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RareKFM website - in need of new graphics.


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Are you a graphics designer? Can you design websites? If so, perhaps you would like to design a new graphics template for rarekungfumovies.com? Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to pay for such a service, though we can certainly credit you for it and we do not currently advertise for any other individual/company. Some info on the site here:


Here's a typical page:


Things In Need Of Change


*Background (different backgrounds for different genres?)

*Font/Text sizes etc.

*Rating (stars look a bit lame IMO)

*Versions Table

*Optional: Logo Heading (Martial Arts)

*Optional: Genre page:


*Optional: New logo?


If you feel you can come up with something better than the current design then please respond by posting a re-working on the Born Invincible page together with the source code and assetts (including any CSS pages). Other suggestions are most welcome...

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