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Dragon Dynasty's DVD of "My Father Is A Hero" and "Police Story 3"

The Running Man

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The Running Man

HK Flix has the artwork up for The My Father Is A Hero DVD and apparently they are using the "The Enforcer" title from the altered Dimension version. :S

And it seems they are using the same strategy for Police Story 3 even though they have the rights to the first two Police Story films and have released them.

What a stupid company. :monkey02

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Morgoth Bauglir

Good to see Dragon Dynasty is only releasing the best of the best martial arts movies, like My Father is a Hero :cry: Hopefully they follow this up wth Bodyguard From Bejing, High Risk, Black Mask...:mad:

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The Running Man

Whether or not you like My Father is A Hero is second to the fact that they are releasing it in an edition that is most likely the cut version of the movie (like their Fist of Legend release). And if they are not, why are they using that title??

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Morgoth Bauglir

I just wish they would focus on really good movies. The general audience (which seems like the people who Dragon Dynasty is trying to get to buy these movies) are going to see Fist of Legend, and then see My Father is a Hero, and they will see that it sucks in comparison, and then they would probably would feel that most Dragon Dynasty titles aren't worth their time. Which is why they should just focus on releasing really good movies. But carry on with your title talk. and I would wait to comment on whether it's cut or not until it is released. I imagine you could email Bey Logan if you really want to find out if it's cut or not before it gets release.

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The Running Man

I don't agree that My Father Is A Hero is a bad movie. I personally enjoy the movie. Also, My Father is A Hero was released after Fist of Legend as well when Dimension put it out and Jet Li's stock didn't go down.

Again, the fact they are putting it out with the incorrect title purposely is extremely frustrating. It's not that they haven't made big errors before because lord knows they have. It just seems they are trying to find new lows to drop to.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah I can unerstand your frustration with the title, but I could care less what they call it, as long as I like the movie. They could call it Jet Li and the Badass Little Kid, and I wouldn't care, but that's just me.

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It just doent make sense. Supercop has been available on DVD for years, if anyone bought this it would be because they want to see the original version which is known as Police Story 3. I agree its a bad move, its just going to look like a Supercop re-release, when its sitting on the shelf.

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... about dragon dynasty and their bullshit. This is more of the same; purchasing the licensing of these films and holding them so no one else can sell them, then releasing the cut crap to the public, and keeping the uncut versions for their own "private collections". :mad:

Such bureaucratic bullshit!!!

Dragon dynasty = dimension pictures and dimension = dragon dynasty. Simple as that.

They can all go to hell, on a razorblade slide into an alcohol bath.

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Just my theory, may be Quentin Tarantino's involvement has something to due with DD falling from the grace. Wasnt he very enthusiastic when the label was first announced, then slowly he drifted away from the project.

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Whether the film is titled Super cop or police story 3 it really doesn't bother me. I just want to own the DVD in the original language with English subtitles, no awful rap music and also hopefully with decent picture quality unlike the previous region 1 DVD.

Personally I'm very pleased it's finally getting re released!

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I personally think the name The Enforcer is better. I LOVED that movie. Collin Chou is the best Jet Li villain actor (along with Donnie Yen of course) And I grow up on Supercop. About time it get the 'Dragon' treatment.

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And if they are not, why are they using that title??

Brand recognition. If DD is having slow sales, then using those titles will attract the casual fans who know the Dimension titles. It's not like we're that big of a demographic, so if they can appeal to a wider audience, then it'll work.

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It just doent make sense. Supercop has been available on DVD for years, if anyone bought this it would be because they want to see the original version which is known as Police Story 3. I agree its a bad move, its just going to look like a Supercop re-release, when its sitting on the shelf.

But they're going after the Best Buy crowd, so their thinking is probably that the title "Supercop" will have more appeal to the casual shopper than a movie with a "3" in the title.

If you hadn't seen Police Story or Police Story 2, would you buy part 3?

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But they're going after the Best Buy crowd, so their thinking is probably that the title "Supercop" will have more appeal to the casual shopper than a movie with a "3" in the title.

If you hadn't seen Police Story or Police Story 2, would you buy part 3?

Dragon Dynasty & Miramax


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The Running Man
Brand recognition. If DD is having slow sales, then using those titles will attract the casual fans who know the Dimension titles. It's not like we're that big of a demographic, so if they can appeal to a wider audience, then it'll work.

That doesn't add up. They released Tai Chi Master as "Tai Chi Master". Not "Twin Warriors".

But they're going after the Best Buy crowd, so their thinking is probably that the title "Supercop" will have more appeal to the casual shopper than a movie with a "3" in the title.

If you hadn't seen Police Story or Police Story 2, would you buy part 3?

Except both Police Stories have already been released in the US previously. Twice even (three if you count part 1's "Police Force" release in the 80s). Once by New Line and by Dragon Dynasty. There is no excuse for them releasing it under that title.

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Just my 2 cents: I wish they would stick to the original titles, but don't find it as important as the presentation of the film itself. The title "KILLZONE" didn't lessen my enjoyment of SPL at all, and the DD release of it was excellent. However, I'm not knocking the collectors who are pissed about this. I totally sympathize with them.

Releasing the edited versions is just so incredibly disappointing though. I don't want to see the Harvey Scissorhands hackjob edit of these films. I want to see the HK release of them, with just a remastered picture, original language tracks, and decent English subs. I am one of the people that loves the extras, Bey's commentary tracks, et. So I'm grateful for these. But the cut versions are just plain lame. I saw the HK edit of POLICE STORY 3 in the theater and I thought it played better than the trimmed version. Just my opinion.

As for MY FATHER IS HERO, it's silly, B-movie stuff, but I find it very entertaining. Thought the villain was cool, and enjoyed the fights a lot. Sure it's no where near the quality of FIST OF LEGEND, but I'm still looking forward to a nice looking print of it.

On the down side, I just looked at the DD site and saw a few things... Interviews with Ken Lo, Wong Jing, and Tse Miu all sound great. But what on Earth is with that cover? I know that it's not important to a lot of people, but... It doesn't even look like Jet! It sort of looks like Jordan Chan or somebody! Just from a "sales" perspective, it's not good to have your star look unrecognizable on the DVD cover. :(

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The Running Man

It's confirmed that Police Story 3 is going to be released by Dragon Dynasty in the Dimension version made by Harvey Weinstein and not the uncut version.

I can't really say I'm surprised by this news. From their very first release by renaming "SPL" with "Kill Zone" their motivations as a company were apparent. They've been fucking up on releases since then and many people chose to ignore it and keep supporting them and attacking people like me for basically stating the truth. People even report that they email Logan like he's some sort of parent that will make things okay for everyone despite the fact that it's been stated more times that I care to count that he believes 100% in Harvey Weinstein's practices.

The best thing to do is to ignore them and stop buying their stuff. There are many options around their blunders, many options from other English language releases from countries like England and even Germany. For those that aren't in English, learn how to add subtitles to DVDs and you'll find you'll be depending on DD a lot less. Fortunately for Police Story 3, there are already high quality releases of the film on DVD. Although not perfect, it's far preferable over what DD is bringing to the table.

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It's confirmed that Police Story 3 is going to be released by Dragon Dynasty in the Dimension version made by Harvey Weinstein and not the uncut version.

I can't really say I'm surprised by this news. From their very first release by renaming "SPL" with "Kill Zone" their motivations as a company were apparent. They've been fucking up on releases since then and many people chose to ignore it and keep supporting them and attacking people like me for basically stating the truth. People even report that they email Logan like he's some sort of parent that will make things okay for everyone despite the fact that it's been stated more times that I care to count that he believes 100% in Harvey Weinstein's practices.

The best thing to do is to ignore them and stop buying their stuff. There are many options around their blunders, many options from other English language releases from countries like England and even Germany. For those that aren't in English, learn how to add subtitles to DVDs and you'll find you'll be depending on DD a lot less. Fortunately for Police Story 3, there are already high quality releases of the film on DVD. Although not perfect, it's far preferable over what DD is bringing to the table.

That is some disappointing news however as far as I'm aware there is only one legitimate version of Police Story 3 with English subtitles (besides the new Dragon Dynasty version) and that involves buying up the entire Police Story trilogy box set, if you can even find it. Coming from England the film isn't even available on DVD over here, so while not ideal the new Dragon Dynasty release is a massive improvement on the previous region 1 Dimension release. I'm afraid to say I'll still be getting it as soon as I can afford it.

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The Running Man

Not that it should come as a surprise to anyone who has paid attention to the facts I posted about Logan and where he stands but just to state that it has been reported that on the commentary for this cut release of Police Story 3, Bey Logan defends the Harvey Weinstein version of it and claims that it "works".

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I actually own the Megastar HK DVD print of Police Story 3 and the story made a lot more sense with its opening scene of the police commissioners in a meeting to take down Chaibut and his organization. If Harvey had kept this, but left out the scene of the girl overdosing on heroin, yeah I may be able to understand that, but the opening scene in the HK versions is to me, the set up for the film and should have been included.

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The Running Man

There's no reason to cut out the scene of the girls overdosing. It shows the direct damage that the drug mob is causing and also what a heartless group they are with what they decide to do with their bodies.

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I've posted my review of DD's version of SUPERCOP on the main site. As is often the case, I find myself in the middle, wishing they had offered the uncut version but not enough to suggest that the release isn't worth getting for those who can live without the missing footage. To summarize, the picture is better than previous standalone editions and the interviews are solid.


Here's an untouched comparison between three disc versions of the movie.


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Saltysam's comparison reveals differences in the levels. Dimension looks better in that department, but is probably otherwise inferior. I don't know if DD has a bit of edge-enhancement (looks a bit "forced"), but it's reddened (saturation boosted perhaps) and in some scenes (Jackie and Michelle pointing a gun at Kenneth Tsang), blacks turn blueish - both effects producing an overall purple look when Dimension just looks "normal" (despite being a bit washed out and softer). I wonder if it has this frame problem too that have affected the previous 2 Jet Li DVDs.

Fortune Star sub-licensed DVDs saw the film come out in a different state (a similar case with 'Armour Of God 2') - both Joy Sales and Spectrum. Whilst Spectrum looks better (if green and sub-dued, unlike Dimension's redder version which upon zoom-inspection, looks a bit obnoxious), it looks as if it's the same frame master on the Joy Sales DVD with manipulated colours. Spectrum shows better compression, but the shot with Michelle as she detects Maggie Cheung has a bit of print damage that Joy Sales doesn't - suggesting FS put the master through a damage-removal scheme.

Was an original trailer on the DD disc?

dr.wai at another forum had received a reply from Bey stating the uncut version was too expensive to source, so perhaps they had to make-do with the soundtrack rights only.

Subtitle-wise on the DD, I'm sure they will be better than previous sets grammar-wise and contain them better presented. However, it's a retranslation that I wonder was carried out.

The HK LD (like most of them) is said to be the best version of the Cantonese soundtrack too, but I wonder how DD fares and if they used it as it's source.

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There was no original trailer on the DD disc. A trailer does appear on the Mega Star release.

Unfortunately, I do not have an eye for the kind of video imperfections that you mention chen. From my perspective the DD version looked better overall than the other two versions I had in my possession.

dr.wai at another forum had received a reply from Bey stating the uncut version was too expensive to source, so perhaps they had to make-do with the soundtrack rights only.

I suspect that translates to something along the lines of TWC not wanting to pay for a second print of SUPERCOP when they could save money by reusing the version they already had. It's a smart business choice with regard to the broader market but it doesn't help the label's reputation among the genre faithful. This will probably continue to be an issue with future reissues of past Dimension Films releases.

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