth man he was. I soon figured out who the yellow people are in Nostradamus' accounts and that's my opinion. Cheers!Ching!Ching!DroznaduveeA!-Wan

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Guest OHMSS006

around that time, alot of Jackie chan films were filmed in Mute, and the later dubbed and all added spund effects to the film as well.

good example is Police Story. Bey Logan tells u alot of things and that Jackie Chan had a voice double as he would call it.

i wonder if any of his earlier films like 'Snake in the Eagle's Shadow' or 'Drunken Master' were filmed in mute?

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Guest wanchaitransient
sorry to tell you tis Loui died of throat cancer in in 96 or7

Thanks for the information. I left HK for good in 92 and sadly heard about his death in 98, was mistakingly told it happened earlier like in 93-94. Most of the 90's informations I have been told to me second hand without being there, so I'm not so sure about the information. But thanks for correcting me.

around that time, alot of Jackie chan films were filmed in Mute, and the later dubbed and all added spund effects to the film as well.

good example is Police Story. Bey Logan tells u alot of things and that Jackie Chan had a voice double as he would call it.

i wonder if any of his earlier films like 'Snake in the Eagle's Shadow' or 'Drunken Master' were filmed in mute?

Bey is a great guy with tons of knowledge. He's keeping the tradition alive. The Cantonese/Mandarin dubbs were dubbed without a track for the dubbers to listen to. The English dubbs had the luck of listening to the either a Cantonese and Mandarin dubb-Wan

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Guest gungfu

*sorry for test.Forgot my name and stuff*

Just wanted to chip in and add Anneka Rice to the list of expat voice dubbers who worked in HK. Yes, that's Anneka 'hypnotising big round bottom in a jump suit' Rice from Treasure Hunt.

She was in this quiz show from the BBC and they had contestants do the sound effects as a trial - Jackie Chan was judging them - and Rice mentioned she used to dub many an English voice over for films at Golden Harvest.

Must have been in the 80s.

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Guest wanchaitransient

Anneka Rice, I remember her from 1988, yes she was working with the team, and I saw her show on International tv. Thanks for telling us about her, mate!-Wan

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Guest talgoma1

true, very true about what you say about these khazars ,biggest masquerade pulled off in the last couple of centuries.and still continues

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Guest Lui Chai Linag

This topic is a great read guys!!!

Nice background information it helps me a lot to make a more complete picture of how it was back then.

Here is a pic from the German documantry 'Heisse ware aus Hongkong'. It's some people dubbing a Chinese Language movie.


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Guest nickoftime04

WAN, et al, i posted a link and a snippet of this thread on my new blog cause theres so much info here, let me know if you want me to remove it for whatever reason.


oh yeah

40ozoflove.com is site (its new, not much up there)

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Guest Kungfuneo

Just wanted to say thanks for the insight....Always good to hear information like this ..second/third hand or whatever...its great to have an enlightenment.

Cold one for you anyday Wan.....

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Guest wanchaitransient

Regarding Louis Roth, I remember being in dubbing sessions with him in 1987 and 1988 for Filmark International. Roth would write the scripts for the Filmark ninja movies, and I remember he'd invite me to come over to help him with a few, and we watched these Thai and old Alex Man movies that were supposed to be edited with the the scenes that Roth would write, and we'd try and figure out what storylines and dialogue he could use. We'd match the dialogue to the Thai footages and then Kong or Tommy would shoot scenes in HK using tourists. We did two movies together, Ninja Force of Assassins and the Vampire is Alive. Roth would dubb the bosses and sleazy characters with his distinct raspy voice and I'd turn the pages, while the crew and some of the lead ninja characters would dub their roles. We were all cool with each other and it was one of the best sessions I was did. Filmark had a better working environment than IFD. The difference between the two was the creative freedom, the creativity involved and the time spent on the special effects, and they had fun making crap and nobody complained, the movies were bad and somehow bought and that was that. I guess they thought the westerners were stupid and would buy anything with ninja, Robocop, or Fredyy Kruger on it, and they were right. I did most of my dubbing sessions with Roth, and helping Roth with the dialogue was a fun experience, the highlight of my time in HK. In 1988, he left to the Philippines or somewhere to shoot a Richard Gere movie and I didn't see much of him until 1991. Roth real talented man, always writing. I don't think there is or was a gwei lo that worked as hard as he did. Roth was also the uncredited pen bahind some of the cult HK hits. The Robovampire movies marked the end of Filmark, it was a free for all, rushing through production, a terribly low budget, and the result unmarketable. The whole Robovampire concept started during the Italian production of Robowar, directed by Bruno Mattei, which was influenced by Robocop and the Predator. The Vampire is Alive added the Freddy Krueger type story. It was fun seeing how Asia copied the most succesful American marketing concepts with ninjas and Thai footage and the bad results. At the time, the Indonesian Suzzana movies were copying the Freddy Krueger movies, which may have influenced the Vampire is Back. I remember being on the set for the fight between Robovampire/ninja against the big Gwei Lo zombie, Sun Chien as a vampire and his partner and I couldn't stop laughing because none of them could keep their plastic vampire teeth in their mouth, and yet they let the scenes roll, it was a riot, this foreigner bossing around the vampires, horrible make up and all, incredible, a free for all. Worse of all, they hired one of the dubber's bitchy Katoeys to dubb one of the ugly female leads. Filmark, the pearl of Hong Kong. Gonna go and get me a cold one and go "wheeeeeeeeeeeew" to blow the bad storms back to the jungle-Wan

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Guest Takano2002


How come these guy called wanchaitransient could say so many lies in a single post???????????????

There's no a single data right in his post, so I assume he never did any dubbing in HK.

Filmark did hundreds of films after Robovampire (look at ANY catalog from start of 90's from AFM or HK Filmart), a concept created in 1987 by the high profits of Mr. Vampire and the clones. These were made not to West, but for Indonesia, Phillipines, Malaysia, etc...where the gyonsi movies were popular. How could anybody think these were made for countries where NEVER EVER nobody saw a chinese vampire?

I don't bother to correct all the other info, as this guy is famous in internet for spread fake information about asian movies & stars...

If you look you can read in internet an interview with a guy who actually worked in Robovampire, and nobody was laughing there...just working in scenes who nobody knew to which more were to end...

Script of film was made by Tomas Tang & Tommy Cheng (of Shaw Bros. fame, as Kong Do) not Louis Roth or any foreigner... Heck!

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  • Member
This thread was an interesting read!

Has anyone verified whether the info given is truth or lies?

It's complete crap. The poster is actually of many aliases for the same guy that would come on here spouting all kinds of things on the old board. Put all of this out of your mind.

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Hate do dig up an old thread but this is hilarious, luckily I skipped to the last page before reading all of it. I guess this psycho just came on the boards to practice creative writing?

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Omni Dragon
Hate do dig up an old thread but this is hilarious, luckily I skipped to the last page before reading all of it. I guess this psycho just came on the boards to practice creative writing?

What wrong with bring up old threads?

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