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Big Boss 100% uncut?


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Son Of A Gun

The cuts or missing footage are clearly due to print damage. You can see and hear the damage right where the footage jumps. The jumps are at such random moments too. No way were they purposely made cuts for censorship. It's not a ploy by some fan either, I really don't think.

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The cuts or missing footage are clearly due to print damage. You can see and hear the damage right where the footage jumps. The jumps are at such random moments too. No way were they purposely made cuts for censorship. It's not a ploy by some fan either, I really don't think.

And you said the dub isn't as bad as you thought it was gonna be. That's the complete opposite of what I thought.'lol I thought it was gonna be better than it turned out to be.

But either way, it's a piece of Big Boss history I needed to own. :bigsmile:

Well I thought the print was pretty solid from start to finish, there was some unattractive editor scoring but you would expect that from such an old film that has never been treated.

If it's print damage like you say then it's pretty coincidental that, in the main, only the fight scenes have suffered SEVERELY.

I thought the dub was cool HAN YING CHIEH: "I'm in the mood for something nice and young!" - Come on, that shit was priceless!

I could have done without it but glad I seen it!

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Son Of A Gun

Watch it again. There are big chunks of the film missing all over the place. Nearly every other scene has chops in it. Some whole scenes are missing. Not just the fight scenes.

Just pointing it out. :bigsmile:

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Watch it again. There are big chunks of the film missing all over the place. Nearly every other scene has chops in it. Some whole scenes are missing. Not just the fight scenes.

Just pointing it out. :bigsmile:

The waterfall scene was cut out and there was some other stuff but the fights looked deliberately nailed. 84 mins with a good pic and 11 minutes were unwatchable? Doesn't make sense!

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Print damage is nothing new, as far back as December 1976 (gives my age away too) I saw Big Boss in a totally horrible chopped up form missing lots of scenes including... opening logos,.arrival of guys in orange bus, riverside scene, scene of arrival at mansion and subsequent fight with guys before the boss. Playing with it was One Armed Boxer which was totally f***ed up too.

I asked the Cinema manager about this and he said something like 'that is how they end up at the end of a long run on the circuit from continual breakage, splicing and jamming in the projector'. He told me that whole scenes had to be removed sometimes because they were so badly damaged.

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Btw, from what I've seen on YouTube, I noticed something interesting...

Watch this clip:


Then watch this clip starting at 7:40:


You'll notice that the mainstream English dub actually recycled bits of the rejected dub, mainly for crowd sounds, such as the cheering in this scene. You'll even hear one voice over guy scream "don't come back again!" in both versions, right after the engine on the bus starts. I guess the American cut used this export print as its base... before all of the cuts due to print damage, of course.

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"Yeah, that's right!"

Yep, noticed it.

BTW, I'm sure this has been discussed many times, but 2nd Boss ("336") gets away clean! He was just forgotten! lol

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"Yeah, that's right!"

Yep, noticed it.

BTW, I'm sure this has been discussed many times, but 2nd Boss ("336") gets away clean! He was just forgotten! lol

It pays to be the assistant director :wink:

I remember Bey Logan mentioned the same thing in his commentary... on a related note, I always wondered the reactions to everyone who showed up at the factory the day after Cheng killed everyone. Dead bodies strewn about... including a guy with a saw buried in his head rotting away in the icehouse :tongue:

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It pays to be the assistant director

Well, he did show up in Bruce Lee The Man The Myth!

on a related note, I always wondered the reactions to everyone who showed up at the factory the day after Cheng killed everyone.

Yeah! Instead, the Big Boss is wondering "Why hasn't my son returned" lol nobody called him from the factory to fill him in on all the bodies AND his dead son?

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Yeah, I never put two and two together that Chen Tso (from context clues, he's the one playing the manager) was playing himself as the assistant director in The Man, The Myth :tongue:

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Son Of A Gun
Print damage is nothing new, as far back as December 1976 (gives my age away too) I saw Big Boss in a totally horrible chopped up form missing lots of scenes including... opening logos,.arrival of guys in orange bus, riverside scene, scene of arrival at mansion and subsequent fight with guys before the boss. Playing with it was One Armed Boxer which was totally f***ed up too.

I asked the Cinema manager about this and he said something like 'that is how they end up at the end of a long run on the circuit from continual breakage, splicing and jamming in the projector'. He told me that whole scenes had to be removed sometimes because they were so badly damaged.

That Big Boss print you described is exactly the one we have here. You saw the exact same print it seems. Same exact missing pieces.

I remember Bey Logan mentioned the same thing in his commentary... on a related note, I always wondered the reactions to everyone who showed up at the factory the day after Cheng killed everyone. Dead bodies strewn about... including a guy with a saw buried in his head rotting away in the icehouse

I just thought of something. Shouldn't we have been seeing the guys breath in the air when they're fighting in the ice house? 'lol It's supposed to be cold to keep the ice, but it looked pretty toasty when they were fighting in there. 'lol

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To be fair though we are picking holes in a film where a baddie is punched through a wooden wall, leaving the outline of his body Roadrunner/ Coyote style.

Lo Wei would have been too busy listening to the dog racing to give a sh*t about goofs or continuity lol:bigsmile:

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Son Of A Gun

To be honest, I always thought that punching the man through the wooden wall, leaving an outline was supposed to be humour. It's been brought to my attention recently that it wasn't intentional.


Why on earth did they do it then?

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To be honest, I always thought that punching the man through the wooden wall, leaving an outline was supposed to be humour. It's been brought to my attention recently that it wasn't intentional.


Why on earth did they do it then?

To be fair I think it's a matter of catering for the audience, bro. Hong Kong audiences have always responded well to exagerated action. Look at their sword play movies or Iron Monkey with Donnie Yen where you kick a guy in the head and body twenty times per second.

Bruce jumping over fences or into trees (Enter the Dragon) was just the start of it lol:bigsmile:

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That Big Boss print you described is exactly the one we have here. You saw the exact same print it seems. Same exact missing pieces.

It sounds very similar...but the print I saw was a regular (Cathay Films) print with the Peter Thomas score.....

I just thought of something. Shouldn't we have been seeing the guys breath in the air when they're fighting in the ice house? 'lol It's supposed to be cold to keep the ice, but it looked pretty toasty when they were fighting in there. 'lol

It was all that Hot Ice lying around!:smile:

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Son Of A Gun

^Weirdly enough at the beginning of the film, the bad guys that harass Nora Miao at her stall actually ask for "Hot Ices". 'lol WTF are hot ices?

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Guest Markgway
To be honest, I always thought that punching the man through the wooden wall, leaving an outline was supposed to be humour. It's been brought to my attention recently that it wasn't intentional.


I always assumed it was a gag.

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Son Of A Gun

^Exactly. Then I'm not alone. A little break in the tension is what it was, just before Cheng kills Tony with a nice little tap to the abdomen.

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Golden Arm Kid
I always assumed it was a gag.

I always have as well. I found out a while back though that Bruce and Lo Wei had a pretty intense argument about that lone little piece of that scene. Bruce wanted to have it be more realistic and just be a regular hole in the wooden wall. Of course Lo Wei insisted that the hole be an imprint of the goon's body. Apparently, Lo won that argument.

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I always have as well. I found out a while back though that Bruce and Lo Wei had a pretty intense argument about that lone little piece of that scene. Bruce wanted to have it be more realistic and just be a regular hole in the wooden wall. Of course Lo Wei insisted that the hole be an imprint of the goon's body. Apparently, Lo won that argument.

Yeah, that and the "jump kick joust" between Cheng and The Boss were Lo's ideas that Lee didn't care for. At least that looked pretty cool, the hole in the wall just looked lame. Hell, the "jump kick joust" was even semi-recreated in Romeo Must Die... and that version looked even more over the top :tongue:

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Guest Markgway

Never mind Romeo Must Die... Bruce himself re-used the 'jump kick joust' in Enter the Dragon. He can't have disliked it that much - can he? lol

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Never mind Romeo Must Die... Bruce himself re-used the 'jump kick joust' in Enter the Dragon. He can't have disliked it that much - can he? lol

WTF is a jump kick joust lol?:wink:

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No idea. I'm just guessing it's the bit where they, er, jump in the air. lol

They do not use stuff like that.When they start to study kung-fu at young age they plant a tree.And keep jumping over it during years as it grows.Eventually they are able to jump great heights,even to rooftops.


Edit;my bad I thought joust is like..springboard.bad english and was lazy to use dictionary-

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