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Big Boss 100% uncut?


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I don't believe either, some people want to make us believe it exists so that they can sound important, but no uncut version is in circulation. Maybe in the Golden Harvest vaults, but not in the hands of any collector. That's my opinion.

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I think that the only alternate print in a collector's hands is the old english dub. There even seems to be problems releasing that. I'm doubtful that there is any additional footage in that version anyway.

It seems awful unlikely that the uncut mandarin print would be owned by a private collector. These so called "collectors" that claim they own an uncut print don't want to supply any evidence that it even exists in the first place. I cannot believe anything these people say.

Perhaps it exists in the vaults at Media Asia? Don't they own the Golden Harvest library? If so, no one is really looking for it; or the countless other films that can be saved from the ravages of time.

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It's entirely possible a collector could own an original uncut print, maybe not even knowing what they hold.

Not that that helps us :)

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It's entirely possible a collector could own an original uncut print

Of course it is! This doesn't just go for a full uncut Manadarin print of Big Boss as there are collectors out there who own other 'rare' Kung Fu movies on reels but for whatever reasn do not want to share them.

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Guest Yi-Long

In my memory I feel like I've seen it (the saw sequence), but if I have it must have been on one of those old old old rental tapes back when I was a kid.

But maybe I have just mixed the cut footage and the black/white picture of the scene in my head, so I cant be sure. I dont know. I Just remember when I hit the internet and this discussion came up, with the picture, that I always had the idea that I DID see it, including guy with saw in the head going down.

I'm probably wrong though.

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Like Falkor says, Mr Kerridge and at least one other anonymous collector apparently have Big Boss on uncut reels hidden away, and only brought out for private showings.

I was a little cheeky to one poster (for which I apologised) when I cried BS on the whole matter.

Again, like Falkor, I'm mighty suspicious - if Mr Kerridge has it, why not show it to the world?? :S

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I will believe it when i see it,i would of thought the print was in pretty bad shape now unless they have transferred it to another source

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Its rumoured to exist according to Steve Kerridge, Tadman and Co., but I don't believe them!

Here's that '06 interview where he states he has it:


Personally, I could care less about a small sliver of missing film.

If holding onto such odd rarities gives someone a sensation of power/happiness/etc., I feel a bit sad for them.

Everything we know is contained in this article:


Interesting read. Thanks, G.

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Personally, I could care less about a small sliver of missing film.

If holding onto such odd rarities gives someone a sensation of power/happiness/etc., I feel a bit sad for them.

You got it how they are!

But If someone says anything about this to him/them they will get hell in the forums they are at.. can only wonder why

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When those collectors are dead the reels will end up in a garage sale.

So don't give up hope just yet...

(In Shaw dubbed voice): "Do you think we should kill them then?"


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fabhui Quote:

Originally Posted by luckystars

It's entirely possible a collector could own an original uncut print

Of course it is! This doesn't just go for a full uncut Manadarin print of Big Boss as there are collectors out there who own other 'rare' Kung Fu movies on reels but for whatever reasn do not want to share them.

Mr. Tarantino might be the owner of some rare kung fu movies on reels. It looks like he's sharing them little by little, if it's true that he gave the prints of "Fist of Fury", "Bruce Li's Fist of Fury 2", and "Fist of Legend" to be shown last June at L.A.'s Beverly Cinema.

There was a newspaper article from around 2003 which said that Tarantino leased the Sing Lee/King Hing Movie Theatre in L.A. Chinatown. The article also said that there were some film cans of HK movies in the Sing Lee, when Tarantino bought the lease. Those prints might include some rare HK kung fu movies(e.g. Angela Mao Ying, Jimmy Wang Yu, etc.)

So if a film festival is looking for some prints of old HK kung fu movies to be shown, one person to ask about that could be Quentin. Somebody who wants to distribute those HK movies on DVD could also ask about it, I guess.

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In my memory I feel like I've seen it (the saw sequence), but if I have it must have been on one of those old old old rental tapes back when I was a kid.

But maybe I have just mixed the cut footage and the black/white picture of the scene in my head, so I cant be sure. I dont know. I Just remember when I hit the internet and this discussion came up, with the picture, that I always had the idea that I DID see it, including guy with saw in the head going down.

I'm probably wrong though.

not neccessarily wrong

actually me and my brother are also sure we have seen the saw in the head scene.. not sure if it was in the actuall movie..I remember we had a vhs tape with 2 bruce lee movies on it plus bruce lee trailer ..so it might have been the trailer that showed the scene..but we are both sure we seen it..that was early 80s...

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I have this version fake:

Chinese Big Brother Extended Cut DVD


Widescreen 2.35:1

English Audio

Digitally Remastered Audio and Video

Never Before Seen Extended Cut Approx. 1 hour 41minutes

Chapter Selections


Although this films has seen over 7 DVD releases. None of them contain the most complete version available. . What we did was research all related footage seen and unseen. Great in-depth articles on cut scenes and history of the film aided us in our goal to finally make a version worth adding to your collection.

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Will only make people disappointed as always. It will not be worth the disc it's copied on even. some pictures mixed together to try to look like its a real scene

(the saw scene)

If there was an uncut version of this around why haven't anyone put up the saw scene on you tube with a big juicy watermark in the middle of it at least??

to get less speculation.

If it is the truth that this is in possession of some collector, then the problem is that this collector asked for 300 000 £ for it or was it in US dollars?

If this collector was a good person he would have handed that material to Fortune Star and put and end to all the speculations. maybe asked for 1/6 of what was wanted. sounds more like a normal demand.

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greed & egos the size of skyscrapers there lies the problem with these so called top bruce lee collectors, i was told once that SK obtained that mandarin print of TBB from it's showing at the gaumont cinema that was part of the bruce lee festival in 1979 i think, but over time ive heard from fans that the full version of this film was not shown during this event, were as other fans like will johnson of BBLA fame says the opposite.

SK how about bringing something to the table that fans of bruce really want to see like the manadarin print of TBB that's if you really do have it...:P

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About those collectors.

Some of them write books and behave like they are on the top of the world.

not all but most.

Well i hope they prove me wrong and get that TBB material out to honor the memory of Bruce and not be so busy about making fortune and fame for them self.

Well i don't think so

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Its not as simple as releasing an uncut print, as George Tan found out when he tried to release Big Boss on dvd with the rare English dub, the Bruce Lee estate and Fortune Star came down on him like a ton of bricks, rightly or wrongly.

I have seen the uncut Big Boss (yes it was in 1979 and was minus the saw in the head but contained everything else) and while it would be great to have an official release its not really much, no fight footage anyhow.

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i get sick of hearing about all this new footage thats found, but never reaches the public.whats the point in telling us if they are not going to show us.

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oldish news but apparently footage has been discovered from the LA chinatown era, i hope we dont have to wait some 37 years to see that either, here's a pic taken allegedly from said footage


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