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Shaolin Patriot

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Ah, I see oldeschool beat me to it. ;)

Anyways, who are these three people? Just because three people "said he did it" doesn't mean he did it. Isn't this what you would call inconclusive evidence?

I was under this belief also, but Teako confirmed this as well, seems he made the same comments to people in the biz to their face before he posted that.

Linn's wife also showed me what he had posted in Linn's obituary, truley a lowlife move on his part.

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I was under this belief also, but Teako confirmed this as well, seems he made the same comments to people in the biz to their face before he posted that.

Linn's wife also showed me what he had posted in Linn's obituary, truley a lowlife move on his part.

Thank you Tosh. If anything, its a reason to ask them to pull the liner notes, but I don't want Cliff and BCI to suffer for him.

I didn't here about the obituary, she told me he posted something, but she never indicated the content.

Personally, Meyers shouldn't be able to make money of something he got only because of Linn's death, it just pisses me off.

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I was under this belief also, but Teako confirmed this as well, seems he made the same comments to people in the biz to their face before he posted that.

Linn's wife also showed me what he had posted in Linn's obituary, truley a lowlife move on his part.

that is still no proof. Just because somebody SAID HE DID IT, doesn't mean he did. I think everybody saw what "Ric posted on that site". Also curious, is that post he supposedly made stated he had never met the man in his life yet the two had met on at least two prior occasions. Unless somebody can provide an IP address that matches with Mr. Meyers or he admits it publicly, nothing is proven.

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that is still no proof. Just because somebody SAID HE DID IT, doesn't mean he did. I think everybody saw what "Ric posted on that site". Also curious, is that post he supposedly made stated he had never met the man in his life yet the two had met on at least two prior occasions. Unless somebody can provide an IP address that matches with Mr. Meyers or he admits it publicly, nothing is proven.

Ric and Linn ignored each other in Philadelphia, despite my attempt to convince Linn to take a picture with him. It was the same thing.

Ric wrote the damn thing and deserves to suffer economically for his actions.

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Ric and Linn ignored each other in Philadelphia, despite my attempt to convince Linn to take a picture with him. It was the same thing.

Ric wrote the damn thing and deserves to suffer economically for his actions.

I was there as well and remember seeing you there, too. Had you not posted a pic of yourself at dvdmaniacs, I wouldn't have known who you were. But still, I'm glad you are so convinced he wrote those comments. I only wish I had kept that email I received from the individual who happens to be online here right now. The comments made to me were of the same nature as the remarks towards Mr. Haynes under the (supposed) guise of Ric Meyers. But, even that is still no concrete evidence, but it is enough for me to BE OF THE OPINION THAT THOSE REMARKS DID NOT ORIGINATE FROM RIC MEYERS.

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I was there as well and remember seeing you there, too. Had you not posted a pic of yourself at dvdmaniacs, I wouldn't have known who you were. But still, I'm glad you are so convinced he wrote those comments. I only wish I had kept that email I received from the individual who happens to be online here right now. The comments made to me were of the same nature as the remarks towards Mr. Haynes under the (supposed) guise of Ric Meyers. But, even that is still no concrete evidence, but it is enough for me to BE OF THE OPINION THAT THOSE REMARKS DID NOT ORIGINATE FROM RIC MEYERS.

So you're also of the opinion that the apology posted later on, was also from somewhere else?

Look I'm not trying to make this you versus me or one side backs Ric. It's just I'm of the opinion that he wrote them and you're of the opinion he did not. We both feel we have evidence to support our views and I think we just have to acknowledge that we are at an impasse, barring some form of smoking gun one way or the other for reaching a truly definitive conclusion.

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Take your pick, from all the mis-information he's given over the years, the fact he can't even be bothered to learn how to pronounce peoples names, spreading rumors of Lau Kar Leung death (a man I respect way beyond his films), and as gfanikf stated, his comments on Linn's obituary, which is the slimest, lowest, bottom of the barrel scum.

Us KF fans that actually care for these films deserve better if we're to spend our hard earned money, and it high time we make a stand on this.

I take it that Meyers has a history with this board?

I agree with you. He doesn't take the time to do proper research and makes false claims, that he says are fact. Why he's still being hired yet is beyond me. I had the misfortune of listening to some of his Tai Seng commentaries. While listening to Bobby Samuels is a real treat, listening to Meyers can be a chore. He makes ludicrous statements that can't possibly be true, on top of that he is incredibly obnoxious (even to Samuels apparently). The man has no business even providing production notes. I'm with Tosh on this, it has to end. I'm sick of all the bullshit.

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So you're also of the opinion that the apology posted later on, was also from somewhere else?

Look I'm not trying to make this you versus me or one side backs Ric. It's just I'm of the opinion that he wrote them and you're of the opinion he did not. We both feel we have evidence to support our views and I think we just have to acknowledge that we are at an impasse, barring some form of smoking gun one way or the other for reaching a truly definitive conclusion.

I am not backing Ric Meyers. I thought I made that clear in a post above and yet again, people only READ what they want to make a point.


And yours is not an opinion. You have stated that YOU KNOW IT WAS HIM when you do not. With yourself in the process of becoming a lawyer, I would assume you would have learned that you can't condemn an individual based on flimsy evidence at best. If not, then I guess you will be the first lawyer in history to bring both a torch and a pitchfork with you to work.

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Linn's wife also showed me what he had posted in Linn's obituary, truley a lowlife move on his part.

Where was this obituary posted?

At any rate, whether he wrote those negative things about Linn or not, his credibility within the asian cinema is highly suspect and it's been proven countless amount of times the nonsense he spews. I still cant believe BCI would include his work on their dvds. I would love to hear their reasoning behind this move.

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And yours is not an opinion. You have stated that YOU KNOW IT WAS HIM when you do not. With yourself in the process of becoming a lawyer, I would assume you would have learned that you can't condemn an individual based on flimsy evidence at best. If not, then I guess you will be the first lawyer in history to bring both a torch and a pitchfork with you to work.

Trust me, the circumstantial evidence in this case would be more than enough in any US court to allow for a determination that it was him. Hell, people are often convicted of murder without a body ever being found (Thomas Copanio being a recent example).

I say I know it was him, because I believe that to be what the truth is.

Still, how about we simply go with the fact that a number of people could write much better liner notes than Ric could and that BCI shouldn't have to suffer with Ric. Hell, get Bobby or Mike to do the damn notes.

Ric can go back to working for the Kidnapped Girls Agency (google that one lol).

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Where was this obituary posted?

At any rate, whether he wrote those negative things about Linn or not, his credibility within the asian cinema is highly suspect and it's been proven countless amount of times the nonsense he spews. I still cant believe BCI would include his work on their dvds. I would love to hear their reasoning behind this move.

I agree completely.

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Where was this obituary posted?

At any rate, whether he wrote those negative things about Linn or not, his credibility within the asian cinema is highly suspect and it's been proven countless amount of times the nonsense he spews. I still cant believe BCI would include his work on their dvds. I would love to hear their reasoning behind this move.

I would assume his credentials had a lot to do with it. He writes for Inside Kung Fu magazine, Asian Cult Cinema (a mag that has gotten better over the years but is still occasionally ripe with lies and misinformation), he's written a handful of novels and has apparently won some writing awards for his books.

Even still, this genre is limited and despite so many people being aware of it, very few people know (or care) about the inner workings of the genre, as in movie info and background information. Most people just want to watch the movie and could care less about minutiae in kung fu cinema. So I would assume the people employing him are ignorant of his repeated errors.

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Trust me, the circumstantial evidence in this case would be more than enough in any US court to allow for a determination that it was him.


Then if that's true, the court system is a far scarier place than I thought. If you remember, you yourself started an inflammatory campaign against Ric Meyers and when it went nowhere, that mysterious and scathing Haynes comment appeared.

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Then if that's true, the court system is a far scarier place than I thought. If you remember, you yourself started an inflammatory campaign against Ric Meyers and when it went nowhere, that mysterious and scathing Haynes comment appeared.

You know, you just made yourself and all your reasoning look stupid. Anyone who knows me can tell you that, after reading you accuse me of faking a post by Ric Meyers against Linn.

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You know, you just made yourself and all your reasoning look stupid. Anyone who knows me can tell you that, after reading you accuse me of faking a post by Ric Meyers against Linn.

No, I didn't accuse you, you have accused yourself. I knew you would respond with that above comment. As I said in ANOTHER post above, people only read what they want to make a point and you have read in my post that I have ACCUSED you.

But since we're now on that subject, why did you send me that defensive email stating "all the things you have done for the industry", and going so far as to post this and other things in a post you made here but later edited only when I received notification, it was your original post? Strange, then, that the Linn post also had "Meyers" stating he couldn't understand the animosity after "all that he had done for the industry".

And if I WERE ACCUSING you, your reasoning for me doing so is STUPID. What was your relationship with Haynes anyways? You scarcely knew the man yet you act like he was intimately close with you in some capacity. "I'm lost in a world of kung fu without Linn", was something along the lines of what you posted and I'm sure it's still here. Now, making odd comments like that is rather disturbing (at least in my book of normalcy) especially made towards somebody you do not know or have met only once. Someone who was so overly protective of an individual would go to desperate means to protect their name and your attempt to gather a lynch mob against Ric Meyers failed and "somebody", not accusing you as I have no proof, faked some comments purportedly made by the man.


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Please anyone can read between the lines of what you said. Also if I had written Meyers thing Sherlock, it would have had a lot more grammar errors, spelling mistakes, and syntax issues, my wife who proofreads my stuff can attest to that. Also I never used the term industry when I was talking about the LOC dubs.

I knew Linn for a couple of years and talked with him for more than a 100 hours on the phone on dozens of occasions, you're acting like Philadelphia was the only time I meet him. If you look over at AVmanics, you can see that Linn's wife when she started appearing on his accounts, asking to talk to me.

Seriously, that pretty screwed up crap you're posting.

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Please anyone can read between the lines of what you said. Also if I had written Meyers thing Sherlock, it would have had a lot more grammar errors, spelling mistakes, and syntax issues, my wife who proofreads my stuff can attest to that. Also I never used the term industry when I was talking about the LOC dubs.

Well I've read your "work" and your "work" is often filled with grammatical errors and you weren't married at the time. Did you not recently get married? You made mention of going out to a hotel with friends to watch porn. Is that not correct? I wasn't the only person here who read that. And talking with someone over the phone isn't "knowing" them, neither is trading PM's. And yes, it would appear she did ask for you because she received numerous messages from you.

But seriously, I don't care what you do with your time, all I'm saying is, you are creating a situation over something you have no concrete proof of. I have no great love of Meyers either, but it's disturbing to see people get into an uproar over an incendiary comment that he, in all likelihood, didn't make. And you have done enough to keep it fresh in everyone's mind. Why don't you contact the man himself and discuss the issue since it bothers you so much? He is easily reachable from the magazines he writes for.

I await your next rebuttal and your next comment about how "screwed up" the things I'm saying are. A ploy to divert condescension my way no doubt.

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Yeah, I was married on August 31st and my wife since then has read over papers I've written, so I don't see what the hell you're point is. If you want replace wife with fiancee for you little postdating in your head go ahead.

When you've talked with a person over the phone as much as I did with Linn, he does count as knowing them.

Also you're twisting it to make it look like I was trying to get in touch with her. When this clearly shows the reverse.


This is strangely similar to Grankif's playing off of kaiju fans against each other on other forums

Oh please this has nothing to do with me thinking Stuart Galbraith wrote a piss poor review of a Film Crew DVD and that he wrote it with no intent to objectively look at the film and that he was insulting to fans of MST3K.

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Boys - boys - boys. Can we all get along please?

To clarify, Ric did write those remarks. How do I know?

Because I was the one who informed him of Linn's passing.

I rec'd an email back from him which stated verbatim what the poster said.

I still have this email btw -- dated 2/29/08.

I believe he did come back to post an apology for his remarks.

Either way, its old news.

I'm now locking this thread I don't want to see this escalate further.

Both gfanikf and venoms5 are two posters I highly respect and I hate to see a thread deteriorate like this.

Thank you.

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